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改良法(足母)甲皮瓣移植拇指远端缺损再造术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析改良(足母)甲皮瓣移植再造拇指远端缺损的方法,评价手术的安全性和对足部功能的影响.方法 对18例拇指远端缺损的患者,应用改良的(足母)甲皮瓣移植术进行拇指再造.其中Ⅰ类A区缺损5例,Ⅰ类B区缺损8例,Ⅱ类A区缺损5例.手术对躅甲皮瓣设计、骨骼处理等方面进行改进,针对跖背动脉的分型,采用不同的血管吻合方式.术后随访观察再造拇指的外观、感觉、关节活动度、握力和拇、示指捏力及满意度.根据足功能评定分析行走及弹跳功能,评价手术对足部功能的影响.结果 术后18例再造拇指全部存活,成功率达100%.术后随访8~26个月,再造拇指外观良好,接近健侧拇指.部分患者再造拇指指间关节保留良好的活动功能,手指捏力和握力达健侧的60%~90%.改良的手术方法对足部功能和外观的不良影响明显减小.足部并发症少,没有明显疼痛,外观、行走功能均良好.足功能评定显示:静止站立时足负重区、重心没有明显变化,站立负重区主要为躅趾趾腹、前足掌部及足跟;供足单足站立时重心轻度外移或不变,前后摆动身体重心位于两足之间,或轻度偏向健足.结论 改良的(足母)甲皮瓣移植术是一种安全的拇指再造方法,对供足功能影响更小.根据拇指缺损程度和血管情况的差异,选择不同的处理方法,可以进一步减少创伤,简化手术,增加手术的安全性.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用改良(躅)甲瓣修复各型拇、手指脱套伤的临床疗效.方法 根据不同损伤类型,采取4种方式修复18例28个脱套拇手指:①单侧改良(躅)甲瓣修复9例9个拇指近节中段以远脱套及3例3指近侧指间关节以远脱套;②单侧改良(躅)甲瓣加第二趾胫侧皮瓣修复2例2指全指脱套;③双侧改良(躅)甲瓣修复1例双侧拇指脱套;④双侧改良(躅)甲瓣加第二趾胫侧皮瓣与带感觉的超薄股前外侧皮瓣修复3例12指脱套.(躅)甲瓣切取时携带全部趾甲,保留(躅)趾趾底偏胫侧三角形皮瓣.结果 18例22块(躅)甲瓣及3块超薄股前外侧皮瓣均一期完全成活.15例获随访8~25个月,再造拇、手指外观接近健侧指体,运动及感觉恢复满意,供区无增生性瘢痕,跖底三角形皮瓣显著增宽,所有患者步行、跑、跳均无明显受限.结论 应用改良(躅)甲瓣修复拇手指脱套伤,不但受区可以获得接近健侧的良好外观和功能,而且可使供区损伤减少到最低限度,是目前显微重建拇、手指脱套伤的最佳术式之一.  相似文献   

目的研究拇甲瓣再造拇指术后的感觉功能恢复情况。方法2003年1月-2009年6月共行19例坶甲瓣移植再造拇指术.感觉功能的测量:行健侧坶趾趾尖及健侧对应指尖感觉功能测量.与术后指尖感觉功能测量的结果相比较,包括温度觉、痛觉、触觉、振动觉、两点辨别觉。结果术后随访12~58个月,平均26个月,皮瓣全部成活,指体外形满意,手指活动功能优良;感觉功能恢复结果:温度觉恢复最好,痛觉其次,触觉和振动觉达到正常70%;两点辨别觉恢复最差,两点辨别觉:健侧指尖(3.0±1.0)mm,健侧坶趾趾尖(6.5±2.5)mm,再造拇指术后指尖(9.0±5.0)mm。结论坶甲瓣再造拇指,外形逼真,功能优良;再造手指感觉功能恢复总体满意,但不完全并有选择性,再造手指的感觉功能更接近足趾而非手指。  相似文献   

拇指末节完全或部分缺损后,拇指的功能会受到很大的影响。即使完整的近节可以保留拇指的一部分功能,但仍失去捏拾细小物体的能力,尤其指甲缺如影响美观常给患者造成较大的心理负担。我院自2000年5月-2005年3月对43例拇指末节完全或部分缺损患者,应用显微外科技术,采用带末节趾骨的[足母]甲瓣进行修复,43例再造拇指全部成活,经随访和疗效评定,再造拇指外形和功能均佳。  相似文献   

The wrap-around flap became the most popular technique for reconstruction of an amputated thumb, because it can create an aesthetic and functional replica of missing thumb without losing any toes. It provides length, stability, and adequate sensibility for a functional pinch and grasp. Nevertheless, long-term results revealed complications of donor site and reconstructed thumb. In this article, we describe our recent version of the wrap-around flap technique and discuss its complications and ways of preventing them.  相似文献   

改良游离母甲皮瓣移植再造拇指   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的探讨改良的拇甲皮瓣移植再造拇指的方法,以减少对供足的损害。方法2001年11月至2003年10月,应用作者设计的改良游离拇甲皮瓣移植再造拇指11例,其中6例为Ⅱ类A区缺损,5例为Ⅱ类B区缺损。在同侧拇趾切取拇甲皮瓣,皮瓣的神经血管蒂同传统的蹲甲皮瓣;将保留于供趾上的皮瓣设计于跖底负重区,其内包含跖底胫侧固有动脉和神经。结果术后随访6个月~2年,再造拇指全部存活,外形功能与传统拇甲皮瓣再造拇指的结果相当。10例患者顺利保留了供趾的全长或大部分,1例患者供趾保留的皮瓣部分坏死,作二期手术处理。11例的供足无疼痛,无磨损或破溃,步态正常。供足的静态负重,动态力学分布与对侧正常足基本相同。结论改良设计的拇甲皮瓣再造拇指,在不增加手术难度,不降低再造拇指质量的情况下,能很好的保留了供趾的功能。  相似文献   

Rui Y  Mi J  Shi H  Zhang Z  Yan H 《Microsurgery》2010,30(6):449-456
Surgical procedure of great toe wrap-around flap combined with second toe medial flap free transfer for reconstructing completely degloved fingers was introduced. The treatment outcomes were evaluated. 10 fingers in 7 cases were involved in this series. The great toe wrap-around flap with dorsalis pedis skin covered the dorsal and most palmar side of the injured finger. The second toe medial flap covered the proximal palmar portion of the finger. The combined flap was revascularized with nerve repair. Rehabilitation started two weeks postoperatively. All flaps survived except one was partial failure due to distal phalange necrosis. Recipient areas achieved primary wound healing in 9 fingers. Skin graft at donor site achieved primary survival except delayed healing in one case. All patients were followed-up from 34 to 76 months. The appearance of reconstructed fingers was satisfactory. Nail growth well except that one nail was the atrophic and another was defect. Range of active motion in the metacarpophalangeal joint was from 60° to 80° and the proximal interphalange joint was 40° to 70°. Two-point discrimination was between 8 mm and 12 mm. All patients walked with no interference. There was no pain and no swelling at donor site. According to the results, this procedure is recommended to reconstruct total degolving finger which has intact phalanges and tendons.  相似文献   

目的 介绍游离双足(踇)甲皮瓣组合移植再造拇指末节的术式.方法 以健侧手指测量数据为依据,设计切取双足(踇)趾腓侧小部分骨甲皮瓣,通过“镜影式”组合两个复合组织瓣再造拇指末节.结果 临床应用6例6指全部存活,术后随访3~9个月,再造拇指指腹饱满,两点分辨觉5~8mm,外形逼真,指甲生长良好,关节活动度正常.双侧(踇)趾供区直接缝合后均Ⅰ期愈合,双足(踇)趾对称,外观良好,关节活动无影响,无功能障碍.结论 双足(踇)甲皮瓣组合移植再造拇指末节,供区创伤小,保留了(踇)趾外形和趾甲,再造拇指末节外形逼真,是再造手指较为理想的手术方式.  相似文献   

In the past 12 years, 16 thumb defects at, or distal to, the interphalangeal joint were reconstructed using a great toe mini wrap-around flap. A flap including the entire nail and most of the distal phalanx of the great toe was used. Fifteen of the grafts survived. The sensory recovery of the reconstructed thumb was good as assessed by 2-point discrimination test with an average of 10 mm (range 5-15), and there were no complaints of cold intolerance. This technique results in good cosmetic appearance, and all patients were pleased with the cosmetic aspect of the thumb and there was no significant morbidity at the great toe donor site. The final decision to reconstruct a distal thumb amputation is influenced by gender, job, and age of the patients. The great toe mini wrap-around flap is an excellent reconstruction technique in selected patients.  相似文献   

目的 报告应用(踇)甲皮瓣联合第二趾胫侧皮瓣加髂骨植骨修复拇指末节缺损的手术方法和临床疗效.方法 2005年6月至2011年2月,对12例拇指末节缺损者,采用游离(踇)甲皮瓣联合第二趾胫侧皮瓣瓦合修复指甲及指腹缺损,同时髂骨植骨修复指骨缺损,足部供区采用腹部全厚皮片植皮.结果 术后患者伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,移植组织全部存活;足部供区植皮均顺利愈合.术后随访6~36个月,平均10个月.拇指末节指骨均达到骨性愈合,愈合时间为2~5个月,平均3.5个月,随访期内未出现指骨骨不连及再骨折情况,拇指外形满意,指甲生长良好,触觉满意,可协助指腹完成抓、捏、捡针等动作,均可完成对掌功能.8例保留拇指指间关节者,屈曲活动达40°~90°,平均55°;4例指间关节融合者,末节无活动度,但掌指关节活动接近正常.供足植皮区皮肤松软,质地可,行走功能无影响.结论 应用(踇)甲皮瓣联合第二趾胫侧皮瓣加髂骨植骨修复拇指末节缺损,可以较好地重建拇指的外形及功能.  相似文献   

In thumb reconstruction, the wrap-around free flap from the great toe with distal terminal phalanx attached gives a better replica of a thumb esthetically and functionally and has many advantages. However, there are problems in the great toe, such as delayed wound healing, pain caused by long-time walking, ulceration, and skin erosion. We closed the skin defect of the great toe with a free peroneal flap in seven cases. In all cases of both the wrap-around flap and peroneal flap complete healing was obtained after the operation without trouble. The donor great toe causes no significant morbidity.  相似文献   

From 1983 to 1998, 16 cases of finger reconstruction with a free neurovascular wrap-around flap from the big toe were treated. Fourteen cases were successful, and two cases failed. The authors reviewed these cases on the average of about 38 months after surgery. Pinch power was 51 percent of the unaffected normal hand, and two-point discrimination was 7.6 mm. The mean resorption of the grafted bone was 13 percent in width and 9 percent in length. There were no complications such as fracture of the grafted bone, nonunion, and pulp dislodgement. This procedure provided length, stability, and adequate sensibility for a functional pinch and grasp. Sensory return to the wrap-around flap on the thumb was often greater than for the same area on the opposite foot. The donor site of the wrap-around flap was acceptable, both aesthetically and functionally, and allowed the wearing of open-toed shoes by young women. Finger reconstruction with a wrap-around flap from the big toe yielded excellent cosmetic and functional results in cases involving amputation at the level of the metacarpophalangealjoints or distal to it. In addition, this procedure was an excellent choice for treatment in cases involving avulsion injuries of the fingers and reconstruction of soft-tissue defects after tumor excision.  相似文献   

目的 探讨吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣包绕第二趾骨腱复合组织,游离移植再造拇指手术方法 的临床疗效.方法 2007年10月~2009年4月宁波市第六医院手外科对8例8拇指Ⅲ度缺损的患者,择期采用吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣包绕第二趾骨-肌腱-关节复合组织的手术方式游离移植再造拇指. 结果 7例再造拇指顺利成活;1例术后出现动脉危象,经2次手术探查处理后大部分指体存活.术后随访6~20个月,再造拇指外形美观,与健侧拇指非常相似,关节活动度为75°~115°,指腹两点辨别觉为6~10 mm.剔骨皮瓣覆盖后的趾皮肤耐磨性较好,趾腹两点辨别觉12~16 mm,行走功能无明显减退,患者满意.结论 吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣、第二趾骨腱复合组织包绕法再造拇指可使患指外形和功能更接近正常.  相似文献   

目的 介绍用趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指的方法。方法 利用第一跖背动脉、第一跖底动脉与趾底固有动脉之间在趾蹼处相互吻合的特点 ,在切取第二足趾的同时携带趾腓侧皮瓣 ,并将其嵌入第二足趾跖侧 ,以消除第二足趾中段狭细的外形。临床应用 12例 12指。结果  12个再造拇指及携带的皮瓣全部成活 ,再造拇指外形非常满意 ,感觉恢复良好。结论 用该方法再造的拇指 ,克服了传统足趾移植后拇指外形较细的缺点 ,形态更逼真。术后对趾供区的外形及功能无明显影响  相似文献   

用Mu趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 介绍用Mu趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指的方法。方法 利用第一跖背动脉,第一跖底动脉与趾底固有动脉之间在趾蹼处相互吻合的特点,在切取第二足趾的同时携带Mu趾腓侧皮瓣,并将其嵌入第二足趾跖侧,以消除第二足趾中段狭细的外形。临床应用12例12指。结果 12个再造拇指及携带的皮瓣全部成活,再造拇指外形非常满意。感觉恢复良好。结论 用该方法再造的拇指,克服了传统足趾移植后拇指外形较细的缺点,形态更逼真,术后对Mu趾供区的外形及功能无明显影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用带趾间关节甲瓣再造拇指Ⅱ、Ⅲ度缺损的方法.方法 对12例12指按常规切取甲瓣,对趾趾间关节进行修整作为再造拇指的骨关节支架,以获得外观和功能满意的再造指.结果 12指全部存活,再造拇指外形逼真,感觉定位准确,功能良好.结论 带趾间关节 甲瓣再造拇指Ⅱ、Ⅲ度缺损,可获得与正常拇指基本相同的再造拇指,但需牺牲足部趾.  相似文献   

目的 在提高(足母)甲皮瓣移植再造拇指功能的基础上进一步改善外形,减少对供足的损害.方法 对39例拇指缺损的患者,采用Morrison及改良(足母)甲皮瓣方法移植再造拇指,供区创面修复采用游离植皮30例、皮瓣加游离植皮8例、皮瓣1例.结果 移植(足母)甲皮瓣39例,存活38例,失败1例.术后随访3个月至2年,再造拇指均有不同程度的直径缩小、皮肤变薄、指纹变浅现象,萎缩以指甲部最为明显.指腹两点分辨觉平均为10mm.(足母)趾创面4例需再次植皮或咬除部分趾骨,缝合后愈合;其余创面全部愈合.3个月内大多数患者行走时感到轻度疼痛;随访半年以上者疼痛逐渐消失,站立、行走、跑步均无明显异常.结论 (足母)甲皮瓣移植术中注意骨骼的设计、甲床的切取及多根神经的缝接,术后可明显改善再造拇指的外形.改良(足母)甲皮瓣的切取方法能减少对供区功能的损害,改善外观.  相似文献   

Modified great toe wrap for thumb reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T M Tsai  D Falconer 《Microsurgery》1986,7(4):193-198
Reconstruction of the traumatically amputated thumb can be achieved with good cosmetic and functional results utilizing autogenous bone graft and a neurosensory free wrap-around flap from the great toe. The donor area of the toe is modified to create a wrap-around flap to transfer innervated glabrous skin from the medial and lateral borders of the toe. This modification includes nail and nail matrix while preserving toe length and the important plantar weight-bearing skin of the great toe. A series of three patients who have undergone thumb reconstruction utilizing this method are reported. Postoperative follow-up averages 15 months. Sensory recovery is comparable to that reported in the literature; cosmetic appearance of the thumb and nail growth are good.  相似文献   

Ten patients with an amputated thumb had reconstruction by a free wrap-around flap taken from the big toe, including the nail, and an iliac-bone graft as the core of the reconstruction. The long-term results showed that a better replica of the thumb was achieved. The results were quite satisfactory both cosmetically and functionally, but there were some new problems: resorption of the bone graft, bulging of the pulp, skin atrophy at the base of the thumb, and deformity of the nail in a few patients. Modifications of the flap design and of the shape of the bone graft eliminated these problems nearly entirely.  相似文献   

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