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Yen‐Hsueh Tseng Chi‐Wen Chen Hsiu‐Li Huang Chu‐Chieh Chen Ming‐Der Lee Ming‐Chung Ko Chung‐Yi Li 《Pediatrics international》2010,52(5):711-717
Background: Readmission temporally close to discharge can best reflect the quality of care received in the last hospitalization, and has been considered a valuable indicator for the quality of care received. The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence of and predictors for readmission within 31 days after discharge among preterm low‐birthweight (PLBW) infants (ICD‐9‐code: 765.0x) in Taiwan. Methods: Based on Taiwan's National Health Insurance claim data, a population‐based cohort including a total of 18 421 PLBW infants born and hospitalized in 2000–02, was analyzed. The cumulative incidence rate (CIR) of readmission and the hazard ratio of readmission in relation to potential predictors were calculated. Results: The total number of participants readmitted within 15 or 31 days after discharge was 1763 and 2484, representing a CIR of 9.6% and 13.5%, respectively. Significant predictors for readmission within 15 or 31 days were essentially similar. Male gender, weight <1000 g, presence of congenital abnormalities, and lung disease were significant risk factors for readmission. Shorter length of hospital stay (<35 days) was associated with a reduced risk of readmission, and there were significant geographic and hospital variations of readmission, with higher rates noted in the most urbanized area and at regional hospitals. Conclusion: The short‐term readmission rate among Taiwanese PLBW infants is higher than in Western countries. Future studies should be conducted to investigate the causes of apparent geographic and hospital variations of readmission rates in order to make more specific interpretations. 相似文献
Jiaxi Yang Molin Wang Deirdre K. Tobias Janet W. RichEdwards AnneMarie Darling Ajibola I. Abioye Ramadhani A. Noor Isabel Madzorera Wafaie W. Fawzi 《Maternal & child nutrition》2022,18(2)
Healthy maternal diets during pregnancy are an important protective factor for pregnancy‐related outcomes, including gestational weight gain (GWG) and birth outcomes. We prospectively examined the associations of maternal dietary diversity and diet quality, using Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD‐W) and Prime Diet Quality Score (PDQS), with GWG and birth outcomes among women enrolled in a trial in Tanzania (n = 1190). MDD‐W and PDQS were derived from a baseline food frequency questionnaire. Women were monthly followed until delivery, during which weight was measured. GWG was classified based on the 2009 Institute of Medicine guidelines. Adverse birth outcomes were classified as low birth weight (LBW), small for gestational age, large for gestational age, and preterm birth. 46.2% participants had MDD‐W ≥ 5. Mean score of PDQS was 23.3. Maternal intakes of nuts, poultry, and eggs were low, whereas intakes of sugar‐sweetened beverages and refined grains were high. MDD‐W was not associated with GWG or birth outcomes. For PDQS, compared to the lowest tertile, women in the highest tertile had lower risk of inappropriate GWG (risk ratio [RR] = 0.93, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.87–1.00). Women in the middle tertile group of PDQS (RR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.51–1.00) had lower risk of preterm birth. After excluding women with prior complications, higher PDQS was associated with lower risk of LBW (middle tertile: RR = 0.55, 95% CI: 0.31–0.99, highest tertile: RR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.29–0.94; continuous per SD: RR = 0.77, 95% CI: 0.60–0.99). Our findings support continuing efforts to improve maternal diet quality for optimal GWG and infant outcomes among Tanzanian women. 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to provide new empirical evidence linking migration of Mexican households to the USA with infant health outcomes. By using new data for Mexico, the Encuesta Nacional de la Dinamica Demografica 2006, this research focuses on the effect of migration on birth weight. Multivariate logistic regression methods are used to model low birth weight (LBW) as a function of a set of proximate, intermediate and socioeconomic determinants. In analyzing the channels through which migration affects birth outcomes, the findings provide no conclusive evidence for remittances as the only mechanism associated with lowering the odds of LBW. Given the limitations of the data, the study results showed new empirical evidence explaining the significance of both financial and social remittances associated with international migration and infant health outcomes in Mexico. 相似文献
This paper presents follow-up data on 75 families who had children born between 1970 and 1971 at birthweights under 1501 g (very low birthweight: VLBW) and a comparison group of 55 families who had children born at the same time but at birthweights over 2500 g. An interview done when the children were 3--5 yr old revealed that parents with a VLBW child gave a less favourable evaluation of their child in 2 of 7 areas considered: development and play. These differences of evaluation were caused by a subgroup of 22 VLBW children with neurological and/or intellectual defects. No evidence came forth to indicate that the experience of having a VLBW child had significant or continuing impact on the family. An absence of serious social problems such as child abuse or the child's failure to thrive were noted. 相似文献
M. ORNSTEIN A. OHLSSON J. EDMONDS E. ASZTALOS 《Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)》1991,80(8-9):741-748
ABSTRACT. Neonatal follow-up studies of school age children, published in the last decade, were critically reviewed. Nine studies examined extremely low birthweight infants (≤1000 g) and 16 involved very low birthweight infants (≤1500 8). The majority of children had age appropriate I.Q. scores, however, there was a greater variability of test scores. There was an increased need for special education or remedial therapy. Visual-motor integration deficits were frequently reported. Behavioural difficulties were described. Fine and gross motor incoordination was identified. There was no conclusive correlation between perinatal course and school outcome. Gender did appear to influence outcome, in the small percent of studies which examined this variable, with females generally faring better. Low socioeconomic status was the most frequently reported predictor of poor outcome. Identified methodological limitations included heterogeneous samples, lack of control groups, high attrition, variable diagnostic criteria and lack of consensus regarding correction for prematurity. 相似文献
Low‐birthweight infants born to short‐stature mothers are at additional risk of stunting and poor growth velocity: Evidence from secondary data analyses

Bireshwar Sinha Sunita Taneja Ranadip Chowdhury Sarmila Mazumder Temsunaro Rongsen‐Chandola Ravi Prakash Upadhyay Jose Martines Nita Bhandari Maharaj Kishan Bhan 《Maternal & child nutrition》2018,14(1)
Low‐birthweight (LBW) infants are at an increased risk of stunting and poor linear growth. The risk might be additionally higher in these infants when born to short mothers. However, this hypothesis has been less explored. The objective of this secondary data analysis was to determine the risk of linear growth faltering and difference in linear growth velocity in LBW infants born to short mothers (<150 cm) compared to those born to mothers with height ≥150 cm during the first year of life. This analysis uses data from a community‐based randomized controlled trial of 2,052 hospital‐born term infants with birthweight ≤2,500g from urban low–middle socioeconomic neighbourhoods in Delhi, India. Data on maternal height and infant birth length were available from 1,858 (90.5%) of the infants. Infant anthropometry outcomes were measured at birth, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of age. We found that infants born to short mothers had around twofold higher odds of stunting and lower attained length‐for‐age Z scores compared to infants of mothers with height ≥150 cm, at all ages of assessment. Linear growth velocity was significantly lower in infants of short mothers particularly in the first 6 months of life. We conclude that LBW infants born to short mothers are at a higher risk of stunting and have slower postnatal growth velocity resulting in lower attained length‐for‐age Z scores in infancy. Evidence‐based strategies need to be tested to optimize growth velocity in LBW infants especially those born to short mothers. 相似文献
Quality of life (QoL) was assessed in 85 young adults, born in 1971–1974 with birthweights < 1500g (VLBW) and admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of the State University Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. Their QoL was compared to that of 85 subjects with birthweights >2500g (NBW) born in the same period at the State University Hospital. The subjects were interviewed by telephone on the basis of the well-defined theories on QoL by Anton Aggernss. Quality of life was assessed both in objective terms and as judged by the interviewed person. Subjects born with VLBWs and free of handicaps had QoL scores (both objective and subjective) fully comparable with the NBW group. VLBW subjects reporting various physical and mental handicaps had objective as well as subjective QoL scores significantly lower than the NBW group. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper is to study the whole spectrum of birthweight in a population-based birth cohort in order to document the role played by social factors, which complement physiological and behavioural factors, in the development of birthweight inequalities at the population level. METHODS: The analyses were performed with data from the 'Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development 1998-2002 (QLSCD)'. The study follows a representative sample (n = 2103) of the children born in 1998 in the Canadian province of Québec. RESULTS: Multivariate analyses adjusted for gestational age and mother's age indicate that mean birthweight was higher for boys than girls; improved with birth rank, mother's body mass index (BMI), and family socioeconomic status; and was lower for children of smoking mothers. Compared with children born to non-smoking mothers of higher socioeconomic status, the odds of having a low birthweight were between 6 and 12 times higher for children born to smoking mothers of lower or middle socioeconomic status. When maternal smoking status and mother's BMI are combined, socioeconomic status could still be seen to have a positive effect on mean birthweight except for overweight or obese smoking mothers, among whom the relationship between socioeconomic status and mean birthweight was reversed. In families of lower socioeconomic status, maternal smoking was the most important factor in birthweight inequalities, and in families of higher socioeconomic status, mother's BMI was the most important factor in birthweight inequalities. CONCLUSION: This research is not only important for children in developed nations, but also for those in developing countries, where high birthweight and obesity are becoming more prevalent. 相似文献
G Chirico M Motta P Villani A Cavazza ML Cardone 《Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)》2002,91(S438):104-108
Aim : To evaluate the incidence and duration of late-onset neutropenia (defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) <1500 mm−3 at a postnatal age of >3 wk) in a population of infants with birthweight <2000 g, and to determine whether copper deficiency, a possible cause of both anemia and neutropenia, may be associated with this complication. Methods : Complete blood cell count and differential were assessed in 247 low (LBW) and very low birthweight (VLBW) infants who were discharged after 3 wk of life. In neutropenic infants plasma copper and ceruloplasmin levels were also measured. Results : Late-onset neutropenia was detected in 11 out of 147 VLBW infants (7.5%) and in 7 out of 127 LBW infants (5.5%). A neutrophil count of <1000 mm−3 was observed in 14 infants (5.1%). A significantly lower gestational age was found in neutropenic infants compared with non-neutropenic infants. In neutropenic infants ANCs were significantly correlated with hemoglobin and hematocrit. In addition, a significant negative correlation was found between neutrophil and reticulocyte counts. Plasma copper concentration was significantly correlated with birthweight. Oral copper sulfate was administered to infants with plasma copper concentration <50 μg dl−1 , and did not seem to affect ANC, hemoglobin, hematocrit or reticulocyte counts.
Conclusion : Late-onset neutropenia appears to be a benign condition that is not associated with any particular complication and does not require specific treatment. Reference ranges after the early neonatal period and during the first few months of life in LBW and VLBW infants should probably be set at lower values. 相似文献
Conclusion : Late-onset neutropenia appears to be a benign condition that is not associated with any particular complication and does not require specific treatment. Reference ranges after the early neonatal period and during the first few months of life in LBW and VLBW infants should probably be set at lower values. 相似文献
Abeer S. Alzaben Krista MacDonald Cheri Robert Andrea Haqq Susan M. Gilmour Jason Yap Diana R. Mager 《Pediatric transplantation》2017,21(6)
Little has been studied regarding the diets of children following LTX. The study aim was to assess and compare dietary intake and DQ of healthy children and children post‐LTX. Children and adolescents (2‐18 years) post‐LTX (n=27) and healthy children (n=28) were studied. Anthropometric and demographic data and two 24‐hour recalls (one weekend; one weekday) were collected. Intake of added sugar, HFCS, fructose, GI, and GL was calculated. DQ was measured using three validated DQ indices: the HEI‐C, the DGI‐CA, and the DQI‐I. Although no differences in weight‐for‐age z‐scores were observed between groups, children post‐LTX had lower height‐for‐age z‐scores than healthy children (P<.01). With the exception of vitamin B12, no significant differences in energy and macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate, and fat), added sugar, HFCS, fructose, GI, GL, and micronutrient intakes and DQ indices (HEI‐C, DGI‐CA, and DQI‐I) between groups were observed (P>.05). The majority of children in both groups (>40%) had low DQ scores. No significant interrelationships between dietary intake, anthropometric, and demographic were found (P>.05). Both healthy and children post‐LTX consume diets with poor DQ. This has implications for risk of obesity and metabolic dysregulation, particularly in transplant populations on immunosuppressive therapies. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: Low birthweight has been reported to be associated with lower IQ at school age. Further, some evidence suggests that the association extends across the range of normal birthweights. This study assessed the relationship of birthweight to cognitive development in the Port Pirie birth cohort. METHODS: Of 723 singleton live births recruited into a prospective birth cohort study, 601, 548, 494 and 375 children were followed at ages 2, 4, 7 and 11-13 years, respectively. The children's developmental status was assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at age 2 years, the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities at age 4 years, and the revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children at ages 7 and 11-13 years. The association between birthweight and cognitive function was assessed with multiple linear regression, adjusting for a wide range of possible confounders. RESULTS: The mean birthweight was 3386 g (SD: 517). There was a statistically significant association between birthweight and cognitive performance at age 2 years (adjusted deficit: 0.97 points per 100 g lighter; 95% CI: 0.4-1.5), but the magnitude of this association gradually decreased and became statistically non-significant at later childhood. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between birthweight and cognitive development becomes progressively attenuated at increasing age. At older ages, socioenvironmental factors appear to play an increasingly important part in children's cognitive development. 相似文献
Simone S. Cruz Maria da Conceição N. Costa Isaac S. Gomes-Filho Maurício L. Barreto Carlos Antônio S.T. dos Santos Ângela Guimarães Martins Johelle de S. Passos Camila Oliveira T. de Freitas Fábio P. Sampaio Eneida de M.M. Cerqueira 《Pediatrics international》2010,52(1):57-64
Background: Over the past decade, strong evidence for an association between maternal periodontitis and low birthweight has started to appear. However, few intervention studies have been proposed for investigating this hypothesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether periodontal therapy among pregnant women would reduce the incidence of low birthweight.
Methods: A nonrandomized intervention study was performed, with two control groups. The sample comprised 339 pregnant women: 141 in the experimental group (treated for periodontitis), 145 in control group 1 (without periodontitis) and 53 in control group 2 (with untreated periodontitis). The experimental group received periodontal treatment throughout pregnancy, whereas control group 1 was only monitored over the same period. After delivery, birthweight information on the newborns was obtained. The analysis procedures consisted of stratified analysis followed by logistic regression.
Results: The frequency of low birthweight among the women with treated periodontitis was 9.22%, while it was 13.10% in the group without periodontal disease. However, the difference was not statistically significant (RR 0.72; 95% CI 0.36–1.45). The occurrence of this outcome in the group with untreated periodontitis (24.53%) was greater than in the other two groups.
Conclusion: This suggests that periodontal therapy is a protective factor for birthweight. 相似文献
Methods: A nonrandomized intervention study was performed, with two control groups. The sample comprised 339 pregnant women: 141 in the experimental group (treated for periodontitis), 145 in control group 1 (without periodontitis) and 53 in control group 2 (with untreated periodontitis). The experimental group received periodontal treatment throughout pregnancy, whereas control group 1 was only monitored over the same period. After delivery, birthweight information on the newborns was obtained. The analysis procedures consisted of stratified analysis followed by logistic regression.
Results: The frequency of low birthweight among the women with treated periodontitis was 9.22%, while it was 13.10% in the group without periodontal disease. However, the difference was not statistically significant (RR 0.72; 95% CI 0.36–1.45). The occurrence of this outcome in the group with untreated periodontitis (24.53%) was greater than in the other two groups.
Conclusion: This suggests that periodontal therapy is a protective factor for birthweight. 相似文献
Early prenatal food supplementation ameliorates the negative association of maternal stress with birth size in a randomised trial

Amy L. Frith Ruchira T. Naved Lars Ake Persson Edward A. Frongillo 《Maternal & child nutrition》2015,11(4):537-549
Low birthweight increases the risk of infant mortality, morbidity and poor development. Maternal nutrition and stress influence birth size, but their combined effect is not known. We hypothesised that an early‐invitation time to start a prenatal food supplementation programme could reduce the negative influence of prenatal maternal stress on birth size, and that effect would differ by infant sex. A cohort of 1041 pregnant women, who had delivered an infant, June 2003–March 2004, was sampled from among 3267 in the randomised controlled trial, Maternal Infant Nutritional Interventions Matlab, conducted in Matlab, Bangladesh. At 8 weeks gestation, women were randomly assigned an invitation to start food supplements (2.5 MJ d?1; 6 days a week) either early (~9 weeks gestation; early‐invitation group) or at usual start time for the governmental programme (~20 weeks gestation; usual‐invitation group). Morning concentration of cortisol was measured from one saliva sample/woman at 28–32 weeks gestation to assess stress. Birth‐size measurements for 90% of infants were collected within 4 days of birth. In a general linear model, there was an interaction between invitation time to start the food supplementation programme and cortisol with birthweight, length and head circumference of male infants, but not female infants. Among the usual‐invitation group only, male infants whose mothers had higher prenatal cortisol weighed less than those whose mothers had lower prenatal cortisol. Prenatal food supplementation programmes that begin first trimester may support greater birth size of male infants despite high maternal stress where low birthweight is a public health concern. 相似文献
Manik Kadawathagedara Namanjeet Ahluwalia MarieNoelle Dufourg Anne Forhan Marie Aline Charles Sandrine Lioret Blandine de LauzonGuillain 《Maternal & child nutrition》2021,17(3)
Better adherence to dietary guidelines during pregnancy is supposed to result in healthier perinatal outcomes. We aim to characterize the diets of pregnant women by hypothesis‐driven and exploratory approaches and describe potential social determinants. Analyses included 12 048 mothers from the French nationwide ELFE birth cohort. Dietary intake over the last three months of the pregnancy was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire. Two hypothesis‐driven scores (the Diet Quality score, based on benchmarks derived from the National Health and Nutrition Program Guidelines, and the PANDiet score, based on nutrient intake) were calculated. Exploratory dietary patterns were also identified by principal component analysis. Multiple linear regressions were used to assess associations of maternal social characteristics with dietary patterns, accounting for the possible effect modification by their migration status. Five dietary patterns were identified: the Western, Balanced, Bread and toppings, Processed products, and Milk and breakfast cereals. Younger maternal age, single motherhood, unemployment and the presence of older children in the household were related to a suboptimal diet during pregnancy. The less acculturated the women were, the healthier and less processed their diets were, independent of their socio‐economic position. Several social determinants of the quality of women''s diets were however moderated by their migration status. These findings shed light on the relations between indicators of social vulnerability, such as single motherhood and unemployment, and poorer diet quality. Given the reduced diet quality that accompanies the acculturation process, it is of paramount importance to identify the specific factors or obstacles that affect migrant women in maintaining their diet quality advantage over the majority population. 相似文献
de Jesus Machado Amorim R de Carvalho Lima M Cabral de Lira PI Emond AM 《Maternal & child nutrition》2011,7(3):295-306
Birthweight is recognized to be a determinant of a full term infant's early growth pattern; however, few studies have explored whether this effect is sustained into school age, especially in developing countries. We have used a cohort study from North East Brazil to investigate factors determining the anthropometric status of eight-year-old children born at full-term with low or appropriate weight. A cohort of 375 full-term infants was recruited at birth in six maternity hospitals between 1993 and 1994, in a poor region of the interior of the State of Pernambuco. At the age of 8 years, 86 born with low birthweight and 127 with appropriate birthweight were traced. Multivariable linear regression analyses were used to identify the net effect of socioeconomic conditions, maternal nutritional status and child factors on weight-for-age and height-for-age. An enter approach was used to estimate the contribution of different factors on child anthropometry. Birthweight had little influence on child nutritional status at school age. Maternal BMI and height together were the biggest contributors to variation in child weight-for-age (12.3%) and height-for-age (13.2%), followed by family socioeconomic conditions. Maternal height as a proxy of maternal constraint was the single factor that best explained the variation in both indices (6.2% for weight-for-age and 11.1% for height-for-age). Haemoglobin level measured at eight years made a small but significant contribution to variation in height-for-age (5.6%) and weight for age (1.4%). Maternal nutritional status, reflecting genetic inheritance and the poor socioeconomic conditions of this population, was the most important determinant of the nutritional status of children at school age, rather than birthweight. 相似文献
The availability of iron is critical in low-birthweight infants. We followed a group of small preterm infants without iron supplementation who were either exclusively breast-fed or weaned early to industrial infant milk formula or home-prepared cow's milk formula. The gain of iron was compared within the milk groups on the basis of hemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations at the ages of 3 and 4 mth when only trace amounts of solid foods had been given. Contrary to the reports on term infants we found unsupplemented proprietary infant milk formula and breast milk similar as a source of iron. It is possible that there is no major inhibition of iron absorption from any milk during the time of simultaneously occurring accelerated erythropoiesis and exhaustion of iron stores in preterm infants. The apparent inferiority of cow's milk could be due to increased intestinal loss of blood. 相似文献