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目的 探讨超声心动图产前诊断胎儿永存动脉干的临床价值.方法 对57例永存动脉干胎儿超声心动图资料进行回顾性分析总结.结果 产前诊断胎儿永存动脉干57例,37例经产后病理证实(其中5例为法洛四联症),2例经产后超声心动图确诊,18例失访.胎儿永存动脉干的主要声像图特征是室间隔缺损,心脏只发出1支大动脉和肺动脉起源于干动脉.结论 超声心动图产前诊断胎儿永存动脉干具有重要的临床价值,但应注意与多种胎儿复杂心脏病鉴别.  相似文献   

孕妇,25岁。孕26周,孕1产0。既往健康,夫妻均无不良嗜好,非近亲结婚,否认孕期服药史。家族遗传病史。产科查体,宫高26cm,腹围84cm,胎儿心率140uqw /min,胎心节律不规整。超声检查显示:胎儿双顶径6.4cm,腹围21.4cm,股骨长度5.3cm,羊水深度7.3cm。胎心136次/min。节律不规整,心脏各腔增大。使心脏呈球形,横径27.6mm,纵径33.9mm,左  相似文献   

胎儿超声心动图诊断胎儿单心室并永存动脉干1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者30岁,妊娠26周。因产前检查发现胎儿异常,在我院门诊行彩色多普勒超声及胎儿超声心动图检查。超声显示:胎儿右枕前位,双顶径66mm,股骨长45mm,胎儿肝大部分位于右侧,胃泡位于左侧,胎儿心脏大部分位于左侧胸腔,心尖指向左侧,心室内正常室间隔缺如,呈单室腔改变,可见1支大血管起源于心室腔(图1,2),内径为5.1mm,右心房明显大于左  相似文献   

孕妇,23岁。孕32周,孕1产0。既往健康,夫妻均无不良嗜好,非近亲结婚,否认家族遗传病史。超声检查显示:单胎,羊水深度7.0cm;胎儿双顶径7.8cm,腹围24.9cm,腹骨长度5.7cm,胎心:140次/min,脊柱排列整齐,胎儿肝大,部分位于右侧,胃泡位于左侧。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胎儿迷走右锁骨下动脉(ARSA)的产前超声诊断及预后。方法:本研究为回顾性研究,选取2015年3月至2020年12月北部战区总医院妇产科收治的102例胎儿ARSA孕妇,年龄(29.4±3.8)岁,年龄范围为21~45岁。讨论胎儿ARSA的产前超声诊断特征及其临床预后。结果:胎儿ARSA孕妇102例,产前超声显...  相似文献   

孕妇,22岁,30周.产前超声检查:胎头位于下方,轮廓完整,双顶径80 mm,头围275 mm,腹围255 mm,股骨长57 mm,肱骨长54 mm,胎儿上唇对应右侧鼻孔处可见回声连续性中断,断端宽约6 mm,上牙槽突回声未见明显连续性中断.胎儿腹部横切面扫查,腹主动脉和下腔静脉位置关系正常,心脏大部分位于左侧胸腔,心尖指向左侧,四腔心观显示左右房室大小基本对称,左心房内可见卵圆瓣回声,室间隔上部回声中断,宽约7 mm(图1),左心长轴观可见一条动脉干骑跨在室间隔上,动脉干内径明显增粗约9 mm(图2),另一端通过一弓形结构与降主动脉相连,此弓上可见3个分支.  相似文献   

胎儿永存动脉干的超声诊断   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
永存动脉干又称主动脉-肺动脉共干,是一种少见的预后极差的心脏病,在先天性心脏病中约占1.5%~3.0%。产前超声诊断胎儿永存动脉干对降低围产儿病死率及优生具有重要的意义。1资料与方法2002年5月-2006年3月间,产前常规胎儿超声心动图检查出胎儿永存动脉干4例,经引产后尸体解剖证  相似文献   

超声诊断胎儿永存动脉干   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
目的探讨超声心动图产前诊断胎儿永存动脉干的临床价值。方法回顾性分析10例经胎儿心脏超声检查诊断为永存动脉干的超声图像与随访结果,分析总结各切面观异常声像图特点。结果7例胎儿经尸体解剖证实为永存动脉干,3例胎儿产后超声诊断与产前超声诊断相符;胎儿永存动脉干的主要声像图特征是室间隔缺损,心脏只发出1根大动脉和肺动脉起源于干动脉。结论超声心动图产前诊断胎儿永存动脉干具有重要的临床价值,但应注意与多种胎儿复杂心脏病鉴别。  相似文献   

患儿男性,9岁,生后6月左右出现哭闹后口唇发绀,2岁开始出现蹲踞现象,今来我院就诊以明确诊断。体检:口唇略发绀,杵状指,胸骨左缘三、四肋间闻及Ⅲ~Ⅳ/Ⅵ级收缩期杂音,P2不亢进,胸骨左缘第二肋间闻及粗糙连续性杂音。心电图示:1.窦性心律,2.右室肥大。超声心动图所见:室间隔上部缺损达19mm,并可见一增宽(34mm)的动脉骑跨于室间隔之上,骑跨率约50%,室间隔增厚达9mm,右室壁增厚达7mm,心底短轴切面上未见肺动脉瓣,在主动脉与肺动脉之间有一通道(图1)。彩色多普勒及频谱多普勒显示在该通道处…  相似文献   

孕妇,31岁.孕34+3周.超声检查:胎儿左枕前位,双顶径89 mm,肱骨长61 mm,股骨长65 mm.前壁胎盘Ⅱ级,羊水指数200 mm,胎心率129次/min.胎儿各房室大小:右房13mm,右室17 mm,左房11mm,左室15 mm.可见两组房室瓣,活动尚可.卵圆孔8 mm,室间隔上段回声中断9 mm,于心脏中央见一条干动脉发自左右室,内径11mm(图1),干动脉弓发出4根分支,依次为右头臂干、左颈总动脉、左侧椎动脉、左锁骨下动脉,于降主动脉腹侧同一水平发出两个侧支(图2),分别进入左、右肺.CDFI:大脑中动脉及脐动脉阻力指数正常.心脏收缩期左右室的血流均进入干动脉内,Vmax 90 cm/s.降主动脉两个侧支Vmax 120 cm/s.超声提示:①超声测值与预测孕周相符;②胎儿永存动脉干Ⅳ型可能性大;③羊水偏多.……  相似文献   

We report the prenatal diagnosis and the natural history of a fetus with truncus arteriosus. A 31-year-old woman, gravida 3, was referred for detailed examination for suspected cardiac anomaly during her 33rd week of gestation. Fetal echocardiography demonstrated a large truncal vessel overriding a ventricular septal defect, a right-side aortic arch, and a dilated ascending aortic arch. Pulsed-wave and color-flow Doppler imaging showed truncal valvular stenosis without insufficiency. No sign of congestive heart failure was detected during the prenatal period. A fetus weighing 2860 grams was delivered during the 38th week of gestation. Cyanosis was noted the day after delivery, however, and a Rastelli procedure was carried out 9 days after delivery. The baby died 7 days after the operation.  相似文献   

We present the case of a truncus arteriosus associated with holoprosencephaly detected in a fetus in the first trimester and the sonographic findings that established this diagnosis. A physical exam was performed on a 35-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 2, para 1. At 20 weeks, sonography showed large-for-date uterine size. Fetal biometry was consistent with menstrual age. Amniotic fluid volume was elevated to 25 AFI cm. Fetal echocardiography revealed a single common artery arising from the heart, a ventricular septal defect, and other cardiac defects. Abnormalities of the fetal brain and face were also shown via sonography, including the presence of a common lateral ventricle without falx cerebri. Alobar holoprosencephaly, the most severe form of holoprosencephaly, was diagnosed. Prenatal chromosomal analysis was offered and the patient elected to have cordocentesis. The chromosome study was normal. Success in surgical repair of truncus arteriosus is established, but alobar holoprosencephaly is associated with neonatal death. Continuation of the pregnancy carried risks for the mother. After proper counseling, the parents of this fetus were offered and accepted termination of pregnancy. A male abortus weighing 320 grams was delivered. Postnatal findings and autopsy confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Persistent truncus arteriosus is an uncommon congenital cardiac anomaly. In most patients, this condition is not diagnosed prior to birth. We report a case in which this uncommon cardiac anomaly was diagnosed prenatally using wide‐band Doppler imaging. When diagnosing fetal truncus arteriosus, sonologists should carefully search for the origin of the main pulmonary artery and for its 2 branches. Our experience suggests that wide‐band Doppler imaging facilitates the prenatal diagnosis of truncus arteriosus. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009  相似文献   

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