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Pressure ulcers (PUs) have a profound impact on individuals, with studies demonstrating that compared with similarly aged persons, those living with a PU have a significantly lower quality of life. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of the Shanley Pressure Ulcer Prevention Programme (SPUPP) on older persons'' knowledge of, and attitudes and behaviours towards, PU prevention. This was a multi‐centre, open‐label, randomised controlled trial. The population of interest was older persons living in the community who attended either a day care centre or a retirement group and were deemed to be at risk of PUs due to reduced mobility. Stratified random sampling was used to randomise based on days of attendance at day care centre/retirement group. Pretest and post‐test were applied to the intervention and control groups. The SPUPP is a multimedia programme delivered using electronic media, hard copy materials, activities, and patient diaries and addresses the key tenets of PU prevention as described by the SKIN bundle. The programme contains five separate sessions delivered over 5 weeks. The impact of the SPUPP was assessed using the patient knowledge of and attitude and behaviour towards PU prevention instrument (KPUP). A total of 64 persons, 32 in each group, took part in the study. Of these, 75% (n = 48) were female, with a mean age of 81.9 years (SD: 5.56 years). Further, 68.8% (n = 44) were either overweight or obese and 40.6% (n = 26) were usually incontinent of urine. There were no differences between the intervention and control groups in mean scores during the pretest stage. However, at post‐test, the mean scores for the intervention group were higher than the control group, 16.87 (SD: 1.88) versus 12.41 (SD: 3.21), respectively. For the post‐test stage, mean differences between the two groups in favour of the intervention group (∆ = 4.46) were statistically significant, as t = 6.76, P = .0001, and equal variances were not assumed. The SPUPP impacted positively on knowledge scores of the participants and positively influenced attitudes and behaviours towards PU prevention. Thus, this research provides information regarding the potential to enhance patient involvement in PU prevention.  相似文献   

Pressure ulcers can develop in bedridden or immobile patients which physiotherapists frequently encounter. Although physiotherapists receive training for preventing pressure ulcers, there is limited evidence of physiotherapists' knowledge level. Our study evaluated physiotherapists' pressure ulcer prevention knowledge. The level of knowledge for pressure ulcer prevention was inquired with the Turkish version of the Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge Assessment Instrument (PUPKAI-T). Two hundred and sixty-five physiotherapists participated in our study. The median PUPKAI-T total score ranged from 8 to 21. Only two physiotherapists (0.8%) got good points from the questionnaire. The highest score was Nutrition (Theme 4; 59.2%), and the lowest score belonged to the contact preventive interventions that reduce pressure/shearing (Theme 5; 26.7%). The question with the lowest success rate was the positioning question of Theme 5 (Question 2; 12.5%). In our study, physiotherapists' pressure ulcer prevention knowledge was evaluated with a relatively high number of participants compared to the literature. These results brought to mind that training programs that specifically emphasise techniques to prevent pressure ulcers and positioning manoeuvres to be organised increase the knowledge level of physiotherapists.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to psychometrically evaluate the Swedish operating room version of PUKAT 2.0. In total, 284 Swedish operating room nurses completed the survey of whom 50 completed the retest. The item difficulty P-value of 14 items ranged between 0.38 and 0.96 (median 0.65). Three items were found to be too easy (0.90–0.96). The D-value of 14 items ranged between 0.00 and 0.42 (median 0.46). Three items had a D-value lower than 0.20 (0.11–0.16) and eight items scored higher than 0.40 (0.45–0.61). The quality of the response alternatives (a-value) ranged between 0.00 and 0.42. This showed that nurses with a master's degree had a higher knowledge than nurses with a professional degree (respectively 9.4/14 versus 8.6/14; t = −2.4, df = 199, P = 0.02). The ICC was 0.65 (95% CI 0.45–0.78). The ICCs for the domains varied from 0.12 (95% CI = −0.16–0.39) to 0.59 (95% CI = 0.38–0.75). Results indicated that 11 of the original items contributed to the overall validity. However, the low participation in the test-retest made the reliability of the instrument low. An extended evaluation with a larger sample should be considered in order to confirm aspects of the psychometric properties of this instrument.  相似文献   

This systematic review aimed to examine the knowledge of caregivers regarding pressure ulcer (PU) prevention. A thorough, methodical search was conducted from the earliest date to February 1, 2023 using keywords extracted from Medical Subject Headings such as “Caregivers”, “Knowledge”, and “Pressure ulcer” in various international electronic databases such as Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Persian electronic databases such as Iranmedex and Scientific Information Database. The quality of the studies included in this systematic review was evaluated using an appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS tool). In total, 927 caregivers participated in the eight studies. The average age of the participants was 40.50 (SD = 12.67). Among the participants, 61.87% were women. The average caregiver's knowledge of PU prevention was 53.70 (SD = 14.09) out of 100, which suggests a moderate level of knowledge. Factors such as level of education, age, occupation, information about PUs, attitude, and practice had a significant positive relationship with caregivers' knowledge related to the prevention of PUs. Knowledge had a significantly negative relationship with age. In addition, marital status, type of relationship, age, gender, occupation, level of education, and inpatient wards had a significant relationship with caregivers' knowledge regarding PUs prevention. Therefore, managers and policymakers in the medical field can help increase caregivers' knowledge by providing an online or in-person educational platform relevant to PU prevention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a tool to measure the knowledge of nurses on pressure ulcer prevention. PUKAT 2·0 is a revised and updated version of the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Assessment Tool (PUKAT) developed in 2010 at Ghent University, Belgium. The updated version was developed using state‐of‐the‐art techniques to establish evidence concerning validity and reliability. Face and content validity were determined through a Delphi procedure including both experts from the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) (n = 15). A subsequent psychometric evaluation of 342 nurses and nursing students evaluated the item difficulty, discriminating power and quality of the response alternatives. Furthermore, construct validity was established through a test–retest procedure and the known‐groups technique. The content validity was good and the difficulty level moderate. The discernment was found to be excellent: all groups with a (theoretically expected) higher level of expertise had a significantly higher score than the groups with a (theoretically expected) lower level of expertise. The stability of the tool is sufficient (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient = 0·69). The PUKAT 2·0 demonstrated good psychometric properties and can be used and disseminated internationally to assess knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention.  相似文献   

Pressure injury is a serious and preventable problem in intensive care units. Translating guidelines into clinical practice can reduce the incidence of pressure injury. Identifying clinical status, barriers and facilitators contribute to guideline implementation. To identify the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pressure injury prevention in Chinese critical care nurses. Secondary data were extracted from a multicentric clinical trial. Knowledge and attitudes toward pressure injury prevention were assessed by a fourteen-item questionnaire. The observed practices were recorded using a case report form. The report complies with the STROBE statement. A total of 950 critical care nurses in 15 hospitals from six provinces of China were investigated. A total of 53.1% of nurses received a median score of 6 points or less. Knowledge regarding the repositioning procedure, risk assessment, and heel pressure injury prevention was insufficient. Over 99% of nurses strongly or somewhat agreed that pressure injury prevention was very important and that they were willing to take measures to prevent pressure injury. A total of 27 781 patient days of pressure injury prevention practice were recorded. Repositioning was the most commonly used prevention measure, followed by support surfaces and prophylactic dressings. A combination of repositioning, support surface, and prophylactic dressing was lacking. Chinese critical nurses showed a low level of knowledge and a positive attitude toward pressure injury prevention. Practices of pressure injury prevention were unsatisfactory. There is a clear gap between the guidelines and clinical practices. The barrier (low-level knowledge) and facilitator (positive attitude) were identified in this study. According to these findings, strategies need to be developed to promote guideline implementation.  相似文献   

Pressure injury is a serious and preventable problem in intensive care units. Translating guidelines into clinical practice can reduce the incidence of pressure injury. Identifying clinical status, barriers and facilitators contribute to guideline implementation. To identify the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pressure injury prevention in Chinese critical care nurses. Secondary data were extracted from a multicentric clinical trial. Knowledge and attitudes toward pressure injury prevention were assessed by a fourteen‐item questionnaire. The observed practices were recorded using a case report form. The report complies with the STROBE statement. A total of 950 critical care nurses in 15 hospitals from six provinces of China were investigated. A total of 53.1% of nurses received a median score of 6 points or less. Knowledge regarding the repositioning procedure, risk assessment, and heel pressure injury prevention was insufficient. Over 99% of nurses strongly or somewhat agreed that pressure injury prevention was very important and that they were willing to take measures to prevent pressure injury. A total of 27 781 patient days of pressure injury prevention practice were recorded. Repositioning was the most commonly used prevention measure, followed by support surfaces and prophylactic dressings. A combination of repositioning, support surface, and prophylactic dressing was lacking. Chinese critical nurses showed a low level of knowledge and a positive attitude toward pressure injury prevention. Practices of pressure injury prevention were unsatisfactory. There is a clear gap between the guidelines and clinical practices. The barrier (low‐level knowledge) and facilitator (positive attitude) were identified in this study. According to these findings, strategies need to be developed to promote guideline implementation.  相似文献   

The effective approach on pressure ulcer (PU) prevention regarding patient safety in the hospital context was evaluated. Studies were identified from searches in EBSCO host, PubMed, and WebofScience databases from 2009 up to December 2018. Studies were selected if they were published in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish; incidence of PUs was the primary outcome; participants were adults (≥18 years) admitted in hospital wards and/or units. The review included 26 studies. Studies related to prophylactic dressings applied in the sacrum, trochanters, and/or heels, education for health care professionals, and preventive skin care and system reminders on‐screen inpatient care plan were effective in decreasing PUs. Most of the studies related to multiple intervention programmes were effective in decreasing PU occurrence. Single interventions, namely support surfaces and repositioning, were not always effective in preventing PUs. Repositioning only was effective when supported by technological pressure‐mapping feedback or by a patient positioning system. Risk‐assessment tools are not effective in preventing PUs. PUs in the hospital context are still a worldwide issue related to patient safety. Multiple intervention programmes were more effective in decreasing PU occurrence than single interventions in isolation. Single interventions (prophylactic dressings, support surfaces, repositioning, preventive skin care, system reminders, and education for health care professionals) were effective in decreasing PUs, which was always in compliance with other preventive measures. These results provide an overview of effective approaches that should be considered when establishing evidence‐based guidelines to hospital health care professionals and administrators for clinical practice effective in preventing PUs.  相似文献   

The aim of this review study is to investigate the nurses' knowledge and related factors towards the prevention of medical device-related pressure ulcers (MDRPUs). An extensive search was conducted in international electronic databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, and Persian databases, such as Iranmedex and the Scientific Information Database from December 1, 2022. During this search, keywords extracted from Medical Subject Headings, such as “Prevention knowledge,” “Nurse,” “Pressure ulcer,” “Equipment and Supplies,” and “Intensive Care Units” were used. The quality of the present studies in this review was evaluated based on the appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS tool). A total of 1847 nurses participated in this review from five studies, and the majority of them (82.94%) were female. The mean age of the participants was 31.40 (SD = 5.97). The mean score of MDRPUs prevention knowledge in nurses based on PU2014 scale and researcher-made questionnaires were 16.50 (SD = 3.74) out of 31 and 65.49 (SD = 6.33) out of 100, respectively. The knowledge of nurses is influenced by factors such as age, sex, level of education, work experience, technical titles, type of hospital, level of hospital, and type of ward. Various factors had a significant positive relationship with nurses' MDRPUs prevention knowledge, which includes level of education, work experience, previous training on MDRPU, having a wound care certificate, an online search about MDRPU, and attitude and practise towards MDRPU prevention. At the same time, nurses' knowledge about the prevention of MDRPUs had a significant negative relationship with the time interval since last participating in MDRPU training or workshop. Overall, the level of MDRPUs prevention knowledge among nurses was insufficient to moderate. Therefore, it is suggested to provide facilities for nurses to receive the necessary training.  相似文献   

Hospital‐acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) affect patients during hospitalisation, putting patients at risk for further complications. HAPU is one of the hospital quality indicators that require quality initiatives or programmes to minimise its occurrence and consequences. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a developed quality improvement programme in preventing HAPUs. This is a retrospective comparative study, which tracked the outcomes of pressure ulcer prevention programme (PUPP) for 5 years from 2014 to 2018. Data from 50 441 patients were collected from different units in a tertiary hospital in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The programme focused on building a wound care team; providing education to hospital staff, patients, and their families; and continuous data monitoring, in addition to follow‐up visits after discharge. Implementation of the programme was successful showing a statistically significant reduction of HAPUs from 0.20% in 2014 to 0.06% in 2018 (P value <.001). The PUPP was effective in reducing the percentage of pressure ulcer cases. The programme can be extended and implemented in other hospitals.  相似文献   

目的探讨知信行理论模式用于急诊科护士患者自杀风险培训的效果。方法组建自杀风险教育多学科团队,采用知信行理论模式对143名急诊科护士进行为期3个月的患者自杀风险培训,比较培训前后护士的自杀态度和自杀护理行为。结果培训后,急诊科护士自杀态度总分及3个维度得分显著低于培训前,自杀护理行为得分显著高于培训前(P0.05,P0.01)。结论知信行理论模式用于急诊科护士患者自杀风险培训可有效改善护士对自杀的态度,规范其患者自杀护理行为。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify independent risk factors for pressure ulcer (PU) development in a high‐risk nursing home population receiving evidence‐based PU prevention. This study was part of a randomised controlled trial examining the (cost‐)effectiveness of static air support surfaces compared with alternating pressure air mattresses. The sample consisted of 308 residents at a high risk of PU development (presence of non‐blanchable erythema, Braden score ≤ 12 or Braden subscale “mobility” ≤ 2). PU incidence was monitored for 14 days. Demographic variables; functional, physical, and psychological characteristics; and data on skin assessment were collected. Independent risk factors were identified using multiple logistic regression analysis. The overall PU incidence (category II‐IV) was 8.4% (n = 26), and 1.9% (n = 6) of the residents developed a deep PU (category III‐IV). PUs (category II‐IV) were significantly associated with non‐blanchable erythema, a lower Braden score, and pressure area‐related pain in high‐risk residents even if preventive care was provided. These results highlight the need of a systematic risk assessment, including pain assessment and skin observations, in order to determine and tailor preventive care to the needs of high‐risk individuals.  相似文献   

目的构建社区居家卧床患者压疮管理质量评价指标,以规范性评价社区居家卧床患者压疮管理质量。方法查阅国内外文献、小组讨论,形成社区压疮管理质量评价指标问卷,采用Delphi法对15名专家进行2轮咨询。结果构建的社区居家卧床患者压疮管理质量评价指标包括一级指标3项,二级指标11项,三级指标32项;专家的权威系数为0.794;2轮三级指标的协调系数分别为0.613、0.622(均P0.01)。结论社区居家卧床患者压疮管理质量评价指标及其内容可靠,经目标人群(大样本)验证后,可用于社区压疮护理质量的评价。  相似文献   

The aim of this correlational, cross‐sectional study was to assess the pressure ulcer prevention attitudes of the nursing staff and to identify factors associated with it both in primary and special health care. The study was conducted with nursing staff (N = 554) working in primary and special health care units in two hospital districts in Finlandin 2018 to 2019. Attitude towards Pressure ulcer Prevention instrument was used for data collection. Demographic data, Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge test, and Pressure Ulcer Prevention Practice instrument were used as background variables. Data were analysed with statistical tests. Nursing staff working in primary care (n = 327) had more positive attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention than those in specialised care (n = 209; P = .047). Working as a wound care nurse (P = .0005), working experience after graduation (P = .0017), self‐reported pressure ulcer prevention and early detection skills (P < .0001), pressure ulcer prevention knowledge (P = .0002), and views about the realisation of their unit''s pressure ulcer prevention practices (P < .0001) independently explained variation in participants'' attitudes. Attention should be placed on the pressure ulcer prevention attitudes of nurses who are less experienced or less skilled and who have lower pressure ulcer prevention knowledge. Positive organisational culture towards evidence‐based pressure ulcer prevention practices should be promoted.  相似文献   

Pressure ulcers often become chronic wounds that are difficult to treat and that tend to recur after healing. In China, convincing data from randomised trials have demonstrated that the pharmaceutical preparations of Periplaneta americana (KangFuXin Liquid, KFX) have a significant efficacy for pressure ulcers. To provide more reference to the clinicians and experts, we conducted a meta-analysis based on the existing randomised controlled trials (RCTs). We searched the RCTs about KFX for the treatment of pressure ulcers published up to July 2022 in major English and Chinese databases with no language restriction, including PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science (WOS), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), China Network Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Biomedicine (CBM), Chinese Scientific Journals Database (VIP), and WanFang database. Cochrane Handbook guidelines were used to assess the risk of bias and to evaluate the methodological quality of included RCTs. Estimates of the intervention's effects are expressed as the risk ratio (RR) (95% CI) for binary outcomes and mean difference or standardised mean difference (95% CI) for continuous outcomes. We applied fixed or random effects models, and all analyses were performed using Review Manager version 5.4 and Stata/SE version 12.0. We included 22 studies with a total of 1575 participants. Compared with controls, KFX combined with basic wound care or KFX combined with basic wound care and another topical drug or physical treatment significantly increase clinical efficacy (RR: 1.17; 95% CI, 1.06-1.28; P = 0.001; I2 = 81%) and shorten the complete healing time (MD = −5.11; 95% CI [−8.19, −2.02]; P = 0.001) for pressure ulcers. Subgroup analysis showed a significant difference in the total clinical effect rate between KFX combined with basic wound care and controls. (n = 1018, RR 1.21, 95% CI [1.07, 1.36], I2 = 82%, P = 0.003). No difference was found in the total clinical effective rate between patients using KFX combined with basic wound care and another topical drug or physical treatment with controls (KFX combined with basic wound care and topical physical treatment: n = 267, RR 1.15, 95% CI [0.86, 1.52], I2 = 87%, P = 0.34; KFX combined with basic wound care and topical drug: n = 290, RR 1.05, 95% CI [0.80, 1.37], I2 = 86%, P = 0.71). Based on treatment duration, subgroup analysis indicated that increasing treatment duration increased the total clinical effective rate when treatment duration was not long. (treatment duration: 14 days: n = 158, OR 5.48, 95% CI [1.47, 20.43], I2 = 0%, P = 0.01; 21 days: n = 132, OR 5.93, 95% CI [1.86, 18.91], I2 = 65%, P = 0.003). When treatment duration was 28 days or 30 days, the results showed that there was no significant difference in total clinical effective rate between interventions and controls (treatment duration: 28 days: n = 107, OR 3.04, 95% CI [0.25, 37.32], I2 = 50%, P = 0.38; 30 days: n = 256, OR 0.58, 95% CI [0.11, 3.15], I2 = 65%, P = 0.53). No data on side effects were reported in any of the 22 studies. The conclusion is that the combination of KFX and basic wound care is effective in increasing the total clinical effectiveness and shortening the complete healing time of pressure ulcers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review study is to investigate the attitude of nursing students toward the prevention of pressure ulcers (PUs) and related factors. From February 1, 2023, a comprehensive search was conducted in international and Persian electronic databases such as Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Iranmedex, and Scientific information database (SID). The keywords obtained from Medical Subject Headings, including “Attitude”, “Nursing students”, and “Pressure ulcer” were used in this search. The quality assessment of the present studies in this systematic review was based on the appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS tool). A total of 6454 nursing students participated in ten cross-sectional studies. All students were studying at the undergraduate level and 81.20% of them were female. Nursing students were in the first (39.27%), second (28.19%), and third and fourth (32.54%) academic years. Among the participants, 49.86% have completed at least 2 clinical units. The mean scores of attitudes toward PU prevention in nursing students based on attitude toward PU prevention (APuP) and researcher-made questionnaires were 75.01% and 68.82%, respectively. The attitude of nursing students was influenced by various factors, including age, sex, academic year, clinical experience, number of clinical units, experience in caring for PU patients, previous courses on PU in the curriculum, and contribution of training to knowledge. Also, in the present study, the positive relationship between the attitude and knowledge of nursing students was shown as the only significant correlation. In sum, the attitude of the majority of nursing students toward the prevention of PUs was at a satisfactory level. Therefore, it is expected to transfer the necessary knowledge to them with proper planning so that preventive actions can be carried out by following the guidelines.  相似文献   

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