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This study reports results from a practice-based study in which deep carious lesions were treated by general dental practitioners using stepwise excavation. The material comprised 94 teeth with deep carious lesions which the clinicians considered would result in pulp perforation if treated by a single and terminal excavation. At therst visit excavation of the peripheral dentine was completed. The outermost part of the central and necrotic dentine was gently removed with a sharp excavator. Standardized assessments of the dentine colour and consistency were made before application of a calcium hydroxide-containing base material and temporarylling. Thenal excavation was completed after a treatment interval ranging from 2 to 19 months, with a median of 6 months. Reassessments of the dentine colour and consistency were made before complete removal of demineralized dentine. The central dentine was signicantly browner and less softened after the sealing period. After removal of the dark-brownish dentine during thenal excavation, the colour and consistency of the exposed central dentine was found to resemble that of the completely excavated peripheral dentine. Onlyve cases resulted in pulp perforation during thenal excavation. The high success rate of teeth surviving thenal treatment without pulp exposure after 1 year of observation shows that it was possible for dentists in general practice to administer and manage the treatment of deep carious lesions, a process which may prolong tooth survival compared with conventional endodontic techniques.  相似文献   

目的:评价Carisolv化学机械去龋技术治疗乳牙龋病的临床疗效。方法:计算机检索Co-chrane图书馆(2009年第2期)、PubMed(1966~2009)、MEDLINE(1966~2009)、Embase(1966~2009)、CBM(1978~2009)、CNKI(1989~2009)、VIP(1989~2009),同时采用手工检索相关资料,纳入Carisolv化学机械去龋技术与传统机械去龋比较治疗乳牙龋病的临床随机对照试验。按Cochrane系统评价方法评价纳入研究的质量,对同质研究采用RevMan 5.0软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入5个随机对照试验,合计162例病人,272个乳牙。结果显示:与传统手用去龋器械比较,Carisolv化学机械去龋技术去龋时疼痛程度较轻,对龋损去除效果、去龋时间、病人接受程度及术后并发症发生率的影响,两种方法差异无统计学意义。与传统机用器械的比较,Carisolv与高速涡轮机联合去龋法对龋损去除效果的差异无统计学意义;但Carisolv的去龋时间较长[WDM=3.09,95%CI(2.38,3.80)];而疼痛程度[RR=0.62,95%CI(0.42,0.90)]及病人接受度,Carisolv优于高速涡轮机联合去龋法。与慢速涡轮机联合去龋法的比较,Carisolv15 min内的龋损去净效率低[RR=0.61,95%CI(0.47,0.78)];去龋时间较长[WDM=6.69,95%CI(5.77,7.61)];但是,对于去龋的疼痛程度和病人的接受程度,两种方法差异无统计学意义。机用器械组中仅有1个研究进行了术后半年的随访,结果显示两种去龋方法术后并发症的发生率差异没有统计学意义。结论:Carisolv化学机械去龋技术治疗乳牙龋病能够有效去除龋损组织,但其去龋时间较长且去龋效率低于传统机用器械。Carisolv去龋引起的疼痛程度及病人的接受程度优于传统高速机用去龋器械,但无异于手用或慢速机用器械。由于本系统评价纳入研究的数量和质量有限,上述结论尚需开展更多大样本、设计良好、指标全面的临床随机对照试验来进一步验证。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to critically appraise the performance of detection methods for non‐cavitated carious lesions (NCCLs). A detailed search of Medline (via OVID), the Cochrane Collaboration, Scielo and EMBASE identified 2054 publications. After title and abstract review by three investigators (JG, MT, AI), 124 publications were selected for further review. The final publications evaluated the following methods: Visual (V), Caries Lesion Activity Assessment (CLAA), Laser Fluorescence (LF), Radiographic (R), Fibre‐optic Transillumination (FOTI), Electrical Conductance (EC) and Quantitative Light‐induced Fluorescence (QLF). All included studies used histological assessment as a gold standard for in vitro studies or clinical/visual validation for the in vivo designs. They reported outcomes measures such as sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and reliability. Data were extracted from the selected studies independently by two reviewers and checked for errors. The quality of the studies was evaluated as described by Bader et al. (2002). Of the 124 articles, 42 were included that described 85 clinical assessments. Overall, the quality of evidence on detection methods was rated ‘poor’, except for EC that was rated ‘fair’. The SE rates were as follows: V (0.17–0.96), LF or DIAGNOdent (DD) (0.16–0.96), R (0.12–0.84), FOTI (0.21–0.96), EC (0.61–0.92) and QLF (0.82). The SP rates were as follows: V (0.46–1.0), LF (0.25–1.00), R (0.55–0.99), FOTI (0.74–0.88), EC (0.73–1.0) and QLF (0.92). There is a large variation in SE and SP values for methods and a lack of consistency in definition of disease and analytical methods. EC and QLF seem to be promising for detection of early lesions. For both cost and practicality considerations, visual methods should remain the standard for clinical assessment in dental practice.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe authors conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials comparing the risk of experiencing restoration failure in primary teeth after complete and selective carious tissue removal of soft dentin.MethodsThe authors searched electronic databases (PubMed [MEDLINE], Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and the ClinicalTrials.gov Web site with manual searching and cross-referencing for trials reporting restoration failure after follow-up of 6 months or longer. Two reviewers independently selected studies, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias and quality of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. The authors performed intention-to-treat and per-protocol meta-analyses and calculated odds ratios (OR) as effect estimates in the random-effects model.ResultsFrom 327 potentially eligible studies, the authors selected 23 for full-text screening and included 4. Results showed increased risk of experiencing restoration failure (intention-to-treat analysis, OR [95% confidence interval] 1.74 [1.01 to 3.00], and per-protocol analysis, OR [95% confidence interval] 1.79 [1.04 to 3.09]) after selective carious tissue removal of soft dentin. The risk of bias was high, and the quality of evidence was low.ConclusionsSelective carious tissue removal of soft dentin may increase the risk of experiencing restoration failure in primary teeth. However, the evidence level is insufficient for definitive conclusions.Practical ImplicationsPatients with restorations performed after selective carious tissue removal of soft dentin should have shorter recall visit intervals to evaluate the restorations’ quality and control caries disease, allowing for more conservative approaches, such as repair, in cases of defective restorations.  相似文献   

乳牙是人类的第一副牙齿,其正常萌出建并行使生理功能对儿童的身心发育具有重要意义。乳牙龋病是儿童慢性疾病之首,是儿童口腔医学临床最常见的疾病之一。根据世界卫生组织调查数据显示,世界范围内60%~90%的学龄儿童患有龋病。乳牙龋病在我国具有患龋率高,就诊率低下的特点,如不及时治疗,可导致牙体组织缺损、生理间隙丢失、牙髓和根尖周病变及颌面间隙感染,严重者可致乳牙早失并伴发牙列畸形及后续恒牙萌出障碍等不良结果,影响儿童口腔健康及身心发育。因此,对深龋乳牙采取积极有效的治疗措施对保存必要乳牙及其牙髓活力,恢复正常生理功能,维持牙列完整性,诱导后续恒牙正常萌出建具有重要意义。本文从目前深龋乳牙间接牙髓治疗的研究认识现状出发,通过文献资料收集整理,对间接牙髓治疗、间接盖髓术、暂时性保髓充填、部分去龋法、分步去龋法和非创伤性修复治疗等相关概念进行了对比分析,阐明了乳牙间接牙髓治疗的技术内涵和治疗意义,对乳牙深龋的临床治疗路径完善提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

AimThis study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of carious, restored, and missing teeth among diabetic and non-diabetic patients who visited dental clinics in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.MethodThis retrospective study was conducted between April and November 2018. The data collection procedure was conducted in two steps: (1) review of patient records for the demographic variables and (2) screening of digital panoramic radiographs (OPGs). The patients who visited the restorative and prosthetic clinics in the period of 2016–2017 were included in the study.ResultsA total of 1186 patient records and OPGs were reviewed to extract the data. The average age of the patients in the study sample was 40.96 (±16.29). The sample included 751 (63.3%) female and 435 (36.7%) male patients. Among the patients, 192 (16.2%) had diabetes mellitus and 994 (83.8%) were non-diabetic. The average numbers of fixed partial dentures and missing teeth were significantly high among diabetic patients (P < 0.001). Conversely, the average numbers of carious lesions and restored teeth were higher among the non-diabetic patients. Only the number of restored teeth was found to be significant (P < 0.001).ConclusionThe diabetic patients were found to be at high risk of losing teeth compared with the non-diabetic patients. The prevalence of fixed partial dentures was also higher among diabetic patients. The oral health status of dental patients with diabetes needs urgent attention to prevent these patients from having teeth loss, and it can be done by improving their oral health.  相似文献   

This systematic review evaluates evidence describing histologically validated performance of methods for identifying carious lesions. A search identified 1,407 articles, of which 39 were included that described 126 assessment of visual, visual/tactile, radiographic (film and digital), fiber optic transillumination, electrical conductance, and laser fluorescence methods. A subsequent update added four studies contributing 10 assessments. The strength of the evidence was judged to be poor for all applications, signifying that the available information is insufficient to support generalizable estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of any given application of a diagnostic method. The literature is problematic with respect to complete reporting of methods, variations in histological validation methods, the small number of in vivo studies, selection of teeth, small numbers of examiners, and other factors threatening both internal and external validity. Future research must address these problems as well as expand the range of assessments to include primary teeth and root surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to evaluate the possible cariostatic effect of a fluoride varnish in the primary dentition, Duraphat® varnish was applied twice yearly for 2 years to the teeth of 195 31/2-year-old children of both sexes attending nine preparatory schools in the Warsaw area. A control group of 127 children attending nine other preparatory schools was also examined. For each child a dmfs1 index (including “caries without macroscopic defect”) and a dmfs2 index (“caries without macroscopic defect” excluded) were determined as well as a dmft1 and a dmft2 index. After 2 years the difference between the test and the control groups regarding the mean dmfs1 and dmft2 index increments was 9.39% (P > 0.1) and 24.09% (P < 0.05) respectively. No significant differences were found, however, concerning the dmft2 and dmfs2 indices, the percentage children with new gingival caries, the number of teeth extracted on account of caries and the number of remaining teeth. A test group of 46 children treated with fluoride varnish in which a complete radiological examination could be carried out before and after the experimental period and which was treated with fluoride varnish was compared with a similar group of 27 children, which was not treated with fluoride varnish. The differences in caries increments were small, less than 15%, and were not significant. Taking into consideration the great variation between the schools it was concluded that the cariostatic effect of Duraphat application twice yearly in the primary dentition of these children was slight.  相似文献   

目的系统评价截冠术拔除下颌阻生智齿的效果。方法计算机检索Pub Med、Embase、Web of Science、CENTRAL、SIGLE、CNKI、CBM数据库中关于截冠术拔除下颌阻生智齿的文献,由2名评价者独立进行文献质量评价和资料提取后,采用RevMan5.1软件进行meta分析。结果共纳入4个研究,截冠术组401例和一次完全拔除组539例患牙,meta分析结果显示:下牙槽神经损伤、术后感染,干槽症、术后一周疼痛的相对危险度和95%可信区间分别是0.11(95%CI=0.03~0.36;P=0.000 3),1.03(95%CI=0.54~1.98;P=0.93),0.55(95%CI=0.28~1.05;P=0.07),and 1.14(95%CI=0.57~2.30;P=0.71)。结论截冠术应用于下颌阻生智齿的拔除,可降低下牙槽神经损伤的风险,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this systematic review and meta‐analysis was to evaluate utilisation of supplementary techniques for pain control during root canal treatment of lower molars with irreversible pulpitis. The literature was searched using electronic databases up to year 2012. Seventeen studies with 1504 participants were included and each study compared experimental interventions with a standard treatment, i.e. the inferior alveolar nerve block. Changing the injection techniques or supplemental injection had no significant effect on pulp anaesthesia compared to the standard treatment (P = 1.00 or P = 0.14), whereas changing anaesthetic features and increasing anaesthetic volumes resulted in significantly higher rates of anaesthesia than those of the standard treatment (P = 0.03 and P = 0.007, respectively). Premedication with non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also significantly increased the success rate of anaesthesia (P = 0.001). Taken together, increased anaesthetic volumes and premedication with NSAIDs provide predictable anaesthesia and more pain control during endodontic treatment of lower molars with irreversible pulpitis.  相似文献   

乳牙牙髓切断术是指在乳牙牙髓感染仅局限于冠髓时,将感染的冠髓去除后,用盖髓材料覆盖牙髓断面,保留健康的根部牙髓,进而保存患牙牙髓活力的治疗方式。随着微创治疗理念的普及以及新型生物材料的问世,乳牙牙髓切断术的疗效被重新认识。本文就乳牙牙髓切断术的疗效与应用现状、适应证、牙髓断面的处理方式、影响成功率的因素等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

Carisolv 用于乳牙龋病治疗的疗效评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :评价Carisolv技术用于乳牙龋病的治疗效果。方法 :选取 66个龋病乳牙 ,其中 3 6个龋牙采用Carisolv技术去腐 (治疗组 ) ,3 0个龋牙采用牙钻去腐 (对照组 ) ,两组去腐后均采用光固化材料充填 ,分别观察治疗效果。结果 :与对照组相比 ,治疗组的麻醉剂使用率、继发龋发病率及填充物松动率均明显降低 ,有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :Carisolv技术用于乳牙龋病的治疗安全、有效、病人痛苦小。  相似文献   

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