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Family‐focused practice improves outcomes for families where parents have a mental illness. However, there is limited understanding regarding the factors that predict and enable these practices. This study aimed to identify factors that predict and enable mental health nurses’ family‐focused practice. A sequential mixed methods design was used. A total of 343 mental health nurses, practicing in 12 mental health services (in acute inpatient and community settings), throughout Ireland completed the Family Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire, measuring family‐focused behaviours and other factors that impact family‐focused activities. Hierarchical multiple regression identified 14 predictors of family‐focused practice. The most important predictors noted were nurses’ skill and knowledge, own parenting experience, and work setting (i.e. community). Fourteen nurses, who achieved high scores on the questionnaire, subsequently participated in semistructured interviews to elaborate on enablers of family‐focused practice. Participants described drawing on their parenting experiences to normalize parenting challenges, encouraging service users to disclose parenting concerns, and promoting trust. The opportunity to visit a service user's home allowed them to observe how the parent was coping and forge a close relationship with them. Nurses’ personal characteristics and work setting are key factors in determining family‐focused practice. This study extends current research by clearly highlighting predictors of family‐focused practice and reporting how various enablers promoted family‐focused practice. The capacity of nurses to support families has training, organizational and policy implications within adult mental health services in Ireland and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper presents some of the key findings and recommendations of the report The Tasmanian Children’s Project (TCP): The Needs of Children with a Parent/Carer with a Mental Illness, October, 1999. The TCP, a collaborative venture between the University of Tasmania’s School of Nursing and the Mental Health Services – South, Tasmania (Department of Health and Human Services), is the first study in Tasmania to formally examine the needs of children where the parent/carer has a mental illness. The study is a modified replication and extension of the 1993/94 Victorian Children’s Project. Extension aspects of the TCP included interviews with children (in addition to parents and service providers), the inclusion of data on both maternal and paternal mental illness and a broad definition of mental illness (beyond psychotic illness and major affective disorder). The report highlights the need to provide a range of programs that encourage the development of personal competency among children, parents, and other family members and those that emphasize interagency collaboration. Implications of this research for mental health nursing education and practice are also addressed.  相似文献   

Facilitating parent–child and family connections during parental hospitalization provides important opportunities for mental health services to support individual and family recovery. Nurses are often the primary point of contact for families in the inpatient context. They play an integral role in the care provision of consumers and families and in supporting consumers’ recovery. The aim of the present qualitative study was to explore nurses’ practice with families in inpatient mental health settings in the context of designated family rooms. Three themes were derived from the thematic analysis of semistructured interviews with 20 nurses from four mental health inpatient units. Nurses experienced tensions within their roles in balancing safety and risk, a lack of confidence in family‐focused practices in relation to role expectations, and challenges in juggling nursing care ideals with the contemporary realities of inpatient practice. A family‐centred relational recovery approach is recommended for mental health services, which is underpinned by family‐focused policies and processes, and supported at an organizational, managerial, and local‐unit level. At an individual level, nurses need professional development on the models of care they practice in, explicit role clarity on their practice with families, and education on evidence‐based brief family interventions.  相似文献   

This study focuses on nursing in an inpatient mental health setting. Its analytic structure follows from a previous review of nursing studies by Allen, which did not include studies of mental health nursing. Allen's review concluded that the nurses’ role could be understood as that of healthcare intermediary and that nurses’ work could be analysed as eight interrelated bundles of activity. These bundles include such matters as managing the work of others. This study aims to assess the fit of this model to mental health nursing and to add to the body of work concerning the social organisation of nursing. The research materials discussed are derived from an ethnography of a psychiatric unit. The analytic framework employed leads us to conclude that the work of mental health nurses can be understood, too, as that of the healthcare intermediary. However, one bundle is found to fit less well and this is attributed to the fragile uncertainty of knowledge in psychiatry. The use of an additional bundle to describe in‐context nursing interventions is suggested. It is argued that getting to grips with the reflexive relationship between individual patient care and the social organisation in which this is practised is essential for any practice development efforts.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that childhood sexual abuse can have extensive and serious consequences. The aim of this research was to do a qualitative study of the consequences of childhood sexual abuse for Icelandic men’s health and well‐being. Phenomenology was the methodological approach of the study. Totally 14 interviews were conducted, two per individual, and analysed based on the Vancouver School of Phenomenology. The main results of the study showed that the men describe deep and almost unbearable suffering, affecting their entire life, of which there is no alleviation in sight. The men have lived in repressed silence most of their lives and have come close to taking their own lives. What stopped them from committing suicide was revealing to others what happened to them which set them free in a way. The men experienced fear‐ or rage‐based shock at the time of the trauma and most of them endured the attack by dissociation, disconnecting psyche and body and have difficulties reconnecting. They had extremely difficult childhoods, living with indisposition, bullying, learning difficulties and behavioural problems. Some have, from a young age, numbed themselves with alcohol and elicit drugs. They have suffered psychologically and physically and have had relational and sexual intimacy problems. The consequences of the abuse surfaced either immediately after the shock or many years later and developed into complex post‐traumatic stress disorder. Because of perceived societal prejudice, it was hard for the men to seek help. This shows the great need for professionals to be alert to the possible consequences of childhood sexual abuse in their practice to reverse the damaging consequences on their health and well‐being. We conclude that living in repressed silence after a trauma, like childhood sexual abuse, can be dangerous for the health, well‐being and indeed the very life of the survivor.  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2013; 27; 422–432 Repressed and silent suffering: consequences of childhood sexual abuse for women’s health and well‐being Research results indicate that psychological trauma in childhood caused by child sexual abuse can have serious and widespread consequences for health and well‐being. The purpose of this study was to examine the consequences of childhood sexual abuse for women’s health and well‐being. The research methodology was phenomenology. Seven women with a history of childhood sexual abuse were interviewed twice with 1–6 months interval. For all the women, the abuse started when they were between 4 and 5. All of them were repeatedly violated and traumatized ever since then and were even still being victimized at the time of the interviews. The main result of the study is that time does not heal all wounds. All the women described great repressed and silent suffering in all aspects of life, and the abuse is still seriously affecting them and their loved ones. As children, they had learning problems, experienced bullying and had unexplained physical symptoms. In adulthood, they have been suffering multiple physical and psychological symptoms: five of them have fibromyalgia; all of them have been suffering chronic and widespread pain; they have all been dealing with depression and difficulty with close connections, and they all have trouble trusting others. Because they were kids, they have been using the health service to a great extent but without adequate help. It is important for health professionals to know the symptoms and consequences of childhood sexual abuse to be able to respond to adult survivors in a supportive and caring way. More effective therapeutic measures have to be developed to decrease their suffering.  相似文献   

Aim. To explore health, use of health services, ‘core’ information and reasons for non‐participation amongst males. Background. Gender may provide an explanation for non‐participation in the healthcare system. A growing body of research suggests that males are less likely than females to seek help from health professionals for their problems. The current research had its beginnings with the low response rate in a prior voluntary survey and health examination for Finnish males born in 1961. Design. Data triangulation among 28 non‐respondent middle‐aged males in Helsinki was used. Methods. The methods involved structured and in‐depth interviews and health measurements to explore the views of these males concerning their health‐related behaviours and use of health services. Results. Non‐respondent males seldom used healthcare services. Despite clinical risk factors (e.g. obesity and blood pressure) and various symptoms, males perceived their health status as good. Work was widely experienced as excessively demanding, causing insomnia and other stress symptoms. Males expressed sensitive messages when a session was ending and when the participant was close to the door and leaving the room. This ‘core’ information included major causes of concern, anxiety, fears and loneliness. Conclusions. This triangulation study showed that by using an in‐depth interview as one research strategy, more sensitive ‘feminist’ expressions in health and ill‐health were got by men. The results emphasise a male’s self‐perception of his masculinity that may have relevance to the health experience of the male population. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses and physicians need to pay special attention to the requirements of gender‐specific healthcare to be most effective in the delivery of healthcare to males.  相似文献   

The study aims at describing different meanings of patients’ spiritual experiences and their impact on patients’ health in mental healthcare. The different contents of patients’ spiritual experiences are often understood by caregivers as the expressions of patients’ religious speculation. The study has a hermeneutic approach, inspired by Gadamer. Its theoretical pre‐understanding is Caring Science perspective, according to which the human being is a unity of body, psyche and spirit. The sources are 32 stories selected from William James’ book (1956) The Varieties of Religious Experience. They are hermeneutically interpreted and discussed in the light of international research on patients’ spirituality to gain a deeper understanding. The results are three main themes: (i) the positive meanings of spirituality, (ii) the negative meanings of spirituality and (iii) the both negative and positive meaning of spirituality. Therefore, it is a very important task for mental caregivers to address patients’ spiritual dimension to help them adequately.  相似文献   

Whilst mental disorders can be disabling they are also treatable, yet engagement with services is often poor and disengagement from treatment is a major concern for mental health nurses. Participants were service users typically perceived as the most disengaged from mental health services, yet they were willing to engage in the research interviews. The seven participants were all male with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, a history of disengagement from mental health services and described their ethnicity as ‘black’. Participants were under the care of Assertive Outreach Teams and were recruited after the researcher was introduced to them by clinicians who were working with them. After ethical approval, in‐depth, semi‐structured interviews were used to elicit the experiences of participants. Through interpretative phenomenological analysis, themes were developed. Interpretative Phenomenological analysis generated four themes: (i) “People just keep hounding me”, (ii) Antipathy to Medication, (iii) Choice and the value of services, (iv) Stigmatisation and identity. By rigorously examining how service users with schizophrenia make sense of their experience of their relationship with mental health services, there is potential to give voice to the experiences of the recipients of mental health services. This study uncovered the complex nature of disengagement and in view of this there may never be a straightforward mechanism developed to engage all people with schizophrenia with mental health services. When the participants’ experiences are considered in a broader social context it may be possible to reflect on how services can be adapted to facilitate better engagement.  相似文献   

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