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目的:寻找上颌第三磨牙根形态及根管形态的规律。方法:使用传统的牙透明技术,充分显露该牙髓腔外形,在体式显微镜下读取根管系统的形态,并统计分类。结果:103颗上颌第三磨牙,融合根占72%,分叉根占28%;完全融合型牙根单根管(1-1型)多见,不完全融合牙根中双根管(2-2)和三根管(3-2;3-3)为主;分叉根型中近中颊根分为双管型常见;根尖分歧和根管侧枝在各型根管中均可见到。结论:上颌第三磨牙融合根常见,但根管形态多样。  相似文献   

目的研究上颌第三磨牙根管的解剖形态并寻找牙根与根管之间的对应关系。方法从150颗患者被拔除的上颌第三磨牙中,筛选牙体较完整的融合根30颗和分叉根17颗,利用显微cT扫描后行三维重建,观察其根管全貌,并对根管类型进行统计分析。结果17颗分叉根的根管形态全部为3管型或4管型,其中15颗根管数目与牙根数目一致;30颗融合根则出现了多种根管形态,其根管数目为1~4个不等。结论上颌第三磨牙根管形态变异大,但分叉根的根管形态相对简单,而融合根的根管形态反而复杂,牙根和根管数目往往不一致。  相似文献   

上颌第三磨牙的形态观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱霞  孙竞  陈国民 《口腔医学》2002,22(2):70-71
目的 探讨上颌第三磨牙牙尖数目与牙根型、牙根型与根管数目间的关系,为上颌第三磨牙的保留和再利用提供参考。方法 利用电子数显游标卡尺对上颌第三磨牙进行测量分析,观察牙尖数目和牙根的关系,并通过透明标本的制作观察其髓腔形态。结果 上颌第三磨牙根长大于冠长,颊舌径大于近远中径。其(牙合)面以三尖型居多,其次是四尖型。二尖型和三尖型融合根比例大,四尖型和五尖型者,则二根比例较大。根管系统虽较为复杂,但主要是双根管和三根管型。结论 上颌第三磨牙牙尖与牙根、牙根与根管间的关系有一定的规律性。?  相似文献   

目的:运用锥形束CT(CBCT)观察中国人群双侧上颌第一、第二磨牙的牙根和根管系统的解剖形态,为临床根管治疗提供依据。方法:选择200名患者的双侧上颌第一、第二恒磨牙(上颌第一恒磨牙354颗、上颌第二恒磨牙360颗)的CBCT扫描数据,使用NNT软件分析上颌第一、第二恒磨牙的牙根数、根管数、根管分型以及双侧对称情况。结果:上颌第一、第二磨牙主要为三根(99.44%和84.44%)。上颌第二磨牙的单根和双根较多见(15.28%),其根管系统形态复杂,在根尖区有融合趋势。上颌第一磨牙的根管系统主要为3根四根管(78.97%)。上颌第二磨牙的三根管和四根管发现率接近(分别为47.37%和51.64%)。上颌第一磨牙的近颊根管系统主要根管分型为:Ⅳ型(57.79%)、Ⅱ型(19.83%)和Ⅰ型(15.58%)。上颌第二磨牙的近颊根管系统主要根管分型为:Ⅰ型(48.14%)、Ⅳ型(30.43%)和Ⅱ型(17.39%)。上颌第一、第二磨牙的远颊根和腭根主要为单根单根管,存在少量和罕见的变异。上颌第一、第二磨牙近颊根的根管数目和根管分型左右对称。结论:上颌第一磨牙近颊根管系统变异普遍存在,MB2根管为其主要的变异形式。上颌第二磨牙牙根数目和根管形态变异类型多,单根牙和双根牙的根管走向复杂多变。CBCT可以为识别根管形态提供准确依据。  相似文献   

目的:利用锥形束CT(CBCT cone beam computed tomography)三维影像对上颌第二磨牙的解剖形态进行观察分析,明确其变异性,指导临床根管治疗。方法:对来我院老年牙髓牙体病科就诊的患者进行CBCT扫描与二次重建后,对上颌第二磨牙解剖结构观察分析。结果:CBCT检查老年患者265人,上颌第二磨牙435颗。在轴位影像和3D影像上根据牙根、根管以及牙根、根管的变异性共分为8种类型。单根单根管2.30%;1根2根管7.35%;1根3根管9.20%;2根2根管3.91%;2根3根管19.54%;3根3根管38.6%;MB217.5%;4根4根管2.29%。结论:上颌第二磨牙根的数目、根管的数目以及解剖形态变异性非常大,CBCT影像为临床根管治疗等提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

目的采用锥束CT扫描所得图像数据,统计和分析前牙根管的变异。方法收集600例患者7200颗前牙图像数据,运用NNT软件,在冠状面、矢状面和横断面进行观察,统计和分析根管的数目、形态变异,根管类型,牙根数及两侧根管变异的对称性。结果 1根管数目:上颌前牙均为单根管,未见到根管变异;下颌前牙中330颗牙出现变异根管,为9.16%;2根管类型:上颌前牙均为Ⅰ型,下颌前牙Ⅰ型90.84%,Ⅱ型0.83%,Ⅲ型6.67%,Ⅳ型1.33%,Ⅴ型0.33%;3根管变异的对称性:上颌前牙不存在变异根管对称;下颌前牙两侧变异根管对称率:中切牙69.2%;侧切牙86.1%;尖牙66.7%;4牙根数:前牙除2例下颌尖牙为双根外,余均为单根。结论上颌前牙未见根管和牙根的变异;下颌前牙根管形态较复杂,根管变异率为9.16%,CBCT可准确发现根管变异。  相似文献   

目的利用CBCT评估上颌第一前磨牙根管解剖形态。方法收集因种植手术前评估,正畸治疗前评估,复杂疑难根管治疗等原因拍摄的CBCT 710例,根据样本纳入标准得到404例双侧CBCT图像,记录患者的姓名,性别,年龄,牙位,牙根和根管数目,牙根弯曲方向和根分叉的位置。结果上颌第一前磨牙以单根牙和多根牙多见,三根牙最少见,单根牙发生率为65.1%,双根牙发生率为34.7%,三根牙发生率为0.2%,有2例左侧颊根分为两根,为三根牙。单根牙和双根牙在男女性别间的发生率无统计学差异,根管类型中14.7%有1个根管为Ⅰ(1-1)型,85.1%为复杂的两根管类型(Ⅱ型到Ⅶ型及2-1-2-1型),只有0.2%有三根管为Ⅷ型。上颌第一前磨牙牙根弯曲的发生率为38.1%。根据弯曲方向分为5种类型,颊侧弯曲22.7%,舌侧弯曲17.3%,近中弯曲11.6%,远中弯曲42.1%,S形弯曲6.2%。上颌第一前磨牙牙根分叉的发生率为34.9%,根据分叉的部位分为根冠1/3、根中1/3、根尖1/3分叉,发生率为31.6%,44.7%,23.8%。结论上颌第一前磨牙多为单根牙,而且多为单根牙双根管,单根牙的根管形态多样,牙根多向远中弯曲,牙根分叉位于牙根中段。  相似文献   

目的 采用锥形束CT研究新疆地区人群上颌第二磨牙的牙根和根管形态,为本地区口腔临床诊疗提供参考依据。方法 对纳入研究的539例新疆地区人群的上颌第二磨牙,利用CBCT对其牙根形态、数目,根管形态、数目和弯曲度,牙冠颊舌径和近远中径以及对称性进行观察、分析和统计。结果 在1017颗上颌第二磨牙中,三根牙的检出率最高为85.2%,四根牙检出率最低为3.2%,不同牙位和性别在牙根形态上的分布存在统计学差异;MB2的检出率与年龄无统计学差异;56岁及以上年龄组的四根牙检出率最高。颊舌径、近远中径的平均测量值越大,其对应的根管数目越多。上颌第二磨牙的牙根数目和形态对称、根管形态及四种特征均对称方面较高,上颌第二磨牙近颊根管和远颊根管68%为重度弯曲,弯曲位于根中1/3较多。结论 新疆地区人群上颌第二磨牙以三根牙为主,对称率较高,弯曲程度大,但存在一些牙根和根管的变异,临床上可以运用CBCT来指导诊疗。  相似文献   

目的采用锥形束CT(Cone-beam computed tomography,CBCT)研究下颌前磨牙牙根及根管系统解剖形态特征。方法回顾148例患者288颗下颌第一前磨牙和218颗下颌第二前磨牙的CBCT影像,分析牙根和根管系统形态,采用Vertucci等提出的分类法对根管构型进行分类。结果 288颗下颌第一前磨牙单根牙285颗,双根牙2颗。三根牙1颗;根管Ⅰ型占77.78%,Ⅱ型0.34%,Ⅲ型2.08%,Ⅳ型0.69%,Ⅴ型14.58%,Ⅶ型1.04%,Ⅹ型0.69%,C型2.78%。218颗下颌第二前磨牙全部为单根;根管Ⅰ型占98.17%,Ⅴ型占1.83%。结论下颌前磨牙大多数是单根单根管。下颌第一前磨牙根管系统具有较大的变异性。下颌第一前磨牙多根管类型主要是Ⅴ型,C型根管的检出率也较高。而下颌第二前磨牙多根管的发生率远低于下颌第一前磨牙。多根管的分歧发生在根中或根尖1/3处。CBCT可用于下颌前磨牙复杂根管形态的评价。  相似文献   

目的:了解上颌第一前磨牙的牙根和根管形态,为临床治疗提供解剖学依据.方法:收集422颗上颌第一前磨牙.按性别分组,统计分析各牙根形态出现率;采用透明牙技术观察分析根管形态,根据Vertucci分类法,统计分析各根管形态的出现率;采用SPSS11.5软件包对数据进行X2检验.结果:(1)422颗标本中,单根牙占57.36%,双根牙占41.47%.三根牙占1.18%.男性组分别为33.58%、62.68%和3.73%.女性组分别为66.67%、33.33%.没有三根牙.2组间有显著性别差异(P<0.01).(2)415颗透明牙标本中,共观察到9种根管形态.Ⅰ型占10.12%,Ⅱ型占10.60%,Ⅲ型占6.02%.Ⅳ型占56.63%,Ⅴ型占12.05%,Ⅵ型占1.93%.Ⅶ型占0.72%,Ⅷ型占1.45%,Ⅸ型占0.48%.单根管(Ⅰ型)占10.12%.双根管(Ⅱ-Ⅶ型)占87.95%,三根管(Ⅷ,Ⅸ型)占1.93%.结论:上颌第一前磨牙牙根形态多样并有显著性别差异.而且根管形态类型复杂.充分了解其解剖形态.对临床治疗具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用锥形束CT研究上颌第一磨牙牙根及根管形态的价值。方法选取70例患者83颗上颌第一磨牙的锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomogaphy,CBCT)影像,分析其牙根数目、根管数目及根管系统的解剖结构。参照Vertucci分类法对根管形态进行分类,统计近中颊根第二根管(the seconal mesiobuual canal, MB2)率。结果83颗上颌第一磨牙均为3个独立牙根,其中MB2的发生率为38.6%,近中颊根根管VertucciⅠ型(1?1)、Ⅳ型(2?2型)、Ⅱ型(2?1)、Ⅲ型(1?2?1)所占百分比分别为61.4%、18.1%、15.7%和4.8%。结论上颌第一磨牙根管系统复杂,CBCT影像可反映真实根管形态,为根管治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

AimTo investigate the root and canal morphology of maxillary and mandibular permanent molar teeth in a Caucasian population by using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).MethodsA total of 596 permanent molars were included. The number of roots, the number of canals per root and the root canal configurations according to the method of Vertucci were recorded.ResultsAlmost all of maxillary first molars (95.7%) had three separate roots; however, 40.3% of mesiobuccal roots had two canals (MB2). Of 157 maxillary second molars, 88.5% had three roots. Among the mesiobuccal roots, 15.1% had two canals. The majority of mandibular molars (100% of first molars, 89.4% of second molars) had two separate roots. Most distal roots had a simple type I configuration, whereas mesial roots had more complex canal systems, with more than one canal.ConclusionsCBCT is an efficient method of studying root canal systems.  相似文献   

Root and canal morphology of Burmese maxillary molars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AIM: To investigate the root and canal morphology of Burmese maxillary molars using a canal staining and tooth clearing technique. METHODOLOGY: Maxillary molars (239) were collected from indigenous Burmese patients and designated; first (90), second (77), third (72) molars. Following pulp tissue removal and canal system staining with Indian ink, the teeth were decalcified with 10% nitric acid, dehydrated and cleared with methyl salicylate. The following features were evaluated: (i) number of roots and morphology; (ii) number of canals per root: (iii) root canal configuration (Vertucci's classification); (iv) number of apical foramina per root; (v) number and location of lateral canals; and (vi) the presence of intercanal communications. RESULTS: All first and second molars had three separate roots, whilst third molars had one of five different root forms, of which three separate (25%) or fused (31%) roots were most prevalent. The majority of palatal (100%) and disto-buccal (96%) roots possessed one canal (type I). The prevalence of mesio-buccal roots with two canals decreased from first to third molars (68%, 49%, 39%, respectively); type II (two orifices, one apical foramen) and IV (two orifices, two apical foramina) configurations were the most common. Single/fused rooted third molars had a range of number and type of canals. Most roots in all molars had one apical foramen, those with four apical foramina were confined to third molars. Intercanal communications were most prevalent in mesio-buccal roots and two/three fused rooted third molars. Lateral canals were most prevalent in the apical third of the roots of all molars. CONCLUSIONS: The mesio-buccal roots of Burmese maxillary molars possessed a variety of canal system types. Over 50% of the first and second molars had a second mesio-buccal canal, of which over 20% had intercanal communications. The palatal and disto-buccal canals mainly had type I canals. Lateral canals were equally prevalent in all tooth types but were most common in the apical third.  相似文献   

目的:探讨显微镜对上颌第一磨牙近中颊根第二根管(second mesiobuccal canals,MB2)的定位探查,以及根管治疗的效果。方法收集患者共88例88颗患牙,在牙科锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography , CBCT)下确诊MB2存在并接受初次治疗68例,及MB2存在而未发现致根管治疗失败后需再治疗20例。68例患者在CBCT下进一步分析近中颊根根管分型,根据患者的意愿选择不同的治疗方法。试验组34例,显微镜下对MB2进行观察探查并治疗;对照组34例,未用显微镜直视下进行观察探查和治疗。比较2组MB2根管的检出及治疗效果。20例再治疗患者,10例于显微镜下进行再治疗,10例直视下接受常规治疗,比较2组再治疗的效果。结果68颗患牙的CBCT检查结果近中颊根根管以Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型根管为主,其中Ⅱ型53例占77.9%,Ⅲ型15例占22.1%。试验组的MB2检出率为100%,对照组MB2检出率为91.2%,2组差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。试验组根管治疗成功率为97.5%,明显高于对照组的79.4%(P<0.05)。2组术后3个月及6个月后试验组疗效构成比明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。显微镜下再治疗成功10例,直视下再治疗成功6例。根管再治疗患者术后3个月及6个月疗效构成比保持不变。结论显微镜对上颌第一磨牙MB2根管的探查及治疗具有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的 使用锥形束CT扫描评估下颌第二恒磨牙牙根和根管解剖形态.方法 收集354例患者双侧下颌第二恒磨牙的锥形束CT图像,统计下颌第二恒磨牙牙根数目、根管数目和构型,以及C形根管的发生率.结果 下颌第二恒磨牙以双根最多,发生率为57.34%,C形根的发生率为38.28%;双根者近中根多为2-2型(80.54%),远中根多为1-1型(96.06%);C形根管的发生率为25.99%,左、右下颌的发生率没有统计学差异(P>0.05).结论 下颌第二恒磨牙牙根和根管解剖形态复杂多样,锥形束CT能为根管治疗提供参考.  相似文献   



Understanding tooth anatomy is crucial for effective endodontic treatment. This study investigated the roots and root canal morphology of maxillary first and second permanent molars in a Thai population using cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging.


This study evaluated 476 maxillary first molars and 457 maxillary second molars receiving CBCT examination and determined the number of roots and canal morphology according to Vertucci's classification, and the prevalence of a second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal in the mesiobuccal (MB) root was correlated with sex, age, and tooth side.


Three roots were most commonly found in maxillary first and second molars. MB2 canals in the MB root were found in 63.6% and 29.4% of first and second molars, respectively. The most common canal morphology in the first molar MB roots was type I (36.4%) followed by type II (28.8%), and type IV (25.3%). The most common canal morphology in the second molar MB roots was type I (70.6%) followed by type II (14.6%) and type IV (7.5%). Bilateral MB2 canals in the MB roots were present in 80.93% and 82.59% of the first and second molars, respectively. There was a significant correlation between males and the prevalence of MB2 canals in first molars (P < .05).


CBCT imaging is useful to determine root canal morphology. The prevalence of MB2 canals is approximately 60% and 30% in first and second molars, respectively. Furthermore, bilateral MB2 canals were commonly found. Our results can help endodontists to improve endodontic treatment outcomes.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to analyze and characterize root canal morphology of maxillary molars of the Brazilian population using cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging.


Patients referred for a CBCT radiographic examination for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning were enrolled in the study. A total of 620 healthy, untreated, fully developed maxillary first and second molars were included (314 first molars and 306 second molars). The following observations were recorded: (1) number of roots and their morphology, (2) number of canals per root, (3) fused roots, and (4) primary variations in the morphology of the root canal systems.


First and second molars showed a higher prevalence of 3 separate roots, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and palatal, with 1 canal in each root (52.87% and 45.09%, respectively). Two canals in the mesiobuccal roots represented 42.63% of teeth, whereas mesiobuccal roots of second molars presented 2 canals in 34.32%. The most common anatomic variation in the maxillary first molar was related to the root canal configuration of the mesiobuccal root, whereas the root canal system of the maxillary second molar teeth showed more anatomic variables.


Mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molar teeth had more variation in their canal system than the distobuccal or palatal roots. The root canal configuration of the maxillary second molars was more variable than the first molars in a Brazilian population. CBCT imaging is a clinically useful tool for endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.  相似文献   

Objective Knowledge of primary tooth morphology is essential for clinical dentistry, especially for root canal treatment and dental traumatology. However, this has not been well documented to date with a large sample. This study was carried out to investigate the variation in number and morphology of the root canals of the primary molars, to study the applicability of cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) in assessing the same and to provide a comprehensive review of the literature. Materials and methods A total of 343 primary molars, without any root resorption, were divided into four main groups including the maxillary first molars, maxillary second molars, mandibular first molars and mandibular second molars. All of them were analysed in CBCT images in the axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Various parameters such as the number of roots, number of canals, the root canal type, diameter of root and root canal and root canal curvature were studied. Results Primary molars in all four groups showed variability in the number of roots and root canals. As far as length of the roots was concerned, the palatal root of the maxillary molar was found to be longest, while the distobuccal root was shortest. In mandibular molars, the mesial root was longer than the distal root. The length of distobuccal root canal of the maxillary molars and the distolingual canal of the mandibular molars was found to be shortest. The number of roots and root canals varied from two to four and three to four, respectively. The maxillary molars exhibited more one-canal than two-canal roots. Conclusion The present study provides comprehensive information to the existing literature concerning the variation in root canal morphology of the maxillary and mandibular primary molar teeth. These data may help clinicians in the root canal treatment of these teeth.  相似文献   

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