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目的了解北京市崇文区青少年减肥行为的流行现状,分析不同减肥方式与其他危险行为的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,选取崇文区12所中学2 495名学生集体填写匿名问卷。结果减肥行为在青少年中普遍存在,男女生均以锻炼和节食为第一位和第二位的减肥方法,男生不采取任何减肥措施和只采取健康减肥方式的比例高于女生,而女生采取不健康减肥方式比例高于男生。采取不同减肥方式的青少年其吸烟、饮酒、吸食毒品、自杀意念、自杀计划、尝试自杀的报告率差异有统计学意义。结论不健康减肥行为严重危害青少年的健康,且与青少年的其他危险行为存在联系,应积极引导青少年采取健康的减肥方式,并据此发现其他危险行为的高危人群,为进一步制定干预措施提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市西城区中学生减肥相关行为现状与特点,探讨相关因素,为制定政策及干预措施提供科学依据.方法 对北京市西城区9所学校1 930名中学生进行减肥相关行为调查.结果 有32.3%的学生采取过不健康减肥行为;节食、禁食、诱导呕吐或腹泻、吃减肥药报告率分别为31.9%、3.8%、1.4%、2.7%;女生采取减肥行为的危险是男生的2.444倍,高中采取减肥行为的危险是初中的1.313倍,职高是其1.465倍.结论 部分青少年中有盲目减肥行为,不同性别、学习阶段是不健康减肥行为的影响因素;应针对学生特点,引导青少年正确理解健康的含义和判断体型状况技能,指导青少年形成健康的生活方式.  相似文献   

了解家庭因素对高职院校在校大学生减肥行为的影响,为高职院校大学生健康减肥提供支持.方法 以班级为单位,采用分层抽样的方法在南京4所高职院校抽取4 172名在校大学生进行健康危险行为及人口学特征方面的问卷调查.结果 高职院校大学生不健康减肥行为中呕吐、不健康节食、擅自吃减肥药的学生报告率分别为2.35%,3.04%,2.37%;健康减肥行为中锻炼和控制饮食报告率分别为25.31%,25.60%.女生采用控制饮食的健康减肥行为报告 率高于男生,差异有统计学意义(x2=42.58,P<0.01);家庭收入越高的学生健康减肥行为报告率越高(P值均<0.01).不同生源地、是否独生子女、父母学历和父母职业间大学生不健康减肥行为差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).Logistic回归分析表明,高职院校城市和独生子女大学生比县城及乡村和非独生子女家庭学生更容易发生不健康减肥行为(OR值分别为1.495,1.536);母亲学历层次高是发生不健康减肥行为的保护因素(OR=0.748);母亲职业为教师、医生等公职人员是学生发生不健康减肥行为的保护因素(OR=1.288).结论 家庭因素对高职院校大学生的减肥行为影响较大.应加强家庭教育,正确引导高职院校大学生健康减肥.  相似文献   

了解无锡市青少年体质量指数状况及减肥行为与体重认知错误之间的相关关系,为保障身心健康发展提供支持.方法 在无锡市方便抽取4所中学的960名中学生进行问卷及身高、体重的测试,分析体重认知错误与减肥行为之间的关系.结果 无锡市中学生体型消瘦的比例为6.77%,超重肥胖的比例为26.77%.中学生高估自身体重的报告率为29.58%,低估的报告率为33.33%,认知正确的报告率为37.08%.男生高估体重的报告率为18.01%,女生为41.53%,差异有统计学意义(x2=63.57,P<0.01);男生低估体重的报告率为45.08%,女生为21.19%,差异有统计学意义(x2=61.65,P<0.01).Logistic回归分析显示,认为超重肥胖的中学生无论客观体重如何,与自认为体重正常的学生相比发生减肥行为的可能性高达109.75倍(P<0.01).对自身体重高估的中学生比正确认知体重学生更容易发生减肥行为[OR值(OR值95%CI)=10.44(7.01~15.55),P<0.01],并且男生和女生存在同样的趋势.结论 应对无锡市中学生的体重观进行干预和引导,以形成正确的体重观念,保障身心健康发展.  相似文献   

目的了解中学生食用早餐和快餐以及采用不正确方式减肥的现状,为政府,卫生、教育部门和学校制定学校卫生保健工作发展规划,促进学校健康成长提供科学依据。方法采取分层整群抽样方法,抽取北京市朝阳区13所学校的初中和高中共计85个班级的2379名学生,调查采用《北京市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(初中)》和《北京市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(高中)》。结果在过去7天内,80.14%的学生至少有5天吃早餐,其中有57.82%的学生每天吃早餐,但仍有3.89%没有吃早餐。女生吃早餐5天以上者比例高于男生(χ2=5.196,P=0.023);重点中学吃早餐5天以上者比例最高,其次是普通中学,职业高中最低(χ2=31.364,P<0.001)。在过去7天内,0.89%的学生每天吃快餐,至少3天吃快餐的学生占7.03%,生活在不同家庭结构的学生食用快餐情况有明显差异,重组家庭的学生最高,隔代家庭的学生最低(χ2=11.541,P=0.042),母亲文化程度高的中学生食用快餐率高于母亲文化程度低的中学生(χ2=6.243,P=0.044)。在过去30天内,31.15%的中学生有错误减肥的行为,女生高于男生(χ2=43.74,P<0.001);不同类型中学中以职业中学最高,重点初中最低,且普通中学与重点中学相比,普通中学学生错误减肥率较高;高中生错误减肥率高于初中生(χ2=26.50,P<0.001);超重学生错误减肥率高于肥胖学生(χ2=8.204,P=0.004)。结论中学生健康危险行为问题不容忽视,学校、家庭、社会应根据青少年健康危险行为发生的特点,积极采取有效的的预防措施,防止或减少危害健康行为的发生。  相似文献   

了解医科大学不同专业和不同性别大学生的肥胖认知和减肥行为现状,为改善大学生健康情况、纠正不合理减肥行为提供理论依据.方法 采用整群随机抽样方法,抽取某医科大学一~五年级不同专业学生850名,进行问卷调查.结果 850名学生中,超重和肥胖的检出率分别为5.3%和0.7%.在肥胖认知现状上,男生自评体型正确率为71.5%,高于女生(62.2%);医学生自评体型正确率为69.1%,高于非医学生(56.7%),差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为6.594,12.802,P值均<0.05).在减肥行为现状中,21.8%的学生曾经减肥,10.1%的学生正在减肥,女生对减肥行为的积极性高于男生(P值均<0.05).对现有盲目减肥行为的被试进行多因素Logistic回归分析,发现性别、自评体型、家庭居住地与现有盲目减肥行为之间关联均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结论 大学生盲目减肥行为较为严重,尤其是女性及非医学相关专业学生.应对大学生进行必要的宣传教育,使其正确认识自身体型,选择合理的减肥行为.  相似文献   

广州市青少年肥胖现状及减肥行为分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
倪莉红  林国桢  林琳  李伟娟  李菲 《现代预防医学》2006,33(10):1906-1907,1909
目的:了解广州市青少年减肥行为的现状,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法:采取分层整群抽样方法,抽取广州市16所学校(6所初中、6所高中、3所中专和1所大学)共3800名学生,采用《广东省青少年健康相关行为问卷》进行调查。组织学生以班级为单位进行无记名问卷调查,问卷由学生独立完成,统一发放,统一回收。结果:共调查3800名学生,有效调查表为3770份(男生1832人,女生1938人),有效率达99.21%。有33.58%的学生(男20.74%,女45.72%)认为自己有点重或很重,该发生率女生显著高于男生,差异有统计学意义,而这部分学生中只有9.56%(男23.95%,女3.39%)是真正超重或肥胖。有28.38%(其构成比为男35.70%,女64.30%)的学生在调查前的30天里曾经采取过减肥或防止增重的行为,女生显著高于男生,差异有统计学意义。总调查人群中采用锻炼行为的占22.04%,控制某类食物的摄入量占16.82%、故意把食物吐出来占0.85%、接连24小时或更长时间不吃东西占0.77%和擅自吃减肥药占0.82%。结论:青少年学生对肥胖的认识存在明显偏差,大部分学生采取的减肥方式是科学的,女生是减肥行为预防和控制的重点人群,应加强对学生健康和营养知识的教育。  相似文献   

了解银川市中小学生自我体重认知情况和减肥行为现状,为改善中小学生健康状况和干预不合理减肥行为提供理论依据.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样方法,分别于2013和2018年对银川市7~18岁中小学生进行问卷调查和体格检查,并对2次结果进行对比分析.结果 银川市中小学生2018年总超重肥胖检出率(12.2%)低于2013年(19.2%)(x2=10.83,P<0.05);男、女生超重率2018年(8.0%,4.8%)均低于2013年(13.9%,9.5%)(x2值分别为8.71,8.13,P值均<0.05).男生体重自我认知偏胖率2018年(18.2%)低于2013年(24.0%)(x2=5.14,P<0.05),女生体重认知偏瘦、正常、偏胖率2018年和2013年差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).2018年男、女生体重错误认知报告率(54.7%,58.1%)均高于2013年(52.4%,49.9%)(x2值分别为24.08,15.24,P值均<0.05).2018年女生、初中生、体重认知偏胖学生的减肥行为检出率与2013年差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为11.14,10.80,9.61,P值均<0.05).2018年实际体重和体重认知与减肥行为的多因素Logistic回归分析显示,体重认知偏瘦的学生比体重认知正常的学生更容易发生减肥行为(OR=1.82,95%CI=1.28~2.59).结论 银川市部分中小学生不能正确的认识自身体重,体重认知与减肥行为存在相关性.应对中小学生进行合理的宣传教育,采取科学的减肥行为,促进身心健康发展.  相似文献   

探讨中学生错误的体重认知与减肥行为的关系,为针对性的进行健康教育提供科学依据.方法 抽取北京市西城区3所中学954名学生,比较中学生实测体质量指数(BMI)和自报体重之间的差异,采用Logistic回归分析低估体重和高估体重认知模式与减肥行为的关系.结果 对自身体重认知错误的学生占62.1%(492/954).男生倾向于低估体重(低估体重者占44.7%,高估体重者占17.5%),女生倾向于高估体重(低估体重者占20.7%,高估体重者占41.2%),男、女生对自身体重的认知差异有统计学意义(x2=20.907,P=0.002).总体上,低估体重者采取减肥行为的可能性是体重认知正确者的0.265倍(95%CI=0.173 ~ 0.404),高估体重者采取减肥行为的可能性是体重认知正确者的10.439倍(95%CI=7.010~15.545).男、女生均遵循此趋势,但女生减肥行为的产生比男生更依赖于主观判断.结论 中学生对于自身体重的理性认知还存在较大的提升空间.应根据性别采取有针对性的健康教育以帮助学生形成正确的体重观,做出正确的健康决策,保持健康体重.  相似文献   

目的了解中山市在校青少年学生的超重肥胖现况以及采取的减肥方法,为合理开展健康教育提供基础数据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,在中山市辖区内按学校类别分层,共对2 556名在校学生进行问卷及身高、体重测量。结果 11.40%的男生和7.87%的女生超重(P0.01),4.64%的男生和3.43%女生肥胖(P0.05)。只有45.36%的男生和44.39%的女生认为体重合适。32.47%的男生和54.52%的女生曾采取过减肥或控制体重行为,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。3.05%的学生曾采取不吃肉类食物、长时间(24 h)不吃任何东西、喝减肥茶或吃减肥药来减肥或控制体重。结论部分青少年学生科学地对自身体重进行判断,尤其是女生减肥行为普遍存在。应加强青少年对超重和肥胖的认识,合理开展健康和营养知识教育。  相似文献   

Objectives Excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) is a key modifiable risk factor for negative maternal and child health. We examined the efficacy of a behavioral intervention in preventing excessive GWG. Methods 230 pregnant women (87.4 % Caucasian, mean age = 29.2 years; second parity) participated in the longitudinal Glowing study (clinicaltrial.gov #NCT01131117), which included six intervention sessions focused on GWG. To determine the efficacy of the intervention in comparison to usual care, participants were compared to a matched contemporary cohort group from the Arkansas Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS). Results Participants attended 98 % of intervention sessions. Mean GWG for the Glowing participants was 12.7 ± 2.7 kg for normal weight women, 12.4 ± 4.9 kg for overweight women, and 9.0 ± 4.2 kg for class 1 obese women. Mean GWG was significantly lower for normal weight and class 1 obese Glowing participants compared to the PRAMS respondents. Similarly, among those who gained excessively, normal weight and class 1 obese Glowing participants had a significantly smaller mean weight gain above the guidelines in comparison to PRAMS participants. There was no significant difference in the overall proportion of the Glowing participants and the proportion of matched PRAMS respondents who gained in excess of the Institute of Medicine GWG guidelines. Conclusions for Practice This behavioral intervention was well-accepted and attenuated GWG among normal weight and class 1 obese women, compared to matched participants. Nevertheless, a more intensive intervention may be necessary to help women achieve GWG within the Institute of Medicine’s guidelines.  相似文献   

Weight loss after treatment for intraoral malignancy is common and can impair patient recovery and wound healing. We report a reduction in weight loss in patients undergoing combined-modality treatment (surgery + radiotherapy) after an increase in dietary supervision and changes to the patient dietary protocol. Two groups of patients were compared: Group I received treatment before the protocol changes, and Group II received treatment after the changes took effect. After surgery the average weight loss for Group I was 3.67% compared with 2.42% for Group II (P ? 0.05), after radiotherapy the average weight loss for Group I was 6.56% compared with 4.83% for Group II (P ? 0.05), and after combined-modality treatment the average weight loss for Group I was 9.83% compared with 6.6% for Group II (P ? 0.05). The successful protocol changes included increased supervision of patients by the dedicated head-and-neck team dietitian when patients were undergoing radiotherapy, including the period between completion of surgery and commencement of radiotherapy. The period of time spent without specialist dietary supervision was therefore reduced. Specific guidelines were devised to allow for increased dietary input when required, specifically, if patients lost weight for ?2 wk or if they were being fed enterally. These changes were made after an audit that demonstrated that severe weight loss in this group of patients was common. We have demonstrated that regular appraisal of weight loss in this group of patients is valuable and that this weight loss can be reduced if appropriate action is taken.  相似文献   

某减肥胶囊以左旋肉碱、魔芋精粉配以山楂、荷叶、枸杞等中草药加工制成 ,是经动物功能学检测具有减肥作用的功能食品 ,为观察其在特定人群中的减肥效果 ,采用双盲法 ,对 6 1例单纯性肥胖症进行了该减肥胶囊的效果观察 ,结果表明 :该胶囊有降低人体超重度、体内脂肪重量、脂肪百分率的作用 ,能使皮下脂肪厚度及腰围显著减少 ,并对血清胆固醇、甘油三脂有显著的降低作用 ,而对运动耐力无影响。现报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 按卫生部《保健食品功能学评价程序和检验方法》要求 ,选择年龄在 18~ 6 5岁 ,无胆囊疾患及严重心、肝、肾脏等主要…  相似文献   

Objective: There is a widely held view that, due to high fat content, snacking on nuts will lead to weight gain, ultimately causing unhealthy changes in lipid profiles. This study is designed to study the effects of pistachio snack consumption on body weight and lipid levels in obese participants under real-world conditions.

Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to consume 1 of 2 isocaloric weight reduction diets for 12 weeks, with each providing 500 cal per day less than resting metabolic rate. Each diet included an afternoon snack of either 53 g (240 cal) of salted pistachios (n = 31) or 56 g of salted pretzels (220 cal; n = 28).

Results: Both groups lost weight during the 12-week study (time trend, p < 0.001), but there were significant differences in the changes in body mass index between the pretzel and pistachio groups (pistachio, 30.1 ± 0.4 to 28.8 ± 0.4 vs. pretzel, 30.9 ± 0.4 to 30.3 ± 0.5). At 6 and 12 weeks, triglycerides were significantly lower in the pistachio group compared with the pretzel group (88.04 ± 9.80 mg/dL vs. 144.56 ± 18.86 mg/dL, p = 0.01 at 6 weeks and 88.10 ± 6.78 mg/dL vs. 132.15 ± 16.76 mg/dL, p = 0.02 at 12 weeks), and there was a time trend difference between the 2 groups over the 12 weeks (p < 0.01). There were no significant differences in total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, or glucose between the 2 groups.

Conclusion: Pistachios can be consumed as a portion-controlled snack for individuals restricting calories to lose weight without concern that pistachios will cause weight gain. By comparison to refined carbohydrate snacks such as pretzels, pistachios may have beneficial effects on triglycerides as well.  相似文献   

Dietary fibers (DF) may affect energy balance, an effect often ascribed to the viscous nature of some water soluble DF, which affect luminal viscosity and thus multiple physiological processes. We have tested the hypothesis that viscous linseed DF reduce apparent nutrient digestibility, and limit weight gain, in a randomized feeding trial where 60 male, growing, Wistar rats, with an initial weight of ~200 g, were fed different diets (n = 10 per group): low DF control (C), 5% DF from cellulose (5-CEL), CEL + 5% DF from whole (5-WL) or ground linseed (5-GL), CEL + 5% DF from linseed DF extract (5-LDF), and CEL + 10% DF from linseed DF extract (10-LDF). Diets were provided ad libitum for 21 days. Feed intake and faecal output were measured during days 17–21. Faecal fat excretion increased with increasing DF content and was highest in the 10-LDF group. Apparent fat digestibility was highest with the C diet (94.9% ± 0.8%) and lowest (74.3% ± 0.6%) with the 10-LDF diet, and decreased in a non-linear manner with increasing DF (p < 0.001). Apparent fat digestibility also decreased with increased accessibility of DF (5-WL vs. 5-GL) and when the proportion of viscous DF increased (5-GL vs. 5-LDF). The 10-LDF resulted in a lower final body weight (258 ± 6.2 g) compared to C (282 ± 5.9 g), 5-CEL (281 ± 5.9 g), and 5-WL (285 ± 5.9 g) (p < 0.05). The 10-LDF diet reduced body fat compared to 5-CEL (p < 0.01). In conclusion, DF extracted from linseed reduced apparent energy and fat digestibility and resulted in restriction of body weight gain in growing rats.  相似文献   

Background: Chronic low-grade systemic inflammation is a characteristic of obesity that leads to various non-communicable diseases. Weight loss and SCFAs are potential strategies for attenuating obese systemic inflammation. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 43 obese subjects (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) scheduled for laparoscopic bariatric sleeve surgery, 26 obese subjects at follow-up 12–18 months post-surgery and 8 healthy weight subjects (BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2). Monocytes were isolated from blood and adipose tissue macrophages from visceral adipose tissue of obese subjects only. Isolated cells stimulated with 1 ng/mL LPS and treated simultaneously with 300 mM of sodium acetate or 30 mM of sodium propionate or butyrate and supernatant were harvested after 15 h incubation. TNF-α and IL-6 cytokines were measured via ELISA and mRNA gene expression of FFAR2 and FFAR3, HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC9, RELA and NFKB1 and MAPK1 via RT-qPCR. Results: TNF-α and IL-6 production and NFKB1 and RELA mRNA expression were significantly decreased in follow-up subjects compared to baseline. SCFAs significantly reduced TNF-α and IL-6 and altered FFAR and HDAC mRNA expression in monocytes and macrophages from obese subjects. Conclusion: Weight loss and ex vivo SCFA treatments were successful in combatting systemic inflammation in obesity. Results highlighted molecular changes that occur with weight loss and as a result of SCFA treatment.  相似文献   

不知道你有没有过这样的经历,自己总是没有办法控制情绪,本来好好的心情会被突如其来的事情破坏,然后你不分场合大光其火。其实这是你的情绪韧性不够,这样不仅让自己难受,身边的人也跟着受累。所以,锻炼你情绪的韧性也就显得尤为重要了。  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal -  相似文献   

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