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“Epitope matching” has become a buzz word in solid organ transplantation. Its goal is to improve matching between donor and recipient, to minimize risk for antibody‐mediated rejection and to reduce sensitization associated with graft failure. Current software allows identification and enumeration of amino acid sequence mismatches in the form of HLA eplets; however, “eplets” and “epitopes” are not interchangeable terms, and the understanding of what contributes to the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HLA B cell epitopes is still very limited and inadequate. In fact, we still do not know what constitutes an HLA epitope or how to define it in a clinically useful way. To allow for judicious implementation of epitope matching, it is critical to explore the full spectrum of factors that affect allorecognition. In exploring antibody‐binding patterns, we have uncovered a potential tool—currently hidden in plain sight—that may shed light on some aspects of epitope characteristics.  相似文献   

Virus‐specific T cells can recognize allogeneic HLA (allo‐HLA) through TCR cross‐reactivity. The allospecificity often differs by individual (private cross‐reactivity) but also can be shared by multiple individuals (public cross‐reactivity); however, only a few examples of the latter have been described. Because these could facilitate alloreactivity prediction in transplantation, we aimed to identify novel public cross‐reactivities of human virus‐specific CD8+ T cells directed against allo‐HLA by assessing their reactivity in mixed‐lymphocyte reactions. Further characterization was done by studying TCR usage with primer‐based DNA sequencing, cytokine production with ELISAs, and cytotoxicity with 51chromium‐release assays. We identified three novel public allo‐HLA cross‐reactivities of human virus‐specific CD8+ T cells. CMV B35/IPS CD8+ T cells cross‐reacted with HLA‐B51 and/or HLA‐B58/B57 (23% of tetramer‐positive individuals), FLU A2/GIL (influenza IMP[58‐66] HLA‐A*02:01/GILGFVFTL) CD8+ T cells with HLA‐B38 (90% of tetramer‐positive individuals), and VZV A2/ALW (varicella zoster virus IE62[593‐601] HLA‐A*02:01/ALWALPHAA) CD8+ T cells with HLA‐B55 (two unrelated individuals). Cross‐reactivity was tested against different cell types including endothelial and epithelial cells. All cross‐reactive T cells expressed a memory phenotype, emphasizing the importance for transplantation. We conclude that public allo‐HLA cross‐reactivity of virus‐specific memory T cells is not uncommon and may create novel opportunities for alloreactivity prediction and risk estimation in transplantation.  相似文献   

Molecular mismatch load analysis was recently introduced as a means for performing risk stratification following organ transplantation. However, although good correlation was demonstrated between molecular mismatch load and generation of de novo donor‐specific HLA antibody (DSA), quite a few exceptions exist, and the underlying factors that define HLA immunogenicity remain unclear. Herein, we present a new paradigm to interrogate differences between molecular mismatches that lead to the generation of de novo DSA and those that do not (the 2MM1DSA cohort). Specifically, patients transplanted across 2 HLA‐DQ mismatches, who formed de novo DSA only to one mismatch (foe) but not the other (friend), provide a unique environment in which patient‐specific factors that affect the immune response other than immunogenicity, such as infection and immunosuppression, can be controlled for. It further permits focusing on mismatches uniquely exhibited by the de novo DSA allele, rather than mismatches shared by both DSA and non‐DSA alleles. This concept paper illustrates several examples, highlights the need for center‐specific or population‐specific cutoff values for posttransplant risk stratification, and mostly argues that if there is no direct correlation between molecular mismatch load and immunogenicity, then molecular mismatch load must not be adopted as an approach for equitable organ allocation.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive drugs may influence spermatogenesis, but little is known about outcome of pregnancies fathered by transplanted males. We estimated risk of adverse outcomes in pregnancies (with data after the first trimester) fathered by males that had undergone organ transplantation and were treated with immunosuppression. A population‐based study, linking data from the Norwegian transplant registry and the Medical Birth Registry of Norway during 1967–2009 was designed. All Norwegian men undergoing solid organ transplantation were included. Odds ratios for major malformations, preeclampsia, preterm delivery (<37 weeks) and small‐for‐gestational‐age were obtained using logistic regression. A total of 2463 transplanted males, fathering babies of 4614 deliveries before and 474 deliveries after transplantation were identified. The risk of preeclampsia was increased (AOR: 7.4, 95% CI: 1.1–51.4,) after transplantation compared to prior to transplantation. No increased risk was found for congenital malformations or other outcomes when compared with pregnancies before transplantation or with the general population (2 511 506 births). Our results indicate an increased risk of preeclampsia mediated through the transplanted and immunosuppressed father. Importantly, no increased risk was found for other adverse obstetric outcomes or malformations, which may reassure male transplant recipients planning to father children.  相似文献   

The optimal timing of pregnancy after kidney transplantation remains uncertain. We determined the risk of allograft failure among women who became pregnant within the first 3 posttransplant years. Among 21 814 women aged 15–45 years who received a first kidney‐only transplant between 1990 and 2010 captured in the United States Renal Data System, n = 729 pregnancies were identified using Medicare claims. The probability of allograft failure from any cause including death (ACGL) at 1, 3, and 5 years after pregnancy was 9.6%, 25.9%, and 36.6%. In multivariate analyses, pregnancy in the first posttransplant year was associated with an increased risk of ACGL (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.18; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00, 1.40) and death censored graft loss (DCGL) (HR:1.25; 95% CI 1.04, 1.50), while pregnancy in the second posttransplant year was associated with an increased risk of DCGL (HR: 1.26; 95% CI 1.06, 1.50). Pregnancy in the third posttransplant year was not associated with an increased risk of ACGL or DCGL. These findings demonstrate a higher incidence of allograft failure after pregnancy than previously reported and that the increased risk of allograft failure extends to pregnancies in the second posttransplant year.  相似文献   

B cells have been implicated in transplant rejection via antibody-mediated mechanisms and more recently by presenting donor antigens to T cells. We have shown in patients with chronic antibody-mediated rejection that B cells control the indirect T cell alloresponses. To understand more about the role of B cells as antigen-presenting cells for CD4+ T cell with indirect allospecificity, B cells were depleted in C57BL/6 mice, using an anti-CD20 antibody, prior to receiving MHC class I–mismatched (Kd) skin. The absence of B cells at the time of transplantation prolonged skin graft survival. To study the mechanisms behind this observation, T cells with indirect allospecificity were transferred in mice receiving a Kd skin transplant. T cell proliferation was markedly inhibited in the absence of recipient B cells, suggesting that B cells contribute to indirect pathway sensitization. Furthermore, we have shown that a possible way in which B cells present alloantigens is via acquisition of MHC-peptide complexes. Finally, we demonstrate that the addition of B cell depletion to the transfer of regulatory T cells (Tregs) with indirect alloresponse further prolonged skin graft survival. This study supports an important role for B cells in indirect T cell priming and further emphasizes the advantage of combination therapies in prolonging transplant survival.  相似文献   

BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) causes premature kidney transplant (KT) failure in 1–15% of patients. Because antivirals are lacking, most programs screen for BKPyV‐viremia and, if positive, reduce immunosuppression. To evaluate the relationship of viremia and BKPyV‐specific immunity, we examined prospectively cryopreserved plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells at the time of transplantation (T0) and at 6 mo (T6) and 12 mo (T12) after transplant from 28 viremic KT patients and 68 nonviremic controls matched for the transplantation period. BKPyV IgG seroprevalence was comparable between cases (89.3%) and controls (91.2%; p = 0.8635), but cases had lower antibody levels (p = 0.022) at T0. Antibody levels increased at T6 and T12 but were not correlated with viremia clearance. BKPyV‐specific T cell responses to pools of overlapping 15mers (15mer peptide pool [15mP]) or immunodominant CD8 9mers (9mer peptide pool [9mP]) from the early viral gene region were not different between cases and controls at T0; however, clearance of viremia was associated with stronger 9mP responses at T6 (p = 0.042) and T12 (p = 0.048), whereas 15mP responses were not informative (T6 p = 0.359; T12 p = 0.856). BKPyV‐specific T cells could be expanded in vitro from all patients after transplant, permitting identification of 78 immunodominant 9mer epitopes including 50 new ones across different HLA class I. Thus, 9mP‐responses may be a novel marker of reconstituting CD8 T cell function that warrants further study as a complement of plasma BKPyV loads for guiding immunosuppression reduction.  相似文献   

ABO-incompatible (ABOi) transplantation requires preemptive antibody reduction; however, the relationship between antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and ABO-antibodies, quantified by hemagglutination (HA), is inconsistent, possibly reflecting variable graft resistance to AMR or HA assay limitations. Using an ABH-glycan microarray, we quantified ABO-A antigen-subtype (A-subtype)-specific IgM and IgG in 53 ABO-O recipients of ABO-A kidneys, before and after antibody removal (therapeutic plasma exchange [TPE] or ABO-A-trisaccharide immunoadsorption [IA]) and 1-year posttransplant. IgM binding to all A-subtypes correlated highly (R2 ≥ .90) and A-subtype antibody specificities was reduced equally by IA versus TPE. IgG binding to the A-subtypes (II–IV) expressed in kidney correlated poorly (.27 ≤ R2 ≤ .69). Reduction of IgG specific to A-subtype-II was equivalent for IA and TPE, whereas IgG specific to A-subtypes-III/IV was not as greatly reduced by IA (p < .005). One-year posttransplant, IgG specific to A-II remained the most reduced antibody. Immunostaining revealed only A-II on vascular endothelium but A-subtypes II-III/IV on tubular epithelium. These results show that ABO-A-trisaccharide is sufficient for IgM binding to all A-subtypes; this is true for IgG binding to A-II, but not subtypes-III/IV, which exhibits varying degrees of specificity. We identify A-II as the major, but importantly not the sole, antigen relevant to treatment and immune modulation in adult ABO-A-incompatible kidney transplantation.  相似文献   

Long‐term success of heart transplantation is hindered by humoral and cell‐mediated immune responses. We studied preexisting antibodies to cardiac self‐antigens, myosin and vimentin, and exosomes induced by antibodies to self‐antigens in eliciting immune responses to cardiac grafts. After syngeneic heterotopic murine heart transplantation, rabbit anti‐myosin or normal rabbit immunoglobulin was administered at day 0 or 7. Sera were collected after heartbeat cessation, cellular infiltration was analyzed, and exosomes were isolated from sera. Histopathologic examination of the controls' transplanted hearts demonstrated normal architecture, and their sera demonstrated neither antibodies to self‐antigens nor exosomes expressing self‐antigens. Administration of antibodies to cardiac myosin immediately posttransplantation (day 0) but not on day 7 triggered graft failure on day 7, and histopathologic examination revealed marked cellular infiltration with neutrophils and lymphocytes. Histopathologic examination of rejected hearts also demonstrated myocyte damage as sera had increased antibodies to myosin and vimentin and development of exosomes expressing self‐antigens. Administration of exosomes isolated from failed grafts containing self‐antigens induced graft dysfunction; exosomes isolated from stable mice did not induce graft failure. Antibodies to self‐antigens can induce exosomes containing self‐antigens, initiating an immune response and causing graft failure after cardiac transplantation.  相似文献   

In several murine models of transplantation, the “cross-dressing” of recipient antigen presenting cells (APCs) with intact donor major histocompatibility complex (MHC) derived from allograft-released small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) has been recently described as a key mechanism in eliciting and sustaining alloimmune responses. Investigation of these processes in clinical organ transplantation has, however, been hampered by the lack of sensitivity of conventional instruments and assays. We have employed advanced imaging flow cytometry (iFCM) to explore the kinetics of allograft sEV release and the extent to which donor sEVs might induce cross-dressing following liver and kidney transplantation. We report for the first time that recipient APC cross-dressing can be transiently detected in the circulation shortly after liver, but not kidney, transplantation in association with the release of HLA-bearing allograft-derived sEVs. In liver transplant recipients the majority of circulating cells exhibiting donor HLA are indeed cross-dressed cells and not passenger leukocytes. In keeping with experimental animal data, the downstream functional consequences of the transfer of circulating sEVs harvested from human transplant recipients varies depending on the type of transplant and time posttransplant. sEVs released shortly after liver, but not kidney, transplantation exhibit immunoinhibitory effects that could influence liver allograft immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) have unique immunosuppressive properties and are essential to ensure effective immunoregulation. In animal models, Tregs have been shown to prevent autoimmune disorders and establish transplantation tolerance. Therefore, the prospect of harnessing Tregs, either by increasing their frequency or by conferring allospecificity, has prompted a growing interest in the development of immunotherapies. Here, employing a well‐established skin transplant model with a single major histocompatibility complex mismatch, we compared the therapeutic efficacy of adoptively transfer Treg with or without donor specificity and the administration of IL‐2 to promote in vivo expansion of Treg. We showed that IL‐2 treatment preferentially enhances the proliferation of the allospecific Tregs adoptively transferred in an antigen‐dependent manner. In addition, donor‐specific Tregs significantly increased the expression of regulatory‐related marker, such as CTLA4 and inducible costimulator (ICOS), in the skin allograft and draining lymph nodes compared to endogenous and polyclonal transferred Tregs. Importantly, by combining IL‐2 with donor‐specific Tregs, but not with polyclonal Tregs, a synergistic effect in prolonging skin allograft survival was observed. Altogether, our data suggest that this combination therapy could provide the appropriate conditions to enhance the immunoregulation of alloimmune responses in clinical transplantation.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine the role of cytomegalovirus (CMV)‐infected donor cells in the development of a CMV‐specific immune response in kidney transplant recipients. We assessed the CMV pp65‐specific immune response by using interferon‐? ELISPOT and dextramers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 115 recipients (D+R? 31, D+R + 44, D?R + 40) late after transplantation (mean 59 ± 42 months). Receiving a kidney from a D+ donor resulted in a higher number of IFN‐?‐producing anti‐CMV T cells (P = .004). This effect disappeared with the absence of shared HLA class I specificities between donors and recipients (P = .430). To confirm the role of donor cells in stimulating the expansion of newly developed CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells after transplantation, we compared the number of HLA‐A2–restricted CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells in primo‐infected recipients who received an HLA‐A2 or non–HLA‐A2 graft. The median of anti‐CMV pp65 T cells restricted by HLA‐A2 was very low for patients who received a non–HLA‐A2 graft vs an HLA‐A2 graft (300 [0‐14638] vs. 17972 [222‐85594] anti‐CMV pp65 CD8+ T cells/million CD8+ T cells, P = .001). This adds new evidence that CMV‐infected kidney donor cells present CMV peptides and drive an inflation of memory CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells, likely because of frequent CMV replications within the graft.  相似文献   

De novo donor‐specific HLA antibodies (dnDSA) are recognized as a risk factor for premature allograft failure. Determinants of DSA specificity are generated via the indirect allorecognition pathway. Here, we present supportive data for the relevance of predicted indirectly recognizable HLA epitopes (PIRCHE) to predict dnDSA following kidney transplantation. A total of 2787 consecutive kidney transplants performed between 1995 and 2015 without preformed DSA have been analyzed. De novo DSA were detected by single antigen bead assay. HLA epitope mismatches were determined by the HLAMatchmaker and PIRCHE approach and correlated in uni‐ and multivariate analyses with 10‐year allograft survival and incidence of dnDSA. The PIRCHE‐II score moderately predicted allograft survival. However, the predictive value of elevated PIRCHE‐II scores >9 for the incidence of dnDSA was statistically significant (p < 0.001). In a multivariate Cox regression analysis adjusted for antigen mismatch and HLAMatchmaker epitopes, the PIRCHE‐II score could be identified as an independent risk factor for dnDSA. The PIRCHE‐II score independently from the antigen mismatch and HLAMatchmaker epitopes could be revealed as being a strong predictor for dnDSA. PIRCHE may help to identify acceptable mismatches with decreased risk of dnDSA and thus improve long‐term renal allograft survival.  相似文献   

The need for new approaches to define HLA antibodies, in the context of organ transplantation, is intensely debated among HLA professionals. In this review, we sought to provide background and perspective to current understanding of the immunogenicity of HLA mismatches with respect to the humoral alloimmune response and the definition of B cell epitopes. Initial data suggest that epitope matching not only assists in defining better matches for the current transplant, but also minimizes the risk of developing de novo HLA‐donor‐specific‐antibodies posttransplant. In other words, other than lowering the risk of current graft rejection, epitope matching is likely to lower overall future sensitization levels and thus increases the likelihood of finding a compatible donor when the need for a retransplantation arises. More detailed knowledge of epitopes makes it possible to investigate what constitutes permissible versus non‐permissible HLA mismatches. The currently available evidence suggest that epitope matching is the most rational way to decrease the risk of HLA‐linked transplant rejection. This review is aimed at stimulating further and more intense collaborative effort in this field.  相似文献   

Abacavir administration is associated with drug‐induced hypersensitivity reactions in HIV+ individuals expressing the HLA‐B*57:01 allele. However, the immunological effects of abacavir administration in an HLA‐B57 mismatched transplantation setting have not been studied. We hypothesized that abacavir exposure could induce de novo HLA‐B57‐specific allorecognition. HIV‐specific CD8 T cell clones were generated from HIV+ individuals, using single cell sorting based on HIV peptide/HLA tetramer staining. The T cell clones were assayed for alloreactivity against a panel of single HLA‐expressing cell lines, in the presence or absence of abacavir. Cytokine assay, CD137 upregulation, and cytotoxicity were used as readout. Abacavir exposure can induce de novo HLA‐B57 allorecognition by HIV‐specific T cells. A HIV Gag RK9/HLA‐A3‐specific T cell did exhibit interferon‐γ production, CD137 upregulation, and cytolytic effector function against allogeneic HLA‐B57, but only in the presence of abacavir. Allorecognition was specific to the virus specificity, HLA restriction, and T cell receptor TRBV use of the T cell. We provide proof‐of‐principle evidence that administration of a drug could induce specific allorecognition of mismatched HLA molecules in the transplant setting. We suggest that HIV‐seropositive recipients of an HLA‐B57 mismatched graft should not receive abacavir until further studies are completed.  相似文献   

Pregnant women with influenza-A have an increased risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used as salvage therapy, with lung transplantation as a therapeutic option. However, successful bilateral lung transplantation during pregnancy has never been reported before. We herein report the case of a 34-year-old primipara, who was diagnosed with ARDS caused by influenza-A-induced pneumonia at early gestation. After considering all possible therapeutic options and being fully dependent on VV-ECMO support, she underwent bilateral lung transplantation. The transplantation with intraoperative central VA-ECMO support was successfully performed with good recovery after an initial primary graft dysfunction. The pregnancy was prolonged until 29+5 gestational weeks. The newborn exhibited growth retardation and was initially stabilized, but later died due to severe, hypoxic respiratory failure and pulmonary hypertension. In conclusion, lung transplantation is a possible salvage therapy for patients with severe lung failure following ARDS during pregnancy. However, it places the mother and unborn child at risk. A multi-professional approach is warranted to diagnose and treat complications at an early stage.  相似文献   

We have assessed whether HLA immunogenicity as defined by differences in donor–recipient HLA amino‐acid sequence (amino‐acid mismatch score, AMS; and eplet mismatch score, EpMS) and physicochemical properties (electrostatic mismatch score, EMS) enables prediction of allosensitization to HLA, and also prediction of the risk of an individual donor–recipient HLA mismatch to induce donor‐specific antibody (DSA). HLA antibody screening was undertaken using single‐antigen beads in 131 kidney transplant recipients returning to the transplant waiting list following first graft failure. The effect of AMS, EpMS, and EMS on the development of allosensitization (calculated reaction frequency [cRF]) and DSA was determined. Multivariate analyses, adjusting for time on the waiting list, maintenance on immunosuppression after transplant failure, and graft nephrectomy, showed that AMS (odds ratio [OR]: 1.44 per 10 units, 95% CI: 1.02–2.10, p = 0.04) and EMS (OR: 1.27 per 10 units, 95% CI: 1.02–1.62, p = 0.04) were independently associated with the risk of developing sensitization to HLA (cRF > 15%). AMS, EpMS, and EMS were independently associated with the development of HLA‐DR and HLA‐DQ DSA, but only EMS correlated with the risk of HLA‐A and ‐B DSA development. Differences in donor–recipient HLA amino‐acid sequence and physicochemical properties enable better assessment of the risk of HLA‐specific sensitization than conventional HLA matching.  相似文献   

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