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This work presents experimental dosimetry results for the new selectSeed 125I prostate seed design for use with the seedSelectron afterloading device, in accordance with the AAPM advisory that all new low energy interstitial brachytherapy seeds should undergo one Monte Carlo (MC) and at least one experimental dosimetry characterization. TLD dosimetry was performed using 120 cylindrical LiF TLD type-100 rods calibrated using a 6 MV photon beam. They were irradiated in solid water phantoms for the experimental determination of the seed dose rate constant, radial dose functions and anisotropy functions. MC simulations were performed for the determination of the TLDs relative energy response that was found position independent and equal to 1.40+/-0.03, and for the calculation of the ratio of dose in liquid water to dose in solid water that was found to be well described by Dliquidwater/Dsolidwater= 1.013*r+0.030 presenting only a minor dependence on polar angle. The selectSeed dose rate constant in liquid water was found equal to 0.938+/-0.065 cGy h(-1) U(-1), which agrees within experimental uncertainties with corresponding MC results of lambdaselect Seed=0.954+/-0.005 cGy h(-1) U(-1). The experimental radial dose and anisotropy function results were also found in good agreement with corresponding MC calculations.  相似文献   

As the efficacy of brachytherapy prostate treatment is becoming realized, new models of 125I seeds are being introduced. In this article we present thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) in a solid water phantom for a new design of 125I seed (UroMed/Bebig Symmetra, Model I25.S06). TLD cubes, LiF TLD-100, from Bicron (Solon, OH) with dimension 1 x 1 x 1 mm3 were irradiated at various distances from the seed at angles ranging from 0 degrees to 90 degrees in 10 degrees increments. The TLD detectors were calibrated by irradiation in a 60Co teletherapy beam. Monte Carlo simulation was used to account for TLD energy dependence and the deviation of solid water composition (as determined by chemical analysis of a sample) from liquid water. Dose rates per unit air kerma strength were determined based on calibrations traceable to the 1999 NIST standard (corrected for NIST measurement errors made in 1999) for the Symmetra seed. Dose data is presented in TG-43 format as a function of distance and angle. Values for lambda, F(r, theta), g(r), and the anisotropy constant are obtained for use in radiation treatment planning (RTP) software. The dose rate constant was determined to be 1.033+/-6.4% cGy h(-1) U(-1), which is comparable to model 6702 and higher than model 6711. We find the relative dose distributions of the Symmetra seed are similar to model 6702, and less anisotropic than model 6711. After accounting for deviation of measured solid water composition from the manufacturer's specification, good agreement between TLD results and Monte-Carlo-aided values was found.  相似文献   

We have used Monte Carlo photon transport simulations to calculate the dosimetric parameters of a new 125I seed, the Source Tech Medical Model STM125I source for interstitial brachytherapy. We followed the recommendations of the AAPM Task Group 43 and determined the following parameters: dose-rate constant, radial dose function, anisotropy function, anisotropy factor, and anisotropy constant. The recently (January 1999) revised National Institute of Standards and Technology I-125 standard for air-kerma strength calibration was taken into account as well as updated interaction cross-section data. The calculated dose-rate constant, when normalized to the simulated wide-angle, free-air chamber measurement of air-kerma strength, is 0.980 cGy h(-1) U(-1). The calculated radial dose function for the Model STM 1251 source is more penetrating than that of the model 6711 seed (by 18% at 5 cm distance), but agrees closely (within statistical errors) with that of the model 6702 seed up to distances of 10 cm. The STM125I source anisotropy functions indicate that its dose distribution is somewhat more anisotropic than that of the model 6702 and 6711 seeds at 1 cm distance but is comparable at larger distances. The Model STM125I anisotropy constant is very similar to that of the model 6711, 6702, and MED363I A/M seeds.  相似文献   

The ability of a brachytherapy treatment-planning computer program to calculate accurately the dose from 125I seeds at distances relevant to eye plaque therapy was investigated. Thermoluminescent dosimetry measurements were made in a plastic phantom at depths of 0.5, 0.97, and 1.5 cm, and results were corrected for finite dosimeter size and phantom effects. Doses were calculated at the same depths with an 125I seed linear source model that accounted for dose anisotropy. Measurements and calculations were found to agree within their mutual uncertainties. The presence of a gold plaque was found to reduce the dose at all measured depths by 8%.  相似文献   

This work provides full dosimetric data for the new selectSeed 125I prostate seed source to be distributed by Nucletron B.V. The AAPM TG-43 dosimetric formalism and the new 1999 NIST air kerma strength calibration standard have been followed. Air kerma strength, dose rate constant, radial dose functions, anisotropy functions, and anisotropy factors were calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. Corresponding calculations were also performed for the commercially available 6711 seed source, which is of similar design, for reasons of comparison. The calculated dose rate constant of the selectSeed was 0.954+/-0.005 cGy h(-1) U(-1) compared to 0.953+/-0.005 cGy h(-1) U(-1) for the 6711 source design. The latter value for the 6711 source suggests that the correction factor proposed by NIST for conversion of dose rate constants to the new 1999 NIST calibration standard may be overestimated by 2-3%. Radial dose functions of the two sources were found in good agreement for radial distances up to 4 cm, the selectSeed being less penetrating at greater radial distances (approximately 4% at 10 cm). The selectSeed source presents similar anisotropy characteristics with the 6711 source design. For both source designs, a distance and polar angle dependent discontinuity of anisotropy function values was observed owing to the dose contribution of radioactivity distributed on the ends of the cylindrical source cores. Variation of dosimetric parameters with possible variation in radioactive silver halide coating thickness of the silver source core of the new source was also investigated.  相似文献   

A dosimetric study of a new 125I seed for permanent prostate implant, the Symmetra 1251 Seed model I25.S06, has been undertaken utilizing Monte Carlo photon transport calculations. All dosimetric quantities recommended by the AAPM Task Group 43 (TG-43) report have been calculated. Quantities determined are dose rate constant, radial dose function, anisotropy function, anisotropy factor, and anisotropy constant. The recently (January 1999) revised NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 1251 standard for air kerma strength calibration was taken into account as well as updated interaction cross-section data. Calculations were done for the competing model 6702 source for the purpose of comparison. The calculated dose-rate constants for the two seeds are 1.010 and 1.016 cGyh(-1)U(-1) for the Symmetra and model 6702 seeds, respectively. The latter value deviates from the value, 1.039 cGyh(-1)U(-1), recommended in the TG-43 report. The calculated radial dose function for the Symmetra new seed is more penetrating than that of the model 6711 seed (by 20% at 5 cm distance) but agrees closely (within statistical errors) with that of the model 6702 seed up to distances of 10 cm. The anisotropy function for the seed is also close to that for the 6702 seed with a tendency of somewhat more pronounced anisotropy (lower values at small angles from the longitudinal axis). Compared to the model 6711 seed, the Symmetra new seed is more isotropic. The anisotropy constants (the anisotropy function averaged with respect to angle and distance) for the three seed models are within 2%.  相似文献   

Dolan J  Lia Z  Williamson JF 《Medical physics》2006,33(12):4675-4684
We have performed a comprehensive dosimetric characterization of the Oncura model 6711 125I seed using both experimental [LiF thermoluminscent dosimetry (TLD)] and theoretical (Monte Carlo photon transport) methods. In addition to determining the dosimetric parameters of the 6711, this report quantified: (1) the angular dependence of LiF TLD energy response functions for both point and volume detectors in water, poly(methylmethacrylate), and solid water media; and (2) the contribution of underlying geometric uncertainties to the overall uncertainty of Monte Carlo derived dosimetric parameters according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Report 1297 methodology. The theoretical value for the dose rate constant in water was 0.942 cGy U(-1) h(-1)+/-1.76% [combined standard uncertainty (CSU) with coverage factor k=1] and the experimental value was 0.971 cGy U(-1) h(-1)+/-6.1%. Agreement between experimental and theoretical radial dose function values was well within the k= 1 CSU, while agreement between experimental and theoretical anisotropy function values was within the k= 1 CSU only after incorporating the use of polar angle-dependent energy response functions. The angular dependence of the relative energy response was found to have a complex and significant dependence on measurement medium and internal geometry of the source.  相似文献   

Despite its advantages, the polymer gel-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method has not, as yet, been successfully employed in dosimetry of low energy/low dose rate photon-emitting brachytherapy sources such as 125I or 103Pd interstitial seeds. In the present work, two commercially available 125I seed sources, each of approximately 0.5 U, were positioned at two different locations of a polymer gel filled vial. The gel vial was MR scanned with the sources in place 19 and 36 days after seed implantation. Calibration curves were acquired from the coupling of MRI measurements with accurate Monte Carlo dose calculations obtained simulating the exact experimental setup geometry and materials. The obtained gel response data imply that while linearity of response is sustained, sensitivity (calibration curve slope) is significantly increased (approximately 60%) compared to its typical value for the 192Ir (or 60Co and 6 MV LINAC) photon energies. Water equivalence and relative energy response corrections of the gel cannot account for more than 3-4% of this increase, which, therefore, has to be mainly attributed to physicochemical processes related to the low dose rate of the sources and the associated prolonged irradiation time. The calibration data obtained from one 125I source were used to provide absolute dosimetry results for the other 125I source, which were found to agree with corresponding Monte Carlo calculations within experimental uncertainties. It is therefore suggested that, regardless of the underlying factors accounting for the gel dose response to 125I irradiations, polymer gel dosimetry of new 125I or 103Pd sources should be carried out as originally proposed by Heard and Ibbot (2004 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 3 221-3), i.e., by irradiating the same gel sample with the new low dose rate source, as well as with a well-characterized low dose rate source which will provide the dose calibration curve for the same irradiation conditions.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation and experimental thermoluminescence dosimetry were utilized for the dosimetric characterization of the new IsoSeed model I25.S17 125I interstitial brachytherapy seed. The new seed design is similar to that of the selectSeed and 6711 seeds, with the exception of its molybdenum marker. Full dosimetric data are presented following the recommendations in the Update of the AAPM Task Group 43 report (TG-43U1). A difference of 3.3% was found between Monte Carlo dose rate constant results calculated by air kerma strengths from simulations using a point detector and a detector resembling the solid angle subtended to the seed by the Wide Angle Free Air Chamber (WAFAC) in the primary standard calibration geometry. Following the TG-43U1 recommendations, an average value of lambdaMC = (0.929 +/- 0.014) cGy h(-1) U(-1) was adopted for the new seed. This value was then averaged with the measured value of lambdaEXP = (0.951 +/- 0.044) cGy h(-1) U(-1) to yield the proposed dose rate constant for the new seed that is equal to lambda = (0.940 +/- 0.051) cGy h(-1) U(-1). The Monte Carlo calculated radial dose function and two-dimensional (2-D) anisotropy function results for the new seed were found in agreement with experimental results to within statistical uncertainty of repeated measurements. Monte Carlo simulations were also performed for 125I seeds of similar geometry and dimensions for the purpose of comparison. The new seed presents dosimetric characteristics that are very similar to that of the selectSeed. In comparison to the most extensively studied Amersham 6711 seed, the new one presents similar dosimetric characteristics with a slightly reduced dose rate constant (1.5%).  相似文献   

To determine the dosimetric effect of a gold plaque applicator used in 125I ophthalmic irradiation, relative dose rates at points 2-18 mm transverse to the axis of a single seed of 125I were measured in an acrylic phantom under three different measurement conditions. The detectors were 1-mm diameter X 3-mm length LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's). Conditions corresponded to the following: (i) full scatter, (ii) the presence of an ophthalmic gold plaque, and (iii) no scatter material on the side of the seed opposite to the TLD's. The dose rate with the gold plaque is less than that with full scatter phantom. There is no significant decrease in dose rate at 2.2 mm from the seed. Dose rate is significantly reduced at greater distances. The does rate decrease ranges from 4% at 5 mm to 10% at 18 mm. The 125I seed in the gold plaque gives 3%-5% higher dose rate than in the absence of backscatter material.  相似文献   

Radioactive 125I plaques with gold shields have been used for the treatment of choroidal melanoma. The effect of the gold shield on the dosimetry of a single 125I seed (model 6711) has been investigated in this paper. Increases in dose at close range due to the presence of the shield are observed. Such enhancement is in agreement with Williamson's Monte Carlo calculations.  相似文献   

In this work, a polymer gel-magnetic resonance (MR) imaging method is employed for the dosimetric characterization of a new 125I low dose rate seed (IsoSeed model I25.S17). Two vials filled with PABIG gel were prepared in-house and one new seed as well as one commercially available 125I seed of similar dose rate and well-known dosimetric parameters (IsoSeed model I25.S06) were positioned in each vial. Both seeds in each vial were MR scanned simultaneously on days 11 and 26 after implantation. The data obtained from the known seed in each vial are used to calibrate the gel dose response which, for the prolonged irradiation duration necessitated by the investigated dose rates, depends on the overall irradiation time. Data for this study are presented according to the AAPM TG-43 dosimetric formalism. Polymer gel results concerning the new seed are compared to corresponding, published dosimetric results obtained, for the purpose of the new seed clinical implementation, by our group using the established methods of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and thermo-luminescence dosimetry (TLD). Polymer gel dosimetry yields an average dose rate constant value of lambda = (0.921 +/- 0.031) cGy h(-1) U(-1) relative to (MC)lambda = (0.929 +/- 0.014) cGy h(-1) U(-1), (TLD)lambda = (0.951 +/- 0.044) cGy h(-1) U(-1) and the average value of Lambda = (0.940 +/- 0.051) cGy h(-1) U(-1) proposed for the clinical implementation of the new seed. Results for radial dose function, g(L)(r), and anisotropy function, F(r, theta), also agree with corresponding MC calculations within experimental uncertainties which are smaller for the polymer gel method compared to TLD. It is concluded that the proposed polymer gel-magnetic resonance imaging methodology could be used at least as a supplement to the established techniques for the dosimetric characterization of new low energy and low dose rate interstitial brachytherapy seeds.  相似文献   

Radiochromic film dosimetry has been extensively used for intravascular brachytherapy applications for near field within 1 cm from the sources. With the recent introduction of new model of radiochromic films, GAFCHROMIC EBT, with higher sensitivity than earlier models, it is promising to extend the distances out to 5 cm for low dose rate (LDR) source dosimetry. In this study, the use of new model GAFCHROMIC EBT film for 125I seed dosimetry in Solid Water was evaluated for radial distances from 0.06 cm out to 5 cm. A multiple film technique was employed for four 125I seeds (Implant Sciences model 3500) with NIST traceable air kerma strengths. Each experimental film was positioned in contact with a 125I seed in a Solid Water phantom. The products of the air kerma strength and exposure time ranged from 8 to 3158 U-h, with the initial air kerma strength of 6 U in a series of 25 experiments. A set of 25 calibration films each was sequentially exposed to one 125I seed at about 0.58 cm distance for doses from 0.1 to 33 Gy. A CCD camera based microdensitometer, with interchangeable green (520 nm) and red (665 nm) light boxes, was used to scan all the films with 0.2 mm pixel resolution. The dose to each 125I calibration film center was calculated using the air kerma strength of the seed (incorporating decay), exposure time, distance from seed center to film center, and TG43U1S1 recommended dosimetric parameters. Based on the established calibration curve, dose conversion from net optical density was achieved for each light source. The dose rate constant was determined as 0.991 cGy U(-1)h(-1) (+/-6.9%) and 1.014 cGy U(-1)h(-1) (+/-6.8%) from films scanned using green and red light sources, respectively. The difference between these two values was within the uncertainty of the measurement. Radial dose function and 2D anisotropy function were also determined. The results obtained using the two light sources corroborated each other. We found good agreement with the TG43U1S1 recommended values of radial dose function and 2D anisotropy function, to within the uncertainty of the measurement. We also verified the dosimetric parameters in the near field calculated by Rivard using Monte Carlo method. The radial dose function values in Solid Water were lower than those in water recommended by TG43U1S1, by about 2%, 3%, 7%, and 14% at 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm, respectively, partially due to the difference in the phantom material composition. Radiochromic film dosimetry using GAFCHROMIC EBT model is feasible in determining 2D dose distributions around low dose rate 125I seed. It is a viable alternative to TLD dosimetry for 125I seed dose characterization.  相似文献   

The EGSnrc Monte Carlo system has been used to calculate the dose distributions from 125I radioactive seeds (model 6711). The results showed that the agreement between EGSnrc and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group Report 43 (AAPM-TG43) dosimetry protocol is generally within +/-15% for radial distances less than 1.0 cm in both the transverse axis and longitudinal axis of the source. For radial distances between 1.0 and 2.5 cm the agreement between Monte Carlo simulations and the AAPM-TG43 dosimetry protocol is within +/-20%. In the longitudinal axis of the source the difference between Monte Carlo simulations and the AAPM-TG43 dosimetry is up to 40% for radial distances greater than 2.5 cm. The agreement between the EGSnrc/Monte Carlo simulation and the AAPM-TG43 dosimetry protocol improved significantly when recently published data of the anisotropic function were implemented (Weaver 1998 Med. Phys. 25 2271-8). The difference between Monte Carlo simulations and the AAPM-TG43 dosimetry protocol is not more than +/-10% in the transverse axis of the source up to a radius of 2.5 cm. The EGSnrc Monte Carlo simulation and the AAPM-TG43 with the Weaver anisotropic data were also used to investigate the differences in the dose distribution caused by small differences in the construction of individual seeds (Sloboda and Menon 2000 Med. Phys. 27 1789-99). The results show that a change in length of the silver rod containing the 125I radioactive material of 0.14 mm does not affect the dose distribution significantly in the transverse and longitudinal axes but a change of 0.13 mm in the thickness of the welded end of the encapsulation affected the dose significantly in the longitudinal axis of the source.  相似文献   

Dose measurements using LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) have been performed for single 103Pd seeds (model 200) at the center of a solid water phantom. TLD cubes 1 mm on an edge were used for measurements from 1 mm to 1 cm at 1-mm intervals. The cubes were centered along transverse and longitudinal axes and along radial lines from seed center at 10 degrees increments. TLD chips of dimension 3.1 X 3.1 X 0.89 mm were used at distances of 2, 2.5, 3, and 4 cm at 15 degrees angular intervals. Data are presented as the product of distance squared and dose rate per unit source strength, plotted versus distance and angle. At 1 cm from seed center along the transverse axis this product was found to be 0.88 cGy cm2 mCi-1h-1. A dose-rate table in polar coordinates has been formulated for use with multiseed dose distribution calculations. Comparison with data of Meigooni et al. [Endocuriether./Hyperthermia Oncol. 6, 107-117 (1990)] shows general agreement for distances of 2 cm or greater. A comparison of our transverse axis data with Russell's calculated values (Theragenics Internal Report, 4 November 1984) for an ideal point source of 103Pd shows very good agreement except at distances less than 0.5 cm, where differences are attributable to the extended source effect in the actual seed.  相似文献   

Li Z 《Medical physics》2002,29(6):1029-1034
This report presents the results of Monte Carlo calculations of the dosimetric parameters of the Urocor ProstaSeed 1251 seed source. This source contains five spherical silver markers, of 0.5 mm diameter, with 1251 deposited on the spheres through ion exchange. The silver spheres are then encapsulated within a 0.8 mm in diameter and 4.5 mm long cylindrical shell of titanium, as is common to this type of sources. Physical dimensions of the source are confirmed by measurement. Four (4) geometric models of the source, based on different assumptions on the locations of the silver spheres within the seed, were used in dose rate calculations. Monte Carlo photon transport simulation was used to calculate the dosimetric parameters of dose rate constant, radial dose function, and anisotropy function using these geometric models of the source. The Monte Carlo calculated dose rate constant of the ProstaSeed source was found equal to 0.925 cGy/Uh with approximate uncertainties of 5%. Radial dose function values and anisotropy function values were derived from the relative dose distribution around the source calculated by the Monte Carlo code. The calculated values of these dosimetric parameters agree with previously published thermoluminescence-dosimeter-measured values for this source after consideration of measurement and calculation uncertainties.  相似文献   

Response of LiF-TLD micro-rods around 125I radioactive seed   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The EGSnrc Monte Carlo system has been used to calculate the energy response of LiF-TLDs of different sizes around 125I permanent brachytherapy sources. The source model includes the effects of an encapsulation, self-absorption within the source and in the welded ends of the encapsulation. The LiF-TLD material has cylindrical geometry (micro-rod) with diameters ranging from 1 mm to 5 mm and a length of 6 mm. The energy response factor (relative to 60(Co gamma-rays) for a LiF-TLD calibrated in 60Co gamma-rays and then irradiated by an 125I permanent brachytherapy source varies between 1.32 +/- 0.2% (1 SD) and 1.406 +/- 0.2% (1 SD) for 5 mm and 1 mm diameter micro-rods, respectively. The energy response factor depends on the radius and the polar angle (r, theta) of the measurement point. For a LiF-TLD of diameter 1 mm calibrated at 1 cm on the transverse axis (r = 1.0 cm, theta = 90) of the 125I source in water, the energy response factor decreases by a maximum of 3.5% within the 6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm calculation region. For the 5 mm diameter LiF-TLD, the energy response factor decreases by a maximum of 5% in the same region. An examination of the photon energy spectra showed that the photon spectrum does not change significantly in water within the 3D calculation region (6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm). The mass energy absorption coefficient ratio of water to LiF-TLDs does not vary by more than 0.5% in this calculation grid. The results, however, show that there is a change in the photon spectrum with distance from the source and with polar angle for LiF-TLDs. This difference in the energy spectrum gives rise to a difference in the mass energy absorption coefficient ratio of water to LiF (calculated by taking into account the difference in photon fluence in water and LiF) and that calculated assuming that the photon spectrum in water and in the LiF-TLD is identical.  相似文献   

The Monte Carlo method was used to investigate the dose distribution around a 3M Company model 6711 125I seed immersed in a water phantom. Dose rate per unit activity data are presented as a matrix of 63 points surrounding the seed. Relative dose data are presented graphically for two mutually perpendicular directions and compared with the corresponding data for the only other 125I seed currently available, the 3M Company model 6702 125I seed. The 6711 relative dose distribution decreases more rapidly with distance from the seed than does the 6702 relative dose distribution. Uncertainties in the 6711 seed dose distribution produced by end-weld thickness variations were investigated and found to be substantial at certain points.  相似文献   

Dose parameters of 125I and 192Ir seed sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As mandated by an NCI brachytherapy contract, we measured dosimetric parameters for 192Ir seeds and two models of 125I seeds. Measurements were with LiF powder in a water-equivalent phantom. Data were corrected for background, sample mass, and finite detector volume. Selected parameters were also investigated through Monte Carlo calculations. Results are presented in terms of a dose parametrization that is described in detail, and are compared to published data. Our results agreed well with published data for relative quantities such as radial and angular dose dependence. Our measured value for the 192Ir dose factor was 4.55 cGy(H2O) cm2 mCi-1 h-1, also in good agreement with commonly used values. However, the measured dose factors for 125I seed models 6702 and 6711 were 1.18 and 1.06 cGy(H2O) cm2 mCi-1 h-1, values well below those in general use.  相似文献   

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