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为了解我区幼儿的蛔虫感染情况,我园协同海西州卫生防疫站,用加藤法对我国3~6岁幼儿进行调查,并用阿本达峻驱虫2次.粪检107人,蛔虫卵阳性者70例,其感染率为65.4%,其中男、女感染率分别为69.1%(38/55)和61.54%(32/52)经卡方检验,两者间无显著差异(X‘20.6739,*>0.05).<4岁、wts岁和5岁以上三组人群蛔虫感染率分别为67.7%(ZI/31)、68.3%(28/41)和60%(21/35)。经x’检验,三个年龄组的感染车间无显著性差异(X2=0.428,P>0.05)。凡粪检蛔虫卵阳性者均给予阿未达歧200mg顿服治疗2次,2次间…  相似文献   

蛔虫是人体肠道最常见的寄生虫之一,分布厂,危害大,人群感染率农村高于城市,儿童高于成人。为摸清我县农村人群蛔虫感染状况及探讨防治对策,1989年8~10月进行了调查,现报告如下。一、材料及方法1.调查选点:按地理分布、人平经济纯收入及卫生、文化程度,将全县乡镇分为上、中、下三种类型,分别选择北港镇庄前村、铜山乡彭家村及四庄乡毛田村为调查点。每个点采取分层整群抽样调查常住农村人口约500人。2.检验方法:每份粪便均用改良加藤厚涂片法检查肠道蛔虫卵,并按每10份阳性蛔虫卵标本计数1份。3.资料收集:按照全国人体寄生…  相似文献   

吴向林  赵建华  付益仁 《现代预防医学》2014,(16):3036-3038,3041
目的比较宁夏2002年和2011年农村居民蛔虫感染状况变化,为今后防治提供科学依据。方法于2002年和2011年2次按全国寄生虫调查方案对宁夏7个县区的人群进行蛔虫感染状况调查,比较分析2次调查结果。结果2002年宁夏农村居民蛔虫感染率5.79%,至2011年下降到3.77%,与10年前相比农村居民蛔虫感染率有显著下降(χ240.31,P0.05);2002年,感染率大于5%的县区有5个,到2011年感染率大于5%的县区仅1个;2次调查结果均显示:山区居民蛔虫感染率高于川区;学生和学龄前儿童蛔虫感染率最高;男、女性别和回、汉民族间蛔虫感染率差异无统计学意义。结论10年来,宁夏农村地区居民蛔虫感染率虽大幅度下降,但个别经济落后、卫生条件较差地区,学龄前儿童和小学生仍是蛔虫高感染地区和人群,应作为优先防治重点。  相似文献   

刘江  管红英  何亚莉 《职业与健康》2008,24(14):1420-1421
目的了解定州市1989和2002年农村人群土源性线虫感染状况变化,为今后寄生虫病的防治提供科学依据。方法于1989和2002年2次按全国寄生虫调查方案对定州市4个村的人群进行土源性线虫感染状况调查。结果1989年发现土源性线虫有蛔虫、蛲虫、鞭虫、钩虫,感染率分别为33.53%、20.29%、0.18%、0.04%;2002年发现土源性线虫有蛔虫、蛲虫2种,感染率分别为1.09%和13.16%。在调查中未发现蛔虫中、重度感染者,感染率大幅度下降,差异有统计学意义(X^2=707.61,P〈0.01)。结论土源性线虫感染和感染度大幅度下降,但儿童蛲虫防治工作仍需加强。  相似文献   

蛔虫钩虫和鞭虫感染的家庭聚集性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙汝明 《现代预防医学》1995,22(4):243-245,223
应用G统计量、二项分布拟合、负二项分布拟合方法,分别对4个村的蛔虫感染、3个村的钩虫和鞭虫感染进行家族聚集性分析。结果:蛔虫、鞭虫、钩虫感染都具有显著的家族聚集性,其聚集程度由强到弱排列为:钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫。3种统计方法比较,对该类寄生虫感染所提供的家庭类型,G统计量分析方法简便、实用,具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 通过短信预约,提高血吸虫病疫区查治对象的依从性,提高应查治人群受检率、受治率,提高工作效率.方法 选取在湖北省公安县和监利县各两个疫情和经济水平及村民电话拥有率基本相当的流行村,其中公安县实验村按移动电话短信预约+村干部通知的方式进行查治病工作,监利县实验村仅按移动电话短信预约通知的方式进行查治病工作,对照村仅按以往村干部通知的方式进行查治病工作,比较两村人群受检率、受治率.结果 两县4个调查村常住村民电话拥有率约占43.87%,以户为单位统计常住户电话拥有率为74.06%.公安县实验村与对照村比较查病受检率提高26.60%,血检受检率差异无统计学意义(x2=3.45,P>0.05),监利县实验村与对照村比较查病受检率下降66.98%,血检受检率差异有统计学意义(x2=138.38,P<0.01).血检阳性受治率比较,两县实验村和对照村均高达97.00%以上,无明显差别.两县实验村接收短信后主动查病人数比例无明显差别,约占移动手机用户总数的1/3.结论 短信预约目前还不能发挥提高应检人群受检率的作用,但可利用其对查治病工作实行质量监控.  相似文献   

为了解驱蛔灵、十二神、丙硫咪唑(阿苯哒唑)三种药物的疗效,我们于92年5月中旬进行该项研究。1对象与方法选胶南市三所中学的400名学生.服药前抽查100名.检查后抽300名分别服用驱蛔灵、丙硫咪吐(阿本咕隆)和十二神。采用改良加藤法.检查粪中的蛔虫卵。2结果与分析2.1服药前蛔虫感染情况:服药前抽查100名采粪镜拉,蛔虫感染率高达72%,其中轻度感染问~10000)69名(69%),中度感染(000~50000)3名门%),无重度感染者。2.2三种药物对蛔虫病的疗效:我们将300名学生平均分成三组.一组服驱蛔灵.每次3.og,早晚各一次.二…  相似文献   

为了解珠海市农村村民近年来寄生虫感染的动态变化,为今后的肠道寄生虫防治提供科学依据,我们于1997年9月开展了本次调查。调查对象与方法 (1)调查对象:按三级分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取我市的山场、淇澳、红旗、斗门白蕉镇的灯笼村和新二村,井岸镇的新堂村等6个点的村民,进行人体肠道寄生虫分布调查。(2)调查方法:查各种蠕虫卵、肠道原虫包囊、原虫滋养体及<12岁儿童蛲虫卵,均采用常规方法。(3)感染度的划分(EPG):轻度(Ⅰ):蛔虫卵<5000个;钩虫卵<1000个;鞭虫卵<1000个。中度(Ⅱ)…  相似文献   

目的:了解邯郸地区农村人群肠道寄生虫感染现状.方法:采用现状调查对邯郸地区6县12个自然村2484人采用直接涂片法和饱和盐水浮聚法从粪便检查虫卵.对12岁以下儿童均做肛门拭子法查虫卵.结果:在2 484人中共查出蛔虫、鞭虫、钩虫、微小膜壳绦虫以及12岁以下儿童查出蛲虫5种虫卵,总感染率为10.47%.各地区总感染率比较差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.96,P>0.05),其中钩虫卵检出率以武安农村最高,微小膜壳绦虫感染以馆陶、临漳为高.6县中蛲虫感染率差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.58,P>0.05).性别间差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.16,P>0.05).蛔虫感染>41岁人群明显高于40岁以下人群(χ^2=9.29,P<0.05),钩虫感染以20岁以下者为多,微小膜壳绦虫感染集中在11~40岁组之间(χ^2=9.53,P<0.05).结论:开展健康教育,普及卫生知识,提高自我保健意识和自我保健能力,是预防寄生虫病的重要举措.  相似文献   

为了解不同海拔高度学生蛔虫、蛲虫的感染情况,用改良加藤法检查蛔虫,透明胶骷肛拭法检查蛲虫,我们对丰宁县海拔高度在544、1038和1526m的西两间房、乐国铺和南围子3个自然村的中、小学生的感染情况做了调查,西两间房村、乐国铺村和南围子村的蛔虫和蛲虫的感染率依次为67.7%(10(?) 165)、29.7%(30/101);66.4%(69/104)、40.9%(27/66和14.3%(16/112)、46.7%(28/60)。经统计学处理,海拔高度544和1038米的两个村蛔虫感染率间无显著性差异(x~2=0.06,P>0.05)。而与1526m的南围子村间  相似文献   

Ascaris is a large parasitic roundworm (nematode) of the small intestine of humans and pigs. These roundworms cause the socioeconomically important disease, ascariasis. For the past 20 years, molecular markers have been used in studies on Ascaris and ascariasis, and added valuable information to the understanding of these roundworms. Here, we provide a review of these studies on human and pig roundworms. We begin with a summary of studies using molecular phenotypic markers to compare Ascaris from humans and pigs, followed by a synopsis of comparisons using genetic markers. We then draw forth inferences in the aspects of host affiliation and infection success, transmission between and among humans and pigs, evolutionary history of Ascaris. We also highlight additional topics such as mating dynamics, diagnostics, and paleoparasitology where molecular epidemiological approaches have been utilized.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to detect the frequency and distribution of cross infection and hybridization of human and pig Ascaris in China. Twenty high polymorphic microsatellite loci were selected to screen 258 Ascaris worms from humans and pigs from six provinces in China. The software programs Structure, Baps and Newhybrids were used to determine the case of cross infection and hybridization of human and pig Ascaris. Results showed that cross infection was detected in all sampled locations and of the total 20 cross infection cases, 19 were indentified as human infections by pure-bred pig type Ascaris in contrast to only one case of pig infection by pure-bred human type Ascaris. Similar to the findings in cross infection, hybrid Ascaris was also detected in all locations and both host species and most of hybrids (95%) were detected from human host. The distribution of cross infection and hybrids showed significant difference between the two host species and among three categories of genotype in terms of G1, G2 and G3, and also between the south and north regions (for hybrids only). The results strongly suggest pig Ascaris as an important source of human ascariasis in endemic area where both human and pig Ascaris exist. In consideration of current control measures for human ascariasis targeting only infected people, it is urgently needed to revise current control measures by adding a simultaneous treatment to infected pigs in the sympatric endemics. The knowledge on cross transmission and hybridization between human and pig Ascaris is important not only for public health, but also for the understanding of genetic evolution, taxonomy and molecular epidemiology of Ascaris.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe systematics and taxonomy of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum, two of the world's most widespread nematodes, still represent a highly debated scientific issue. Two different transmission scenarios have been described according to endemicity: separated host-specific transmission cycles in endemic regions, and a single pool of infection shared by humans and pigs in non-endemic regions. The swine roundworm A. suum is now recognized as an important cause of human ascariasis also in endemic areas such as China, where cross-infections and hybridization have also been reported, as well as in non-endemic regions like Italy. This study aimed to investigate the molecular epidemiology of human and pig ascariasis in three countries representing different epidemiological scenarios: Italy as a non-endemic country, Colombia as an endemic country, and Slovakia as a non-endemic country, but with a poor socio-economic context linked to some focal populations of Roma settlements.Materials and methodsA total of 237 nematodes were analysed: 46 from Colombia (13 from humans, 33 from pigs), 114 from Slovakia (20 from humans, 94 from pigs) and 77 from Italy (17 from humans and 60 from pigs). Genotyping by PCR-RFLP of nuclear (ITS) and sequencing of mitochondrial (cox1) target regions were performed. ITS genotypes were used to estimate the Hardy-Weinberg (HW) equilibrium according to hosts and country of origin. The partial cox1 sequences were used to analyse genetic polymorphisms according to hosts and country of origin, as well as to infer the network of haplotypes, their evolutionary relationships and geographical distribution.Results110 quality cox1 sequences were obtained. Haplotype network revealed three main groups corresponding to clade A, B and C. Clade C included most of the human cases from Italy, while those from Slovakia and Colombia were grouped in clade B. Ascaris from Italian and Colombian pigs showed HW equilibrium at the ITS marker, while disequilibrium was found in A. lumbricoides from Slovak pigs, which suggest a high unexpected amount of roundworms of human origin circulating also in pigs.ConclusionsThis study updates and extends the current understanding of Ascaris species and genotypes circulating in different epidemiological scenarios, with particular attention to the inclusion of human-derived Ascaris in the phylogenetic cluster C. Despite the evidence of HW equilibrium in the ITS in pig-derived Italian samples, the amount of genetic variation seems to support the existence of two closely related species.  相似文献   

The molecular epidemiology of Ascaris spp. of human and pig origin has been studied as a means to assess the potential of pigs as reservoirs for human ascariasis. In this study, human (H) and pig (P) Ascaris spp. haplotypes from two Brazilian regions were characterised based on two mitochondrial genes, nad1 and cox1. The results show six haplotypes of the cox1 gene, with two haplotypes (H9P9 and P3) corresponding to haplotypes previously characterised in China. Because P3 was found in humans in this study, it was designated as H14P3. Furthermore, five new Ascaris spp. nad1 haplotypes from humans (H12-H16) and five from pigs (P16-P20) were observed, with one being highly frequent and present in both hosts, here designated as H12P17. Phylogenetic and network analysis demonstrated that the molecular epidemiology of Ascaris spp. in Brazil is driven by the globally distributed haplotypes cox1 H14P3 and nad1H12P17. In conclusion, in this study genetic characterisation of Ascaris spp. showed that humans and pigs share common haplotypes that are also present in two widely separated geographical regions of Brazil.  相似文献   

In a survey of five villages in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Serpulina pilosicoli was isolated from rectal swabs from 113 of 496 individuals (22.8%). Colonization rates ranged from 22.6-30.1% in four of the villages but was only 8.6% in the other village. In comparison colonization was demonstrated in only 5 of 54 indigenous people (9.3%) and none of 76 non-indigenous people living in an urban environment in the same region. Colonization did not relate to reported occurrence of diarrhoea, age, sex, or length of time resident in a village. A second set of 94 faecal specimens was collected from 1 village 6 weeks after the first set. S. pilosicoli was isolated from 27 of 29 individuals (93.1%) who were positive on the first sampling and from 7 of 65 individuals (10.8%) who previously were negative. In this case, isolates were significantly more common in watery stools than in normal stools. The annual incidence of infection in the village was calculated as 93.6%, with an average duration of infection of 117 days. S. pilosicoli could not be isolated from any village pig (n = 126) despite its confirmed presence in 17 of 50 commercial pigs (34.0%) sampled at a local piggery. Four of 76 village dogs (5.3%) and 1 of 2 village ducks were colonized with S. pilosicoli, suggesting the possibility of cross transmission between humans and animals.  相似文献   

Ascaris is a genus of parasitic nematodes that can cause infections in humans and pigs. During 2010–2013, we identified 14 cases of ascariasis in persons who had contact with pigs in Maine, USA. Ascaris spp. are important zoonotic pathogens, and prevention measures are needed, including health education, farming practice improvements, and personal and food hygiene.  相似文献   

Ascariasis is considered to be one of the rare infectious diseases in Japan, but recently it has been slightly increasing. This paper reports three ascariasis cases who seemed to be infected recently in the Kitakyushu area, Japan. Case 1: A 59-year-old woman in Kitakyushu City passed a round worm after continuous abdominal pain. The patient was discharged from the hospital because of no further abnormal intestinal symptoms and findings. Case 2: An 85-year-old woman in Nakama City, who suffered from cerebral infarction, vomited a round worm before hospitalization. Many ascarid eggs were detected after admission, and after treatment with pyrantel pamoate (Combantrin) two round worms were passed and egg detection became negative. Case 3: A 77-year-old man in Saikawa Town vomited 3 round worms after gastrectomy due to early gastric cancer. Many unfertilized eggs were also detected from the stool together with hook worm eggs, but no eggs were found after administration of pyrantel pamoate. Morphological examination was made by a scanning electron microscope on the denticles on the dentigerous lip ridges of the worms to differentiate from possible infection with a pig parasite, Ascaris suum. The three cases were diagnosed as ascariasis due to human Ascaris lumbricoides based on the following evidences that the expelled worms had 1) less pointed tips of the denticles and shallower or wider interdenticle notches, and 2) far more denticles of smaller size along the dentigerous ridges, compared with Ascaris suum. The necessity of differentiating pig- from human-ascarids, when considering human infection with Ascaris suum, is discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission from humans to mosquitoes was assessed in two neighbouring villages in a rural area near Yaoundé, Cameroon during high and low transmission seasons during 1998-2000, using several indices previously evaluated in different areas endemic for malaria but never directly compared. These indices were estimated from human parasitological data and mosquito infection rates and, for each individual, thick blood films were prepared at the same time as experimental infection of laboratory-bred mosquitoes. Among the 685 volunteers examined, the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriers was 16%, and 8% of individuals were able to infect mosquitoes. The percentage of mosquitoes that became infected by feeding on the infectious individuals was 21%. Children aged < 10 years contributed to about 75% of the infectious reservoir, although they constituted only 35% of the total population. Differences were found between the transmission seasons and the villages, and varied according to the index examined. Although there were more infectious individuals in one of the two villages, they were less infectious than those in the other village during the high transmission season. Comparative analysis of the transmission indices suggests the existence of functioning transmission-blocking immunity in one of the villages, which until now has been only hypothetically considered to play a role in malaria transmission in a natural setting. The epidemiological value of all the indices used and their accuracy in estimating the human infectious reservoir and its natural or induced variations are discussed.  相似文献   

Schistosoma haematobium miracidia were detected in sentinel snails placed in 16 human water contact sites in the Volta Lake, each month from March 1973 to November 1977. Results showed that rates of infection were seasonal, and that infected snails were more often found in water contact sites sheltered by emergent plant growth than in exposed open beach sites with no emergent vegetation. Sentinel snail infection rates were correlated with natural snail infection rates and with epidemiological levels of schistosomiasis in village inhabitants. After two years of chemotherapy and mollusciciding, levels of disease and sentinel snail infection rates dropped in two-thirds of the villages. In the remaining villages, however, the sentinel snail infection rates were not correlated with the fall in epidemiological level, because of ecological changes in the water contact sites.  相似文献   

四川省人感染猪链球菌病流行病学调查分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
目的查明人感染猪链球菌病感染来源和途径,流行范围,流行特征与特点,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法制订统一的临床诊断标准对病例进行诊断,制订统一的流行病学个案调查表进行流行病学调查,采集病例的早期血、脑脊液样和病死猪组织样进行病原分离和鉴定,收集患者的临床表现和检查结果,对死亡病例进行病理改变观察,综合以上信息进行分析。结果2005-07中旬以来,发生在四川省资阳市等地的不明原因疾病,经调查证实为猪链球菌2型引起的人感染猪链球菌病。截至2005-08-09,在四川省的12个地区共发现病原学确诊和临床诊断病例180例,疑似35例,死亡39例。病例主要分布在资阳、内江2市,感染途径为宰杀、洗切病死猪等家畜,病例散在发生,病例之间无接触史,无续发病例,无人传人的现象,病例以参与宰杀病死猪的农村男性为主。病例的临床分型主要为脑膜炎和休克型,潜伏期短,平均2.37d,病理改变主要表现为全身多器官受损,败血症伴弥漫性血管内凝血。结论2005-07中旬以来,发生在四川省资阳市等地的人感染猪链球菌病,病原菌为猪链球菌2型,感染途径为直接接触(宰杀、洗切)病死猪等家畜。病例主要表现为脑膜炎型和休克型。  相似文献   

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