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BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of disengagement beliefs in smoking cessation. The association of disengagement beliefs with forward transition through the transtheoretical stages of change and self-reported quitting were examined, with and without adjusting for processes of change. METHODS: A longitudinal survey was conducted among Dutch smokers, resulting in 367 respondents who completed two questionnaires, one at baseline and one at 8 months follow-up. Disengagement beliefs, intention to quit, actual quitting, and the processes of change were assessed. RESULTS: The findings showed that disengagement beliefs were negatively associated with forward stage transition and actual quitting. Processes of change only partly mediated these associations. CONCLUSIONS: Adhering to disengagement beliefs seems to be an inhibitor of progression towards smoking cessation and actual quitting, also after adjustment for processes of change.  相似文献   

Personality is one of several factors that have been related to the initiation, maintenance and cessation of smoking. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the alternative five-factor model of personality (AFFM), nicotine dependence (ND), nicotine use (NU) and cessation after twelve months of a cognitive–behavioral therapy combined with medication. In this prospective study, a sample of 103 smokers who were taking part in a workplace smoking cessation intervention, answered the Zuckerman–Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire. ND and NU were measured with the Fagerström Test for the Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD), respectively. Tobacco cessation was self-reported at twelve months follow-up and biologically confirmed. Results varied according to gender. In men, low scores on Sociability predicted high ND and large number of CPD. In addition, low scores on Sensation Seeking and high scores on Impulsivity predicted also a high smoking rate at baseline. No personality traits were found to explain ND in women, but high Impulsivity–Sensation Seeking and General Activity predicted high CPD. Predictors of cessation also differed by gender. Apart from FTND level, high levels on Impulsivity predicted relapse in males. In women, high levels on Sociability predicted relapse. This model correctly classified two thirds of abstainers and relapsers for men and three fourths for women at 12 months. Furthermore an interaction between personality and gender was observed. The AFFM appears to have a substantial power for predicting cessation. Personality assessment when beginning treatment for smoking cessation could allow incorporating strategies to improve outcomes.  相似文献   

This study explores the combined effect of message framing, intention to quit smoking, and nicotine dependence on the persuasiveness of smoking cessation messages. Pre- and post-message measures of quit intention, attitude toward smoking cessation, and perceived behavioral control were taken in two separate waves from current cigarette smokers with varying levels of nicotine dependence (N=151). In the second wave, participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the first group, participants read a smoking cessation message which emphasized the benefits of quitting (positive frame). In the second group participants read a message which emphasized the costs of not quitting (negative frame). Results show that smokers' intentions to quit smoking and their level of nicotine dependence jointly influence the persuasiveness of positive and negative message frames. When nicotine dependence and quitting intention are both high, a negative frame works best. Conversely, a positive frame is preferable when nicotine dependence or quitting intention is low. Smokers' level of processing is proposed as the underlying mechanism explaining the different effects of message frames.  相似文献   



Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is an effective treatment for smokers who want to quit, however, the rates of successful quitting can be improved even more. In this context, nicotine dependence (assessed via the Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire, FTQ), psychological distress (measured via the Symptom Rating Test, SRT), and personality traits (evaluated via the Adult Eysenck Personality Inventory, AEPI) were evaluated as possible predictors of smoking cessation.


A total of 297 cigarette smokers were followed for one year as part of a NRT double-blind, parallel group, randomized trial. Baseline nicotine dependence (weeks 12 and 26: p < 0.05), AEPI neuroticism (weeks 12 and 52: p < 0.05), and AEPI psychoticism (weeks 12 and 52: p < 0.05) scores significantly influenced the outcome of smoking cessation during one-year of follow-up. An increase in psychological distress during follow-up was associated with a lower probability of quitting smoking (p = 0.000).


Nicotine dependence, neuroticism, psychoticism and, over time, psychological distress were the main factors influencing the long-term outcome (i.e., up to 12 months) of smoking cessation under NRT.  相似文献   

The aim of this randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial is to test the efficacy and safety of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in promoting end-of-treatment abstinence among adolescents and whether this relation is moderated by medication compliance. Participants (N = 257, age: 16.7 ± 1.13 years) attended an information meeting followed by a 6- or 9-week treatment. Self-reported smoking cessation, compliance, and side effects were measured by means of online questionnaires. Intent-to-treat analyses showed that independent of compliance, NRT is effective in promoting abstinence rates after 2 weeks (OR = 2.02, 95% CI = 1.11–3.69), but not end-of-treatment abstinence. However, end-of-treatment abstinence rates significantly increased in high-compliant (OR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.01–1.17) and not in low-compliant participants. No serious adverse events were found. Future research is warranted to disentangle the process involving the decrease in abstinence rates and compliance rates from the third week after the quit date onwards.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies have been conducted to evaluate correlates of stage of change movement among adult smokers but no studies were found to be conducted among adolescent smokers. This study used longitudinal data to examine adolescents' abstinence self-efficacy over 10-week and six-month periods and determined whether stage transitions were associated with concomitant changes or baseline values in perceived abstinence self-efficacy, nicotine dependence and motivation to quit. From baseline to 10-weeks results showed a change in motivation to quit and baseline stage were significantly associated with stage progression and regression. Additionally, intervention school status was significantly associated with stage progression. On the other hand, baseline score for nicotine dependence predicted stage regression not progression. Adolescents' becoming more or less ‘ready’ to quit smoking are influenced by their nicotine dependence and motivation to quit.  相似文献   



Little is known about time-varying effects of smoking quantity and nicotine dependence on the regularity of adolescent smoking behavior.


The sample was drawn from the Social and Emotional Contexts of Adolescent Smoking Patterns Study which followed adolescent smokers over 5 assessment waves spanning 48 months. Participants included former experimenters (smoked <100 cigarettes/lifetime but did not smoke in past 90 days), recent experimenters (smoked <100 cigarettes/lifetime and smoked in past 90 days), and current smokers (smoked >100 cigarettes/lifetime and smoked in past 30 days). Mixed-effects regression models were run to examine the time-varying effects of smoking quantity and nicotine dependence on regularity of smoking behavior, as measured by number of days smoked.


Smoking quantity and nicotine dependence were each found to be significantly associated with regularity of adolescent smoking and the size of each effect exhibited significant variation over time. The effect of smoking quantity decreased across time for each smoking group, while the effect of nicotine dependence increased across time for former and recent experimenters. By the 48-month follow-up, the effects of smoking quantity and nicotine dependence had each stabilized across groups.


This study reveals that smoking quantity and nicotine dependence are not static risk factors for the development of more regular smoking patterns. At low levels of smoking when nicotine dependence symptoms are less common, smoking quantity is a stronger predictor of increased regularity of smoking, while for more experienced smokers, nicotine dependence predicts further increases in regularity.  相似文献   

Despite increased attention to adolescent smoking cessation, little is known about adolescent relapse following a quit attempt. To address this issue, the present study was designed to provide initial information regarding the characteristics of adolescent lapses to smoking following abstinence. Included in the present study were 204 adolescent participants in four independent smoking cessation trials. For the full sample, participants averaged 15.99 (1.27) years of age; 56% were female and 78% were white. Lapse characteristics and precipitants were assessed using the Adolescent Smoking Relapse Review. Three domains of the lapse experience were assessed: lapse situation characteristics, precipitants of use in the situation, and proximal influences (i.e., potential precipitants occurring on the same day, prior to the lapse situation). Participant reports indicated that the modal lapse situation occurred in the evening while socializing with friends at home. Urges or cravings and social pressure were commonly endorsed as occurring in lapse situations. The most frequently reported proximal influence was desire for a cigarette, followed by abstinence-violation cognitions (okay to smoke occasionally, wanted to see what it would be like) and negative emotions. The findings indicate that a broad range of factors appear to influence adolescent smoking lapse and commend the value of incorporating content relevant to managing social and affective cues, strategies for inhibiting the prepotent response to ask for a cigarette, addressing cognitions regarding the difficulty of not smoking (i.e., cessation expectancies) and combating perceptions of the ability to smoke occasionally.  相似文献   

Drug-involved smokers may be less motivated to quit smoking because they expect smoking cessation to occasion adverse outcomes (e.g., exacerbation of drug use). Non-treatment-seeking adult smokers from the community (N = 507) reported drug involvement, expectancies for smoking abstinence via the Smoking Abstinence Questionnaire (SAQ), and motivation to quit smoking (desire to quit and abstinence goal). Mediation analyses evaluated the indirect effects of binge drinking, marijuana, cocaine, other stimulant, opiate, and barbiturate/other sedative involvement on motivation to quit smoking through the SAQ Adverse Outcomes scale. Adverse outcomes expectancies accounted for a reduced desire to quit smoking and a lower likelihood of endorsing a goal of complete smoking abstinence among those involved with binge drinking, marijuana, cocaine, other stimulants, opiates, and barbiturates/other sedatives. Drug-involved smokers' greater expectancies for adverse outcomes upon quitting smoking may deter smoking quit attempts. Interventions are encouraged to counteract the notion that smoking cessation jeopardizes sobriety.  相似文献   



There is an urgent need to find better ways of helping pregnant smokers to stop. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have not detected an effect of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation in pregnancy. This may be because of inadequate dosing because of faster nicotine metabolism in this group. In England, many pregnant smokers use single form and combination NRT (patch plus a faster acting form). This correlational study examined whether the latter is associated with higher quit rates.


Routinely collected data from 3880 pregnant smokers attempting to stop in one of 44 Stop Smoking Services in England. The outcome measure was 4-week quit rates, verified by expired-air carbon monoxide level < 10 ppm. Outcome was compared between those not using medication versus using single form NRT (patch or one of the faster acting forms), or combination NRT. Potential confounders were intervention setting (specialist clinic, home visit, primary care, other), intervention type (one-to-one, group, drop-in, other), months pregnant, age, ethnicity and occupational group in multi-level logistic regressions.


After adjustment, combination NRT was associated with higher odds of quitting compared with no medication (OR = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.13–3.29, p = 0.016), whereas single NRT showed no benefit (OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 0.60–1.86, p = 0.84).


Use of a combination of nicotine patch and a faster acting form may confer a benefit in terms of promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. While this conclusion is based on correlational data, it lends support to continuing this treatment option pending confirmation by an RCT.  相似文献   



Parental smoking and early-emerging nicotine dependence symptoms are well-documented risk factors for adolescent smoking. However, very little is known about the mediating pathways through which these risk factors may act, or whether parental smoking may cause or signal early-emerging nicotine dependence symptoms.


Data were drawn from the longitudinal Social and Emotional Contexts of Adolescent Smoking Patterns Study. Adolescents who had smoked under 100 cigarettes in their lifetime (n = 594; low-exposure group) and adolescents who had smoked over 100 cigarettes, but fewer than 5 cigarettes per day (n = 152) were included in the analyses. Path analysis was performed on longitudinal data to investigate the association between parental smoking and smoking frequency at the 48 months follow-up, both directly and through mediating variables of smoking frequency, smoking quantity, and nicotine dependence.


Father's smoking was associated with higher adolescent nicotine dependence scores at the baseline assessment wave. Structural equation modeling revealed that mother's smoking at baseline was associated with adolescent's smoking frequency at the 48-month follow-up, and its effect was partially mediated by both smoking frequency and nicotine dependence among low-exposure adolescent smokers.


Parental smoking is a risk factor for future smoking in low-exposure adolescent smokers, above and beyond the risks posed by smoking behavior and nicotine dependence. Moreover, parental smoking is associated with early-onset nicotine dependence in low-exposure adolescent smokers. As an easily measureable risk factor, parent smoking status can be used to identify and intervene with novice adolescent smokers who are at high risk for chronic smoking behavior.  相似文献   

Rationale The purpose of medication screening studies is to quickly and cheaply evaluate the clinical potential of medications, so that promising drugs proceed to large-scale clinical trials and unpromising drugs do not. Screening procedures for smoking cessation medications either are not sufficiently practical or lack clinical validity. Clinical trials have clinical validity but are often impractical as initial tests of efficacy (i.e., screening) or suffer from limited statistical power. The alternative approach of short-term, laboratory-based studies of purported mechanisms of efficacy may overcome some of the practical problems of clinical trials but appear to have limited clinical validity. Objectives This commentary identifies some of the limitations of current short-term screening procedures and provides suggestions for improving such studies. Results Short-term screening studies typically use smokers unmotivated to abstain (i.e., nontreatment seekers) as participants and examine brief medication effects on clinical markers or potential mechanisms of action, including relief of withdrawal and craving during enforced abstinence or on reduction in the reinforcing effects of smoked tobacco. The limitation of these approaches is shown by their insensitivity to effects of nicotine replacement and bupropion, which are effective in clinical trials for smoking cessation. Conclusions The clinical validity of short-term screening studies may improve if these studies simulate some clinical trial procedures within practical limitations. Thus, they should recruit smokers motivated to abstain, emphasize smoking abstinence as a primary index of medication response, examine effects over sufficiently long time periods to encompass the drug's mechanism of action, and assess responses in the natural environment. Whether these changes improve the sensitivity of screening studies is testable. Other research aimed specifically at identifying the mechanisms of therapeutic action of a medication may also profit from using this approach of simulating a short-term clinical trial.  相似文献   

Health concerns are common reasons for wanting to quit smoking among smokers with mental illnesses. Motivational interventions have used feedback from a carbon monoxide monitor to increase awareness of health concerns, but this device is not commonly available. Whether brief motivational interventions can be effective without this feedback is unknown. Using a randomized controlled trial, this study tested the effect of carbon monoxide feedback within a brief, multi-component, computerized motivational intervention among 124 smokers with schizophrenia or mood disorders. The main outcome was initiating cessation treatment over two months. Although participants in the carbon monoxide group increased their knowledge about the carbon monoxide, (χ2 = 6.97, df = 1, p = .008), the main and secondary outcomes did not differ significantly between groups. Overall, 32% of participants initiated treatment. This study suggests that a computerized motivational decision support system can lead users to initiate cessation treatment, and that carbon monoxide feedback is not a necessary component.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Long-term exposure to nicotine is associated with chronic tolerance to its acute effects, adaptation that may lead to tobacco dependence. The time course for loss of this tolerance after cessation of exposure is not known in humans but could relate to risk of smoking relapse. OBJECTIVES: We examined changes in responses to nicotine as a function of days, weeks, or years of smoking cessation in formerly dependent smokers to determine at what point sensitivity to nicotine is reinstated (i.e., loss of tolerance). METHODS: Acute subjective, cardiovascular, performance, and reinforcing (self-administration) effects of nicotine nasal spray (0-20 microg/kg) were assessed prospectively in men and women smokers before and then day-by-day (study 1) or 3 weeks (study 2) after stopping smoking. A smoking resumption period (study 1) and a group of non-quitting smokers (study 2) were included to control for the passage of time. These effects were also compared cross-sectionally between those who had quit for 1-4 years and those who had for 6-19 years in a separate sample of long-time ex-smokers to determine whether lengthier abstinence causes greater loss of tolerance (study 3). RESULTS: No clear loss of tolerance was observed on any measure in studies 1 or 2, suggesting that chronic tolerance is fully maintained for at least weeks after quitting smoking. Sensitivity to nicotine's effects was also not different as a function of years quit in study 3. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic tolerance to nicotine is not lost within several weeks of quitting smoking and may not change even after years of abstinence from tobacco use.  相似文献   

Many girls adopt dieting and other practices (i.e. cigarette smoking) to control weight during puberty. This analysis explored the relationship between age at menarche and onset of daily smoking, and whether this relationship was influenced by weight concerns among treatment seeking female adolescents. The sample consisted of 71 participants enrolled in a smoking cessation trial (age 15.2 ± 1.3 years; 74.7% European American, baseline BMI 24.7 ± 5.4, age at menarche 11.7 ± 1.3 years, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence score 7.0 ± 1.2). Over 60% of participants reported weight concerns at baseline, based on responses to the Eating Disorders module from the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents. Linear regression analyses revealed a significant association between age at menarche and age of onset of daily smoking (β = 0.18 ± 0.09, p = 0.038). Having weight concerns did not modify the relationships between age at menarche and smoking trajectory/severity or abstinence. Findings support previous research showing that early maturation represents a risk factor for substance use. Further study in larger samples that include non-treatment-seeking adolescent female smokers is warranted.  相似文献   

Introduction Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) are effective for smoking cessation. After having received over-the-counter (OTC) status in Germany, concerns grew about effectiveness, increased risks, especially of adverse cardiovascular reactions, and inappropriate use of NRT. Thus, a pharmacy-based cohort study was launched.Objectives To assess effectiveness, safety and appropriateness of use of an OTC nicotine patch (Nicotinell, Novartis Ltd.). Every customer who bought an OTC Nicotinell patch was eligible. All data were collected by self-administered questionnaires at weeks 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 after inclusion. Six hundred and thirty-three customers were admitted, median duration of smoking was 19 years. Of the participants, 6% smoked up to 10 cigarettes per day, 43.6% between 11 and 20, 34.3% between 21 and 30, and 16.1% more than 30 cigarettes. Twenty-four weeks later, 351 participants replied: 28% (177 of 633) had quit smoking completely. Considering replies only the proportion of complete responders raised to 50.4%. There were no serious adverse events reported; 62.9% complied with the directions for use and did not use the patch for more than 3 months. About 45% smoked simultaneously with NRT. Pharmacy-based cohort studies are feasible. This study indicates that the nicotine patch is effective and safe in an OTC setting. There is still room to improve compliance with the directions for use.  相似文献   

 In a placebo-controlled double-blind trial 308 smokers were individually randomly allocated to one of four groups: 1) 3 g dextrose tablets and 15 mg nicotine transdermal patch; 2) dextrose and placebo patch; 3) placebo tablets and nicotine patch; 4) placebo tablets and placebo patch. Patients were scheduled to attend weekly smokers clinic sessions starting 1 week before the quit date and continue for 4 weeks after that date. The primary outcome variable was biochemically verified abstinence at the final session, four weeks after the scheduled quit date. The proportion of smokers abstinent in the four groups was as follows: 49% – dextrose plus active patch; 44% – dextrose plus placebo patch; 36% – placebo tablet plus active patch; 30% – placebo tablet plus placebo patch. The difference between the dextrose and placebo tablets (13%) was statistically significant (P < 0.01, one-tailed); the difference between the active and placebo patches (6%) was not. There was no significant difference between the effect of the dextrose when accompanied by active versus placebo patches. There was no significant effect of dextrose on weight. The results suggest that dextrose supplementation to the diet may be a cheap and simple aid to giving up smoking. Further research is now needed to establish its long-term efficacy. Received: 7 July 1997/Final version: 26 September 1997  相似文献   



Alcohol use is a well-documented risk factor for the emergence of chronic smoking behavior. Very little is known, however, about the mediating pathways through which alcohol and/or alcohol-related problems influence future smoking.


Data were drawn from the longitudinal Social and Emotional Contexts of Adolescent Smoking Patterns Study (SECASPS). Adolescents who had smoked under 100 cigarettes in their lifetime (n = 898; experimenters) and adolescents who had smoked over 100 cigarettes, but fewer than 5 cigarettes per day (n = 152: current smokers) were examined separately (grouping variable). Path analysis was performed to investigate the association between alcohol related problems at baseline (primary predictor) and smoking regularity at the 48 month follow-up (primary outcome), both directly and through mediating variables of smoking quantity and frequency, and nicotine dependence (averaged across these measures at 6-, 15-, and 24-month assessment waves).


Among experimenters, after controlling for smoking and alcohol use, the association between alcohol-related problems at baseline and smoking frequency 48 months later was fully mediated by nicotine dependence symptoms. Among current smokers, only past smoking behavior was associated with 48-month smoking frequency.


Alcohol-related problems are a risk factor for future smoking among novice adolescent smokers above and beyond drinking or smoking per se. By signaling sensitivity to nicotine dependence symptoms, alcohol related problems represent an easily measureable risk factor that can be used to identify and intervene with adolescents before more chronic smoking behaviors emerge.  相似文献   

Seventy-seven smokers quit smoking and were randomly assigned to a 3×2 design contrasting instructions (told received nicotine gum versus told received placebo gum versus not told which gum received) and receipt of nicotine (received nicotine gum versus received placebo gum). Both being told one received nicotine and actual recept of nicotine increased the number of days abstinent and decreased the number of cigarettes smoked (P<0.05). Receipt of nicotine but not instructions appeared to influence withdrawal (P=0.06). Instructions but not recept of nicotine appeared to influence craving (P=0.08), gum selfadministration (P=0.06) and reported helpfulness of the gum (P=0.02). Neither nicotine nor instructions influenced side-effects. Instructions and nicotine interacted in several ways. For example, nicotine appeared to increase abstinence in the blind and told placebo conditions more than in the told nicotine condition (P<0.05). Our results suggest the effects of instructions and nicotine 1) are not mutually exclusive, 2) vary across dependent variables and 3) can interact such that instructions modify the therapeutic and subjective effects of nicotine.  相似文献   

This report presents outlines for approaches to smoking cessation. These recommendations are based on a meta-analysis of the treatment-outcome literature, a survey of current treatment practices and the views of a panel of experts. Face-to-face intervention to assist smokers to stop smoking needs to be considered in the context of a public policy approach to reducing the prevalence of smoking. The nature of face-to-face interventions is determined by the time available to practitioners. Where there is no time to intervene (e.g. in some primary health care settings) quality self-help materials should be prominently displayed. Where there is only 10 minutes or less, attention should be focused on personalizing the health effects of smoking, providing firm advice to quit, providing self-help material, setting a quit date (if appropriate), identifying social support for cessation and organizing a follow-up visit. If there is more time to intervene (up to one hour) the previous techniques can be expanded on and supplemented with nicotine replacement and discussion of methods for dealing with high-risk situations. Longer interventions would use all of these methods, presenting them in more detail, and may also address stress management and minimization of weight gain.  相似文献   

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