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Compared to other life stages, young adulthood (ages 18–24) is characterized by qualitative differences including the highest rates of co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders (COD). Little is known, however, regarding young adults' response to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, especially those with COD. Greater knowledge in this area could inform and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of SUD care for this patient population. The current study investigated differences between 141 COD and 159 SUD-only young adults attending psychiatrically-integrated residential SUD treatment on intake characteristics, during-treatment changes on clinical targets (e.g., coping skills; abstinence self-efficacy), and outcomes during the year post-discharge. Contrary to expectations, despite more severe clinical profiles at intake, COD patients showed similar during-treatment improvements on clinical target variables, and comparable post-treatment abstinence rates and psychiatric symptoms. Clinicians referring young adults with COD to specialized care may wish to consider residential SUD treatment programs that integrate evidence-based psychiatric services.  相似文献   

This report reviews studies of psychosocial interventions for people with co-occurring substance use disorder and severe mental illness. We identified 45 controlled studies (22 experimental and 23 quasi-experimental) of psychosocial dual diagnosis interventions through several search strategies. Three types of interventions (group counseling, contingency management, and residential dual diagnosis treatment) show consistent positive effects on substance use disorder, whereas other interventions have significant impacts on other areas of adjustment (e.g., case management enhances community tenure and legal interventions increase treatment participation). Current studies are limited by heterogeneity of interventions, participants, methods, outcomes, and measures. Treatment of co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorder now has a large but heterogeneous evidence base that nevertheless supports several types of interventions. Future research will need to address methodological standardization, longitudinal perspectives, interventions for subgroups and stages, sequenced interventions, and the changing realities of treatment systems.  相似文献   

The study examines client and service characteristics of addiction treatment completers and non-completers with co-occurring disorders (COD). On demographic variables, completers were more likely to be male and homeless. In the psychiatric domain, a greater proportion of completers received diagnoses of depression and generalized anxiety disorder, whereas non-completers were more often diagnosed with bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. No group differences were found in client-reported psychiatric symptom severity; however, non-completers were rated by clinicians as having more severe symptoms in the areas of interpersonal sensitivity, depression, and hostility. In the area of substance use patterns, no differences were found in primary substance of abuse but completers reported more days of use during the month prior to treatment. Completers also had a greater history of both prior detox and non-detox treatment. At discharge, completers achieved higher rates of past month abstinence and AA attendance, but no differences were found in length of stay in treatment. Examination of recovery support services utilization revealed that completers more often received peer mentoring services. Greater proportions of the non-completer group received educational support, clothing, medical care, and employment assistance. These results suggest that future studies are needed in examining possible differential treatment response by diagnostic category and the potential role of peer mentoring in enhancing addiction treatment completion of COD clients.  相似文献   

This article describes factors that influence national policy and practice, with particular focus on the implications of epidemiological survey research. Examples of areas of concern to policymakers include treatment-seeking patterns, access to care at points of service in public health and social service systems, evidence-based practices, workforce development, and the complexities of reimbursement. In responding to data on systemic barriers to care, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has sought to promote a no wrong door strategy to address the needs of persons with co-occurring disorders (CODs) involving their mental health and substance use. Examples of SAMHSA programs and policies addressing CODs discussed in this article include targeted partnerships with the states, mechanisms to enhance system infrastructure, technical assistance, and initiatives with special populations.  相似文献   

The Dual Diagnosis Capability in Addiction Treatment and the Dual Diagnosis Capability in Mental Health Treatment indexes were used to document change in the capability of 14 substance abuse and mental health agencies to provide services to clients with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD). COD capability significantly increased over 2 years, with the largest improvements seen in client assessment and staff training for COD. The role of agency structural characteristics and organizational readiness for change was also investigated. The study found modest evidence that some structural characteristics (e.g., agency size) and organizational readiness for change were related to increased COD capability. Further study is needed of how these factors affect implementation and fidelity to evidence-based practices, including how programs might compensate for or modify the effects of organizational factors to enhance implementation efforts.  相似文献   

Research has documented the significant challenges of engaging individuals with comorbid serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorders (SUDs) in substance abuse treatment. To date it is unclear which factors predict treatment initiation and engagement in this group of individuals with SUDs. In this study we conducted two analyses using data from a randomized trial of substance abuse treatment in outpatients with SMI: the first examining predictors (collected during screening) of completing an initial intake assessment and the second examining predictors (collected during the intake assessment) of becoming engaged in treatment. Results indicated that males and those with schizophrenia spectrum diagnoses were less likely to complete the intake assessment. Participants who reported more positive feelings about their family were more likely to engage in substance abuse treatment. Participants who were recently arrested were less likely to engage in treatment. Those who met criteria for current drug dependence were less likely to engage in treatment. Overall, these findings are a useful step in determining factors that predict substance abuse treatment initiation and engagement in individuals with SMI and SUDs.  相似文献   

Comorbid substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders (SUD-PTSD) predict poorer treatment outcomes. Self-medication has been forwarded as a symptom-level explanatory model. However, research has yet to be conducted that can provide detailed examination of SUD and PTSD symptom fluctuations over time as posited by such a process. This pilot study examined associations between PTSD and substance dependence (SD) symptoms/substance use using two established methodologies that assess week-by-week symptom and substance use/dependence status. Outpatients (N = 35) in SUD treatment completed the Longitudinal Follow-Up Evaluation and the Time Lime Follow-Back Interview, retrospectively reporting weekly PTSD and SD symptoms, and substance use over the previous 6-months. Results indicated that weekly PTSD symptom fluctuations were concurrently associated with the presence of alcohol and cocaine dependence symptoms and were associated with the presence of opiate dependence symptoms in the following week. These findings support a self-medication conceptualization, underscore the utility of using a more detailed process analysis of PTSD and SD symptoms, and suggest that PTSD fluctuations are associated with substance problems, rather than with substance use per se.  相似文献   



The mechanisms by which behavioral therapies for substance use disorders (SUDs) exert their effects and the components of treatment that contribute most to substance use outcome remain unclear. Disruptions to aspects of impulse control and attention have been hypothesized to contribute to the development and maintenance of addiction; moreover, alterations in these processes may underlie responses to treatment.


Individuals participating in a randomized clinical trial evaluating computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for substance abuse participated in fMRI Stroop before and after treatment. A non-substance-using comparison group performed the same task under test–retest conditions.


The patient group demonstrated decreased Stroop-related BOLD signal in regions including the anterior cingulate, inferior frontal gyrus and midbrain at post-treatment relative to pre-treatment, and displayed a greater decrease in the subthalamic nucleus and surrounding regions compared to healthy controls following test–retest.


Behavioral therapies may be associated with reduction in substance use and effects on neural systems involved in cognitive control, impulsivity, motivation and attention.  相似文献   

Most published studies have examined co-occurring disorders among mental health patients. Our objective was to compare the length of stay and hospital charges between hospitalized patients with alcohol- or substance-related disorders with and without co-occurring disorders. We analyzed nationally representative hospital discharge data (Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2003-2007) and examined factors associated with length of stay and hospital charges. Forty-four percent of patients who were hospitalized with alcohol- or substance-related disorders were diagnosed with co-occurring mental disorders, representing 979,421 such disorders nationwide between 2003 and 2007. Females, those of White race, those who paid with insurance, and those who stayed in large, rural, nonteaching, and Midwest region hospitals had a high prevalence of co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders were associated with longer hospital stays, but there were mixed results with hospital charges per discharge. An increase in co-occurring disorders among hospitalized patients with substance-related disorder may be due to the improvement in diagnosis and clinical attention.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationship between co-occurring substance use and Axis I psychiatric disorders and treatment utilization and outcome among homeless individuals (N=365) who participated in an episode of intensive outpatient substance use treatment. Compared to patients without a co-occurring diagnosis, homeless patients with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder or PTSD participated in more substance use treatment. Diagnostic status did not predict 12-month alcohol or drug treatment outcome. Substance use treatment programs appear to successfully engage homeless individuals with major depressive disorder and PTSD in treatment. Such individuals appear to achieve similar benefits from standard substance use treatment as do homeless individuals without such disorders.  相似文献   

This retrospective cohort study examined risk factors for co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) and the effect of COD and intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization among women and IPV-related arrest among men on 1-year substance abuse treatment outcomes. The study sample included clients admitted to Washington State publicly funded substance abuse treatment facilities in 2004–2007. COD was associated with a high substance use and IPV risk profile at admission. Having a COD decreased the odds of completing treatment by 30% among men and women and increased the risk of treatment reentry by 9% and 12% among men and women, respectively. IPV also decreased the odds of completing treatment among women and increased the risk of treatment reentry among men. Men with COD were less likely than those without COD to be arrested for substance-related crimes but more likely to be arrested for violence-related crimes in the follow-up period. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is much momentum for behavioral health policies supporting mandated treatment, there is little evidence supporting its safety and effectiveness for individuals with complex issues. The authors used a national study of women with co-occurring psychiatric, substance use disorders and histories of trauma to compare mandated and voluntary treatment by examining psychiatric, substance use, and trauma-related outcomes following treatment. This quasi-experimental study included 2,726 women, with measures completed at baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up. Two-way analyses of covariance examined the main and interactive effects of coercive status (mandated vs. voluntary) and condition (integrated treatment vs. services as usual) on psychiatric distress, trauma-related symptoms, and substance use outcomes. Women did better with integrated treatment and with mandated treatment regardless of treatment condition for psychiatric, trauma, and substance use outcomes at both follow-ups. Further research clarifying unintended side effects and change mechanisms of mandated treatment is needed to inform policy decisions.  相似文献   

Enhanced outpatient treatment for co-occurring disorders: main outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study, which was conducted in an outpatient substance abuse treatment program, randomly assigned clients with mental health symptoms to either a control group, which received basic program services, or an experimental group, which was configured as a modified therapeutic community (TC) track, with the addition of modified TC features and three specific elements-psychoeducational seminar, trauma-informed addictions treatment, and case management. The experimental group had significantly better outcomes as compared with the control group on measures of psychiatric severity and on the key measure of housing stability; no difference was observed for substance use, crime, and employment. The findings must be qualified because (a) only 3 of 34 representative measures (<10%) showed significant differential treatment effects and (b) analysis revealed partial implementation of the enhancements. The study provides modest support for the effectiveness, on specific outcomes, of outpatient substance abuse treatment programs that add modified TC features and targeted interventions to strengthen their capacity to treat co-occurring disorders.  相似文献   

Outcomes after behavioral couples therapy (BCT) were compared for 19 dually diagnosed veterans with combat-related PTSD and a substance use disorder (SUD, primarily alcohol dependence) and 19 veterans with SUD only. Clients with and without comorbid PTSD had very similar pre-treatment clinical profiles on dimensions of substance misuse, relationship functioning, and psychological symptoms. Further, both PTSD and non-PTSD clients showed good compliance with BCT, attending a high number of BCT sessions, taking Antabuse, and going to AA. Finally, both PTSD and non-PTSD groups improved from before BCT to immediately after and 12 months after BCT. Specific improvements noted were increased relationship satisfaction and reductions in drinking, negative consequences of drinking, male-to-female violence, and psychological distress symptoms. Extent and pattern of improvement over time were similar whether the client had PTSD or not. The present results suggest that BCT may have promise in treating clients with comorbid SUD and combat-related PTSD.  相似文献   

Substance use disorder is the most common and clinically significant co-morbidity among clients with severe mental illnesses, associated with poor treatment response, homelessness and other adverse outcomes. Residential programs for clients with dual disorders integrate mental health treatment, substance abuse interventions, housing and other supports. Ten controlled studies suggest that greater levels of integration of substance abuse and mental health services are more effective than less integration. Because the research is limited by methodological problems, further research is needed to establish the effectiveness of residential programs, to characterize important program elements, to establish methods to improve engagement into and retention in residential programs and to clarify which clients benefit from this type of service. [Brunette MF, Mueser KT, Drake RE. A review of research on residential programs for people with severe mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders. Drug Alcohol Rev 2004;23:471-481]  相似文献   

Few integrated substance use and depression treatments have been developed for delivery in outpatient substance abuse treatment settings. To meet the call for more "transportable" interventions, we conducted a pilot study to test a group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression and substance use that was designed for delivery by outpatient substance abuse treatment counselors. Seventy-three outpatient clients were randomized to usual care enhanced with group CBT or usual care alone and assessed at three time points (baseline and 3 and 6 months postbaseline). Our results demonstrated that the treatment was acceptable and feasible for delivery by substance abuse treatment staff despite challenges with recruiting clients. Both depressive symptoms and substance use were reduced by the intervention but were not significantly different from the control group. These results suggest that further research is warranted to enhance the effectiveness of treatment for co-occurring disorders in these settings.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of group therapy treatment modules on symptom change during treatment and on outcomes post-treatment. Secondary analyses of depressive symptoms collected from two group therapy studies conducted in substance use treatment settings were examined (n = 132 and n = 44). Change in PHQ-9 scores was modeled using longitudinal growth modeling combined with random effects modeling of session effects, with time-in-treatment interacted with module theme to test moderation. In both studies, depressive symptoms significantly decreased during the active treatment phase. Symptom reductions were not significantly moderated by module theme in the larger study. However, the smaller pilot study's results suggest that future examination of module effects is warranted, given the data are compatible with differential reductions in reported symptoms being associated with attending people-themed module sessions versus thoughts-themed sessions.  相似文献   

Clients with severe mental illness and substance use disorder (i.e., dual disorders) frequently have contact with family members, who may provide valuable emotional and material support, but have limited skills and knowledge to promote recovery. Furthermore, high levels of family conflict and stress are related to higher rates of relapse. The present study was a two-site randomized controlled trial comparing a comprehensive, behaviorally-based family intervention for dual disorders program (FIDD) to a shorter-term family psychoeducational program (FPE). The modal family was a single male son in his early 30s diagnosed with both alcohol and drug problems and a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder participating with his middle-aged mother, with whom he lived. Initial engagement rates following consent to participate in the study and the family intervention programs were moderately high for both programs (88% and 84%, respectively), but rates of longer term retention and exposure to the core elements of each treatment model were lower (61% and 55%, respectively). Characteristics of the relatives were the strongest predictors of successful initial engagement in the family programs with the most important predictor being relatives who reported higher levels of benefit related to the relationship with the client. Subsequent successful exposure to the family treatment models was more strongly associated with client factors, including less severity of drug abuse and male client gender. The results suggest that attention to issues of motivating relatives to participate in family intervention, and more focused efforts to address the disruptive effects of drug abuse on the family could improve rates of engagement and retention in family programs for dual disorders.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were (a) to investigate the existence of substance abuse/dependence subtypes in a diverse low-income welfare to work sample and (b) to explore subtype differences in rates of comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions. Data for all demographic and clinical variables were extracted from deidentified case records of 4,977 clients enrolled in a comprehensive case management program for welfare recipients with substance use disorders. Latent class analysis supported a five-class model made up of a multiple abuse/dependence class (n = 1,133), a cocaine/alcohol class (n = 2,120), an opioids class (n = 1,346), a cannabis class (n = 362), and a small polysubstance/none primary class (n = 16). Post hoc chi-square analyses revealed several between-class differences, perhaps reflecting differing levels of severity and service needs. All five classes were characterized by high rates of medical and psychiatric comorbidity.  相似文献   

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