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Medically intractable epilepsy of extra-temporal origin can represent a difficult therapeutic challenge. Our Epilepsy Service has managed these patients using standard investigative methods as well as ictal SPECT and intracranial electrode recording. In the present series of patients, image-guided surgery was used for all electrode implantation and resective surgery. Seizure localization and successful resection were achieved in 70-80% of 42 patients with follow-up of at least one year. Normal MRI and previous failed intracranial investigation were not associated with poorer outcome.  相似文献   

In children with epilepsy, surgical treatment has been recognized as a valuable therapeutic option that can improve the cognitive prognosis and facilitate schooling. Most of the earlier studies focused on general intellectual outcome and behavior. However, substantial progress and new developments in the neuropsychological evaluation of epileptic children treated with surgery have been made over the past few years. Several recent studies explored language, memory, executive functions and behavior in patients undergoing surgery, taking into account cerebral maturation and plasticity processes. Neuropsychological studies have demonstrated greater functional recovery after surgery in children than in adults. Notably, there is evidence of particular reorganization processes for language dominance. Other studies demonstrate that early surgery of temporal lobe epilepsy in children is associated with better memory than in adults. Longitudinal studies are still needed to describe developmental trajectories and optimize neuropsychological rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Long-term outcome after epilepsy surgery for focal cortical dysplasia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECT: Reports of outcomes for surgical treatment of cortical dysplasia associated with epilepsy are conflicting due to the inclusion of patients with a wide range of malformations of cortical development. The authors report their experience and the long-term outcome for a subgroup of patients with the histopathological diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia of Taylor. METHODS: The records of 22 patients with focal cortical dysplasia of Taylor (15 with the balloon-cell type and seven with the nonballoon-cell type) were reviewed. There were 11 female and 11 male patients whose mean age was 26 +/- 17.6 years (mean +/- standard deviation [SD]) at surgery. The details of their epilepsy evaluation and resection were analyzed. Extent of resection was preoperatively planned using information obtained from long-term intracranial monitoring (15 patients) and/or more definitively determined by histopathologically proven clear margins during resection when feasible (12 patients). The mean duration of follow up was 6.3 +/- 5.1 years (mean +/- SD, range 0.5-15.6 years). Risk factors for epilepsy were trauma (seven patients) or meningoencephalitis (one patient); 14 patients (64%) had no obvious risk factors. The mean age at seizure onset was 9.2 years and the mean duration of their epilepsy was 16.1 +/- 9 years. In two patients there were no adverse findings on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. In 15 patients (68%), the epileptogenic zone identified on long-term intracranial monitoring extended beyond the abnormality observed on MR images. Focal resection (lesion plus margins) was performed in 14 patients (64%), whereas eight (36%) underwent partial/tailored lobectomy. Two patients underwent multiple subpial transections in addition to partial lesionectomy because their lesions involved the sensorimotor cortex. In these two, functional MR imaging confirmed a normal functional anatomy despite the presence of the cortical dysplasia. Eleven (92%) of 12 patients who underwent resection guided by histopathologically proven clear margins and three (43%) of seven patients who underwent histopathologically proven subtotal resection have remained seizure free. Evidence of clear margins was significantly associated with an improved seizure outcome (p = 0.003). Postoperatively, expected deficits included nondisabling visual field defects, which occurred in three patients (14%), and transient sensorimotor deficits, which appeared in five (23%). Two patients had meningitis, which was successfully treated with antibiotics. Overall, 16 patients (73%) are either seizure free (13 patients), have rare nondisabling partial seizures (one patient), or had one seizure after their medication was changed (two patients). Thirteen patients (59%) have discontinued anticonvulsant medications or are being maintained on monotherapy. Of five patients (23%), two have had rare disabling seizures or significant reduction in their seizure frequency (three patients). One patient's seizures have remained the same. CONCLUSIONS: Focal cortical dysplasias are a distinct subgroup of malformations of cortical development and have a favorable outcome after resection. The epileptogenic zone often extends beyond the abnormality found on neuroimaging. Resection of the epileptogenic zone guided by histopathologically proven clear margins is associated with an improved seizure outcome.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological outcome after severe pediatric near-drowning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between April 1979 and August 1983, 49 nearly drowned children in serious condition were admitted to Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) with Glasgow coma scores of 3, 4, or 5 and underwent intracranial pressure monitoring and brain resuscitative therapy. Of the 49 patients, 29 (59%) died in the hospital 1 day to 3 months after admission, 13 (27%) were discharged in vegetative states, and 7 (14%) made good recoveries. No patient made a partial neurological recovery. The sustained mean highest intracranial pressure was significantly higher and the sustained lowest cerebral perfusion pressure was significantly lower for those who died than for survivors (P less than 0.05), but these data did not significantly distinguish between intact and vegetative survivors. Pupillary reactivity noted on arrival at CHLA also significantly discriminated survivors and fatalities (P less than 0.05), but not between intact and vegetative survivors. The presence of any motor activity after arrival at CHLA, even posturing or twitching, indicated a significant chance for intact survival (P less than 0.05), although such activity did not discriminate between death and vegetative survival. Extensive neuropsychological testing indicated that the apparently intact recovered patients generally showed nearly average levels of cognitive functioning, with mild residual gross motor and coordination deficits.  相似文献   

Summary The most frequent sequelae after severe brain injury include changes in personality traits, disturbances of emotional behaviour and impairment of cognitive functions. In particular, emotional changes and/or verbal and non verbal dysfunctions were found in patients with bilateral or unilateral temporal lobe lesions. The aim of our study is to correlate the localization of the brain damage after severe brain injury, in particular of the temporal lobe, with the cognitive impairment and the emotional and behavioural changes resulting from these lesions.The patients with right temporal lobe lesions showed significantly better scores in verbal intelligence and verbal memory in comparison with patients with left temporal lobe lesions and those with other focal brain lesions or diffuse brain damage. In contradistinction, study of the personality and the emotional changes (MMPI and FAF) failed to demonstrate pathological scores in the 3 groups with different CT lesions, without any significant difference being found between the groups with temporal lesions and those with other focal brain lesions or diffuse brain damage.The severity of the brain injury and the prolongation of the disturbance of consciousness could, in our patients, account for prevalence of congnitive impairment on personality and emotional changes.  相似文献   

No strict relationship has been observed between seizure outcome after surgery and the psychosocial status of patients with refractory epilepsy. The main reason is that seizures are not the sole criteria in evaluating social outcome. The presurgical status in terms of education, the mainly neuropsychological associated handicap, socio-occupational life, and the expectations of the patient must be taken into account.Psychosocial adjustment after surgery needs to be prepared long before surgery, in full cooperation with the patient and his or her family. Standardized tools must be developed to allow for a multidisciplinary approach and an objective evaluation of the psychosocial status of epileptic patients after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Resection strategies for the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) are a matter of discussion, and little information is available. The aim of this study was to compare seizure outcomes at the 5-year follow-up in patients with medically refractory unilateral mesial TLE (MTLE) due to hippocampal sclerosis (HS) who were treated using a cortical amygdalohippocampectomy (CorAH) or a selective AH (SelAH). METHODS: The authors obtained data from 100 adult patients who underwent surgery for MTLE. Fifty patients underwent a CorAH and 50 underwent an SelAH. Seizure control achieved with each technique was compared using the Engel classification scheme. RESULTS: Overall, at the 5-year follow-up, favorable (Engel Classes I and II) seizure outcomes were noted in 82 and 90% of patients who had undergone CorAH and SelAH, respectively. Furthermore, 40% of the patients who had undergone a CorAH and 58% of those who had undergone an SelAH were seizure free (Engel Class Ia). There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 surgical approaches in terms of seizure outcome at the 5-year follow-up (p = 0.38). CONCLUSIONS: Both CorAH and SelAH can lead to similar favorable seizure control in patients with MTLE/HS. However, the authors suggest that the transcortical selective approach has the great advantage of minimizing or completely abolishing the impact of dividing several venous and arterial adhesions which are tedious, time consuming, and, at times, associated with some degree of cerebral swelling.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological disturbances following surgery for anterior communicating artery aneurysms were analyzed in 26 patients (11 males, 15 females) using the Hasegawa dementia scale-revised (HDS-R) over a 3-year period. The patients were aged from 34 to 76 years (mean 54.1 years). Lesions in the frontal lobe were evaluated using computed tomography (CT). Twenty-three patients had symptoms over the course. Four patients had basal forebrain lesion, five had ventral frontal lesion, and 12 had no lesion. Patients with basal forebrain lesion and no lesion tended to show disorientation. The mean HDS-R score was 10.2 points in the patients with ventral frontal lesion, and 13.5 points in the patients with no lesion. These scores are within the range for dementia. The mean HDS-R score in patients with basal forebrain and striate lesions was over 25 points and beyond the range for dementia. Significant differences were observed in the HDS-R score between patients with ventral frontal lesion and basal forebrain lesion, and between patients with no lesion and basal forebrain lesion (p < 0.05). Recovery from neuropsychological disturbances was poorer in patients with ventral frontal lesion and no lesion compared to those with basal forebrain and striate lesions, and their symptoms tended to persist.  相似文献   

Strategies for reoperation after comprehensive epilepsy surgery   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECT: Prior reports of seizure control following reoperation for failed epilepsy surgery have shown good results. These studies included patients who presented during the era preceding magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and the patients were often not monitored intracranially or underwent subtotal hippocampal resections. In this study, the authors hypothesized that reoperation for recurrent seizures following a more comprehensive initial workup and surgery would not yield such good results. METHODS: The authors examined a consecutive series of patients who underwent two operations at Yale-New Haven Hospital for medically intractable epilepsy and in whom there was a minimum of 1-year follow up after the second surgery. All patients were evaluated and treated according to a standard protocol, including preoperative MR imaging, a low threshold for invasive monitoring, and a radical amygdalohippocampectomy when indicated. Twenty-seven patients were identified (five with mesial temporal sclerosis, 20 with neocortical disease, and two with multifocal sites of seizure onset) of whom six (22%) underwent intentionally palliative second surgery (corpus callostomy or placement of a vagus nerve stimulator [VNS]). Of the remaining 21 patients, only four (19%) became seizure free after a second resective operation. The most common causes of treatment failure were dual pathology, recurrent tumor, limited resection to preserve function, widespread developmental abnormalities, and electrographic sampling error. Successful outcomes resulted from removal of recurrent tumors, completion of a functional hemispherectomy, or repeated invasive monitoring to correct a sampling error. Five (83%) of the six intentionally palliative second operations resulted in more than a 50% decrease in seizure frequency. CONCLUSIONS: If an aggressive preoperative evaluation and surgical resection are performed, reoperation for recurrent seizures has a much lower likelihood of cure than previously reported. Intentionally palliative surgery such as placement of a VNS unit may be considered for patients in whom the initial operation fails to decrease seizure frequency.  相似文献   

OBJECT: The goal of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcome of patients who underwent extratemporal epilepsy surgery and to assess preoperative prognostic factors associated with seizure outcome. METHODS: This retrospective study included 154 consecutive adult patients who underwent epilepsy surgery at Bethel Epilepsy Centre, Bielefeld, Germany between 1991 and 2001. Seizure outcome was categorized based on the modified Engel classification. Survival statistics were calculated using Kaplan-Meier curves, life tables, and Cox regression models to evaluate the risk factors associated with outcomes. RESULTS: Sixty-one patients (39.6%) underwent frontal resections, 68 (44.1%) had posterior cortex resections, 15 (9.7%) multilobar resections, 6 (3.9%) parietal resections, and 4 (2.6%) occipital resections. The probability of an Engel Class I outcome for the overall patient group was 55.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 52-58% at 0.5 years), 54.5% (95% CI 50-58%) at 1 year, and 51.1% (95% CI 48-54%) at 14 years. If a patient was in Class I at 2 years postoperatively, the probability of remaining in Class I for 14 years postoperatively was 88% (95% CI 78-98%). Factors predictive of poor long-term outcome after surgery were previous surgery (p = 0.04), tonic-clonic seizures (p = 0.02), and the presence of an auditory aura (p = 0.03). Factors predictive of good long-term outcome were surgery within 5 years after onset (p = 0.015) and preoperative invasive monitoring (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Extratemporal epilepsy surgery is effective according to findings on long-term follow-up. The outcome at the first 2-year follow-up visit is a reliable predictor of long-term Engel Class I postoperative outcome.  相似文献   

Hip resurfacing arthroplasty is a popular method for treating late stage osteoarthritis, especially in young and active patients. Most studies presenting short-term follow-up after hip resurfacing present radiographic or dual clinician-patient-related outcome. These kinds of outcomes are influenced by interpretation of the clinician and do not tell us much about functional outcome from the patients perspective. Today, functional outcome is often measured using patient-reported outcome instruments. We used the patient-reported ‘Hip Disability and osteoarthritis Outcome Score’ questionnaire, which has good measurement properties, to assess short-term functional outcome in 160 patients (mean follow-up of 2.6 years) after hip resurfacing surgery. Furthermore, we focused on pain, range of motion, subjective improvement and complications. The majority (86.9%) of patients was free of pain after surgery and range of motion improved significantly. Subjective improvement was indicated in 95% of the patients. Mean HOOS in 149 patients was 87.5. In total, there were 11 complications (6%), and deep infections contributed the most (3.4%). In general, short-term follow-up after hip resurfacing in this cohort showed good clinical and patient-reported functional outcome. When assessing the results of medical interventions, a good PRO instrument can give reliable and valuable information from the patients perspective.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic fundoplication has emerged as an effective treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. The majority of patients who have undergone antireflux surgery report an improvement in reflux symptoms and in quality of life. However, some patients are dissatisfied with the outcome of antireflux surgery, and attempts have been made by surgeons to improve the results of this surgery. Careful case selection based on objective evidence of acid reflux, refinement of the surgical technique and 'tailoring' the wrap to suit the patient by selective use of a partial fundoplication may help to optimize the outcome from laparoscopic antireflux surgery.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A prospective, consecutive study of patients' outcome at three subsequent follow-up times after lumbar disc surgery. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate how consistent outcome remained in a group of patients after lumbar disc surgery. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Despite similar results concerning the overall outcome, results in most studies show different prognostic factors for lumbar disc surgery at different follow-up times. A reason for this observation could be that patients shift to a different outcome group during the observation period. METHODS: Before surgery and at the three follow-ups (3, 12, and 28 months after surgery) the Low Back Outcome Score was calculated. Groups with favorable and unfavorable outcome were determined after each follow-up according to the scores. RESULTS: Ninety-eight patients were studied. Forty percent showed an unstable outcome at different follow-up times. For each follow-up, three prognostic factors were determined. No prognostic factor showed significance at all follow-up examinations. CONCLUSIONS: Patients whose outcome after lumbar disc surgery does not remain stable present a major problem in the calculation of prognostic factors.  相似文献   

Recovery and outcome parameters of children undergoing surgery as outpatient are reported. There are minor differences between different drugs in terms of outcome, speed of recovery and recovery adverse events. There is a trend in increasing adverse events (most of all emergence delirium) during recovery from sevoflurane and nitrous oxide. Most complications (pain, nausea, vomiting, croup) are transient and managed before discharge. The most frequent complications at home are undertreated pain, loss of appetite, and behavioral changes.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty three patients underwent surgery for spasmodic torticollis. In 11 of the patients myotomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle was done, and in the remaining 12 patients cervical rhizotomy according to Foerster and Dandy was performed. After a mean follow-up time of 4 years the long term effects of surgery were assessed. Only 2 of the patients (9%) had a good overall outcome in contrast to the poor or very poor results in 13 of the patients (56%). Both of these methods therefore seem to be only rarely indicated for surgical treatment of spasmodic torticollis.  相似文献   

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