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Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the pancreas which can lead to a systemic inflammatory response syndrome with significant morbidity and mortality in 20% of patients. Gallstones and alcohol consumption are the most frequent causes of pancreatitis in adults. The treatment of mild acute pancreatitis is conservative and supportive; however severe episodes characterized by necrosis of the pancreatic tissue may require surgical intervention. Advanced understanding of the pathology, and increased interest in assessment of disease severity are the cornerstones of future management strategies of this complex and heterogeneous disease in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing in epidemic proportion worldwide. Because of the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease, it is becoming a major burden for the health care system. With a better understanding of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, the concept of primary prevention has emerged. A number of studies demonstrated that both lifestyle modification program and pharmacological interventions in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) can prevent or delay the progression to diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS) and the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) convincingly showed that an intensive lifestyle modification program is highly effective in decreasing the risk of diabetes in a high risk population (risk reduction of 58%). Four other smaller studies have made similar observations. The DPP study showed that metformin can reduced the risk of diabetes by 31% in subjects with IGT. The STOP-NIDDM trial confirmed the efficacy of acarbose in decreasing the risk of diabetes by 36% in similar high risk population. The TRIPOD study showed that troglitazone can reduce the incidence of diabetes by 55% in Hispanic women with a history of gestational diabetes. And more recently, the XENDOS study showed that in very obese population on intensive lifestyle modification program, xenical treatment was associated with a 37% reduced incidence of diabetes compared to placebo. Three studies suggested that bariatric surgery in morbidly obese subjects with or without IGT can reduce the incidence of diabetes to near zero. Eight of 10 studies showed that treatment with inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system in high risk population for cardiovascular disease (CVD) were associated with a significant reduction in the subsequent development of diabetes as a secondary outcome. The WOSCOPS study and the HERS study examined the effect of pravastatin and estrogen/progestin respectively on cardiovascular events and observed that these pharmacological interventions were associated with a 30% and 35% reduction in the incidence of diabetes as secondary outcome. There are 3 major trials currently in progress examining the effect of rosiglitazone/ramipril (the DREAM study), nateglinide/valsartan (the NAVIGATOR study) and pioglitazone (the ACT NOW study) on the development of diabetes in IGT subjects as a primary outcome. We also have 3 studies studying the prevention of diabetes as secondary outcomes: the ONTARGET-TRANSCEND study examining telmisartan with or without ramipril, and the ORIGIN study testing glargine insulin/omega 3. The evidence is overwelming-diabetes can be prevented or delayed in high risk population through lifestyle modification or pharmacological interventions. This new information now has to be translated in the real world into well defined strategies for screening and treating high risk population. Prevention of the disease is our only chance to alleviate the ever growing burden of diabetes mellitus in the world.  相似文献   

Due to the combined effects of a persistent low birth rate, the forthcoming retirement of the "baby-boom generation" and an increasing life expectancy, the German system of "social security" will face severe challenges in the coming decades. The foreseeable doubling of the ratio between pensioners and employees by 2050 would cause a strong increase in social security contributions and taxes for the "pay-as-you-go"-financed pension system. In addition, the expected tripling of highly aged people would increase the public expenditures for health care and nursing care of elder people, which also have to be financed by the future working generations. In order to lessen the increasing burden on future generations, social reforms are necessary soon. If these are not performed, the distributional conflict between young and old people could become worse over the forthcoming decades.  相似文献   

The literature on successful aging reveals a wide range of definitions, generally reflecting the academic discipline of the investigator. Biomedical models primarily emphasise physical and mental functioning as successful aging; socio-psychological models emphasise social functioning, life satisfaction and psychological resources as successful aging. Several studies also identify these factors as the precursors of successful aging. Moreover, research shows that older people consider themselves to have aged successfully, but classifications based on traditional medical models do not. Fewer studies have explored lay views, and most of these have been exploratory or restricted to specific groups of areas. A model of successful aging needs to be multi-dimensional, incorporate a lay perspective for social significance, use a continuum rather than dichotomous cut-offs for "success" and lack of, and distinguish clearly between predictor and constituent variables.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis (CP) is based on the detection of abnormal structure or function of the diseased pancreas. The pancreatic function tests more accurately determine the presence of CP than tests of structure, especially for early stage disease. The function tests can be divided into two categories: non- invasive and invasive. The invasive "tube" tests can reliably detect mild, early CP, but are only available at a few referral centers and tend to be poorly tolerated by patients. The non-invasive tests are easy to obtain, but tend to perform poorly in patients with early, mild disease. Therefore, no one test is useful in all clinical situations, and a detailed understanding of the rational, pathophysiologic basis, strengths, and limitations of various tests is needed. This review highlights the role of various pancreatic function tests in the diagnosis of CP including fecal fat analysis, fecal elastase, fecal chymotrypsin, serum trypsin, the secretin stimulation test, the cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulation test, the combined secretin-CCK stimulation test, the intraductal and endoscopic secretin stimulation tests, and the functional magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas after secretin stimulation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a signpost for hypertension research, emphasizing areas most likely to yield major clinical and public health benefits. Specific questions are posed in the context of fetal and maternal precursors of cardiovascular disease, vascular biology, resistant hypertension, antihypertensive drugs, primary aldosteronism, lifestyle and genetic interactions and translational research. Worldwide increasing rates of obesity and diabetes demonstrate the need for a global approach to cardiovascular risk and the need for more effective use of existing knowledge. Equal emphasis is given to the critical importance of the fundamental research required to defeat hypertensive cardiovascular disease in the long run.  相似文献   

Gallstone disease is common and costly, creating over 700,000 cholecystectomies annually. Its complications consume approximately $6.5 billion in the United States. Surveys using noninvasive ultrasonography have identified its true prevalence and the associated risk factors. In developed countries, at least 10% of white adults harbor cholesterol gallstones; women have twice the risk, and age further increases the prevalence in both sexes. Gallstones reach epidemic proportions in the North and South American Indian populations, accompanied by an increased risk for gallbladder cancer. In contrast, the rate in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is quite low. Obesity, a major risk factor, likely relates to insulin resistance (the metabolic syndrome). Evolution and circumstance in American Indians may have ironically selected those with "thrifty" genes that conserve energy. Our abundant access to food places us at the increased risk of obesity and cholelithiasis. The general rise in obesity in many countries raises the specter of heightened disease, best identified by epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

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