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In this study ethanol and certain other short-chain aryl (benzyl and phenethyl) and aliphatic (methyl, propyl, butyl, and amyl) alcohols produced up to 10-fold increases in cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentrations in purified human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Ethanol concentrations as low as 80 mg/dl produced significant elevations in lymphocyte cAMP. Significant but less marked augmentation of cAMP in response to alcohols was observed in human platelets, human granulocytes, and rabbit alveolar macrophages. The mechanism of the alcohol-induced cAMP accumulation is probably secondary to membrane perturbation and consequent activation of adenylate cyclase, because ethanol directly stimulated this enzyme in lymphocyte membrane preparations but had no effect on lymphocyte phosphodiesterase activity.Lysosomal enzyme release, by phagocytosing human leukocytes, and aminoisobutyric acid transport in mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes were shown to be inhibited by ethanol and other alcohols at concentrations which also elevate cAMP. In general, the magnitude of the inhibition of these inflammatory processes correlated with the ability of the alcohol to elevate cAMP concentrations. Lectin-and anti-thymocyte globulin-induced lymphocyte mitogenesis was inhibited or unaffected depending upon both the concentration and type of mitogenic stimulus and the concentration and type of alcohol utilized. Inflammatory mediator release from rat mast cells also was inhibited by ethanol and certain other alcohols, but whole cell cAMP was not increased. Ethanol may alter these inflammatory responses and other biologic processes at least in part by modulating cellular levels of cAMP.  相似文献   

An in vitro approach to the study of single nephron function in uremia has been employed in evaluating the control of fluid reabsorption by the renal superficial proximal straight tubule (PST). Isolated segments of PSTs from the remnant kidneys of uremic rabbits (stage III) were perfused in vitro and their rate of fluid reabsorption compared with normal PSTs and with PSTs derived from the remnant kidneys of nonuremic rabbits (stage II). All segments were exposed to a peritubular bathing medium of both normal and uremic rabbit serum thereby permitting a differentiation to be made between adaptations in function which are intrinsic to the tubular epithelium and those which are dependent upon a uremic milieu.  相似文献   

The role of the insulin-receptor compartment in the pharmacokinetics of intravenously injected insulin in rats was studied. Since streptozotocin-diabetes in rats results in increased insulin binding to tissues in vitro, insulin pharmacokinetics in streptozotocin-diabetic rats were compared to controls, using semisynthetic [3H]insulin as the tracer. The initial distribution volume for [3H]insulin was elevated by 60% in diabetic rats. By contrast, no difference in initial distribution volume for [14C]inulin was observed, and the absolute values were lower than those found for [3H]insulin. The metabolic clearance rate of [3H]insulin was elevated by 44% in diabetic rats. That these differences were the result of increased binding of insulin to a specific receptor compartment in diabetic rats was shown by three additional experiments. The first involved receptor saturation by injection of 10 U native insulin 2 min before the tracer injection, resulting in identical [3H]insulin disappearance rates in the two groups of rats. The second consisted of displacing [3H]insulin from receptors by injecting 10 U unlabeled insulin 6 min after the tracer injection. Displacement of intact [3H]insulin from receptors and subsequent reappearance in the circulation occurred in both control and diabetic animals; however, such displacement was 25% greater in the diabetic rats. Finally, treatment of diabetic rats with insulin for 8 d normalized [3H]insulin clearance even though the tracer was injected at a time when the animals were again hyperglycemic and hypoinsulinemic. This suggests that down-regulation of insulin receptors had occurred during insulin therapy. These results confirm that a specific compartment for insulin exists (the insulin-receptor compartment) and that this compartment plays an important role in insulin clearance.  相似文献   

The effect of the sulfone compound 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (dapsone) on normal human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) has been investigated in vitro. The drug has a dramatically beneficial effect in dermatitis herpetiformis in which the PMNL and immune complexes has been stressed to be of importance for the development of the skin lesions. Pruritus disappears and the inflammatory eruptions clear within a few days of starting therapy. The effect of dapsone has been evaluated on the different stages of phagocytosis. Using dapsone concentrations (1-30 mug/ml) comparable with those found after therapeutic doses, we have found that the drug interferes primarily with the myeloperoxidase (MPO)-H(2)O(2)-halide-mediated cytotoxic system in the PMNL. No effect was observed on random locomotion, chemotaxis, phagocytic ingestion, oxidative metabolism, or the release of lysosomal enzymes. Kinetic studies in a cell-free system with purified MPO revealed a competitive type of inhibition using varying concentrations of NaI. Furthermore, the inhibition resulted in reduced candidicidal activity during phagocytosis of Candida albicans, and reduced cytotoxicity to adjacent mammalian cells measured as the (51)Cr release from virus-induced lymphoma cells. Because the MPO-H(2)O(2)-halide system not only fulfills the antimicrobial activity but is suggested to be a modulator of the inflammatory reaction as well, the action of dapsone in dermatitis herpetiformis may in part be explained by its effect on this system.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins have been postulated to participate in the regulation of salt excretion during acute volume expansion. The present papillary and cortical micropuncture studies were designed to examine the effect of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on segmental chloride transport during hydropenia (with and without meclofenamate) and 10% volume expansion (with and without both meclofenamate and indomethacin). Both inhibitors significantly decreased the urinary excretion rate of prostaglandins E(2) and F(2alpha). Clearance studies on the intact right kidney demonstrated no effect of either agent on glomerular filtration rate, but a significant reduction in chloride excretion during hydropenia and volume expansion was observed. To assess the specific site(s) of enhanced chloride reabsorption, absolute and fractional chloride delivery was measured in the late proximal tubule, thin descending limb of Henle, and the early and late distal tubules. In addition, the fraction of filtered chloride remaining at the base and tip of the papillary collecting duct was compared to that fraction remaining at the superficial late distal tubule. During hydropenia, meclofenamate had no effect on fractional chloride delivery out of the superficial late distal tubule or the juxtamedullary thin descending limb of Henle, but significantly reduced the fraction of chloride delivered to the base of the papillary collecting duct. During volume expansion, neither meclofenamate nor indomethacin had an effect on absolute chloride delivery out of the proximal tubule or the thin descending limb of Henle. However, absolute chloride delivery to the early distal tubule was significantly reduced, and was associated with a decrease in fractional chloride reabsorption in this segment. Furthermore, the fraction of chloride delivered to the base of the collecting duct was significantly reduced. Fractional reabsorption along the terminal 1 mm of the collecting duct was not altered by either meclofenamate or indomethacin. These results suggest that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis result in an increase in chloride reabsorption in the superficial loop of Henle, and in segments between the superficial late distal tubule and the base of the collecting duct. The results are consistent with the view that prostaglandins inhibit chloride transport in the thick ascending limb of Henle, and/or the cortical and outer medullary collecting tubule.  相似文献   

Unsaturated vitamin B(12)-binding capacity (UBBC) of human serum is not reproducibly measurable because it increases variably in vitro in relation to time, temperature, and, in the case of plasma, anticoagulant present before removal of cells. This variable increase proved to be due to variable release in vitro of transcobalamin III (TC III) from granulocytes. UBBC increase was greatest (up to fourfold normal levels) in the presence of lithium, which is the heparin salt used in many laboratories doing UBBC studies. In vitro increase was least when blood was collected in EDTA at 0 degrees C and immediately centrifuges at 0 degrees C (T(0) sample); results equivalent to T(0) were obtained at room temperature even after several hours delay when 47 mM fluoride was present; either cold temperature or 47 mM fluoride appeared to prevent TC III release from granulocytes. The measured levels of the three transcobalamins with T(0) methods of collection, which presumably reflect most closely the in vivo circulating levels, suggest that TC I and TC III in normal plasms are of the same order of magnitude and together normally comprise less than 10% of the UBBC.Approximately 90% of the UBBC content of sonicates of peripheral blood granulocytes and of bone marrow aspirates of normal individuals appears to be TC III, with the rest being TC I. Thus, normal myelocytes, like normal granulocytes, appear to contain mainly TC III. No TC II was present in any of the sonicates.The general practice in most laboratories has been to determine serum UBBC. Because in vitro increments of up to 119% were found to occur in serum, this practice should be replaced by collection using methods that prevent such increments. Blood collected in EDTA-47 mM NaF had a stable, reproducible UBBC with no significant in vitro increment with time.EDTA-NaF UBBC was 640+/-168 (range 380-921 pg B(12) bound/ml plasma) for 12 normal adult men and 809+/-232 (range 505-1208) for normal adult women. It presumably approximates circulating UBBC and is substantially below the serum UBBC mean of 935+/-262 (range 611-1506 for the same 12 men) and 1273+/-355 (range 811-2306 for the same 10 women).  相似文献   

We examined the role of antigenic electrical charge as a determinant of glomerular immune complex localization in the rabbit. Serum sickness nephritis was induced in groups of New Zealand white rabbits by daily 25-mg intravenous injections of bovine serum albumin (BSA) chemically modified to be cationic (pI > 9.5) or more anionic (pI, 3.5-4.6); an additional group received unmodified native BSA (pI, 4.5-5.1). Factors known to influence immune complex localization, e.g., molecular size of the administered antigen and resulting circulating immune complexes, immunogenicity, and disappearance time from the circulation were examined and found to be similar for both anionic and cationic BSA. Charge modification did increase the nonimmune clearance of cationic and anionic BSA compared with native BSA. Injected cationic BSA was shown in paired label experiments to bind directly to glomeruli compared with native BSA. The renal lesion produced by cationic BSA was markedly different from that found in rabbits given anionic or native BSA. Animals receiving cationic BSA uniformly developed generalized diffuse granular capillary wall deposits of IgG, C3, and BSA detected after 2 wk of injections and increasing until death at 6 wk. Qualitatively similar deposits were produced by the administration of low doses of cationic BSA of only 1 or 10 mg/d. In contrast, the injection of both anionic and native BSA resulted in mesangial deposits at 2 and 4 wk with capillary wall deposits appearing by 6 wk. Ultrastructural examination of animals receiving cationic BSA revealed pure, extensive formation of dense deposits along the lamina rara externa of the glomerular basement membrane whereas such deposits were absent or rare in animals injected with the anionic or native BSA. Albuminuria was significantly greater at 6 wk in the groups receiving cationic BSA with a mean of 280 mg/24 h compared with 53 mg/24 h in the combined groups injected with anionic or native BSA. Blood urea nitrogen values were similar in all groups at 2 and 4 wk but higher in the animals receiving cationic BSA at 6 wk.  相似文献   

Exposure to supralethal total body irradiation and transplantation of bone marrow from a DLA- and pedigree-identical donor have regularly produced successful engraftment and the establishment of stable long-term chimerism in beagles of the Cooperstown colony. Bone marrow allografts performed in pairs of dogs bearing identical DLA haplotypes derived from different pedigree origins (i.e., different classes of the same haplotype) yielded two different results. Depending upon the particular haplotype pedigree combination used, such transplants either led to long-term chimerism or to failures of engraftment, secondary disease, and death of the recipients (i.e., pedigree-incompatible combinations).Radiation chimeras given bone marrow from a DLA-and pedigree-identical donor were challenged within 8-12 h after marrow transplantation with a renal allograft obtained from another DLA- and pedigree-identical donor. The recipients have remained unresponsive to such renal allografts and have survived indefinitely with normal renal function. In contrast, renal allografts obtained from donors bearing the same DLA haplotypes derived from pedigree-incompatible sources were rejected within 25-50 days after transplantation. The long-term surviving recipients have also been unresponsive to skin allografts obtained from their donor of marrow and the kidney donor. Skin grafts obtained from other DLA- and pedigree-identical dogs were rejected within 13-41 days, and grafts from DLA-incompatible donors survived for 10-25 days.These results highlight the potential importance of genetically controlled histocompatibility determinants other than DLA in conditioning allograft reactivity. The determinants uncovered in the present study appear to be linked to the DLA complex, as demonstrated by the ability of the pedigree origins of DLA haplotypes present in individual dogs to serve as an effective marker system for such non-DLA antigen(s). The results also point to the potential usefulness of the early postirradiation period for the induction of allogeneic unresponsiveness in large adult mammals.  相似文献   

Production of active lysosomal enzymes may involve limited proteolysis of inactive high molecular weight precursors. Precursor processing potentially regulates lysosomal enzyme activity. To test whether rabbit cardiac cathepsin D is first synthesized as a precursor and whether prolonged fasting (a condition affecting both cathepsin D and total cardiac protein turnover) influences precursor processing, rates of cathepsin D synthesis and processing were compared in left ventricular slices of control and 3-d-fasted rabbits incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine. 35S-labeled cathepsin D was isolated by butanol-Triton X-100 extraction, immunoprecipitation, and dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Total cardiac protein synthesis was measured by tracer incorporation and normalized for differences in precursor pool size by direct measurement of [35S]aminoacyl-tRNA-specific radioactivity. Relative cathepsin D synthetic rates were obtained by comparing 35S incorporation into cathepsin D with 35S incorporation into all cardiac proteins. Enzyme processing was assessed in pulse-chase experiments and assayed by autoradiography. The results indicate that (a) rabbit cardiac cathepsin D is synthesized as a precursor (53,000 mol wt) that is processed to a 48,000-mol wt form, (b) rates of both cathepsin D and total cardiac protein synthesis are similar in control and fasted rabbits, suggesting that decreased enzyme degradation rather than increased synthesis is responsible for the elevated levels of cardiac cathepsin D in starvation, and (c) cathepsin D processing in hearts of fasted animals is incomplete, with accumulation of the precursor during pulse-chase experiments of 6 h duration. Based upon these results, a three-stage model for the regulation of cathepsin D activity in rabbit heart is proposed.  相似文献   

ACTH-producing mouse pituitary tumor cells in culture (AtT-20/NYU-1 cells) were found to have binding sites for thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). These putative receptors bound TRH with high affinity; the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant was 3.7 nM. The affinity of the receptors for a series of TRH analogues was similar to those previously reported for TRH-receptor interactions on thyrotropic and mammotropic cells in culture. Like some human pituitary tumors in situ, AtT-20/NYU-1 cells were found to produce the alpha subunit of the glycoprotein hormones (alpha). Alpha accumulation in the medium was constant (3.1 ng/mg cell protein per h) and was not affected by TRH. In contrast, TRH increased the amount of ACTH accumulated in the medium from AtT-20/NYU-1 cells to 190 and 420% of control at 1 and 24 h, respectively. TRH induced a dose-dependent increase in ACTH release during a 30-min incubation; half-maximal stimulation occurred at ~0.1 nM. TRH had no effect on ACTH release in vitro from anterior pituitary cells derived from normal rats. Because TRH stimulates release of ACTH in some untreated patients with Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome as well as pathological states associated with pituitary tumors (but not in normal subjects), AtT-20/NYU-1 cells may serve as an important in vitro model for human pituitary ACTH-secreting adenomas. Moreover, these findings suggest that the primary abnormality in Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome, allowing TRH stimulation of ACTH release, may be intrinsic to neoplastic adrenocorticotrophs rather than in neuroregulation of ACTH release.  相似文献   

Both cholera enterotoxin and certain prostaglandins have been shown to stimulate intestinal fluid secretion in vivo, to cause ion flux changes in vitro similar to those caused by addition of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP), and to activate intestinal mucosal adenyl cyclase. It has been suggested that the effects of the enterotoxin on intestinal cyclic AMP metabolism may be indirect, and that locally synthesized prostaglandins may serve as required intermediates for the effects of the enterotoxin in activating intestinal mucosal adenyl cyclase. In order to clarify certain aspects of the mechanisms by which these two agents alter intestinal mucosal cyclic AMP metabolism and ion transport, their effects on cyclic AMP accumulation in rabbit ileal mucosa were examined in vitro. Addition of 5 mug per ml (75 mug per 150 mg mucosa) of purified cholera enterotoxin produced a peak increase in cyclic AMP level in 3 h but there was a time delay of at least 30 min before any effect was observed. Inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase with theophylline failed to reduce this time delay. In contrast, addition of prostaglandin E(1) (PGE(1)) increased the cyclic AMP level rapidly, a peak effect being observed in 2 min. The time of the peak prostaglandin-induced changes in cyclic AMP level and short-circuit current correlated closely. A maximal increment in cyclic AMP level was achieved with 5 x 10(-5) M PGE(1). When 10(-4) M PGE(1) was added to mucosa already maximally stimulated with cholera toxin, the resulting cyclic AMP level was equal to the sum of the levels reached when each agent was added alone. Furthermore, the effects of the enterotoxin on mucosal cyclic AMP levels were not influenced by indomethacin under conditions where mucosal prostaglandins synthesis was inhibited. The results suggest that endogenous prostaglandins do not provide an essential link in the activation of intestinal mucosal adenyl cyclase by cholera enterotoxin. The present study also indicates that the effect of cholera enterotoxin on intestinal mucosal cyclic AMP metabolism involves a definite time delay which is not due to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

The possible physiological importance of the groups of insulin receptors on rat adipocytes and the relationship of these groups to insulin action were investigated. The effect of cytochalasin B and D on biological actions of insulin was measured and compared with the effect of these agents on the ultrastructural distribution of groups of insulin receptors. Cytochalasin B had no effect on epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis, insulin inhibition of epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis, or insulin stimulation of protein synthesis. Cytochalasin B, over a concentration range of 50 nM to 5 muM, progressively inhibited the basal glucose transport system, as measured by glucose oxidation, 2-deoxyglucose transport, and 3-O-methylglucose transport. Insulin was capable of fully stimulating remaining basal transport at submaximal concentrations of cytochalasin B. Insulin pretreatment of adipocytes partially protected the glucose transport system from inhibition by cytochalasin B. Cytochalasin B markedly altered the distribution pattern of insulin receptors, which caused an increase in the number of single receptor molecules by decreasing the number of larger groups. A significant correlation (r = 0.964; P < 0.001) was found between the percent increase in single receptors and the percent decrease in glucose transport. Ferritin-insulin pretreatment of adipocytes prevented disruption of the groups of insulin receptors by cytochalasin B. Cytochalasin D had no effect on the biological actions of insulin or on the groups of insulin receptors. These data suggest that the ability of insulin to affect adipocyte metabolism is independent of the hormone occupying adjacent, grouped receptor sites. The marked contrast in effects of cytochalasin B and D on groups of insulin receptors and glucose transport suggests that the microfilament system is not involved in insulin action or in holding the groups of insulin receptors together, as both agents are known disrupters of microfilaments and inhibitors of actin gelation. The correlation between the effects of cytochalasin B on insulin receptor distribution and glucose transport leads to the speculation that the glycoprotein molecules containing the insulin receptor are functionally linked with the glucose transport system.  相似文献   

Studies of the effect of norethandrolone on the transport and peripheral metabolism of thyroxine were carried out in four patients lacking thyroxine-binding globulin. Before norethandrolone administration, values for serum protein-bound iodine (PBI) were decreased (1.8 +/-0.5 mug/100 ml) and the proportion of free thyroxine increased (0.036 +/-0.008%). As a result, values for the absolute concentration of free thyroxine iodine were at the lower end of the normal range (0.63 +/-0.12 mmug/100 ml). During the control thyroxine-turnover study, the thyroxine distribution space was strikingly increased (18.2 +/-7.9 liters) and the fractional rate of thyroxine turnover moderately increased (17.1 +/-11.3%/day), as compared to the expected mean values for normal subjects. Therefore, calculated values for the daily rate of thyroxine clearance were increased even more, ranging between 255 and 500% of normal values. However, owing to the low PBI in these patients, the daily disposal of thyroxine iodine was similar to that expected in normals on the basis of age and weight. During the administration of norethandrolone, the thyroxine-binding capacity of the thyroxine-binding prealbumin increased strikingly in all patients, values averaging 162% of those found during the control period. This increase was associated with a highly significant increase in PBI (133% of control values) and a small but significant decrease in the proportion of free thyroxine, resulting in no significant change in the absolute concentration of free thyroxine iodine. In all four patients, administration of norethandrolone was associated with a pronounced decrease in the thyroxine distribution space to values which averaged 69% of those found during the control period. Values for the fractional rate of thyroxine turnover increased slightly. As a result, thyroxine-clearance rate decreased in all patients. Owing to the reciprocal changes in clearance rate and PBI, no significant change in total daily thyroxine disposal was observed. The present studies reveal that when the thyroxine-binding prealbumin is increased in patients lacking thyroxine-binding globulin, several indices of peripheral thyroxine transport and metabolism are altered. However, these changes were small, even in the absence of thyroxine-binding globulin. It is suggested, therefore, that the effect of changes in thyroxine-binding prealbumin would be even smaller in individuals in whom thyroxine-binding globulin is present.  相似文献   

Papillary and surface micropuncture were used to study the handling of ammonium and the formation of net acid by surface nephrons, deep nephrons, and the terminal segment of collecting duct (CD) after renal mass was reduced by two-thirds. Net acid excretion by the remnant kidney (RK) was significantly reduced, averaging 794±81 neq/min (SE) compared with 1,220±105 neq/min after sham operation (P < 0.001), due to a decrease in ammonium excretion (494±54 vs. 871±79 nmol/min in controls, P < 0.001). Urinary pH and titratable acid excretion were not different in the two groups of animals. After RK formation, ammonium delivery to the end of the proximal tubule increased nearly threefold and averaged 66.2±5.6 compared with 18.4±2.9 pmol/min in controls, (P < 0.001). This greater delivery of ammonium was primarily due to renal tubule entry rather than to changes in the filtered load and was only partially related to the differences in flow rate. Ammonium processing by deep nephrons was profoundly affected by a reduction in renal mass. Although absolute delivery of ammonium was greater to the bend of Henle's loop (BHL), the difference could be accounted for on the basis of an increase in nephron size. Thus, fractional delivery (FDNH+4) to this site was not different for the two groups of animals, averaging 1,567±180% in controls and 1,400±181% in the group with the RK. Hydrogen secretion in the proximal segments of deep and surface nephrons did not increase in proportion to the decrease in renal mass and as a consequence bicarbonate delivery to the end of the proximal tubule of surface nephrons and to the BHL of deep nephrons was increased.  相似文献   

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