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由于病因和发病机制至今不完全清楚,特应性皮炎(AD)的治疗仍是临床上非常棘手的问题之一.外用药是治疗轻度和局限性AD 的主要手段,而皮损广泛和对常规治疗有抵抗的中到重度AD 则需要系统药物治疗.常用的系统治疗药物包括免疫抑制剂、免疫调节剂、抗炎症药物、抗组胺药物和抗生素等.在选择系统治疗时,应考虑其治疗收益、安全性和不良反应,针对不同的患者选择个性化的治疗方案.个性化的治疗方案取决于患者年龄、皮损的形态和分期、累及的部位和范围、有无感染以及既往治疗情况.  相似文献   

特应性皮炎是一种慢性复发性炎症性疾病,紫外线通过调节T细胞功能及相关炎症介质而取得良好疗效.不同波段紫外线因其特性而应用于不同类型的特应性皮炎:窄谱中波紫外线治疗儿童期特应性皮炎显示出良好疗效及安全性,认为是慢性患者的首选治疗;急性患者首选长波紫外线照射;局限性皮损选择308 nm准分子激光为佳.紫外线治疗特应性皮炎临床尚处于初级阶段,在照射剂量和照射疗程方面,各家报道不一.  相似文献   

特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD)是一种具有家族遗传倾向的慢性、复发性、炎症性皮肤病.光疗法在AD的治疗中一直占有较为重要的地位.近年来随着对AD病因学和发病机制的深入了解,以及光疗法在皮肤科应用研究的进展,AD的光治疗法有了一些新策略,现将其作一概述.  相似文献   

特应性皮炎是一种瘙痒性、炎症性的皮肤病,常始发于婴幼儿时期,呈慢性反复发作的病程,现认为是特应件体质(遗传过敏体质)早期的临床表现.特应性皮炎可分为两种类型:外源型和内源型,均有嗜酸粒细胞增多.获得性免疫方而涉及常驻细胞和浸润细胞间一系列复杂的相互作用,由多种促炎症细胞因子和趋化因子构成的复杂网络所介导.天然免疫缺陷可能导致微生物定植、感染皮肤.  相似文献   

特应性皮炎的治疗现状与进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
治疗特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis,AD)的药物和方法很多,合理选用或优化组合这些治疗手段,可以提高AD的近期和远期疗效。该文就目前皮肤科医生关注的AD治疗,如保湿剂的应用,各种变应原的去除,如何选择外用糖皮质激素作一综述。并介绍了外用钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂、多塞平、磷酸二酯酶抑制剂、其他外用制剂及抗组胺药、抗生素、紫外线照射、免疫调节剂的应用。  相似文献   

【摘要】 特应性皮炎的发病机制尚未完全清楚,可能与免疫紊乱、皮肤屏障功能障碍及环境因素有关。特应性皮炎最重要的症状是严重瘙痒,并可极大地影响患者的生活质量。目前其治疗仍然是一个挑战。多数患者可通过避免激发因素、基础皮肤护理和外用抗炎药得到较好疗效;少部分患者皮损广泛且对常规治疗抵抗,需要系统治疗。生物制剂在中重度特应性皮炎患者中已得到较广泛地应用。本文综述特应性皮炎的药物治疗研究进展。  相似文献   

特应性皮炎免疫治疗进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
特应性皮炎(AD)的确切病因目前仍不明,治疗困难。近年来,免疫治疗日益受到人们的重视。该文介绍了治疗AD的一些新的免疫治疗药物,包括免疫抑制剂(他克莫司、匹美克莫司、麦考酚酯、环孢素)和免疫调节剂(γ干扰素、盐酸奥洛他定、静脉注射用人免疫球蛋白),现对这两类药物治疗AD的进展作一综述。  相似文献   

特应性皮炎是一种好发于儿童的慢性炎症性皮肤病,其发病机制复杂,免疫学异常是其发病的核心环节.以免疫调节、抗炎、恢复皮肤屏障为基础的传统治疗方案对部分难治性特应性皮炎的疗效欠佳.近年来,有越来越多关于靶向性生物治疗难治性特应性皮炎的疗效报道,其治疗机制包括抑制T/B淋巴细胞活化、抑制相关细胞因子及炎症介质的释放来发挥作用.研究显示,白细胞介素4及CD20拮抗剂治疗难治性特应性皮炎安全性高,且疗效较好.肿瘤坏死因子α及IgE抗体拮抗剂的疗效尚存争议.  相似文献   

特应性皮炎(AD)是一种炎症性皮肤病,与皮肤屏障功能受损密切相关。遗传因素、生活方式、环境因素的暴露都可导致该病的发生。尽管AD常见于婴幼儿,仍有成年后首次出现AD症状,被称为迟发型AD(AOAD)。与儿童期始发的AD相比,AOAD在分型、免疫学机制及与其他疾病的关联方面都存在着显著的差异。皮损分布与婴幼儿期初发的AD相似,但以亚急性和慢性皮炎为主要表现,呈现干燥的、肥厚的皮炎损害,少见渗出。Th1/Th2失衡及抗原提呈细胞的功能亢进是AD发生的免疫学基础。FLG基因突变会影响AD的发生,IL-13升高使FLG存在获得性的表达缺陷仅发生于成年人,提示了AOAD不同于婴幼儿期初发并迁延至成年期的AD。感染、皮肤及肠道菌群改变、吸烟等均可成为诱发AOAD的重要因素,因此在诊断AOAD时询问相关疾病史和吸烟史有助于AOAD的诊断。  相似文献   

特应性皮炎的环境因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特应性皮炎是一常见疾病 ,病因尚不明。文中综述了特应性皮炎发病的有关环境因素。孕龄、出生时体重和出生顺序、金黄色葡萄球菌和病毒感染、变应原、屋尘螨和宠物、食物过敏、哺乳、饮用水硬度、居住地、社会地位及生活方式、物理和化学刺激物、空气污染、压力等因素与特应性皮炎的发病有关  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis is a common, chronic, relapsing cutaneous disease with typical cellular and humoral immunologic abnormalities that can result in significant physical and psychological morbidity to the patient. Atopic dermatitis typically begins in childhood and can often persist through adolescence into adulthood. Although there are a variety of treatments for atopic dermatitis, many patients' symptoms do not improve or they have adverse reactions to medications, requiring the search for other, effective therapeutic agents. A number of inflammatory and immunological abnormalities have long been noted in patients with atopic dermatitis. Although great strides have been made in understanding the causes, the complex pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis is still not completely understood. Most notably, patients with atopic dermatitis often have an elevation of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E levels, depressed cellular immunity, elevated blood eosinophilia, and increased interleukin (IL)-4 production. In addition, peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with atopic dermatitis produce reduced levels of interferon-gamma spontaneously and in response to stimuli. Due to this constellation of features, atopic dermatitis was initially viewed as a prototypical type 2 helper T lymphocyte (T(h2)) disease. These immunological findings led to a number of clinical trials with recombinant interferon-gamma in patients who had severe, unremitting atopic dermatitis. Treatment with recombinant interferon-gamma was postulated to be able to correct the immunological imbalances in patients with atopic dermatitis by decreasing serum IgE levels, IL-4 levels, restoring immune balance, and thereby leading to clinical improvement. Initial open-label studies, a double-blind placebo trial, and long-term open-label studies have demonstrated the clinical efficacy and tolerability of recombinant interferon-gamma in a subset of patients with severe, unremitting atopic dermatitis. Patients receiving treatment often had marked decreases in severity of clinical parameters: erythema, edema/indurations, pruritus, excoriations, dryness, lichenification and associated reduction in total body surface area involvement. Surprisingly, treatment with recombinant interferon-gamma did not lower serum IgE levels refuting the hypothesized mechanism by which interferon-gamma would bring about clinical improvement in patients with atopic dermatitis. Instead, decreases were noted in absolute white blood cell and eosinophil counts that tended to correlate with clinical improvement. Although the exact mechanism by which recombinant interferon-gamma brings about clinical changes in patients with atopic dermatitis is unknown, recombinant interferon-gamma should be considered a possible therapy for patients with atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic and relapsing disease affecting an increasing number of patients. Usually starting in early childhood, AD can be the initial step of the so-called atopic march, i.e. followed by allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. AD is a paradigmatic genetically complex disease involving gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. Genetic linkage analysis as well as association studies have identified several candidate genes linked to either the epidermal barrier function or to the immune system. Stress, bacterial or viral infections, the exposure to aero- or food-allergens as well as hygienic factors are discussed to aggravate symptoms of AD. Athough generalized Th2-deviated immune response is closely linked to the condition of AD, the skin disease itself is a biphasic inflammation with an initial Th2 phase and while chronic lesions harbour Th0/Th1 cells. Regulatory T cells have been shown to be altered in AD as well as the innate immune system in the skin. The main treatment-goals include the elimination of inflammation and infection, preserving and restoring the barrier function and controlling exacerbating factors. The overall future strategy in AD will be aimed to control skin inflammation by a more proactive management in order to potentially prevent the emergence of sensitization as well as to design customized management based on genetic and pathophysiologic information.  相似文献   

Atopic Dermatitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
These hundred seventy-two Chinese patients with atopic dermatitis were compared with a Caucasian population for the basic features. Significant findings occurred: personal or family history of atopy, early age of onset, xerosis, ichthyosis, palmar hyperlinearity, and facial pallor. Laboratory findings of immunologic alteration and altered pharmacologic reactivity are relatively more important features for the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

<正>0001 Atopic dermatitis特应性皮炎Weidinger S,Novak N./Lancet.2015 Sep 11.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00149-X.[Epub ahead of print]Review.PMID:263771420002 Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis特应性皮炎的发病机制Peng W,Novak N.Clin Exp Allergy./2015 Mar;45(3):566574.doi:10.1111/cea.12495.Review.PMID:25610977  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Answers to a questionnaire on atopic dermatitis sent to clinicians in different countries—excluding Europe and North America—were evaluated. The questions included frequency as well as the possible role of special influencing/ aggravating factors in atopic dermatitis patients. According to the data from 19 different countries, climatologic/ geographic conditions, profession, and psychic stress have a decisive role, whereas food items have a smaller role in the course of atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

Adult-onset atopic dermatitis is still an under recognized condition as there are only few studies regarding this entity. As compared to childhood onset atopic dermatitis, clinical features of adult onset atopic dermatitis are still not categorized. Adult atopic dermatitis can present for the first time in adult age with atypical morphology or may progress from childhood onset. This article reviews the characteristic clinical features of adult atopic dermatitis, associated risk factors and management.  相似文献   

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