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Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an effective treatment modality for male factor infertility, but it could promote the transgenerational transmission of genetic defects causing gametogenic failure. Cytogenetic and molecular techniques permit the diagnosis of some infertility-causing genetic aberrations, but many more probably evade detection with currently available technology. The analysis of the recurrence pattern of infertility in infertile couples' families could define the importance of heritable factors in the pathogenesis of human infertility. We have subjected 621 consecutive infertile couples treated with ICSI in a single institution to a comprehensive genetic workup including documentation of the family history, karyotyping and various DNA tests. In all, 1302 fertile couples served as controls. Of the infertile couples 6.4% were shown to have a fertility problem with a definite genetic basis. Male, but not female fertility problems displayed a distinct pattern of familial aggregation. In addition, the infertile couples had fewer siblings than the fertile controls, a finding compatible with suboptimal fertility already among the infertile couples' parents. In summary, our data indicate that male factor infertility should be considered a potentially heritable condition. The recurrence risk for infertility in the offspring of couples treated with ICSI might be substantial.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown an increased frequency of constitutional chromosome aberrations in male and female partners of couples examined prior to ICSI. We conducted a cohort study to determine whether there was an increase in numerical sex chromosome mosaicism among couples undergoing ICSI compared with fertile couples. METHODS: Cytogenetic investigations were performed in 228 females and 208 males seen for ICSI between January 1997 and March 2001. They were matched to control females and males. RESULTS: Sex chromosome loss or gain was observed in at least one cell from 24.1% of ICSI women in comparison with 22% of controls (not significant). A significant difference between these two groups was found when X chromosome loss in at least two cells was considered, 9.6% for ICSI females versus 4.8% for controls (P = 0.01). No significant difference was observed between male groups concerning loss or gain of the X or Y chromosome. CONCLUSION: Our results support previously published studies indicating that the loss of an X chromosome in a single cell in females undergoing ICSI is probably an artefact. However, they suggest that a woman could have true sex chromosome mosaicism when two 45,X0 cells are found.  相似文献   

卵胞浆内单精子显微注射治疗男性不育的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 应用卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(intracytoplasmic spern injection,ICSl)技术治疗因严重少。弱精及阻塞性无精症引起的男性不育。方法 74对不育夫妇经遗传咨询、染色体检查、Y染色体.AZF基因分析、体检及生殖激素测定等。女方采用控制性超排卵技术获得卵子。男方少、弱精患者精液采用梯度离心法分离精子。阻塞性无精症患者采用经皮附睾穿刺或睾丸活检获得精子,选择成熟卵子行单精子显微注射。结果 82个治疗周期中共获卵837个,其中成热卵712个。ICSI后603个卵受精,受精率为84.69%,发生卵裂.563个。卵裂率为93.37%。42w期获临床妊娠,临床妊娠率为51.12%。结论 ICSl技术是治疗男性不育的有效方法。患者接受治疗前应进行必要的遗传学检查和严格的遗传咨询。  相似文献   

A total of 29 infertile couples (group A) with male antispermantibodies detected by the mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR)and partly by flow cytometry (n = 21) were treated using anintracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique to assistfertilization. In all, 22 of them had shown a poor fertilizationrate (6%) in previous in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.The fertilization and cleavage rates in ICSI, 79 and 89% respectively,were similar to those in a MAR-negative group (group B; n =20) injected because of male infertility (68 and 93% respectively).A third group (group C; n = 37) with male immune infertilitywas treated by conventional IVF. All these couples had at leastone oocyte fertilized, but the overall fertilization rate (44%)in group C was significantly poorer (P < 0.001) than thatin the two ICSI groups. However, the embryo quality was lowerin group A compared with that in the other groups. A total of13 pregnancies resulted in group A (46%), of which five endedin miscarriage. None of the six pregnancies (30%) in group Baborted during the first trimester. These results reveal, forthe first time, that ICSI offers a good chance of fertilizationfor couples with male immunological infertility. However, post-fertilizationevents may compromise these results because of factors not yetclearly understood.  相似文献   

目的 探讨改良卵胞浆内单精子显微注射技术(intracytoplasmic sperm injection,ICSI)及其对男性不育的治疗效果。方法 对ICSI进行改良及应用此技术对97例不孕不育患者、女方常规超促排卵、男方采用手淫(91例)、睾九穿刺取精(TESA6例)进行治疗。结果 改良ICSI在正常受精率(97.5%)、卵裂率(99.05%)、囊胚获得率(28.9%)、临床妊娠率(40.2%)等方面具有显著优势;精子参数与来源不同在ICSI治疗结果上无显著性差异。结论 ICSI是治疗男性不育的有效方法,依据生殖医学理论改良ICSI技术可提高治疗效果,非技术因素也是影响ICSI的重要因素,精子参数与来源不影响ICSI治疗结果。  相似文献   

Cytogenetic investigations were performed in 781 couples prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) because of severe male infertility or fertilization failures in previous in-vitro fertilization attempts. Out of these 1562 patients, 1012 had a normal karyotype without any aberrations (64.8%), 204 patients had an abnormal karyotypes (13.1%). These chromosome aberrations included constitutional aberrations (4.4%), fragile sites of autosomes (3.0%), low level mosaicism of sex chromosomes (4.0%) and secondary structural chromosome aberrations (4.2%). Combinations of different types of abnormalities were stated. Another 346 patients (22.1%) showed single cell aberrations; the significance of these is unclear at the moment. Constitutional chromosome aberrations were detected in 69 patients. The following chromosome aberrations were observed: 35 sex chromosomal aberrations (comprising hyperploidies of X or Y chromosomes, mosaicisms and derivative X and Y chromosomes), 34 autosomal aberrations including 14 reciprocal translocations, five Robertsonian translocations, six inversions, one marker chromosome, one trisomy 18 mosaicism and seven other structural aberrations. Three autosomal regions showed fragile sites: 6q13 in 2.9% of the patients, 17p12 and 10q24 in 0.05% each. In conclusion, our data show that a high number of infertile couples in an ICSI programme are affected by chromosome aberrations which occur in both sexes. It is suggested that a chromosomal analysis should be performed on both partners before ICSI treatment is initiated.  相似文献   

We evaluated the frequency of congenital chromosomal aberrations in a sample of 305 couples included in an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) programme. Twenty individuals (3.3%) with congenital chromosomal abnormalities could be identified. The following types of abnormalities were observed: reciprocal translocations (n = 7), Robertsonian translocations (n = 3), inversions (n = 3), other structural aberrations (n = 4) and sex chromosome aberrations (n = 3). The rate of chromosomally abnormal males (10/305, 3.3%) lay within the expected range for patients with reduced semen quality. Surprisingly, 50% (10/20) of all abnormal karyotypes were contributed by the female partner of ICSI patients. These data confirm the higher incidence of chromosomal aberrations in infertile populations as compared with the baseline population risk. Additionally, the data imply that in some cases of male factor infertility a hidden female chromosomal factor may be present, which cannot be identified by standard clinical evaluation. In conclusion, we recommend chromosomal analysis in both partners of couples undergoing ICSI treatment.   相似文献   

A total of 392 men referred for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) participated in genetic analysis. The control group consisted of 100 normal fertile males. Chromosome and DNA analyses were performed to investigate the frequency of Y-chromosome microdeletions and CFTR mutations (the controls underwent DNA analysis only). An abnormal karyotype was found in 4.6% of all males, but the frequency among men with azoospermia was higher, at 11.7%. Y-chromosome microdeletions were found only among men with azoospermia (6.5%) and men with extreme oligospermia (2%). Compound heterozygosity for CFTR mutations was found in men with azoospermia (3.9%) and congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD) only. We conclude that all couples referred for ICSI should be offered chromosome analysis. DNA analysis for Y-chromosome microdeletions should be reserved for men with azoospermia or extreme oligospermia (<1 x 106 spermatozoa). Analysis for CFTR mutations should be limited to those with obstructive azoospermia or those with a family history of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

This paper reports on results of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in patients in whom constitutional or secondary chromosome aberrations were detected in the male and/or female partner. Out of 434 couples treated by ICSI (590 cycles), 16 couples (3.7%) were affected by constitutional chromosome aberrations and 96 (22.1%) by secondary chromosome aberrations. Constitutional chromosome aberrations were found in eight male and eight female patients. Couples with the aberration in the male showed significantly lower fertilization, implantation and pregnancy rates (P < 0.05). The occurrence of female constitutional chromosome aberrations led to lower fertilization rates but implantation and pregnancy rates were similar to a control group; however, a higher abortion rate was noted. In the group with secondary chromosome aberrations, 22 males and 59 females carried an abnormality and in 15 couples, both partners. Compared to the remaining (unaffected) 322 couples, fertilization and embryo transfer rates were reduced but implantation rates and pregnancy rates were not different. In all couples where an abortion occurred, mainly parental autosomal aberrations were involved (six out of eight). Our retrospective analysis shows that an unexpectedly high number of infertile couples in an ICSI programme are affected by chromosome aberrations, which in turn may explain the reduced fertilization rates observed in this subgroup of patients.   相似文献   

Assisted reproductive technology is an evolving area, and several adjuvant procedures have been created to increase a couple's chance of conceiving. For male infertility, the current challenges are to properly accommodate old and new techniques that are both cost-effective and evidence-based. In this context, urologists are expected to diagnose, counsel, provide medical or surgical treatment whenever possible and/or correctly refer male patients for assisted conception. Urologists are sometimes part of a multiprofessional team in an assisted reproduction unit and are responsible for the above-cited tasks as well as the surgical retrieval of sperm from either the epididymides or testicles. We present a comprehensive review of the surgical treatment options for infertile males, including the perioperative planning and prognostic aspects, with an emphasis on the role of microsurgery in the optimization of treatment results. This review also discusses current techniques for sperm retrieval that are used in association with assisted reproductive technology and includes sperm retrieval success rates according to the technique and the type of azoospermia. New insights are provided with regard to each surgical treatment option in view of the availability of assisted conception to overcome male infertility.  相似文献   

Since the first reports of successful pregnancies after treatment with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in humans numerous attempts have been made to assess the genetic risks of this highly invasive technique. During the study period (February 1995-November 96), 142 couples were referred to our genetic counselling unit prior to ICSI. In three couples, genetic counselling revealed a high recurrence risk for a monogenic disease (myotonic dystrophy, hereditary ataxia and polycystic kidney disease). In nine out of 128 men (7%) an abnormal karyotype was identified, including three Robertsonian translocations, two reciprocal translocations, three sex chromosome aberrations and one case with centric fission of chromosome no. 7. A total of 14 men refused chromosomal analysis. Only one of the 122 women examined had an abnormal karyotype (47, XXX). Five out of six men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) had at least one mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Three had mutations in both CFTR alleles, including one case in which the second mutation was the 5T allele. One patient with CBAVD and a single Delta F508 CFTR mutation also had left renal agenesis. In conclusion, we strongly recommend that genetic counselling, chromosomal analysis and, in the case of CBAVD, screening for CFTR mutations should be offered to all couples with a diagnosis of male or idiopathic infertility.   相似文献   

In this report, we present the results of our first 100 consecutivecycles of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Overall,fertilization occurred in 98% of cycles and embryos were transferredin 94% (2.6 embryos per cycle). About 50% of patients had embryosfrozen. The overall fertilization rate was 71%, of which 4%were abnormally fertilized (three pronuclei). A total of 30clinical pregnancies were established (32% per transfer), resultingin 18 singleton, six twin and one triplet ongoing pregnancies.The implantation rate per embryo was 15%. There were no significantdifferences in the fertilization or pregnancy rates betweenpatients Who had only occasional motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate,semen that was too poor for routine in-vitro fertilization (IVF),or who had failed routine IVF and/or subzonal sperm injection(SUZI). A group of 18 patients were treated with both ICSI androutine IVF on their first cycle because of the high likelihoodof failed fertilization due to poor sperm morphology (<20%normal). In this group, ICSI oocytes had a fertilization rateof 76% compared to only 15% for the routine IVF (control) oocytes,and six patients conceived after transfer of ICSI embryos (33%),indicating that ICSI can be used successfully on 50% of theoocytes if fertilization failure is expected. Similarly, patientswho had failed to become pregnant with SUZI achieved excellentresults after ICSI. There were no significant differences betweenICSI and routine IVF in the proportions of grade 1, 2 or 3 embryoson day 3 post-oocyte recovery. In conclusion, we have achievedresults comparable to those reported from Belgium and we havefound that ICSI is universally applicable to all forms of severemale factor infertility. ICSI produces fertilization, pregnancyand freezing rates comparable to routine IVF with normozoospermicsamples and has none of the drawbacks of other assisted fertilizationtechniques.  相似文献   

An auto-controlled study was conducted in couples with tubal infertility and normozoospermic semen. The fertilization rates and embryonic development in sibling oocytes treated, using the same semen sample, either by conventional in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at the same time were compared. Sibling oocyte-cumulus complexes (OCC) of 56 different couples with tubal infertility and normozoospermic semen were randomly divided in order of retrieval into two groups inseminated either by conventional IVF or by ICSI. Of the retrieved OCC in the same cohort, 53.0 +/- 31.2 and 62.0 +/- 26.6% showed two distinct pronuclei after conventional IVF and ICSI respectively (not significant). Complete fertilization failure occurred after conventional IVF in 12.5% (7/56 couples). After ICSI, the comparable figure was 3.6% (2/56). The number of cases was too small to apply a statistical test to this difference. Total cleavage rates were quite similar: 86.7 +/- 28.0 and 90.1 +/- 21% of the zygotes developed into transferable embryos after IVF and ICSI respectively (not significant). Similarly, no difference in embryo quality was observed. Although injection and insemination of the oocytes were performed at the same time in the two groups, at 42 h post-insemination more embryos were at the four-cell stage after ICSI (P < 0.001) than after conventional IVF, where more embryos were still at the two-cell stage (P < 0.02). Embryo transfer was possible in all 56 couples, resulting in 16 positive serum human chorionic gonadotrophin tests (28.6% per embryo transfer), from which a clinical pregnancy resulted in 15 couples. The best embryos were selected for transfer independently of the insemination procedure, but preferably from the same origin. There appeared to be no difference in implantation potency of the embryos obtained with either technique after the non-randomized transfers.  相似文献   

目的探讨卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)治疗少子弱精不孕症的临床效果.方法回顾分析了68对少弱精子不孕症夫妇81个ICSI治疗周期.结果 68例患者81周期共取卵766个,MⅡ期卵母细胞共674个,MⅡ期卵母细胞正常受精率81.3%,卵裂率934%,生化妊娠32例(周期生化妊娠率39.5%),临床妊娠28例(周期临床妊娠率为34.6%).结论:ICSI应用于少弱精不孕症的治疗可取得较好的临床效果.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the psychological reactions of men undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (n=18) or in- vitro fertilization (IVF) (n=22). Men monitored their psychological reactions daily for one complete treatment cycle from the first day of down-regulation until the outcome of treatment was known (approximately 52 days). The results showed that ICSI patients reported marginally more distress on the days prior to retrieval than the IVF patients. Other than this difference the pattern of results indicated that the psychological reactions of men undergoing ICSI or IVF were similar and that there was no need to manage these patients differently during treatment. However, ICSI patients may benefit from some reassuring comments on the days prior to retrieval when they showed more anticipatory anxiety.   相似文献   

The results and rationale of using testicular and epididymalspermatozoa with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) forsevere cases of male infertility are reviewed. A total of 72consecutive microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA)cases were performed for congenital absence of the vas (CAV)and for irreparable obstructive azoospermia. ICSI was used toobtain normal embryos for transfer and fertilization in 90%of the cases. The overall fertilization rate was 46% with anormal cleavage rate of 68%. The pregnancy and delivery ratesper transfer were 58 and 37% respectively. The delivery rateper cycle was 33%. In many cases, no epididymal spermatozoawere available and so testicular sperm extraction (TESE) wasused for sperm retrieval. The transfer rate was lower with TESE(84 versus 96%) and the spermatozoa could not be frozen andsaved for use in future cycles. However, there was little differencein pregnancy rates using epidiymal or testicular spermatozoa.The results were not affected by whether the obstruction wascaused by CAV or failed vasoepididymostomy. Both fresh and frozenspermatozoa gave similar results; the only significant factorappeared to be the age of the female. Because of the consistentlygood results obtained using epididymal sperm with ICSI whencompared with conventional IVF, and the similarly good resultswith testicular tissue spermatozoa, ICSI is mandatory for allfuture MESA patients. All CAV patients and their partners shouldbe offered genetic screening for cystic fibrosis; hence pre-implantationembryo diagnosis should be available in any full service MESAprogramme. It is now clear that even with non-obstructive azoospermia,e.g. Sertoli-cell only, or maturation arrest, there are usuallysome small foci of spermatogenesis which allow TESE with ICSIto be carried out. This means that even in men with azoospermiadue to absence of spermatogenesis or to a block in meiosis,there are usually a few spermatozoa available in the testesthat are adequate for successful ICSI. Finally, it is likelythat some forms of severe male factor infertility are geneticallytransmitted and although ICSI offspring have been shown to becompletely normal, it is possible that the sons of these infertilecouples will also require ICSI when they grow up and wish tohave a family.  相似文献   

Factors other than spermatozoa could be the major determinant of the success of assisted reproduction treatment in cases of male infertility. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of the wife's age and ovarian reserve on assisted reproduction success rates in the most severe type of male infertility, i.e. azoospermia. A total of 249 consecutive couples suffering from male infertility caused by azoospermia underwent microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) or testicular sperm extraction (TESE) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Of these men, 186 had irreparable obstructive azoospermia, and 63 had non-obstructive azoospermia due to testicular failure. Neither the pathology, the source, the quantity, nor the quality of spermatozoa had any effect on fertilization or pregnancy rates. Maternal age and ovarian reserve (number of eggs) had no effect on fertilization or embryo cleavage, but did dramatically affect the embryo implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates. Wives of azoospermic men who were in their 20s had a 46% live delivery rate per cycle, wives aged 30-36 years had a 34% live delivery rate per cycle, wives aged 37- 39 years had a 13% live delivery rate per cycle, and wives > or = 40 years had only a 4% live delivery rate per cycle. The number of eggs retrieved also affected pregnancy and delivery rate, but to a lesser extent than age. In virtually all cases of obstructive azoospermia, and in 62% of cases with non-obstructive azoospermia caused by germinal failure, sufficient spermatozoa could be retrieved to perform ICSI, with normal fertilization and embryo cleavage. However, the pregnancy rate and the live delivery rate were dependent strictly on the age of the wife, and on her ovarian reserve. Unfortunately, exaggerated claims of high pregnancy rates can thus easily be made by manipulating, in a very simple way, selection for female factors.   相似文献   

With the advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),our programme noted a drop in the number of couples using donorinsemination (DI) for severe male factor infertility. Over thefirst 8 months in which our infertility programme offered bothtreatments, 27 consecutive couples scheduled for ICSI and 15consecutive couples scheduled for DI were evaluated Since allpatients in our infertility programme beginning in-vitro fertilization(TVF) with planned ICSI or starting DI undergo a semi-structuredpsychological interview, the psychologist's clinical notes aswell as the medical chart were reviewed and coded retrospectivelyto determine factors related to a couple's treatment choice.Couples who chose IVF-ICSI over DI had a higher occupationalstatus and included husbands with higher educational levels.Their most common motivation was to have the husband's biologicalchild (93% of couples in the ICSI group). The most common motivationfor choosing DI (60% of DI couples) was that IVF was not financiallyaffordable. Choice of treatment was not related to psychologicaladjustment, the husband having prior biological children, orhis risk of passing on a genetic defect to offspring. Thesepreliminary data raise the concern that, with the success ofICSI, DI may change in the USA from being an option dictatedby semen quality to a second choice treatment utilized for economicreasons.  相似文献   

A total of 150 infertile couples underwent chromosome analysis and genetic counselling before intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Chromosomal abnormalities, including low-level sex chromosome mosaicism, were detected in 12% of the men and an unexpectedly high 6% of the women. Chromosomal abnormalities included gonosomal mosaicism in 13 cases, Robertsonian translocations in four males, autosomal reciprocal translocations in five cases, reciprocal translocation involving a sex chromosome in one case, inversions in three cases and a marker chromosome in one male. Chromosomal variants found in 11 women and 13 men were not included in the above percentages. Couples with a chromosomal aberration in one partner received a second counselling. The different aspects of genetic counselling in these couples are discussed. In conclusion, we recommend genetic counselling and chromosomal analysis of men and women prior to ICSI therapy.   相似文献   

目的探讨附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)结合单精子卵胞浆内注射(ICSI)治疗梗阻性无精子症男性不育的可行性,并观察其临床效果。方法 7对夫妇为研究对象,男方均确诊为梗阻性无精子症,女方超促排卵获得卵细胞,男方于取卵日在局麻下通过细针穿刺附睾头部吸取少量精子,行ICSI,受精成功后24-48h,选择优质胚胎移植入子宫腔。因男性少弱精子症行ICSI治疗的20个治疗周期为对照组。结果附睾取精7例共11个治疗周期全部获得活动精子,ICSI后受精率65.9%,卵裂率98.3%,优质胚胎率71.9%,临床妊娠5例,周期临床妊娠率45.5%,与对照组比较,各项指标均无显著差异。结论附睾穿刺取得的精子与排出体外的精子具有相同的受精和获得优质胚胎的能力,PESA是治疗梗阻性无精子症男性不育的安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

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