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目的 探讨南通和南京马拉色菌毛囊炎的易感因素及致病菌种在不同地区、不同部位马拉色菌毛囊炎中的菌种分布情况。方法 对符合病例收集纳入标准的患者进行问卷调查,取毛囊内容物进行真菌涂片、培养;并根据形态学和生理生化特征进行菌种鉴定。结果 241例临床诊断为马拉色菌毛囊炎的患者,真菌涂片204例阳性,涂片阳性率84.65%;收集标本259份,共得阳性株213株,其中马拉色菌209株,念珠菌4株(占1.54%),真菌培养阳性率82.24%。菌种鉴定:209株马拉色菌活化菌种后,可供鉴定的马拉色菌菌株186株,共检测到6个菌种的马拉色菌,其中糠秕马拉色菌111株(59.68%)、斯洛菲马拉色菌43株(23.12%)、合轴马拉色菌17株(9.14%)、球形马拉色菌9株(4.84%)、厚皮马拉色菌4株(2.15%)、钝形马拉色菌2株(1.08%)。不同个体、不同部位的菌种分布:胸部、后背、腹部和面颈部以糠秕马拉色菌为主,上肢、肩部和头顶以斯洛菲马拉色菌为主,下肢均为球形马拉色菌。同一个体、不同发病部位存在不同的菌种,主要为糠秕马拉色菌合并合轴或斯洛菲马拉色菌。 结论 南通和南京马拉色菌毛囊炎存在6种马拉色菌致病菌种,糠秕和斯洛菲马拉色菌是主要的致病菌种。  相似文献   

目的 分析马拉色菌毛囊炎皮肤镜下的特点,为马拉色菌毛囊炎的皮肤镜诊断提供指导.方法 分析经临床及真菌镜检确诊为马拉色菌毛囊炎的47例患者112个皮损的皮肤镜图像,并比较与细菌性毛囊炎的异同.结果 马拉色菌毛囊炎最主要的皮肤镜特征为黄白色均质结构+线状血管为主,而细菌性毛囊炎以角栓、黄白色脓疱结构+点状血管为主,其中,线...  相似文献   

目的调查昆明地区花斑癣、马拉色菌毛囊炎、脂溢性皮炎马拉色菌诱发因素,并比较三种疾病的诱发因素有无差异。方法收集花斑癣、马拉色菌毛囊炎、脂溢性皮炎(头皮屑)的病例,用自制的调查表对入选病例进行诱发因素调查,比较诱发因素在三种疾病间有无差异。结果共收集158例病例,男104例,女54例,平均年龄29.4岁,多汗、油性皮肤患者所占比例均超过60%,系统或局部使用糖皮质激素是马拉色菌毛囊炎的危险因素。结论马拉色菌感染好发于男性青壮年,多汗者易发生花斑癣,油性皮肤及使用糖皮质激素易发生马拉色菌毛囊炎。  相似文献   

目的 探讨微流芯片在马拉色菌鉴定与分型中的应用优势.方法 收集马拉色菌标准菌株及直接镜检阳性的花斑糠疹患者皮损处皮屑及马拉色菌毛囊炎患者皮损处毛囊内容物培养出的马拉色菌菌株进行DNA测序,鉴定菌种,随机扩增多态性DNA聚合酶链反应(RAPD-PCR)电泳分析及微流芯片基因型定量分析并聚类分析树状图.结果 共分离83株马拉色菌临床菌株,其中72株分离自花斑糠疹,11株分离自马拉色菌毛囊炎.大多数菌株均可被2种随机引物(S22、S24)扩增而获得清晰条带,但以S22引物扩增的条带更为稳定、清晰,作为主要引物.不同种马拉色菌通过微流芯片基因型定量分析得到不同大小的固定阳性条带,所有菌株均可见种间和种内多态性.在DNA测序的基础上,使用RAPD结合微流芯片方法,基本可将8种马拉色菌(糠秕、合轴、球形、厚皮、斯洛菲、日本、大和及皮肤马拉色菌)区别.结论 RAPD结合微流芯片方法作为一种快速、高通量、高灵敏性的分析技术,在马拉色菌种间菌株遗传多样性、亲缘关系的分析及新种鉴定中显示出一定优越性.  相似文献   

马拉色菌毛囊炎是由马拉色菌在毛囊内过度生长引起的毛囊及其周围炎症病变。因为该致病菌具有嗜脂性,发病机理也与脂溢性皮炎密切相关,临床治疗效果欠佳且易复发,为探寻一种安全、有效的治疗方法,笔者对我院门诊收治的60例泛发性马拉色菌毛囊炎患者使用口服伊曲康唑联合维胺脂治疗并行对照研究,观察其疗效、安全性及复发率,现总结报告如下:  相似文献   

患者男,42岁。面颈部、前胸、背部反复出现坏死性丘疹十年余。通过临床及组织学诊断为:坏死性痤疮合并重症马拉色菌毛囊炎。给予氟康唑静滴及伊曲康唑、米诺环素口服,1个月后炎性毛囊性丘疹、脓疱消退,坏死皮损恢复正常皮肤。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗糠秕马拉色菌毛囊炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们于1998年4月~1999年3月应用西安杨森制药有限公司生产的伊曲康唑胶囊治疗糠秕马拉色菌毛囊炎患者80例,取得满意疗效,现将结果报道如下。一、病例选择全部病例来自皮肤科门诊,具有典型临床症状及体征,糠秕马拉色菌镜检呈阳性。80例患者中男45例,女35例;年龄14~57岁,平均30.5岁;病程2个月至7年,平均3.2年,其中19例每年夏季发病,冬季消退,反复2~7年。皮损主要分布在头皮、面颊部、颈后部、上胸部、上背部,少数累及腰腹部及四肢,呈孤立散在不融合的毛囊炎性丘疹,部分丘疹顶端有小脓疱。  相似文献   

目的总结马拉色菌毛囊炎(MF)临床病理特点。方法采用自行设计调查表收集154例马拉色菌毛囊炎患者临床资料,其中23例行组织病理检查。结果 154例马拉色菌毛囊炎患者中男女之比为6.3∶1,平均年龄、病程分别为20.3岁、12.4个月;皮损主要为红色毛囊性丘疹(96.75%)、丘脓疱疹(65.58%),常见于背部(89.61%)、胸部(71.43%)。23例皮损活检标本中,苏木素-伊红染色显示表皮棘层肥厚(86.96%)、海绵形成(78.26%)、毛囊口角质栓(82.61%)、毛囊扩张和(或)破裂伴毛囊周围炎症细胞浸润(100.00%);阿辛蓝-过碘酸雪夫(AB-PAS)染色发现紫红色孢子16例(69.57%)、黏蛋白沉积5例(21.74%)。结论马拉色菌毛囊炎好发于青少年男性,皮损主要累及胸背部;主要病理特点是毛囊口角质栓、毛囊扩张和(或)破裂、毛囊周围炎症细胞浸润、酵母样孢子。在MF皮损病理检查时,建议用AB-PAS染色同时显示皮损中黏蛋白和孢子。  相似文献   

花斑糠疹和马拉色菌毛囊炎菌种分布特点分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的探讨花斑糠疹和马拉色菌毛囊炎的菌种分布特点。方法从临床诊断为花斑糠疹和马拉色菌毛囊炎的患者分离培养菌种,通过形态学和生理生化学方法鉴定菌种,并比较两组患者菌种分布情况。结果共收集花斑糠疹病例161例,培养阳性121株,其中合轴马拉色菌46株,糠秕马拉色菌13株,球形马拉色菌29株,钝性马拉色菌33株;马拉色菌毛囊炎135例,培养阳性114株,其中合轴马拉色菌52株,糠秕马拉色菌43株,球形马拉色菌13株,钝性马拉色菌6株。两种疾病菌种分布差异有显著性(P<0.005)。结论花斑糠疹和马拉色菌毛囊炎菌种分布存在差异,可能为两种疾病不同临床表现的原因之一,但结果尚需慎重解释,需要分子水平的进一步研究。  相似文献   

球形马拉色菌是马拉色菌毛囊炎患者皮损毛囊内的主要菌种   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
目的 确定引起马拉色菌毛囊炎的主要菌种,比较皮损毛囊内和毛周表面皮肤菌种是否一致,患者性别、年龄、病情与分离菌种的关系。方法 菜子油培养基培养,根据形态及生理生化特点进行鉴定。结果 从毛周表面皮肤分离的319株菌中鉴定出合轴马拉色菌247株(77.43%)、糠秕马拉色菌40株(12.54%)、球形马拉色菌27株(8.46%)、钝形马拉色菌5株(1.57%);从毛囊内分离的314株菌中鉴定出球形马拉色菌252株(80.25%)、合轴马拉色菌57株(18.15%)、糠秕马拉色菌4株(1.27%)、钝形马拉色菌1株(0.32%),菌种构成差异有显著性(P<0.01)。毛囊内菌种构成与患者的性别和年龄有关,与病情无关。毛囊内和毛周表面皮肤同时阳性的279株中菌种不一致204株,菌种一致75株。结论 马拉色菌毛囊炎毛囊内的主要菌种为球形马拉色菌,其表面皮肤则以合轴马拉色菌为主。  相似文献   

Malassezia folliculitis is a condition chracterized by itchy follicular papules and pustules with erythema. Malassezia yeasts are the pathogens in this condition. It is mainly located on the back, shoulders, and chest. Presented here is a 12-year-old boy with malassezia folliculitis on the scalp. The case was found to be worthy of presentation because it rarely occurs in childhood and is rarely located on the scalp.  相似文献   

Folliculitis is an inflammatory process involving the hair follicle, frequently attributed to infectious causes. Malassezia, an established symbiotic yeast that can evolve to a skin pathogen with opportunistic attributes, is a common source of folliculitis, especially when intrinsic (e.g. immunosuppression) or extrinsic (high ambient temperature and humidity, clothing) impact on the hair follicle and the overlying skin microenvironment. Our aim was to critically review the pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of Malassezia folliculitis, to describe laboratory methods that facilitate diagnosis and to systematically review treatment options. Malassezia folliculitis manifests as a pruritic, follicular papulopustular eruption distributed on the upper trunk. It commonly affects young to middle-aged adults and immunosuppressed individuals. Inclusion into the differential diagnosis of folliculitis is regularly oversighted, and the prerequisite-targeted diagnostic procedures are not always performed. Sampling by tape stripping or comedo extractor and microscopic examination of the sample usually identifies the monopolar budding yeast cells of Malassezia without the presence of hyphae. However, confirmation of the diagnosis with anatomical association with the hair follicle is performed by biopsy. For systematic review of therapies, PubMed was searched using the search string “(malassezia” [MeSH Terms] OR “malassezia” [All Fields] OR pityrosporum [All Fields]) AND “folliculitis” [MeSH Terms] and EMBASE was searched using the search string: ‘malassezia folliculitis.mp OR pityrosporum folliculitis.mp’. In total, 28 full-length studies were assessed for eligibility and 21 were selected for inclusion in therapy evaluation. Conclusively Malassezia folliculitis should be considered in the assessment of truncal, follicular skin lesions. Patient's history, comorbidities and clinical presentation are usually indicative, but microscopically and histological examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis. Adequate samples obtained with comedo extractor and serial sections in the histological material are critical for proper diagnosis. Therapy should include systemic or topical measures for the control of the inflammation, as well as the prevention of recurrences.  相似文献   

目的 评估Wood灯在皮肤常见浅表真菌感染诊断中的应用价值.方法 对129例根据临床病史及体征初步诊断为皮肤浅表真菌感染患者进行Wood灯和真菌实验室检查.结果 花斑糠疹、马拉色菌毛囊炎患者Wood灯检查的阳性率分别为84%、85.7%,同时阳性病例的真菌培养或镜检的阳性率达92.9%、87.5%,两者有高度的一致性.而临床诊断手足癣和体股癣者其荧光阳性率只有8.3%.真菌总检出率却高达85.4%(41/48),两者不具有一致性.结论 Wood灯在花斑糠疹、马拉色菌毛囊炎的检查上有较高的特异性和敏感性,临床诊断上有应用价值,而对手足癣和体股癣诊断则无意义.
Objective To estimate the performance of Wood's lamp examination in the diagnosis of superficial cutaneous fungal infections. Methods Totally, 129 patients, who were diagnosed with superficial cutaneous fungal infections according to clinical medical history and signs, were enrolled in this study. Wood's lamp examination of lesions was carried out. Cutaneous samples were obtained from the patients and subjected to microscopic examination and fungal culture. Results Wood's lamp examination was positive in 84% and 85.7% of patients with tinea versicolor and malassezia folliculitis, respectively; among these patients positive for Wood's lamp examination, 92.9% were positive for fungal culture, and 87.5% for microscopic examination. In patients clinically diagnosed with tinea manus and pedis, tinea corporis or tinea cruris, 8.3% were positive for Wood's lamp examination, while 85.4% were positive for fungal examination. There was a high consistency between Wood's lamp examination and fungal examination in patients with tinea versicolor and malassezia folliculitis, but not in those with tinea manus and pedis, tinea corporis or tinea cruris. Conclusions Wood's lamp examination shows a high specificity and sensitivity and is useful in the diagnosis of tinea versicolor and malassezia folliculitis, but seems unapplicable for the diagnosis of tinea manus and pedis, tinea corporis or tinea cruris.  相似文献   

Tufted folliculitis is an uncommon folliculitis of the scalp that resolves with patches of scarring alopecia within which multiple hair tufts emerge from dilated follicular orifices. The clinicohistological data from a group of 15 patients with tufted folliculitis were reviewed and compared with those of seven patients with folliculitis decalvans, five with acne keloidalis nuchae, four with dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, three with kerion celsi and 20 with follicular lichen planus. It was found that tufted folliculitis could be differentiated from folliculitis decalvans only by finding several hair tufts scattered within patches of scarring alopecia. Histologically, a single tuft consisted of peculiar clustering of adjacent follicular units opening at the bottom of an epidermal depression. Conversely, the presence of keloidal plaques in acne keloidalis nuchae, coalescing nodules discharging purulent material in dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, erythematous plaques covered by pustules replete with fungal elements in kerion celsi, and the absence of follicular pustules in follicular lichen planus distinguished these diseases from tufted folliculitis. On the basis of these findings, it is suggested that tufted folliculitis should be considered as a distinctive clinicohistological variant of folliculitis decalvans. Tufting of hair is caused by clustering of adjacent follicular units due to a fibrosing process and to retention of telogen hairs within the involved follicular units.  相似文献   

棘状秃发性毛囊炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告1例棘状秃发性毛囊炎.患者男,27岁.因头皮起毛囊性丘疹伴脱发7年就诊.皮肤科检查:头皮片状不规则脱发.有萎缩性瘢痕,头皮、面部、颈部、躯干、四肢广泛分布粟粒大毛囊性丘疹.组织病理检查可见角化过度,表皮萎缩变薄,真皮内胶原纤维增生,呈瘢痕样改变,部分毛囊破坏,周围淋巴细胞、浆细胞及多核巨细胞浸润,符合棘状秃发性毛囊炎改变.  相似文献   

We present a patient with pemphigus vulgaris who, over the years, experienced the development of tufted hair folliculitis as a result of scalp involvement. Multiple hairs emerged from widely dilated follicular ostia surrounded by indurated, scarred skin. Histopathologic findings were typical for tufted hair folliculitis. We believe that because a specific host response to scalp injury might be crucial to the development of this rare disorder, it should be regarded as a type of scarring alopecia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Herpes folliculitis is a rare manifestation of herpes virus infection and it is often misdiagnosed. Diagnostic criteria are not well established, only 24 patients being reported in the literature. Recently it has been suggested that herpetic folliculitis is more common in infections with varicella zoster (VZV) than in those with herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and -2). OBJECTIVES: To refine diagnostic criteria for folliculitis caused by VZV, HSV-1 and HSV-2, and to study whether follicular involvement enables morphological differentiation between VZV and HSV infections. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients with herpetic infection of follicular epithelium were assessed clinically and histopathologically. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies for specific DNA of herpes viruses were performed on paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens. RESULTS: In 17 of our cases PCR was positive for VZV, four were positive for HSV-1, none for HSV-2. The clinical presentation of herpes folliculitis often lacked vesicles or pustules (14/21). Histopathological features were often devoid of ballooning (12/21), multinucleated giant cells (12/21) and keratinocytes with steel grey nuclei (15/21). The most consistent findings were lymphocytic folliculitis and perifolliculitis (20/21) and necrotic keratinocytes in follicular epithelium (12/21). In zoster, but not in varicella eruption or HSV infections, follicular involvement was unaccompanied by marked changes in the epidermal surface. CONCLUSIONS: In biopsy specimens taken from herpes virus infections, involvement of follicular units is more commonly encountered in VZV infections compared with HSV infections. Early in the course, herpes folliculitis presents as lymphocytic folliculitis devoid of epithelial changes considered to be diagnostic of herpes virus infections. Exclusive involvement of follicles is rather typical of zoster.  相似文献   

Folliculitis decalvans is a chronic form of deep folliculitis that occurs on the scalp as patches of scarring alopecia at the expanding margins of which are follicular pustules. Treatment of folliculitis decalvans is extremely difficult with a resultant poor prognosis. Photodynamic therapy has been reported to be effective in disorders as acne or folliculitis. We report one patient with folliculitis decalvans who was successfully treated with photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

Folliculitis decalvans is a neutrophilic cicatricial alopecia characterised by progressive pustular folliculitis. Folliculitis decalvans is seen as a condition usually limited exclusively to the scalp and rarely affects the limbs. We present a case of a 63-year-old man with a 3-year history of progressive pustular folliculitis with inflammatory patches and central scarring alopecia on both forearms and a circumscribed patch on his right lower leg. His presentation, clinical course and isolation of Staphylococcus aureus together with the histopathological findings all supported a folliculitis decalvans-like pustular folliculitis limited to the limbs. Biopsies revealed follicular pustules, gross interfollicular fibrosis with plasma cells and concentric perifollicular fibrosis with lymphocytes, all features seen with folliculitis decalvans. The positive response to antibiotics combined with topical corticosteroids mirrored the response seen with scalp folliculitis decalvans. In contrast to the previously reported cases, the patient had no evidence of folliculitis decalvans on the scalp.  相似文献   

Folliculitis decalvans is an inflammatory presentation of cicatrizing alopecia characterized by inflammatory perifollicular papules and pustules. It generally occurs in adult males, predominantly involving the vertex and occipital areas of the scalp. The use of dermatoscopy in hair and scalp diseases improves diagnostic accuracy. Some trichoscopic findings, such as follicular tufts, perifollicular erythema, crusts and pustules, can be observed in folliculitis decalvans. More research on the pathogenesis and treatment options of this disfiguring disease is required for improving patient management.  相似文献   

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