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Benzene, an important component in gasoline, is a widely distributed environmental contaminant that has been linked to known health effects in animals and humans, including leukemia. In Mexico City, environmental benzene levels, which may be elevated because of the heavy traffic and the poor emission control devices of older vehicles, may pose a health risk to the population. To assess the potential risk, portable passive monitors and blood concentrations were used to survey three different occupational groups in Mexico City. Passive monitors measured the personal exposure of 45 workers to benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, o-xylene and m-/p-xylene during a work shift. Blood concentrations of the above volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methyl tert-butyl ether, and styrene were measured at the beginning and the end of a work shift. Passive monitors showed significantly higher (p > 0.0001) benzene exposure levels among service station attendants (median = 330 microg/m3; range 130-770) as compared to street vendors (median = 62 microg/m3; range 49-180) and office workers (median = 44 microg/m3, range 32-67). Baseline blood benzene levels (BBLs) for these groups were higher than those reported for similar populations from Western countries (median = 0.63 microg/L, n = 24 for service station attendants; median = 0.30 microg/L, n = 6 for street vendors; and median = 0.17 microgr;g/L, n = 7 for office workers). Nonsmoking office workers who were nonoccupationally exposed to VOCs had BBLs that were more than five times higher than those observed in a nonsmoking U.S. population. BBLs of participants did not increase during the work shift, suggesting that because the participants were chronically exposed to benzene, complex pharmacokinetic mechanisms were involved. Our results highlight the need for more complete studies to assess the potential benefits of setting environmental standards for benzene and other VOCs in Mexico.  相似文献   

The lifetime cancer risks of exposure of cooks and food service workers, office workers, housewives, and schoolchildren in Hong Kong to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their respective indoor premises during normal indoor activities were assessed. The estimated cancer risk for housewives was the highest, and the second-highest lifetime cancer risk to VOC exposure was for the groups of food service and office workers. Within a certain group of the population, the lifetime cancer risk of the home living room was one to two orders of magnitude higher than that in other indoor environments. The estimated lifetime risks of food service workers were about two times that of office workers. Furthermore, the cancer risks of working in kitchen environments were approximately two times higher than the risks arising from studying in air-conditioned classrooms. The bus riders had higher average lifetime cancer risks than those travelling by Mass Transit Railway. For all target groups of people, the findings of this study show that the exposures to VOCs may lead to lifetime risks higher than 1 x 10(-6). Seven indoor environments were selected for the measurement of human exposure and the estimation of the corresponding lifetime cancer risks. The lifetime risks with 8-h average daily exposures to individual VOCs in individual environments were compared. People in a smoking home had the highest cancer risk, while students in an air-conditioned classroom had the lowest risk of cancer. Benzene accounted for about or more than 40% of the lifetime cancer risks for each category of indoor environment. Nonsmoking and smoking residences in Hong Kong had cancer risks associated with 8-h exposures of benzene above 1.8 x 10(-5) and 8.0 x 10(-5), respectively. The cancer risks associated with 1,1-dichloroethene, chloroform, methylene chloride, trichloroethene, and tetrachloroethene became more significant at selected homes and restaurants. Higher lifetime cancer risks due to exposure to styrene were only observed in the administrative and printing offices and air-conditioned classrooms. Higher lifetime cancer risks related to chloroform exposures were observed at the restaurant and the canteen.  相似文献   

Seven persons volunteered to perform 25 common activities thought to increase personal exposure to volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) during a 3-day monitoring period. Personal, indoor, and outdoor air samples were collected on Tenax cartridges three times per day (evening, overnight, and daytime) and analyzed by GC-MS for 17 target VOCs. Samples of exhaled breath were also collected before and after each monitoring period. About 20 activities resulted in increasing exposure to one or more of the target VOCs, often by factors of 10, sometimes by factors of 100, compared to exposures during the sleep period. These concentrations were far above the highest observed outdoor concentrations during the length of the study. Breath levels were often significantly correlated with previous personal exposures. Major exposures were associated with use of deodorizers (p-dichlorobenzene); washing clothes and dishes (chloroform); visiting a dry cleaners (1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene); smoking (benzene, styrene); cleaning a car engine (xylenes, ethylbenzene, tetrachloroethylene); painting and using paint remover (n-decane, n-undecane); and working in a scientific laboratory (many VOCs). Continuously elevated indoor air levels of p-dichlorobenzene, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, decane, and undecane were noted in several homes and attributed to unknown indoor sources. Measurements of exhaled breath suggested biological residence times in tissue of 12-18 hr and 20-30 hr for 1,1,1-trichloroethane and p-dichlorobenzene, respectively.  相似文献   

低浓度挥发性有机化合物被动式个体采样器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了扩散式挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)个体采样器,适用于对环境空气中和非职业性个体接触VOCs的监测。在风速10~260cm/s,相对湿度为30%~80%,温度为10~30℃的范围内使用,采样速率分别为苯:25.74ml/min,甲苯:25.16ml/min,四氯乙烯:25.85ml/min,对-二甲苯:8.16ml/min,苯乙烯:6.47ml/min。与主动式活性炭纤维(ACF)管采样法比较,本个体采样器测定空气中靶VOCs的总不确定度均在±25%以内。  相似文献   

室内挥发性有机物的来源及其健康效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵金镯  金水堂 《卫生研究》2004,33(2):229-232
挥发性有机物 (VOCs)作为一大类空气污染物 ,是近几年来室内空气污染的热点问题 ,现代人一天之中有 90 %的时间在室内度过 ,所以VOCs对人体健康有着极大的危害 ,本文主要综述了VOCs的来源、种类及其对人体健康的影响。  相似文献   

Objectives There is growing concern about adverse respiratory health effects from exposure to indoor air pollution. The purpose of this study was to analyze association between exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOC) and asthma in adults. Methods This study utilized passive personal exposure data on ten VOC collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2000. A total of 550 subjects who were of non-Hispanic whites, Mexican-Americans, or non-Hispanic Blacks race/ethnicity were included in this analysis. The primary outcome variable was physician-diagnosed asthma and the secondary outcome variable was presence of wheezing in the previous 12 months among those without physician-diagnosed asthma. Exploratory factor analysis was used to generate factor scores to group VOCs, which were included as indicator variables in the analyses. Associations between exposure to VOCs, physician-diagnosed asthma, and wheezing in the previous 12 months were evaluated using multiple logistic regression analyses. Odds ratios are for 1-U increase in level of exposure. Results Seven of the ten VOC variables loaded on two factors, “aromatic compounds” and “chlorinated hydrocarbons.” The geometric mean concentration of VOCs varied from as low as 0.03 μg/m3 for trichloroethene to as high as 14.33 μg/m3 for toluene. Mexican-Americans had the highest personal exposures to benzene (geometric mean = 2.38 μg/m3) as compared to non-Hispanic whites (geometric mean = 1.15 μg/m3) and non-Hispanic Blacks (geometric mean = 1.07 μg/m3). The odds of physician-diagnosed asthma were significantly higher among those exposed to aromatic compounds (Adjusted OR = 1.63, 95% CI: 1.17–2.27). Among those subjects never diagnosed by a physician to have asthma, a significantly increased odds of one to two wheezing attacks were observed for aromatic compounds (Adjusted OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.08–2.61) and chlorinated hydrocarbons (Adjusted OR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.01–2.23) as compared to no wheezing. No association with three wheezing attacks or more was observed in the study. Conclusion In this cross-sectional study of a representative sample of the US population, environmental exposures to VOCs, especially aromatic compounds, were associated with adverse respiratory effects. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in the three industrial cities in the Czech Republic, Ostrava, Karvina and Havirov, while the city of Prague served as a control in a large-scale molecular epidemiological study identifying the impacts of air pollution on human health. Office workers from Ostrava and city policemen from Karvina, Havirov and Prague were monitored in the winter and summer of 2009. Only adult non-smokers participated in the study (N=160). Radiello-diffusive passive samplers were used to measure the exposure to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, meta- plus para-xylene and ortho-xylene (BTEX). All participants completed a personal questionnaire and a time-location-activity diary (TLAD). The average personal BTEX exposure levels in both seasons were 7.2/34.3/4.4/16.1?μg/m(3), respectively. The benzene levels were highest in winter in Karvina, Ostrava and Prague: 8.5, 7.2 and 5.3?μg/m(3), respectively. The personal exposures to BTEX were higher than the corresponding stationary monitoring levels detected in the individual localities (P<0.001; except m,p-xylene in summer). The indoor environment, ETS (environmental tobacco smoke), cooking, a home-heating fireplace or gas stove, automobile use and being in a restaurant were important predictors for benzene personal exposure. Ostrava's outdoor benzene pollution was a significant factor increasing the exposure of the Ostrava study participants in winter (P<0.05).  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济发展和生活水平的提高,人们越来越崇尚办公和居室环境的舒适优雅,由此推动了装修行业现代化热潮的兴起.但因市场上装修材料质量的良莠不齐、装修过度、施工技术难以保证以及相关法规制度的不健全,导致民用建筑的室内污染日趋明显.其中,室内装饰材料中总挥发性有机物(Total Volatile Organic Compound,TVOC)的污染是目前造成室内空气污染的主要原因,TVOC对居民健康危害和预防控制措施成为业内人士研究的热点之一.  相似文献   

Outdoor, indoor, and personal exposure to VOCs in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We measured volatile organic compound (VOC) exposures in multiple locations for a diverse population of children who attended two inner-city schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Fifteen common VOCs were measured at four locations: outdoors (O), indoors at school (S), indoors at home (H), and in personal samples (P). Concentrations of most VOCs followed the general pattern O approximately equal to S < P less than or equal to H across the measured microenvironments. The S and O environments had the smallest and H the largest influence on personal exposure to most compounds. A time-weighted model of P exposure using all measured microenvironments and time-activity data provided little additional explanatory power beyond that provided by using the H measurement alone. Although H and P concentrations of most VOCs measured in this study were similar to or lower than levels measured in recent personal monitoring studies of adults and children in the United States, p-dichlorobenzene was the notable exception to this pattern, with upper-bound exposures more than 100 times greater than those found in other studies of children. Median and upper-bound H and P exposures were well above health benchmarks for several compounds, so outdoor measurements likely underestimate long-term health risks from children's exposure to these compounds.  相似文献   

To begin to develop generalized models for estimating personal exposure to ambient air pollutants within diverse populations, the design of the Oklahoma Urban Air Toxics Study incorporated eight dichotomous macroenvironmental and household factors that were hypothesized to be potential determinants of exposure. Personal, indoor, and outdoor samples of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were collected over 24-h monitoring periods in 42 households, together with activity diaries and data on the participants' residences. The distributions of the VOC concentrations were moderately to highly left-censored, and were mostly bimodal. The ATSDR minimal risk level (MRL) was exceeded in a small number of the samples. Personal and indoor concentrations tended to be higher than outdoor concentrations, indicating that indoor exposures were dominated by indoor sources. However, indoor concentrations were not correlated with the permeability of the residence, suggesting that the observed indoor concentrations reflected mostly localized, short-term emissions. The influence of the eight dichotomous factors and of the presence of an attached garage was evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and by comparison of "excursion fractions", that is, the fractions of each distributions exceeding 10% of the MRL. Dry weather and absence of children in the household were found to be associated with higher exposures in personal or indoor exposures. Given the small sample size, it is possible that these factors were confounded with unidentified household characteristics or activities that were the true determinants of exposure.  相似文献   

Urban ambient air concentrations of 39 aromatic (including benzene, toluene, and xylenes) and aliphatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in Yokohama city, Japan. Yokohama city was selected as a case study to assess the amount of VOC released from Industrial area to characterize the ambient air quality with respect to VOC as well as to know the impact of petrochemical storage facilities on local air quality. For this purpose, ambient air samples were collected (from June 2007 to November 2008) at six selected locations which are designated as industrial, residential, or commercial areas. To find out the diurnal variations of VOC, hourly nighttime sampling was carried out for three nights at one of the industrial locations (Shiohama). Samples were analyzed using gas chromatographic system (GC-FID). Results show strong variation between day and nighttime concentrations and among the seasons. Aliphatic fractions were most abundant, suggesting petrochemical storage facilities as the major source of atmospheric hydrocarbons. High concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX) were observed at industrial locations. BTEX showed strong diurnal variation which is attributed to change in meteorology. During our campaign, low ambient VOC concentrations were observed at the residential site.  相似文献   

This study evaluated exposures among vehicle repair technicians to hexane, acetone, toluene, and total volatile organic compounds (VOCs). On randomly selected workdays, we observed a characteristic pattern of solvent use among 36 technicians employed in 10 repair shops, each of which used an aerosol solvent product. We obtained quantitative exposure measurements from a subset of nine technicians (employed in three of these shops) who used an aerosol product containing hexane (25-35%), acetone (45-55%), and toluene (5-10%). The time-weighted average (TWA) exposure concentration for task-length breathing zone (BZ) samples (n = 23) was 36 mg/m(3) for hexane, 50 mg/m(3) for acetone, and 10 mg/m(3) for toluene. The TWA area concentrations (n = 49) obtained contemporaneously with BZ samples ranged from 25% to 35% of the BZ concentrations. The solvent emission rate (grams emitted/task time) was correlated with the total VOC exposure concentration (R(2) = 0.45). The proportions of VOCs in the BZ samples were highly correlated (r = 0.89 to 0.95) and were similar to those of the bulk product. Continuous exposure measurements for total VOCs (n = 1238) during 26 tasks produced a mean BZ VOC "pulse" of 394 mg/m(3) within 1 min following initiation of solvent spraying. The geometric mean air speed was 5.2 meters/min in the work areas (n = 870) and was associated with 0.8 air changes per minute in the BZ. The findings suggest that vehicle repair technicians who use aerosol solvent products experience episodic, inhalation exposures to the VOCs contained in these products, and the proportions of VOCs in the breathing zone are similar to those of the bulk product. Because acetone appears to amplify the severity and duration of the neurotoxic effects of n-hexane, products formulated with both hexane and acetone should be avoided. Further evaluation of exposures to VOCs is needed in this industry, along with information on effective alternatives to aerosol solvent products.  相似文献   

目的:建立热解吸-毛细管柱气相色谱法测定室内空气中总挥发性有机物(TVOC)的方法。方法:用活性炭管吸附,热解吸进样,FFAP大口径毛细管气相色谱法对室内空气中24种挥发性有机物进行分离和测定。结果:24种挥发性有机物的线性方程相关系数为0.9963~0.9999,相对标准偏差为0.3%~7.8%,其中苯、甲苯、二甲苯的检出限为(0.5~1)×10-3μg/ml。结论:该方法操作简便,对仪器设备要求不高,准确灵敏,适用于空气中总挥发性有机物和低浓度组分有机物的测定。  相似文献   

The current study examined the hypothesis that there may be vertical variation in mobile source-related volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in high-rise apartment buildings. One hundred twelve homes in 56 high-rise apartment buildings with 10 or more stories participated in the study. Both the outdoor and the indoor air concentrations of three VOCs [methyl-tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), benzene, and toluene] were significantly higher for the low-floor apartments than for the high-floor apartments (P < 0.05). The median outdoor concentrations were 5.4, 6.8, and 29.1 microgram/m3, respectively, for the low-floor apartments, yet 4.4, 4.3, and 21.9 microgram/m3, respectively, for the high-floor apartments. Meanwhile, the median indoor concentrations were 6.3, 9.4, and 44.8 microgram/m3, respectively, for the low-floor apartments, yet 5.1, 7.6, and 38.8 microgram/m3, respectively, for the high-floor apartments. These findings indicate that residents of low-floor apartments are exposed to elevated residential levels of mobile source-related VOCs compared to high-floor apartment residents. The indoor concentrations of the target VOCs, except for MTBE, were significantly higher than the outdoor air concentrations for both the low and high floors (P < 0.05). Plus, the outdoor and indoor VOC concentrations were significantly different between the daytime and nighttime data sets for both low- and high-floor apartments, with a P value of less than or close to 0.05.  相似文献   

In the framework of the second German Environmental Survey carried out in the Western part of Germany in 1990/91 (GerES IIa) 113 adults aged 25-69 years were selected at random from the total study population of about 2500 to investigate personal exposure to about 70 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Each subject wore a diffusive badge-type sampler for 1 week. The VOCs determined included alkanes, aromatics, aliphatic halocarbons, terpenes, and oxygen-containing compounds. Multivariate regression analysis was carried out to determine and quantify the major sources of personal exposure to various VOCs. In this paper, results are given for benzene, and C8- and C9-aromatics. Being subject to environmental tobacco smoke was found to be the most important determinant of benzene exposure, but automobile-related activities such as driving a car or refuelling, were also associated with significantly increased levels of benzene. The major determinant of C8- and C9-aromatics concentrations was occupational exposure. Emissions from paints, lacquers, newspapers, magazines and print-works were also important contributors to C8-aromatics exposure. Renovation, painting and smoking were associated with a significant increase of the exposure to C9-aromatics.  相似文献   

Information on the work-time exposure of public bus and taxicab drivers to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may be a critical factor in exploring the association between occupational exposure and health effects. Accordingly, this study evaluated the work-time VOC exposure of public bus and taxicab drivers by measurement of six selected aromatic VOC concentrations in the personal air of public bus and taxicab drivers during winter and summer. Two groups of five public bus drivers (smokers and nonsmokers) and two groups of five taxicab drivers (smokers and nonsmokers) were recruited for the study. The taxicab drivers were found to be exposed to higher aromatic compound levels than the bus drivers during their daily work time. The personal exposure of the bus and taxicab drivers was influenced by whether or not they smoked plus the season. It was also established that the potential exposure of bus drivers to aromatic VOCs did not exceed that of an unemployed reference group, whereas the potential exposure of taxicab drivers did. Meanwhile, based on comparison of the calculated in-vehicle concentrations with those from a previous study, the VOC levels inside public buses and taxicabs were found to be lower than those inside automobiles.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde is a ubiquitous environmental pollutant and is probably carcinogenic to humans. Exposure to formaldehyde was investigated in the general population with personal as well as stationary measurements. The results from two campaigns in two Swedish cities are presented, including measurements of personal exposure among a total of 65 randomly selected subjects together with simultaneous measurements of individual indoor and outdoor concentrations. Diffusive GMD samplers were placed in the breathing zone, in the participants' bedrooms, and outside their homes for 24 h in campaign A and six days in campaign B. Repeated measurements were also conducted in order to study the variability between and within individuals. Median personal exposure to formaldehyde was 22 microg/m(3) (campaign A) and 23 microg/m(3) (campaign B), which is within the guideline value range of 12-60 microg/m(3) proposed in Sweden. Bedroom concentrations were generally slightly higher than personal exposure, while outdoor concentrations (measured only in campaign B) were low. In campaign B, the stationary measurements were used to model personal exposure. Bedroom concentrations were found to explain 90% of the variation of the measured personal exposure and predicted personal exposure nearly as well as an extended model that also included the outdoor contribution. Subjects living in single-family houses had significantly higher exposure to formaldehyde compared with subjects living in apartments. The 24-h and 6-day sampling periods yield a relatively low within-individual variability for formaldehyde measurements with GMD samplers.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of formaldehyde (HCHO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and selected chlorinated volatile organic compounds (chlorinated VOC) were measured in 37 urban dwellings in Nagoya, Japan, and 27 urban dwellings in Uppsala, Sweden, using the same sampling procedures and analytical methods. Indoor as well as outdoor air concentrations of HCHO, NO2, and chlorinated VOC were significantly higher in Nagoya than in Uppsala (P<0.01), with the exception of tetrachlorocarbon in outdoor air. In Nagoya, HCHO and NO2 concentrations were significantly higher in modern concrete houses than in wooden houses and higher in newer (less than 10 years) than in older dwellings (P<0.01), possibly due to less natural ventilation and more emission sources in modern buildings. Dwellings heated with unvented combustion sources had significantly higher indoor concentrations of NO2 than those with clean heating (P<0.05). Moreover, dwellings with moth repellents containing p-dichlorobenzene had significantly higher indoor concentrations of p-dichlorobenzene (P<0.01). In conclusion, there appear to be differences between Nagoya and Uppsala with respect to both indoor and outdoor pollution levels of the measured pollutants. More indoor pollution sources could be identified in Nagoya than in Uppsala, including construction and interior materials emitting VOC, use of unvented combustion space heaters, and moth repellents containing p-dichlorobenzene.  相似文献   

Personal and area samples from three copy centres were collected in thermal desorption tubes and analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Real-time personal total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) were measured using a data-logging photoionization detector. Fifty-four different VOCs were detected in the area samples. The maximum concentration measured was 1132.0 ppb (toluene, copy center 3, day 1). Thirty-eight VOCs were detected in the personal samples and concentrations ranged from 0.1 ppb (1,1-biphenyl, p-dichlorobenzene, propylbenzene, styrene, and tetrachloroethylene) to 689.6 ppb (toluene). Real-time TVOC measurements indicated daily fluctuations in exposure, ranging from <71 to 21,300 ppb. The time-weighted average exposures for the photocopier operators on days 1 and 2 were 235 and 266 ppb and 6155 and 3683 ppb, in copy centers 2 and 3, respectively. Personal exposure measurements of individual VOCs were below accepted occupational standards and guidelines. For example, the maximum concentration was 0.3% of the permissible exposure limits (toluene, copy center 3). Exposures were highest in copy center 3; this is likely due to the presence of offset printing presses. It is concluded that photocopiers contribute a wide variety of VOCs to the indoor air of photocopy centers; however, exposures are at least 100 times below established standards.  相似文献   

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