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Zusammenfassung Bestrahlung mit dem sonnenähnlichen Spektrum der Osram-Xenon-Hochdrucklampe XBF 6000, dessen Wellenlängen < 320 m abgefiltert waren, auf die äußerlich unveränderte Rückenhaut von 46 Patienten mit chronisch-polymorphen und akuten Lichtausschlägen ergab in 43 Fällen eine pathologische Reaktion auf langwelliges Ultraviolettlicht 320 bis 400 m. Darüberhinaus wirkte in einigen Fällen sichtbares Licht provozierend. Die Erythemschwelle unter der Quecksilberdampflampe war nur bei einem Teil der Lichtkranken (16 von 37 untersuchten Patienten) unter den Streuungsbereich bei normal Lichtempfindlichen herabgesetzt, zumeist bedingt durch eine Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber der Hg-Linie 313 m. Die Hg-Linien 270–302 m verursachten nur bei 4 Patienten mit stark herabgesetzter Erythemschwelle eine pathologische Lichtreaktion. Im Gegensatz zu gesunden Personen pigmentiert ein großer Teil der Lichtüberempfindlichen unter 300–350 m nicht direkt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im menschlichen Seminalplasma konnten die glykolytischen Enzyme Aldolase, Milchsäuredehydrogenase und Phosphohexoseisomerase nachgewiesen werden.Als Bindeglied zwischen Fructose- und Glucosestoffwechsel wurde die Phosphohexoseisomerase näher untersucht. Ihre Aktivität im Seminalplasma varüerte bei den untersuchten Ejaculaten von 140 bis 1480 mol F-6-P/ml/Std, eine Enzymaktivität, die 1–2 Zehnerpotenzen über der durchschnittlichen Serumenzymaktivität liegt.Die durchschnittliche Fermentaktivität bei Normospermien lag über 400 mol F-6-P/mI/Std, bei Azoospermien dagegen unter 400 mol/ml/Std.Sichere Beziehungen zwischen Fructosekonzentrationen und Fermentaktivität im Samen waren nicht nachweisbar. Es fiel jedoch auf, daß Patienten mit pathologischen Fructosewerten unter 110 mg-% relativ hohe Enzymkonzentrationen im Seminalplasma hatten.Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Summary The influence of various zinc concentrations on the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes was studied in six normal adults. Sodium chloride solutions ranging from 0.1% to 0.7% were prepared, each containing 0 g% zinc, 50 g% zinc, 100 g% zinc, 500 g%, and 1000 g% zinc. Heparinstabilized venous blood was added to the various solutions at 25°C, and the degree of haemolysis (erythrolysis) after 1 h was determined by measurement of the absorbance at 540 nm. Neither the absence, nor the presence of relatively high zinc concentrations were found to influence the degree of haemolysis. The results indicate that haemolytic anaemia which was observed in zinc-deficient patients is not due to a zinc-dependent change in the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary This study determines if the anatomic region affected percutaneous absorption in the rhesus monkey, an animal model with some relevance to man. Percutaneous absorption of testosterone (13.3 g/cm2) from the ventral forearm was 8.8±2.5%. Absorption from the chest was slightly less (5.3 ±0.6%) while that from the cheek was about the same (9.6±0.2%). Absorption from the scalp was greatly increased (20.4±2.7%), that from the vagina was the greatest (63.1±2.6%). As previously noted in man, anatomic variation in skin absorption exists in the rhesus. The ratio of scalp absorption to ventral forearm absorption in the rhesus was similar to that in man.The next objective was to determine the percutaneous absorption of testosterone when applied as a single dose or on a repetitive basis. There was no substantial difference in total absorption when 13.3 g/cm2 was applied as a single dose or when the 13.3 g/cm2 was applied three times, totaling 40 g/cm2. However, when 40 g/cm2 was applied as a single dose, absorption was substantially increased over 13.3 g/cm2 applied either once or three times. These results confirm previously reported results done with single versus repetitive doses of hydrocortisone.  相似文献   

Summary A range of dermatologically useful drugs were added to human skin fibroblasts cultured in collagen lattices to assess possible effects on the rate of lattice contraction. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, phenytoin, sodium salicylate, d-penicillamine and dibutyryl c-AMP had no significant effect. Chlorhexidine acetate at 10 g/ml arrested contraction after 24 h but this was related to its cytotoxicity. The antibiotics griseofulvin (2–16 g/ml) and cycloheximide (5–30 g/ml) caused dose-related inhibitions of contraction without affecting fibroblast viability. Four corticosteroids at 10 g/ml inhibited contraction, clobetasol propionate having the greatest effect. On the other hand 4 retinoids at 10-5 M enhanced contraction by up to 20%. As lattice contraction appears to model the contraction of skin wounds and there are broad parallels between the effects shown here of antiseptics, corticosteroids and the retinoids, and their reported influence on healing wounds, the lattice system may be a useful pharmacological screen for new compounds.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Oberfläche eines gesunden Körperhaares wird mit dem Raster-Elektronenmikroskop bis zu einer Vergrößerung von 1:3000 untersucht. Die Haare treten zwischen den Hautfeldern hervor. Im Gegensatz zu den epidermalen Hornzellen, die während der Präparation schrumpfen, bleiben die Cuticulahornzellen glatt, flach und fest aufeinander geheftet. Die dachziegelartige Anordnung führt zur Stufenbildung, dabei entspricht die Stufenhöhe von 0,4 m etwa der Dicke einer Cuticulazelle. Der Abstand zwischen den Stufen ist weitgehend regelmäßig und beträgt ca. 5,5 m. Dies entspricht der Länge des freibleibenden Anteils jeder Cuticulahornzelle, der ca. 1/7 der Gesamtlänge der Zelle ausmacht.
Observations on hair and hair-cuticle employing a Stereoscan electronmicroscope
Summary The surface of a normal body hair is enlarged up to 1:3000 and examined with the aid of a Stereoscan electron microscope. The hairs project from deep craters between epidermal fields. Unlike the superficial epidermal horny cells, which shrink during treatment, the cuticular horny cells remain flat, smooth, and firmly fixed one on another. This imbricate formation consists of several steps, each one about 0.4 m high, corresponding to the thickness of a cuticular horny cell. Generally the distance between these steps is constant, measuring about 5.5 m. This is the length of the uncovered part of each cuticular horny cell, which amounts to about one seventh of the total length of the cell.

Zusammenfassung Die qualitative Thormählen-Reaktion ist meist nur bei bereits klinisch als weit fortgeschritten erkannten Melanomen positiv. Dagegen bietet die quantitative Bestimmung der mit dieser Reaktion erfaßbaren Indolmelanogene nach Pechan u. Ducho schon eher eine diagnostische Hilfe. Die Methode wurde an 26 Patienten ohne Neubildungen oder Pigmentanomalien der Haut, 18 Patienten mit verschiedenen Hauttumoren oder Pigmentveränderungen und 53 an malignem Melanom Erkrankten geprüft und mit der qualitativen Thormählen-Reaktion verglichen. Bei dem ersten Kollektiv ergab sich ein durchschnittlicher Wert von 3,0 g Indol/ml, bei dem zweiten ein Mittelwert von 3,7 g/ml. Der Mittelwert für die Indolmelanogen-Ausscheidung beim malignen Melanom betrug 4,4 g/ml. Werte zwischen 5,2 und 5,9 g/ml sind als zweifelhaft bzw. verdächtig anzusehen, darüber liegende als pathologisch. Von 54 Melanom-Fällen (Hinzunahme eines weiteren sehr fortgeschrittenen Falles mit extrem hoher Indolmelanogen-Ausscheidung, der in das Vergleichskollektiv nicht einbezogen wurde) hatten 20 (=37%) eine pathologische Indolmelanogen-Ausscheidung, während nur 5 (=9,3%) nach Thormählen positiv waren. Unter Röntgenbestrahlung des Tumors bzw. der regionären Lymphknotenstation wurde einige Male Anstieg auf pathologische Ausscheidungswerte festgestellt.Da Medikamente und auch Nahrungsbestandteile die Zuverlässigkeit der Ergebnisse in Frage stellen können, ist klinische Durchführung der Untersuchung anzuraten. Die Melanogen-Ausscheidung ist in manchen Fällen stärkeren Schwankungen unterworfen, so daß es zweckmäßig ist, zur Sicherheit jeweils mehrere Bestimmungen vorzunehmen. Auch deshalb empfiehlt sich kurzfristige Stationierung.
Summary The qualitative Thormählen-reaction is generally positive only with melanomas wich have already been clinically perceived as considerably progressed. In contrast to that the quantitative determination of the indole-melanogenes which can be registrated with this reaction offers according to Pechan and Ducho already rather a diagnostic help. The method has been verified and has been compared with the qualitative Thormählenreaction with 26 patients without newgrowths or pigment-anomalies of the skin, with 18 patients with different skintumors or pigment-modifications and with 54 patients suffering from malignant melanoma. With the first collective resulted an average value of 3,0 g of indole/ml, with the second collective resulted a medium value of 3,7 g/ml. The medium value for the excretion of indole-melanogene at malignant melanoma was 4,4 g/ml. Values between 5,2 and 5,9 g/ml must be regarded as doubtful respectively as suspicious, values higher than the above-mentioned must be regarded as pathological. Among 54 melanoma-cases (with addition of a further most progressed case with an extremely high excretion of indole-melanogene, which was not included in the comparisoncollective) 20 (=37%) presented a pathological indole-melanogene-excretion, whereas only 5 (=9,3%) were positive according to Thormählen. By Röntgenirradiation of the tumor respectively of the regional lymph node station have been stated several times also pathological excretion-values.Because medicaments and also food-component parts might render doubtful the trustworthiness of the results, the clinical accomplishment of the examination must be recommended.

Zusammenfassung Das antibakterielle Antibioticum Gentamycin wird in der dermatologischen Lokalbehandlung in Kombination mit einem Corticosteroid erfolgreich eingesetzt. Da aus theoretischen Überlegungen heraus die Möglichkeit einer Beeinträchtigung bactericider und bakteriostatischer Aktivitäten durch Corticosteroide besteht, wurden Versuche über die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Gentamycin und Corticosteroiden (Methylprednisolon, Methylenprednisolon, Hydrocortison, Fluormethylenprednisolon) durchgeführt. Als Modell diente die Sauerstoffaufnahme von Staphylokokkensuspensionen (Staph. aureus 6538p und Staph. albus 802) unter Ruhebedingungen und in Proliferation. Von den vier untersuchten Corticosteroiden zeigte nur Methylenprednisolon in einer Konzentration von 33 g/ml einen aktivierenden Einfluß auf Staph. aureus in Ruheatmung, die bactericide Wirkung von Gentamycin wurde jedoch durch die Anwesenheit von Corticosteroiden nicht abgeschwächt. — An proliferierenden Staphylokokken führt Hydrocortison (33 g/ml) zu einer Erhöhung des Sauerstoffverbrauches gegenüber der Alkoholkontrolle, die anderen drei getesteten Corticosteroide bewirkten eine Verringerung der Sauerstoffaufnahme. Die bakteriostatische Aktivität von Gentamycin erfuhr in Gegenwart der vier untersuchten Corticosteroide (Konzentrationen: 33 l/ml und 3,3 g/ml) keine Abschwächung.
Bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity of gentamicin in the presence of corticosteroids
Summary The new broad-spectrum antibiotic gentamicin is used in a topical preparation combined with a corticosteroid. Theoretical considerations gave rise to the suspicion that corticosteroids might inhibit bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities. To probe this question, experiments were performed on two staphylococcal strains (Staph. aureus 6538 p and Staph. albus 802) to determine the influence of corticosteroids (methylprednisolone, methyleneprednisolone, hydrocortisone and fluor-methyleneprednisolone) on antibacterial action of gentamicin. The bacterial organisms were investigated in resting and in proliferating phase. Among the corticosteroids tested, only methyleneprednisolone in concentration of 33 g/ml provoked an increase in oxygen consumption of resting staphylococci. The bactericidal activity of gentamicin, however, was not found changed due to the presence of corticosteroids (33 g/ml; 3.3 g/ml). In the proliferating phase, hydrocortisone (33 g/ml) caused an increase in oxygen consumption, in comparison to the alcohol blank. The three other corticosteroids under investigation decreased respiratory activity of bacterial organisms in proliferation. Bacteriostatic activity of gentamicin, however, was not found altered due to the simultaneous presence of corticosteroids (33 g/ml or 3,3 g/ml) in the test flask.

Zusammenfassung Die Verfasser arbeiteten mit Hilfe von stomatologischem Alginat-Abdruckmaterial eine Methode zur Herstellung von Negativen aus, die die Haut nicht reizen, in einigen Minuten erstarren und elastisch bleiben.Von den Negativen sind Gipspositive in beliebiger Anzahl abzugießen. Die Anfertigung des Negativs von 70–100 Auflösungsfähigkeit und des Gipspositivs dauert 15–20 Minuten.Die Verfasser halten ihr Verfahren für geeignet, in die Reihe der dermatologischen Dokumentationsverfahren aufgenommen zu werden.
Summary Using stomatologic Alginat-Molding Material the authors worked out a method to prepare negatives that do not irritate the integument, solidify within a few minutes, and remain elastic.From such negatives any required number of plaster of Paris-positives can be molded. The preparation of a negative (of 70–100 resolving power) and of the plaster positive takes 15–20 minutes.The authors believe this method to be fully appropriate to be added to the various dermatologic documentation procedures.

Zusammenfassung Die alkalische Dermoprotease und die katheptische saure Endopeptidase der Haut können durch Serum gehemmt werden. Dieser Befund ist insbesondere für die katheptische Endopeptidase nicht obligat, es kommt sogar zu deutlichen Aktivierungen des letzteren Fermentes durch Serum. Diese Aussage stützt sich auf spektrophotometrische Absorptionsmessungen zwischen 200–300 m und auch auf colorimetrische Darstellungen nach Folin-Ciocalteu. Neben dem für die Proteolyse charakteristischen Maxima bei 290 m wird durch Serum auch unterschiedlich das Maximum bei 260 m — bei verschiedenem pH ähnlich der Proteolyse — beeinflußt.Das Charakteristicum der -Globuline liegt bei unseren Versuchsverhältnissen in der fakultativen Erhöhung der Absorptionsmaxima der Autolyse der Haut bei 260–265 m. Dieses Phänomen ist nur im sauren Milieu darstellbar und kann durch Substrate der eigentlichen Proteolyse gehemmt werden. Diese -Globulinwirkung gehört mehr zu der Beeinflussung autolytischer Vorgänge (Nucleinsäurendarstellung) als zu der Proteolyse durch Endopeptidasen.Die pH-abhängige Wirkung vom Serum bzw. seinen Fraktionen auf Autolyse und Proteolyse der Haut ist in der Differenziertheit der proteolytischen Fermente zu suchen. Das Gewebsmilieu erscheint damit auch für die Auswirkungen der Permeabilitätsstörungen auf die Proteolyse Richtung gebend zu sein.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Untersucht wird bei 12 andrologischen Patienten, ob bei Langzeitgabe von Mesterolon von 12 Wochen und länger Verschiebungen bei den Androgenmetaboliten zu beobachten sind. Berücksichtigt wurden Androsteron, Pregnandiol, Pregnantriol, Androstendion, Aetiocholanolon und Dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA). Dabei konnte im Urin der Anstieg von DHEA von im Mittel 221,4±130,5 g/die auf 9443,8±6564,7 g/die beobachtet werden. Vermutet wird ein Einwirken von Mesterolon auf den 5-Syntheseweg des Testosterons als Ursache.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of 13-cis retinoic acid (Ro-4-3780) on zymosan-induced chemiluminescence (CL) of freshly drawn human blood and isolated granulocytes has been examined in vitro. A marked enhancement was observed; optimal concentrations were 100 g/ml in whole blood CL and 10 g/ml in isolated granulocyte CL. It was found that already 5 g/ml of 13-cis retinoic acid in isolated granulocytes showed a significant enhancement in zymosan-induced CL. The enhancement by 13-cis retinoic acid was completely inhibited by 10-5 M sodium azide, which is an inhibitor of myeloperoxidase activity. CL response was not enhanced by retinoic acid in mouse bone marrow originated cultured macrophages, which do not have myeloperoxidase activity. These findings strongly suggest that 13-cis retinoic acid might stimulate myeloperoxidase-dependent CL.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the percentages of T cells and T-cell subsets, as defined by Fc receptors and monoclonal antibodies (OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, HLA-DR were determined in the peripheral blood of 12 patients with psoriasis, including six patients with erythroderma and 6 with active, but limited disease. The patients with erythroderma were studied before treatment and 4–8 weeks following.The mean percentages of E-rosette-forming cells and T-cell subsets reactive with the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4 and OKT8 were within normal limits, as were the percentages of T-cells, irrespective of the extent or activity of the disease. The mean percentage of T-cells was reduced in the patients with untreated erythrodermic psoriasis but not in the patients with limited disease. Comparison of the T values in the erythroderma group before and after therapy showed a slight, but statistically significant increase (P<0.03). These results indicate a direct relationship between the T deficit and the extent of skin involvement, and argue against a primary suppressor T-cell defect in psoriasis vulgaris.  相似文献   

The lymphatic network contributes to maintaining tissue homeostasis and immunological function by transporting fluid, plasma protein and cells from peripheral tissue via the lymph nodes into the blood vascular system. In contrast to the blood circulatory system, little is known about the lymphatic system. In particular, suitable animal models are lacking. Therefore, the dorsal skinfold chamber model was used to investigate the existence of a lymphatic system. To analyze the lymphatic network Syrian golden hamsters (n=12) fitted with titanium chambers were used. FITC-dextran of different concentrations (5% or 25%) and different molecular weights (4, 40 or 150 kDa) was used to contrast lymphatic vessels and measure initial lymph flow velocity. Intravital fluorescence microscopy enabled the quantification of diameter, velocity and branching order. Histology and electron microscopy supported the in vivo findings. Immediately after intradermal injection of FITC-dextran the lymphatics including valves were visible. The diameters of the lymphatic vessels (n=189) ranged from 133±5.4 m (branching order 1) to 26±4.0 m (branching order 5). Using different molecular weights of FITC-dextran, no significant differences in velocity were measured (327±157 m/s with 4 kDa, 391±126 m/s with 40 kDa, and 378±175 m/s with 150 kDa). Blood and lymphatic vessels could not be differentiated clearly by H&E staining. However, endothelial cells of vessels with an irregularly shaped lumen containing no erythrocytes in cross section showed a weaker signal for CD31 staining as compared to endothelial cells of vessels containing erythrocytes. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy identified the dye-containing vessels as lymphatics after intradermal injection of Berlin Blue. In conclusion, a lymphatic network was characterized in the dorsal skinfold chamber model of the Syrian golden hamster. Thus, this well-established animal model for intravital microscopy provides the opportunity to elucidate the physiological and pathological function of the lymphatic vascular system.  相似文献   

Summary A multilayered, continuously proliferating keratinocyte cell culture has been produced from rat sublingual epithelium. The rate of growth of the cultures was stable throughout long-term culture. Retinoic acid (3.3 M) inhibited the keratinization of these cultures. Morphological changes included total loss of tonofilaments within 7 days, decrease in desmosomes, an increase in intercellular spaces, absence of thickened plasma membranes, and elongated and more numerous cytoplasmic projections. Exposure to retinoic acid (3.3 M) for 33 days did not affect the growth rates of the cultures, as estimated from the protein and DNA content per flask. Retinoic acid (3.3 M) reduced the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis protein profile within 3 days of treatment and produced reductions in the incorporation of amino acids into keratins of molecular weights 62,000 and 60,000 within 24 h. All five keratin polypeptides showed a reduced incorporation rate after treatment for 3 days. This inhibition was reversible. Protein synthesis of nonkeratins was not detectably affected by retinoid treatment.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Katecholamine Dopamin, Nor-Adrenalin und Adrenalin sowie das Phenylalkylamin -Phenyläthylamin wurden mittels dünnschichtchromatographischer Methoden in der menschlichen Haut und deren Tumoren bestimmt. Die extrahierten Amine wurden mit DANS-Cl umgesetzt und durch zweidimensionale Trenmethoden mit verschiedenen Fließmittelkombinationen unter UV-Licht erfaßt. Zur quantitativen Analyse wurde die spektro-fluorimetrische Messung der aus dem Kieselgel eluierten DANS-Amide verwandt. In der normalen Haut war die Relation zwischen Dopamin, Nor-Adrenalin und Adrenalin etwa 1010,1. Der Dopamingehalt der menschlichen Haut (Vollhaut, Basaliom, Carcinom) liegt in einer Größenordnung von etwa 2–17 /g Frischgewicht. In drei malignen Melanomen zeigte sich im Gegensatz zur Haut von Negern und pigmentierten Naevuszell-Naevi ein relativ höherer Nor-Adrenalinghalt (bis etwa 20 /g Frischgewicht).-Phenyläthylamin ist sowohl in Schuppen der Haut als auch im Schweiß, die katecholaminfrei sind, in einer Größenordnung von 100 /g enthalten.
Discovery of biogenic amines by thin-layer chromatography in human skin and skin-tumorsII. Catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine) and -phenylethylamine
Summary The catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine and the phenylalkylamine -phenylethylamine were discovered in human skin and its tumors as fluorescent 1-dimethylamino-naphthalene-5-sulphonyl-(DANS) derivates by two dimensional thin-layer (silica gel-G) chromatography. Identitiy of Rf-values in different solvents, means of extraction and adsorption admit the assumption for the presence of the amines.The amount of dopamine (3,4-OH-tyramine) was about 2–17 g/g wet weight. The quantitative proportion of the amount of dopamine with norepinephrine and epinephrine was approximately 1010,1.In malignant melanomes [3] the level of norepinephrine was higher than in normal or colored skin and pigmented nevi.-phenylethylamine was discovered in all layers of the skin, included scales and sweat (about 10,0 g/g)-in contrast to catecholamines which were not detectable in scales and sweat.

Summary The present study was initiated by controversial findings in earlier reports dealing with immunoglobulin levels in serum and saliva of psoriatic patients. Daily fluctuation and salivary secretion rate were considered additionally. Starting at 8.00 h the immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgM were measured by laser nephelometry in serum and parotid saliva of ten male patients (range of age: 22–60 years) suffering from psoriasis vulgaris. Venous blood and non-stimulated saliva samples were taken every 6 h for a period of 24 h. IgE was measured radioimmunologically under the same conditions. Results were compared to those of a control group of ten healthy males (range of age: 19–29 years). Additionally, the flow rate of parotid saliva (l/min) was determined and combining both measurements, the secretion rate for salivary immunoglobulins was calculated (g/min).For IgG and IgM in serum the difference between patients and controls did not reach statistical significance. However, the mean serum IgA-level was significantly higher in the patients (P0.01). Results at different test times were in the same range in patients and controls. IgE measurements in serum revealed patients with normal (<100 U/ml), border line (100 U/ml), and elevated (100 U/ml) levels.In parotid saliva, IgG could be determined only in 22% of all samples, IgE could not be detected. For IgM no significant difference between controls and patients was established. Considering the mean salivary IgA levels, no difference for both groups could be proved, but the 2.00 h value was significantly (P0.05) elevated in the patients. The flow rate of parotid saliva showed a similar pattern in patients and controls decreasing to a minimum at 2.00 h. By aid of new and more exact methods an elevation of only IgA in serum (and saliva at night) has been confirmed in male psoriatics compared to older references.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant Ho 195/14  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetry was used for the evaluation of metabolic and enzyme activity in human epidermis. The endogenous metabolism with a heat production =-2 W/mg wet weight could be stimulated to =-12 W/mg by adding glucose to the buffer. To test the enzyme activity, hydrogenation of pyruvate to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was chosen as an essential step of anaerobic glycolysis. The LDH activity of epidermis slices amounted to 22 mU/mg epidermis. The microcalorimetric method is discussed as a test procedure for specimens of healthy and diseased skin and for cell cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The skin response to UVB irradiation in mice was evaluated by means of ear swelling. ICR albino mice were irradiated with 500 mJ/cm2 UVB and the effect of various drugs on ear swelling was examined 24 h after irradiation. Intravenous injections of betamethasone (0.8 g/g body wt.) or indomethacin (24 g/g) remarkably inhibited ear swelling, whereas intraperitoneal injections of diphenhydramine (20 g/g), cimetidine (10 g/g), or a combination of both these antihistamines did not. In contrast, the number of sunburn cells counted 24 h after UVB irradiation (200 mJ/cm2) in mouse ears was not affected by these drugs. The amount of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in mice ears at various intervals after irradiation with 500 mJ/cm2 UVB was determined by radioimmunoassay. Compared with the values before irradiation, the PGD2 levels were significantly higher 3 and 6 h after irradiation and gradually decreased and returned to the basal level by 12 h, although ear swelling continued after 12 h. These results suggest that prostaglandins, are responsible at least in part for the development of ear swelling, but not for sunburn cell formation induced by UVB, and that ear swelling represents a simple and useful response model for the rapid in vivo screening of nonsteroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the distribution and involvement of human T-cell receptor-positive (TCR+) cells in delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions of the skin, we examined the occurrence and kinetics of TCR+ cells during skin reactions of allergic contact dermatitis. In normal human skin sections, TCR+ cells were scarce. In allergic contact dermatitis from DNCB, increased TCR+ cells were observed both in the epidermis and in the dermis from 48 h after the challenge. Most of the TCR+ cells were TCR1+ TCS1 BB3+ TiA+ (V1 V2+ V9+). The percentage of TCR+ cells in the peripheral blood remained unchanged and a few TCR+ cells in the skin lesions proliferated in situ. It is suggested that the TCR+ cells in skin lesions of allergic contact dermatitis may not be involved in initiation of delayed-type hypersensitivity but may have some other roles responding to factors induced in the reaction.  相似文献   

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