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盆底功能性疾病影像学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盆底功能性疾病表现为一系列的盆腔器官功能紊乱.临床表现为多种症状并存.主要有排便功能障碍、尿失禁、性功能障碍及腔门失禁等,与之相应的病因主要为肛直肠功能性病变(包括直肠黏膜脱垂或套叠、直肠膨出和耻骨直肠肌痉挛综合征等)、膀胱膨出或脱垂、子宫阴道脱垂和盐底疝等。影像学检查对上述病变的诊断有独特的价值,笔者重点阐述  相似文献   

盆腔器官脱垂是指由于盆底支持结构薄弱而导致盆腔脏器脱离正常的解剖位置。肛提肌是盆底支持结构中的重要组成部分,其结构损伤及功能障碍是盆腔器官脱垂的重要致病原因,因此对肛提肌的解剖结构进行详细描述成为盆腔器官脱垂研究的关键。动态MRI、扩散张量成像和纤维束示踪技术以及三维有限元分析等MRI技术能够提供肛提肌形态、运动、功能、微观结构以及生物力学等方面的信息,对于探索盆腔器官脱垂发病机制、完善其临床诊断和治疗具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

目的 利用MR排粪造影研究女性出口梗阻型便秘的肛、直肠形态及功能性病变,同时对前、中盆腔联合性病变进行全面评价.方法 107例临床诊断为出口梗阻型便秘的女性患者,年龄20~84岁,平均55岁,进行MR排粪造影检查,使用自行设计高顺应性球囊模拟大便,分别测量静息、提肛及力排时盆底相关数据.结果 107例出口梗阻型便秘患者中,70例直肠前膨出(65.4%),为女性出口型便秘常见梗阻因素;85例(79.4%)患者为2种及2种以上的联合性病变,并发前、中盆腔病变,包括60例膀胱脱垂(56.1%)、59例子宫或阴道穹窿脱垂(55.1%)、54例会阴体下降(50.5%)、28例盆底疝(26.2%).结论 MR排粪造影不仅能准确评价出口梗阻型便秘女性患者的肛、直肠形态及功能性病变,同时能对前、中盆腔联合性病变进行全面评价.  相似文献   

直肠内脱垂底形态研究及临床意义   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
建立一种在手术前能区别直肠内脱垂中粘膜脱垂和全层套叠的影像学方法。材料和方法:66例直肠内脱垂和36例对照才均行排粪造影结合盆腔造影,测量肛直角,会阴位置等指标并结合手术中所见的盆腔变化。  相似文献   

目的探讨腔内三维超声量化肛提肌损伤程度与盆腔脏器脱垂之间的相关性。方法选取2016年1月~2017年1月于深圳市宝安区中心医院自然分娩的126例产妇作为观察组,另选同期126例剖宫产后4~8周产妇为对照组,在征得两组产妇知情同意下以耻骨联合下缘作为参照点,测量膀胱颈、宫颈及直肠壶腹至耻骨联合下缘的垂直距离来量化前、中及后盆腔的脱垂程度和盆底肌静息状态、收缩状态下的矢状面肛提肌裂孔长度、肛提肌裂孔面积并进行比较,探寻腔内三维超声量化肛提肌损伤程度与盆腔脏器脱垂之间的相关性。结果两组膀胱颈、宫颈及直肠壶腹至耻骨联合下缘的垂直距离、盆底肌静息状态、收缩状态下的矢状面肛提肌裂孔长度、肛提肌裂孔面积相比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);Cochran-Armitage检验结果提示,前盆腔和中盆腔与肛提肌损伤程度呈线性趋势(P0.05),但后盆腔无线性趋势(P0.05)。结论腔内三维超声量化肛提肌损伤程度与盆腔脏器脱垂总体上呈正相关性,肛提肌损伤越严重,盆腔脏器脱垂发生率越高。  相似文献   

排粪造影结合盆腔造影诊断直肠内脱垂   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的:设计一种盆腔造影结合排粪造影的方法,以期区分直肠粘膜脱垂与直肠全层套叠,指导直肠内脱垂的治疗。材料与方法:82例直肠内脱垂和36例对照者行排粪造影结合盆腔造影。结果:在82例患者中,50例有直肠内脱垂征象、而盆底腹膜正常者为直肠粘膜脱垂,其中26例伴异常会阴下降;32例有直肠内脱垂征象、盆底腹膜随直肠前壁降入套叠鞘部、并构成直肠壁内疝疝囊者为直肠全层套叠,6例疝囊上口敞开者术中证实有内容物疝入,20例伴异常会阴下降。结论:排粪造影结合盆腔造影是区分粘膜脱垂与全层套叠、诊断直肠内脱垂伴发的直肠壁内疝等盆底疝等直观、可靠的方法。  相似文献   

目的 利用动态MRI研究直肠内模拟粪便注入前、后女性盆底痉挛综合征(SPFS)患者的肛直肠形态、功能性病变, 并对多盆腔器官脱垂进行评价, 明确注入球囊后的动态MRI在SPFS患者中的诊断优势。 方法 对53例临床诊断为SPFS的女性患者行动态MRI检查, 使用自行设计高顺应性球囊模拟大便, 测量患者直肠内球囊注入前、后力排相盆底的相关数据。 结果 盆底动态MRI结果显示, 53例女性SPFS患者中, 伴发多盆腔器官脱垂者24例。直肠内造影剂注入前、后力排相的肛直角变化, 差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.603, P > 0.05);相比直肠内模拟粪便注入后的盆底动态MRI, 未注入的力排相分别有18.0%(9/50)膀胱脱垂、6.1%(3/49)子宫或阴道穹窿脱垂、32.7%(17/52)直肠前膨出及14.6%(7/48)会阴体下降诊断为阴性。直肠内模拟粪便注入前、后力排相观察多盆腔器官脱垂变化, 差异均有明显统计学意义。 结论 直肠内注入模拟粪便的盆底动态MRI为女性SPFS患者提供了更全面的诊断, 为术前正确诊断盆腔多部位缺陷及术后正确评价治疗效果提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

女性盆底功能障碍(FPFD)所致便秘与前、中、后盆腔病变密切相关。后盆腔病变包括直肠前突、会阴下降、直肠内套叠、肠疝及盆底失弛缓综合征等;前盆腔与中盆腔病变引发的便秘不仅表现为排便障碍,也包括子宫脱垂、膀胱脱垂相关症状。盆底超声能够动态观察前、中、后盆腔的变化,已越来越多地应用于FPFD的诊断中。现就盆底超声对FPFD所致便秘的诊断价值及研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

直肠内脱垂盆底形态研究及临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:建立一种在手术前能区别直肠内脱垂中粘膜脱垂和全层套叠的影像学方法。材料和方法:66例直肠内脱垂和36例对照者均行排粪造影结合盆腔造影,测量肛直角、会阴位置等指标并结合手术中所见的盆腔变化。结果:41例患者在排粪中无盆底腹膜变化为直肠粘膜脱垂;25例盆底腹膜随直肠前壁下降为直肠全层套叠,伴直肠鞘部腹膜构成疝囊的直肠壁内疝。结论:本造影方法可准确区别直肠粘膜脱垂和全层套叠,并显示直肠壁内疝的疝囊,为临床治疗直肠内脱垂提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

给予2017年11月湖北省中医院肛肠科收治的1例Ⅲ度直肠脱垂患者经会阴直肠乙状结肠部分切除术(Altemeier术)联合肛门紧缩术(Thiersch术)治疗,治疗16d后,切口完全愈合,肛门功能恢复,患者出院;出院后随访1年,患者肛门功能良好,排便正常,无排便失禁等并发症发生,直肠脱垂未复发。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively evaluate magnetic resonance (MR) defecography findings in patients with fecal incontinence who were evaluated for surgical treatment and to assess the influence of MR defecography on surgical therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained. Informed consent was waived; however, written informed consent for imaging was obtained. Fifty patients (44 women, six men; mean age, 61 years) with fecal incontinence were placed in a sitting position and underwent MR defecography performed with an open-configuration MR system. Midsagittal T1-weighted MR images were obtained at rest, at maximal contraction of the sphincter, and at defecation. Images were prospectively and retrospectively reviewed by two independent observers for a variety of findings. Interobserver agreement was analyzed by calculating kappa statistics. Prospective interpretation of MR defecography findings was used to influence surgical therapy, and retrospective interpretation was used for concomitant pelvic floor disorders. RESULTS: MR defecography revealed rectal descent of more than 6 cm (relative to the pubococcygeal line) in 47 (94%) of 50 patients. A bladder descent of more than 3 cm was present in 20 (40%) of 50 patients, and a vaginal vault descent of more than 3 cm was present in 19 (43%) of 44 women. Moreover, 17 (34%) anterior proctoceles, 16 (32%) enteroceles, and 10 (20%) rectal prolapses were noted. Interobserver agreement was good to excellent (kappa = 0.6-0.91) for image analysis results. MR defecography findings led to changes in the surgical approach in 22 (67%) of 33 patients who underwent surgery. CONCLUSION: MR defecography may demonstrate a variety of abnormal findings in patients who are considered candidates for surgical therapy for fecal incontinence, and the findings may influence the surgical treatment that is subsequently chosen. Supplemental material: http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/2402050648/DC1  相似文献   



Pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse affect about 50% of women past middle age. Failure to recognize the complex set of pelvic floor defects in individuals leads to most postsurgical failures. Diagnosis and grading of pelvic floor dysfunction is primarily done by physical examination. Imaging does not have yet an established role in the investigation of prolapse, yet it is expected to play a role in preoperative planning identifying soft tissue abnormalities which will help avoiding recurrence.

Aim of the work

This is a prospective study targeted at defining the role of MRI in assessment of pelvic floor prolapse in females.


Dynamic and static MRI was performed in 40 female patients complaining of pelvic organ prolapse and/or stress urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence. Full history was taken and clinical examination performed and findings compared with MRI results.


Good concordance was found between dynamic MRI and clinical examination in all three compartments, it was 82.5% in the anterior compartment, 80% in the posterior compartment, 85% in enteroceles and 65.0% in the middle compartment.


Dynamic MRI is expected to be a promising imaging tool and to play a larger role in the preoperative planning of pelvic organ prolapse in the near future.  相似文献   

Functional disorders of the pelvic floor are a common clinical problem. Diagnosis and treatment of these disorders, which frequently manifest with nonspecific symptoms such as constipation or incontinence, remain difficult. Fluoroscopic x-ray defecography has been shown to aid in detection of functional and morphologic abnormalities of the anorectal region. With the advent of open-configuration magnetic resonance (MR) imaging systems, MR defecography with the patient in a vertical position became possible. MR defecography permits analysis of the anorectal angle, the opening of the anal canal, the function of the puborectal muscle, and the descent of the pelvic floor during defecation. Good demonstration of the rectal wall permits visualization of intussusceptions and rectoceles. Excellent demonstration of the perirectal soft tissues allows assessment of spastic pelvic floor syndrome and descending perineum syndrome and visualization of enteroceles. MR defecography with an open-configuration magnet allows accurate assessment of anorectal morphology and function in relation to surrounding structures without exposing the patient to harmful ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Shagam JY 《Radiologic technology》2006,77(5):389-400; quiz 401-3
Pelvic organ prolapse, a condition in which the ligaments and muscles that suspend the vagina within the pelvic cavity weaken or break, is a frequent cause of urinary and fecal incontinence. Stigma, embarrassment and the belief that pelvic organ prolapse is a natural part of aging prevents many women from seeking treatment. Medical imaging modalities such as defecography, dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound help health care providers make effective treatment decisions.  相似文献   

为了解排粪X线造影在肠易激综合征患者中的应用价值,对12例便秘为主型、10例便秘和腹泻交替型、14例腹泻型肠易激综合征患者进行排粪X线造影。结果排粪造影阳性的例数为13例(36.11%),排便过程中的异常有多种,包括直肠前突、直肠粘膜脱垂、内脏下垂、会阴下降和盆底痉挛综合征等。说明排粪X线造影对肠易激综合征的诊断和治疗有一定的价值。  相似文献   

Practical MR imaging of female pelvic floor weakness.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Pelvic floor weakness is common in middle-aged and elderly parous women and is often associated with stress incontinence, uterine prolapse, constipation, and incomplete defecation. Most patients with incontinence and minimal pelvic floor weakness can be treated based on physical examination and basic urodynamic findings. However, in women with symptoms of multicompartment involvement for whom a complex repair is planned or who have undergone previous repairs, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can be a useful preoperative planning tool. The MR imaging evaluation is performed with the patient in the supine position, without contrast agents, and within 15 minutes. A multicoil array and a rapid half-Fourier T2-weighted imaging sequence are used to obtain sagittal images while the patient is at rest and during pelvic strain, followed by axial images. On these images, the radiologist identifies the pubococcygeal line (which represents the level of the pelvic floor), the H and M lines (which are helpful for confirming pelvic floor laxity), and the angle of the levator plate with the pubococcygeal line (which is helpful for identifying small bowel prolapse). In the appropriate patient, MR images provide relatively easy three-dimensional conceptualization of the pelvic floor and can significantly influence treatment planning.  相似文献   

Pelvic organ prolapse is a relatively common condition in women that can have a significant impact on quality of life. Pelvic organ prolapse typically demonstrates multiple abnormalities and may involve the urethra, bladder, vaginal vault, rectum, and small bowel. Patients may present with pain, pressure, urinary and fecal incontinence, constipation, urinary retention, and defecatory dysfunction. Diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of findings at physical pelvic examination. Imaging is useful in patients in whom findings at physical examination are equivocal. Fluoroscopy, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can be useful in evaluating pelvic organ prolapse. Advantages of MR imaging include lack of ionizing radiation, depiction of the soft tissues of the pelvic floor, and multiplanar imaging capability. Dynamic imaging is usually necessary to demonstrate pelvic organ prolapse, which may be obvious only when abdominal pressure is increased. Treatment is more likely to be successful if a survey of the entire pelvis is performed prior to therapy. Therapy is usually undertaken only in symptomatic patients. In all patients, imaging findings must be interpreted in conjunction with physical examination findings and the patient's symptoms.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Imaging methods such as defecography, anal US and perineography, combined with manometry, now permit to identify a growing number of causes of anorectal and pelvic floor deficiency. Fecal incontinence patients can thus be approached correctly relative to both diagnosis and treatment. We investigated the role of these techniques in the work-up of fecal incontinence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-eight subjects suffering from fecal incontinence were examined. Defecography was carried out with a special commode and videorecorded on a VHS cassette. Anal US was performed with a 7-MHz rotating probe (type 1846) with 3-cm focus length. Perineography was carried out in 15 female patients. RESULTS: The anorectal angle (ARA) at rest was increased (mean: 106 degrees; normal range: 90-100 degrees) in 34 cases; involuntary barium leakage was seen in 8 patients, especially on coughing. On squeezing, ARA was normal in 10 cases (mean: 72 degrees; normal range: 60-90 degrees); in 5 cases of puborectal hypotonia there was no angular excursion between rest and squeezing (mean: 105 degrees). During evacuation, the average ARA value was 166 degrees in 21 cases and ARA stretched to verticalization in 8 cases (mean: 179 degrees). Morphofunctional anorectal changes appeared as rectal mucosal prolapse (12 cases), rectocele (10 cases), perineal descent syndrome (8 cases) and external rectal prolapse (3 cases). Anal US identified 15 interruptions in sphincterial rings: 12 patterns were hypoechoic, 2 mixed and 1 hyperechoic. Atrophic thinning of internal anal sphincter was seen in 5 idiopathic incontinence patients. Perineography demonstrated cystocele in 5 cases and cystourethrocele in 1 case. Manometry showed sphincterial hypotonia at rest in 15 cases, lower values of anorectal pressure on squeezing in 8 and smaller air volumes inhibiting external sphincterial tone in 19 cases. CONCLUSIONS: Defecographic studies with evaluation of ARA and its changes are an important tool with high diagnostic yield. When combined with other techniques, they provide differential criteria for sphincterial and puborectal causes and permits to identify associated pelvic floor dysfunctions. We believe that defecography, anal US (and perineography in complex disorders) are necessary techniques for the correct clinical approach to fecal incontinence patients, whose role and diagnostic yield are a valid support to manometry.  相似文献   

Mueller-Lisse M B A UG 《Der Radiologe》2008,48(4):397-410; quiz 411-2
Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and pelvic floor weakness are among the most common diseases of the pelvis. Cardinal symptoms include painless macrohematuria in bladder cancer and urinary and fecal incontinence in pelvic floor weakness. Suspicion of prostate cancer currently is most frequently raised when the serum concentration of prostate-specific antigen is pathologically elevated. Besides extensive clinical and invasive diagnosis, clinical imaging is frequently applied for the localization, locoregional staging, and diagnosis of recurrence of prostate cancer and invasive bladder cancer, and in clinically difficult cases of cystocele, enterocele, rectocele, descensus or prolapse of vagina, uterus, and rectum, and rectal intussusception. Magnetic resonance imaging with T2-weighted TSE or FSE images in several planes combined with either axial, T1-weighted images and MR spectroscopy for the prostate, dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images for the urinary bladder, or dynamic T2-weighted functional images for pelvic floor incontinence are particularly well suited as clinical imaging methods.  相似文献   

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