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Dietary guidelines generally recommend avoiding a high-fat diet. However, the relationship between fat subtypes and mortality remains unclear especially in a population with a relatively low intake of fat. We aimed to prospectively examine the relationship between dietary fat intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese community. In 1992, a total of 28,356 residents of Takayama, Japan, without cancer, stroke, or coronary heart disease, responded to a validated 169-item FFQ. We identified 4616 deaths during a 16-y follow-up. The HR of mortality according to the percentage of energy from the total and subtypes of fat when substituted for an isoenergic quantity of carbohydrate was calculated after controlling for potential confounders. A high intake of total fat and PUFA was associated with a decrease in all-cause mortality in men; the HR for the highest compared with the lowest quintile were 0.83 (95% CI: 0.70, 0.99; P-trend = 0.048) for total fat and 0.77 (95% CI: 0.62, 0.95; P-trend = 0.05) for PUFA. Both fats were associated with a decrease in mortality from cancer and diseases other than cardiovascular disease. In women, a higher SFA intake was associated with higher all-cause mortality [HR = 1.22 (95% CI: 0.99, 1.49; P-trend = 0.03)]. A favorable effect was suggested for total fat and PUFA intakes on mortality in men except for that from cardiovascular disease, whereas increased SFA intake may be associated with adverse health consequences in women.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Abdominal fat is more related to health risk than is whole-body fat. Determining the factors related to children's visceral fat could result in interventions to improve child health. OBJECTIVE: Given the effects of physical activity on adults' visceral fat, it was hypothesized that, after accounting for whole-body fat, physical activity would be inversely related to children's visceral (VAT), but not to subcutaneous (SAT), abdominal adipose tissue. DESIGN: In this cross-sectional observational study conducted in forty-two 8-y-old children (21 boys, 21 girls) at risk of obesity [>75th body mass index (BMI) percentile, with at least one overweight parent], familial factors (eg, maternal BMI), historic weight-related factors (eg, birth weight), and the children's current physical activity (self-reported and measured with accelerometry) and diet were examined as potential correlates of the children's whole-body composition (measured with BMI and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) and abdominal fat distribution (measured by magnetic resonance imaging). RESULTS: Accelerometer-measured physical activity was related to whole-body fat (r = -0.32, P < 0.10), SAT (r = -0.29, P < 0.10), and VAT (r = -0.43, P < 0.05). In regression models, whole-body fat was positively associated with and the only significant correlate of SAT. Whole-body fat was positively related and accelerometer-measured physical activity was negatively and independently related to the children's VAT. CONCLUSIONS: Both SAT and VAT in 8-y-old children at risk of obesity are most closely associated with whole-body fat. However, after control for whole-body fat, greater physical activity is only associated with lower VAT, not SAT, in these children.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies report conflicting results for the relationship between milk intake and adiposity in children. We examined prospective and cross-sectional associations between milk intake and percent body fat among 2245 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Cross-sectional analyses were performed at age 13 y between total, full-fat, and reduced-fat milk intake assessed using 3-d dietary records and body fat from DXA. Prospective analyses were conducted between milk intakes at age 10 y and body fat at 11 and 13 y. Models were adjusted for age, sex, height, physical activity, pubertal status, maternal BMI, maternal education, and intakes of total fat, sugar-sweetened beverages, 100% fruit juice, and ready-to-eat cereals; baseline BMI was added to prospective models. Subset analyses were performed for those with plausible dietary intakes. Mean milk consumption at 10 and 13 y was (mean ± SD) 0.90 ± 0.73 and 0.85 ± 0.78 servings/d [1 serving = 8 oz of milk (244 g of plain and 250 g flavored milk)], respectively. Cross-sectional results indicated an inverse association between full-fat milk intake and body fat [β = -0.47 (95% CI = -0.76, -0.19); P = 0.001]. Milk intake at age 10 y was inversely associated with body fat at 11 y [β = -0.16 g/d (95%CI = -0.28, -0.04); P = 0.01], but not among those with plausible dietary intakes, suggesting that this association was influenced by dietary measurement errors. Milk intake was not associated with body fat at age 13 y after adjustment. Although our prospective results corroborate other findings of a null associations between milk intake and adiposity, our inconsistent findings across analyses suggest further investigation is needed to clarify the relation, and accounting for dietary reporting errors is an important consideration.  相似文献   

Body fat and weight of 9- to 14-y-old girls (n = 323) from Kaiser Permanente were studied in relation to age, ethnicity, and physical activity. Mean age, calcium intake, weight, and iliac skinfold thickness were 11.5 +/- 1.4 y, 736.5 +/- 370.7 mg/d, 44.6 +/- 13.0 kg, and 12.4 +/- 6.1 mm, respectively. Multiple regression with age, ethnicity, height, Tanner breast stage, physical activity, energy, soda, and calcium intake explained 17% of the variation in iliac skinfold thickness. Calcium intake, age, and physical activity were significantly negatively associated with iliac skinfold thickness whereas height, Tanner breast stage, and Pacific Islander ethnicity were significantly positively associated (P < 0.0001, R(2) = 0.165). Substituting total calcium with dairy and nondairy calcium in separate models accounted for 16 and 15% of the variance, respectively (P < 0.0001, both models); 1 mg of total and dairy calcium was significantly associated with 0.0025 mm (P = 0.01) and 0.0026 mm (P = 0.02) lower iliac skinfold thickness. Thus, 1 milk serving was associated with 0.78 mm iliac skinfold thickness. The interaction of Asian ethnicity and dairy intake was significant (P = 0.027). Nondairy calcium was not associated with weight or iliac skinfold thickness. Soda intake was significantly positively associated with weight in both models (P = 0.01, both models). Decreasing soda and increasing dairy consumption among Asians may help maintain body fat and weight during adolescence.  相似文献   

Depletion of body cell mass (BCM) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is strongly associated with disease progression and death. Although whole-body protein turnover is increased in HIV infection, it is not known whether protein intake is independently associated with BCM. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations, if any, between protein intake and several body composition variables in 467 weight-stable, HIV-infected men with CD4 <200 cells/mm(3) enrolled in a multicenter nutritional supplementation trial. Baseline BCM, total body fat and extracellular mass as measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis, dietary intake (24 h food recall) and muscle building activity assessed by structured interview were analyzed to determine association(s) between body composition variables and macronutrient intake. Multiple regression analysis showed that BCM was positively associated with body weight (P = 0.001), height (P < 0.001), protein intake (P < 0.001), muscle-building activity (P < 0.001) and African-American ethnicity (P < 0.05) and negatively associated with carbohydrate intake (P < 0.05), age (P < 0.001) and number of prior AIDS-related diagnoses (P < 0.001). We conclude that protein intake is associated with increased BCM, whereas carbohydrate intake is negatively associated with BCM in HIV-infected men, independently of muscle building activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined household food insecurity of urban low-income families in Korea and the associations of the food insecurity with children's dietary intake and body size. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Low-income neighborhoods in large cities. SUBJECTS: Included 370 children aged 4-12 y, who had all records on dietary intake and anthropometry as well as household food insecurity measures. RESULTS: Using the 10-item Radimer/Cornell Scale, 62.7% of the households showed some degree of food insecurity (8.6% for food insecure for family, 28.4% for food insecure for adults and 25.7% for child hunger households). Food insecurity was linearly and negatively associated with household economic conditions as well as the caretaker's use of nutrition knowledge. There were also significant associations of food insecurity with the children's dietary intakes, indicating the largest amount of nutrients for the children from the household food insecure, followed by those from the food secure, adult food insecure and child hunger groups. The household food insecure children were fatter than the food secure children. The fatter condition of the former children appeared to be related to more frequent intakes of low-quality foods. CONCLUSION: This study reports curvilinear associations between the status of household food insecurity and children's food intakes and fatness. SPONSORSHIP: This work was funded by a grant of the 2001 Korea Health Promotion Research Program, the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea.  相似文献   


Background & aims

Taste sensitivity to fatty acids influences food ingestion and may regulate fat intake and body weight status. Fatty acids are detected via homologous receptors within the mouth and gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where attenuated sensitivity may be associated with greater fat intake and BMI. This study aimed to extend observations surrounding fatty acid taste, specifically the types of foods consumed and dietary behaviours that may be associated with fatty acid taste sensitivity.


51 subjects (41 female; BMI, 21.4 ± 0.46 kg/m2, age, 20 ± 0.52 yrs, 10 male; BMI, 23.6 ± 1.4 kg/m2, age, 22 ± 1 yrs) were screened for oral sensitivity to oleic acid (3.8 mM) using triplicate sensory evaluations, and classified as hypersensitive; (3/3 correct identifications), or hyposensitive, (<3/3). Fat-taste perception (using sensory-matched custards made with 0, 2, 6, 10% oil), recent diet (4-day diet record) and food habits and behaviours (food habits and behaviours questionnaire) were also established.


75% (n = 38) of subjects were classified as hyposensitive to oleic acid and these subjects differed from those who were classified as hypersensitive. Hyposensitive subjects consumed significantly more energy, fat, saturated fat, fatty foods (butter, meat, dairy), had greater BMI and were less perceptive of small changes in the fat content of custard (all P < 0.05), compared to hypersensitive subjects.


An inability to perceive low concentrations of fatty acids in foods was associated with greater consumption of fatty foods, specifically butter, meat, dairy, and increasing BMI.  相似文献   

Data on associations between dietary intake of macronutrients and body composition in the general population are sparse. This population-based, cross-sectional study of 4478 middle-aged (47-49 y) and elderly (71-74 y) men and women from the Hordaland Health Study in western Norway was conducted using a validated FFQ and measurements by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The relation between macronutrient intake [percentage of total energy intake (E%)] and percent body fat was investigated in the total population and in a subgroup with intermediate BMI and stable weight (BMI within the 25th-75th percentile and weight change <5% during the last 6 y; n = 975). In the total population, protein intake (E%) was associated with higher percent body fat (partial r = 0.11; P < 0.001) in multivariate linear regression analysis. In the subgroup with intermediate BMI and stable weight, there was no association between protein intake (E%) and percent body fat. Fat intake (E%) was positively associated (partial r = 0.07) whereas carbohydrate intake (E%) was inversely associated (partial r = -0.07) with percent body fat (P = 0.042 for both) in the subgroup with intermediate BMI and stable weight. Both in the total population and in the stable weight group, physical activity was inversely related to adiposity (partial r = -0.15 and -0.12, respectively; P < 0.001). Our results may explain some of the conflicting data on the effects of macronutrients in different populations and suggest the potential importance of protein intake as a factor in obesity.  相似文献   

Although many case-control studies have suggested positive associations between carbohydrate intake and breast cancer incidence rates in both pre- and postmenopausal women, there is limited information available from cohort studies. We examined the effect of the intake of different carbohydrates, the glycemic index, and the glycemic load on breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women taking into consideration tumor estrogen receptor status. Postmenopausal women (n = 23,870; aged 50-65 y) participated in the "Diet, Cancer, and Health" study, and provided information about diet and established risk factors for breast cancer. During follow-up, we identified 634 incidents of breast cancer. Associations between carbohydrate intake and breast cancer incidence were analyzed using Cox's regression models. There was no association for intake of glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, or starch and breast cancer incidence rate, and no association for glycemic index or glycemic load after adjusting for confounding factors. Intake of different carbohydrates was not associated with breast cancer incidence rates for either estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or (ER-) breast cancer. Similarly, glycemic index and glycemic load were not associated with ER+ breast cancer after adjusting for confounding factors. A borderline significant positive association between glycemic index and (ER-) breast cancer was observed (P = 0.05). In conclusion, we found no clear associations between intake of different carbohydrates, total carbohydrate intake, glycemic index, or glycemic load and breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, when ER+ and ER- breast cancer cases were analyzed separately, no clear associations were observed.  相似文献   

The idea of body weight regulation implies that a biological mechanism exerts control over energy expenditure and food intake. This is a central tenet of energy homeostasis. However, the source and identity of the controlling mechanism have not been identified, although it is often presumed to be some long-acting signal related to body fat, such as leptin. Using a comprehensive experimental platform, we have investigated the relationship between biological and behavioural variables in two separate studies over a 12-week intervention period in obese adults (total n 92). All variables have been measured objectively and with a similar degree of scientific control and precision, including anthropometric factors, body composition, RMR and accumulative energy consumed at individual meals across the whole day. Results showed that meal size and daily energy intake (EI) were significantly correlated with fat-free mass (FFM, P values 相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Only a few published studies in children used several methods to compare body fat in large groups of fatter and leaner multiethnic children. We hypothesized that the preferred methods of determining body fat may differ in children with larger compared with smaller amounts of body fat, in boys compared with girls, and in African Americans compared with whites. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate several methods of predicting body fat in 10-12-y-old white and African American boys and girls. DESIGN: The body fat of 129 African American and white boys and girls aged 10-12 y, distributed equally by sex and race, was measured with use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), underwater weighing (densitometry), isotope dilution (H(2)18O), bioelectrical impedance, skinfold thicknesses, corporal diameters, and circumferences. RESULTS: With use of DXA as the criterion variable, body fat was bimodally distributed in the boys and skewed to higher values in the girls. Biceps skinfold thickness had the highest predictive value of any single skinfold thickness compared with DXA fat. All formulas for estimating body fat from skinfold thicknesses, body density, or impedance performed better in the children in the upper one-half of the fat distribution (the fatter children) than in those in the lower one-half (the leaner children). Body mass index was highly correlated with body fat (R2 = 0.77); there was a good correlation for the fatter children (R2 = 0.66) and no correlation for the leaner children (R2 = 0.09). The hydration of the fat-free mass was significantly higher in the fatter children than in the leaner ones (79.2% compared with 76.7%). CONCLUSIONS: These data are consistent with the hypothesis that all methods of estimating body fat work better in children with larger amounts of body fat. The best formulas use skinfold thicknesses, bioelectrical impedance, and a 4-compartment model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A high monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake is associated with lower plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol. However, PUFA may increase the susceptibility of LDL to undergo oxidative modifications. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of habitual dietary fat intake with LDL size and oxidizability. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Cohort study. SUBJECTS: Seven hundred and fifty-eight subjects with normal, impaired glucose metabolism and type II diabetes. INTERVENTIONS: Mean LDL size was measured by high-performance gel-filtration chromatography. In vitro oxidizability of LDL was determined by measuring lag time, reflecting the resistance of LDL to copper-induced oxidation. Information about dietary fat intake was obtained by a validated food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: PUFA intake (energy percent) was significantly and negatively associated with LDL size in subjects with type II diabetes (standardized beta (95% confidence interval) -0.17 (-0.28;-0.06)) and impaired glucose metabolism - although not statistically significant - (-0.09 (-0.24;0.05)), but not in subjects with normal glucose metabolism (0.01 (-0.10;0.12)) (P-value for interaction=0.02). No significant associations were observed for total, saturated fat and MUFA intake with LDL size. Intake of fat was associated with lag time; however, the small magnitude of the associations suggested that the composition of dietary fat is not a major factor affecting lag time. The same association with lag time was observed in all three glucose metabolism categories. CONCLUSIONS: In individuals with abnormal glucose metabolism, higher PUFA intake is associated with smaller LDL particle size, but does not alter the susceptibility of LDL to in vitro oxidation. SPONSORSHIP: Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation, and the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of obesity is increasing in children. Validation of methods of predicting fatness in African American and white children could help to identify children at high risk. OBJECTIVE: We assessed published methods for determining body fat in 12-y-old male and female white and African American schoolchildren. DESIGN: The body fat of 114 children was measured with the use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, underwater weighing (densitometry), measurement of skinfold thicknesses, isotope dilution (H(2)(18)O), and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Formulas derived from these data and from published reports were compared by using the Bland-Altman approach. RESULTS: Calculation of percentage of body fat by using an equation predicting body fat in kg and dividing by the current weight was the criterion method against which the other methods were compared. Four-compartment models had the smallest variability across the range of body fat, and 2 of these models differed from the criterion method by 1-2%. Six methods (the Pennington 4-compartment model, the Wells et al 4-compartment model, the isotope dilution model, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, the Pennington skinfold thickness model, and the Pennington density model) provided specificity > 90%, an estimate of body fat that was within the 95% CI of the criterion method, and a difference from the criterion method that was < +/- 2%. Bioelectrical impedance analysis was the least acceptable method. CONCLUSIONS: A 4-compartment model in which body fat in kg is divided by current body weight and multiplied by 100 provides the best estimate of percentage of body fat. The isotope dilution and body density models provide estimates within 2% of the estimate provided by the 4-compartment model. Other models do less well.  相似文献   



Diet is one of the few modifiable risk factors for age-related hearing loss. We aimed to examine the link between dietary and supplement intakes of antioxidants, and both the prevalence and 5-year incidence of measured hearing loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A high protein intake during infancy and early childhood has been proposed to increase the risk of subsequent obesity. OBJECTIVE: We analyzed the association of different protein intakes during 6-24 mo with body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) and percentage body fat (%BF) at 7 y of age. DESIGN: The analyses included 203 participants of the DOrtmund Nutritional and Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study with complete information on early diet (6, 12, and 18-24 mo) and anthropometric data at the age of 7 y. The median of energy-adjusted protein intakes (in g/d) was used to distinguish different patterns of low and high protein intakes throughout the first 2 y of life, which were then related to BMI SD scores (SDSs), %BF, and the risk of overweight and overfatness at 7 y of age. RESULTS: Although protein intake at 6 mo of age was not associated with the outcomes, a consistently high protein intake at the ages of 12 and 18-24 mo was independently related to a higher mean BMI SDS and %BF at the age of 7 y [BMI SDS: 0.37 (95% CI: 0.12, 0.61) compared with 0.08 (95% CI: -0.09, 0.26), P = 0.04; %BF: 18.37 (95% CI: 17.29, 19.51%) compared with 16.91 (95% CI: 16.19, 17.66%), P = 0.01] and a higher risk of having a BMI or %BF above the 75th percentile at that age [odds ratio for BMI: 2.39 (95% CI: 1.14, 4.99), P = 0.02); odds ratio for %BF: 2.28 (95% CI: 1.06, 4.88), P = 0.03]. CONCLUSIONS: High protein intakes during the period of complementary feeding and the transition to the family diet are associated with an unfavorable body composition at the age of 7 y.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Birth weight has been positively associated with risk of overweight in later life. However, little information exists on how weight and length at birth are associated with subsequent lean and total body fat. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the association between weight and length at birth and body composition and fat distribution in childhood. DESIGN: Body composition was measured by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 9-10-y-old subjects (n = 3006 boys and 3080 girls). Weight and length at birth were measured or taken from hospital records. RESULTS: Birth weight was positively associated with both lean body mass (LBM) and total body fat at 9-10 y of age in both sexes. LBM rose by 320 g per 1-SD increase in birth weight (P < 0.001), and total body fat rose by 2.5% (P = 0.001), but birth weight was unassociated with the fat-to-lean mass ratio (FLR). Ponderal index (PI) at birth (ie, weight/length3) was positively associated with LBM, total body fat, and the FLR in both sexes; the FLR increased by 2.7% in boys (P = 0.021) and by 5.0% in girls per 1-SD increase in PI (P < 0.001). Weight and length at birth did not predict central adiposity; although trunk fat had a strong positive association with PI at birth, this association disappeared after adjustment for total body fat. CONCLUSIONS: Higher PI at birth is associated with both higher fat and lean mass in childhood but also with an increase in the FLR. PI at birth is a better predictor of subsequent adiposity than is birth weight.  相似文献   

Energy intake, not energy output, is a determinant of body size in infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: It has been proposed that the primary determinants of body weight at 1 y of age are genetic background, as represented by parental obesity, and low total energy expenditure. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the relative contributions of genetic background and energy intake and expenditure as determinants of body weight at 1 y of age. DESIGN: Forty infants of obese and 38 infants of lean mothers, half boys and half girls, were assessed at 3 mo of age for 10 risk factors for obesity: sex, risk group (obese or nonobese mothers), maternal and paternal body mass index, body weight, feeding mode (breast, bottle, or both), 3-d energy intake, nutritive sucking behavior during a test meal, total energy expenditure, sleeping energy expenditure, and interactions among them. RESULTS: The only difference between risk groups at baseline was that the high-risk group sucked more vigorously during the test meal. Four measures accounted for 62% of the variability in weight at 12 mo: 3-mo weight (41%, P = 0.0001), nutritive sucking behavior (9%, P = 0.0002), 3-d food intake (8%, P = 0.0002), and male sex (3%, P = 0.05). Food intake and sucking behavior at 3 mo accounted for similar amounts of variability in weight-for-length, body fat, fat-free mass, and skinfold thickness at 12 mo. Contrary to expectations, neither total nor sleeping energy expenditure at 3 mo nor maternal obesity contributed to measures of body size at 12 mo. CONCLUSIONS: Energy intake contributes significantly to measures of body weight and composition at 1 y of age; parental obesity and energy expenditure do not.  相似文献   

Using cross-sectional data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey, 1988-1994, we examined whether dietary fat intake is associated with cognitive and psychosocial functioning in school-aged children. Based upon 24-h diet recall interviews, dietary intakes of total fat, SFA, monounsaturated fatty, PUFAs, and cholesterol were estimated in 3666 participants aged 6 to 16 y. Psychosocial functioning was evaluated in interviews of each child's mother. Cognitive functioning was measured using achievement and intelligence tests. Overall, total fat and saturated fat were unrelated to measures of cognitive and psychosocial functioning. Compared with equivalent energy intake from saturated fat or carbohydrate, each 5% increase in energy intake from PUFAs was associated with lower risks of poor performance on the digit span test (replacing SFA, OR = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.37-0.91; replacing carbohydrate, OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.43-0.88). Cholesterol intake was associated with an increased risk of poor performance on the digit span test (OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.11-1.42 for each 100-mg increment intake of cholesterol). The associations were independent of socioeconomic status, maternal education and marital status, and children's nutrition status and were consistent across different methods of energy adjustment in regression models. We conclude that high intake of PUFAs may contribute to an improved performance on the digit span test. In contrast, increased intake of cholesterol may be associated with a poorer performance.  相似文献   

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