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In the treatment of facial paralysis in the acute stage and restoration stage by shallow needling technique and penetrating needling technique respectively, totally 106 cases, the effective rate is respectively 98.6% and 83.9%, indicating that the curative rate is high if early treatment is given. Author: ZHOU Yuan (1965-), female, junior consultant doctor Translator: HUANG Guo-qi {49-1}  相似文献   

Treated 55 cases of acute lumbar sprain only with acupuncturing Cuanzhu (BL 2). After three treatments, 53 cases were cured, and 2 cases were improvement. Author: CHEN Hui (1972-), male, attending physician Translator: ZHU Zhong-chun  相似文献   

观察运用一次缪刺法治疗急性腰扭伤53例的临床疗效.采用针刺健侧飞扬,肾俞和委中的治疗方法,治疗急性腰扭伤患者53例,1次治疗治愈18例,好转29例,总有效率为88.7%.1次缪刺法治疗急性腰扭伤效果显著,简单易行.  相似文献   

目的:观察补阳还五汤配合依达拉奉治疗急性缺血性脑卒中的临床疗效.方法:将96例急性缺血性脑卒中患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各48例.对照组采用静脉滴注依达拉奉30 mg,每日2次;治疗组在对照组的基础上加用补阳还五汤,水煎服,每日1剂.疗程均为15 d.比较观察两组治疗后临床疗效、神经系统功能缺损评分(NIHSS)、日常生活能力指数评分(ADL,Barthel指数)及中医证候积分.结果:治疗后治疗组与对照组总有效率分别为95.83%,77.08%,愈显率分别为81.25%,47.92%,经比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后治疗组的NIHSS,ADL评分及中医证候积分明显优于对照组,差别均有显著统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:补阳还五汤配合依达拉奉治疗急性缺血性脑卒中疗效确切,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

针刺强刺激水沟穴,治疗42例急性腰扭伤患者,治愈32例,显效5例,无效5例,有效率88.1%.  相似文献   

针刺结合中药热敷治疗急性腰扭伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 观察针刺结合中药热敷治疗急性腰扭伤的临床疗效. 方法: 依据严格的纳入与排除标准选择病例66例,随机分为治疗组与对照组.治疗组采用针刺后溪穴、合谷穴、威灵穴和精灵穴,留针期间配合中药热敷治疗,对照组采取口服西药布洛芬缓释胶囊,麝香解痛膏外敷治疗. 结果: 治疗组治愈29例,占87.88%;好转3例,占9.09%;总有效率96.97%.对照组治愈21例,占63.64%;好转3例,占9.09%;总有效率72.73%.从治疗结果看,治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.05). 结论: 针刺结合中药热敷治疗急性腰扭伤效果明显、疗程短、副作用少,操作简单,方便推广.  相似文献   

目的:观察偶刺配合恢刺治疗急性腰扭伤的临床疗效.方法:将50例急性腰扭伤患者采用偶刺配合恢刺治疗,每次30 min,每天1次,7次为一疗程,1个疗程后进行疗效观察.结果:治愈32例,有效15例,无效3例,总有效率为94.0%.结论:偶刺配合恢刺治疗急性腰扭伤疗效显著,能充分缓解疼痛和恢复腰部功能活动.  相似文献   

目的:观察针刺急性期介入治疗脑梗死的疗效。方法:治疗组49例针刺急性期介入加恢复期康复,对照组28例,只将针刺应用于恢复期。结果:治疗组总有效率95.9%,对照组总有效率78.6%,治疗组疗效明显优于对照组。结论:针刺早期介入治疗急性脑梗死安全可靠,疗效确定,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

采用印堂穴透刺神庭穴治疗急性腰扭伤患者60例,痊愈50例,好转9例,无效1例,总有效率为98.3%。  相似文献   

Method of selecting points in foot-hand same-name meridians was used to treat 24 cases of Osteoarthritis of knee joint, and the therapeutic results showed 15 cases were cured, 4 cases got significant effect and 4 cases got improvement. Author: Han Cai-yun (1970-), female, Mongolia nation, attending physician Translator: Wu Xue-fei  相似文献   

应用推拿结合针刺方法治疗运动员急性腰扭伤76例,先推拿膀胱经和督脉穴位,以促进腰部肌肉恢复,然后针刺水沟,委中和跗阳,经过5次治疗,痊愈46例,显效20例,有效8例,无效2例,总有效率97.4%.  相似文献   

Superficial needling therapy was employed to treat 40 cases of tennis elbow. For the cases of qi and blood stagnation, cupping therapy was added. Thirty-eight cases were cured after one treatment and 2 cases were cured after two treatments. Author: Ge Heng-bi (1945-), males, attending physician Translator: Xiao Yuan-chun  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗肺炎喘嗽(痰热壅肺证)的多中心临床研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:观察中西医结合方案治疗肺炎喘嗽(痰热壅肺证)的临床疗效.方法:采用多中心、单盲随机对照试验方法,将162例患者分为治疗组(101例)和对照组(61例).对照组予以头孢哌酮钠静脉滴注,每次2.0g,每日2次,并配合对症治疗;治疗组在对照组治疗基础上予以肺炎喘嗽分组痰热协作方基础方药加减治疗.两组疗程均为10d.结果:治疗组痊愈48例,显效40例,好转13例,痊愈率47.52%,愈显率87.13%;对照组痊愈18例,显效25例,好转17例,无效1例,痊愈率29.51%,愈显率70.49%,治疗组疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.05).结论:中西医结合治疗肺炎喘嗽(痰热壅肺证)的临床疗效显著.  相似文献   

Purpose: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of electro acupuncture plus Tuina on treating prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.Methods: Electroacupuncture at Jiaji(Ex-B 2) acupoints plus reduction manipulations were used to treat 30 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.Results: After 2 courses of treatment, among the 30 cases, 8 cases were cured and 22 cases got improvements, and the effective rate was 100%.Conclusion: Electroacupuncture plus reduction manipulations had a satisfactory effect on treating this disease; and it can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of the patients. Author: JIANG Gui-mei (1976-), female, doctor Translator: WU Xue-fei  相似文献   

髌下脂肪垫急性损伤或慢性劳损,均可产生无菌性炎症.本病相当于中医学"痹证"中的膝痛.本文介绍在小针刀治疗髌下脂肪垫炎的基础上,改进操作方法,简化技术,收到一定疗效.共观察治疗152例,男37例,女115例,结果治愈91例,好转38例,总有效率达84.87%.  相似文献   

先应用改良斜扳法和旋转定位扳法对腰椎间盘突出症患者进行手法复位,然后取水沟和委中为主穴,进行针剌治疗.共治疗97例患者,治愈58例,好转35例,无效4例,总有效率95.9%.  相似文献   

Purpose: To explore the therapeutic methods and effects in the treatment of acute and chronic injuries of the ankle joint by Chinese massage therapy in combination with external application of Chinese herbal drugs and functional exercises.Methods: Totally, 36 cases of the patients with acute soft tissue injury, chronic soft tissue injury and post-fracture sequelae of the ankle joint were treated by Chinese massage therapy, external application or external wash of Chinese herbal drugs, and exercises of dorsal flexion and extension of the ankle joint, to observe the restoration of the ankle functions.Results: In 36 cases of the patients, the results showed remarkable effect in 18 cases, effect in 16 cases, failure in 2 cases and the effective rate in 94.4%.Conclusion: The combined use of Chinese massage therapy, external application of Chinese herbal drugs and functional exercises can produce precise effect in the treatment of soft tissue injury of the ankle joint. Author: CHEN Ming-xia (1971-), female, physician Translator: HUANG Guo-qi  相似文献   

取膻中穴,局部麻醉后,切开皮肤2cm,充分暴露皮下脂肪.割去局部脂肪在切口内直接用镊柄作手法刺激,然后缝合伤口.200例哮喘患者中治愈100例,好转95例,无效5例,总有效率97.5%.  相似文献   

半夏泻心汤加减配合拔罐治疗胃食管反流性咳嗽   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:观察半夏泻心汤加减配合拔罐治疗胃食管反流性咳嗽的临床疗效。方法:60例胃食管反流性咳嗽患者,随机分为两组。治疗组30例半夏泻心汤加减基本方治疗:姜半夏10 g,干姜10 g,黄连5 g,黄芩10 g,制甘草10 g,南沙参15 g,大枣10 g。若脾气虚者酌加党参、黄芪、白术等;阴虚甚者酌加麦冬、生地黄、太子参等;咳甚者加前胡、浙贝母、杏仁、紫菀、款冬花、制枇杷叶;痰湿甚者酌加苍术、橘红等;腑气不通者酌加厚朴、枳实、大黄等;咳嗽日久,肺气易于耗散,可加五味子;呃逆、反酸者酌加锻瓦楞子、乌贼骨。配合拔罐治疗,对照组30例给予常规西药口服奥美拉唑肠溶胶囊20 mg/次,2次/d;多潘立酮片10 mg/次,3次/d治疗。疗程10 d。结果:治疗组30例,治愈13例,显效9例,好转5例,总有效率为90%;对照组30例,治愈5例,显效8例,好转6例,总有效率为63.3%(P<0.05)。结论:半夏泻心汤加减配合拔罐治疗胃食管反流性咳嗽疗效显著,可以控制疾病发展,改善临床症状。  相似文献   

The author treated 148 cases of hiccup by finger-pressing Yifeng (TE 17). After one treatment, 97 cases were cured; 34 cases were cured after 2–3 treatments, 6 cases were cured after over 4 treatments; and 11 cases obtained no effect. The total effective rate was 92.6%. Translator: CUI Yi-jun  相似文献   

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