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郑红月  滕杰  王冰  尹海波 《中药材》2001,24(8):557-559
本文对草苁蓉Boschniakia rossica(Cham.et Schlech.)Fedtsch.et Flerov.的药材性状、显微特征进行了研究,提出了其苁蓉的鉴别依据,并找出与其类似品肉苁蓉和锁阳的特征区别。草从蓉:茎较细,断面中空,质脆,具木栓层,中柱维管束排成环状,髓发达;肉苁蓉和锁阳:茎较粗壮,断面实心,质地坚实,无木栓层,髓不发达;肉苁蓉中柱维管束排成波状弯曲的环,锁阳中柱维管束排列不规则。  相似文献   

干国平  郑宏钧 《中药材》1998,21(2):68-70
本文对叶下珠的药材性状及显微特征进行了鉴定,为叶下珠药材鉴别提供依据。  相似文献   

石晋丽  刘勇  肖培根  武继红 《中药材》2003,26(8):554-556
长序缬草ValerianahardwickiiWall 系败酱科缬草属多年生草本植物 ,分布于西南及江西、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、西藏等地 ,其根或全草入药 ,具有活血调经、驱风利湿、健脾消积的功效 ,用于治疗月经不调、痛经、经闭、风湿痹痛、小便不利、小儿疳积、跌打伤痛、脉管炎等症〔1〕。目前 ,未见系统生药学报道。缬草作为湿和的镇静、安神、催眠药 ,其药用价值在世界上受到高度重视〔2〕,且作为高档烟用香精原料 ,不少国家已经对其进行开发 ,产值不菲。本文对长序缬草的药材性状及显微特征进行观察 ,可为长序缬草作为国产缬草资源的进一步开发利…  相似文献   

干国平  郑宏钧 《中药材》1998,21(5):223-225
本文对云南石仙桃的药材性状、显微特征进行观察,为开发该药提供了鉴定依据。  相似文献   

齐迎春  易华林  梁学艺 《中药材》2001,24(6):407-409
本文研究了中药材三尖杉的茎、叶生药性状、组织结构特征以及粉末显微特征.提出了三尖杉的生药学鉴定依据:射线、叶形、石细胞层、髓心树脂道与树脂道、管胞及淀粉粒等。  相似文献   

罗布麻叶为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻 Apooynumvenetum L的叶 ,具有清热利水 ,平肝安神的安效。叶中含有芸香苷、儿茶素、蒽醌、谷氨酸、缬氨酸、氯化钾等 ,还含有槲皮素和异槲皮苷 ,具降压强心作用。现代临床常用于治疗同血压、心力衰歆、水肿以及防治感冒等 [1]。但本品的显微鉴定至今未见有报道 ,作者对其性状、显微方面进行系统研究 ,为今后正确应用该药提供资料。1 材料来源本品来源于安徽省全椒县 ,经安徽中医学院药用植物学教研室鉴定为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻Apooynum venetum L。2 方法采用徒手切片方法 ,对罗布麻叶片作横切面 (离叶基 1…  相似文献   

山核桃属植物外果皮的形态组织鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为山核桃属植物外果皮药材的品种鉴定、品质评价及资源开发利用提供科学依据。方法:对4种山核桃属植物外果皮的药材性状和显微特征进行了鉴别研究。结果:4种山核桃属植物的外果皮的药材性状和显微构造具有明显的鉴别特征。结论:这些特征可作为山核桃属植物外果皮的生药学鉴别依据。  相似文献   

罗布麻叶的形态组织鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

黄毛楤木形态组织鉴定及挥发油成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军民  徐鸿华  丁平  林励 《中药材》2000,23(9):524-526
本文对黄毛Chon木的根进行性状,横切面显微特征及粉末显微组织解离临别此外还对根皮所含的挥发油进行了成分分析,发现油中以反-石竹烯为主,其次为9,12-十八烯酸,十六酸等16种成分。  相似文献   

张勤  姜艳玲 《中药材》1999,22(12):627-629
六月雪为茜草科植物六月雪 Serissa foetidaComm.或白马骨 S.Serissoides(DC.)Druce的干燥全株。分布我国中部及南部,是湖北、浙江、上海等省(市)历来常用的药材。因其具有利湿、解毒、活血、止血的功能,多用于治疗咳血、吐血、尿血、白带、黄胆肝炎、肾炎、肠炎、痢疾、痈肿疗毒、跌打损伤等症。本文对其药材性状及组织进行了鉴定。  相似文献   

The antiinflammatory activity of an extract from the leaves of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br., used as a traditional remedy for different types of inflammation, was investigated using experimental models of acute inflammation. Topical application of the extract inhibited carrageenan-induced paw oedema and ear oedema induced in rats by arachidonic acid or ethyl phenylpropiolate. In vitro prostaglandin formation was inhibited by the extract in a concentration-dependent manner, with a potency equal to that of aspirin but considerably less than that of indomethacin. This study shows that Ipomoea pes-caprae has a significant antiinflammatory activity, probably due to a reduction of prostaglandin and leukotriene formation. Thus, in addition to earlier results, this work further supports the use of Ipomoea pes-caprae as an antiinflammatory agent in traditional medicine.  相似文献   

茜草及其伪品葎草根的比较鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周日宝 《中药材》2001,24(5):325-328
本文对中药茜草及其伪品葎草根进行了生药性状、显微特征以及紫外光谱的鉴别研究。  相似文献   

Ipomoea pes-caprae is a medicinal plant used in many countries for the treatment of several ailments, including inflammatory and algesic processes. The present study describes the antinociceptive effects of the methanolic extract and two fractions obtained from aerial parts of this plant. The results indicated that both methanolic extract and two fractions (ethyl acetate and aqueous) exhibited considerable antinociceptive activity against two classical models of pain in mice. Methanolic extract presented a calculated ID50 value of 33.8 mg/kg, i.p. against writhing test and also inhibited both phases of pain (neurogenic and inflammatory) of the formalin test with ID50 of 37.7 and 12.5 mg/kg, i.p. for the first and second phase, respectively. Preliminary phytochemical analysis suggested the presence of steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids. These findings support, at least in part, the popular use of I. pes-caprae to treat dolorous processes.  相似文献   

袁久荣  张子忠 《中成药》1997,19(5):12-13
对不同批号喉症丸的二阶导数紫外谱线组图谱进行了测绘分析,发现不同批号的喉症丸其四溶剂二阶导数紫外吸收光谱特征数据,λmax或λsh具有很好的重现性,其分辨率高,特征性强,因此,以二阶导数紫外谱线组法控制喉症丸质量,鉴别喉症丸真伪优劣具有良好的重现性和准确性。  相似文献   

The extract (IPA) of leaves from Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. has previously been shown to reduce the development of rat ear oedema induced by ethyl phenylpropiolate (EPP) in a dose-dependent manner. Using this bioassay to guide fractionation of the extract, two diastereomeric compounds, the actinidols 1a and 1b, were isolated (0.8% of IPA). The actinidols constitute part of the active principle of IPA. Compounds, previously isolated from IPA, with either prostaglandin synthesis inhibiting activity in vitro [2-hydroxy-4,4,7-trimethyl-1(4H)-naphthalenone, (?)-mellein and eugenol] or antispasmodic activity (E-phytol) were also assayed for inhibitory effects on the development of EPP-induced rat ear oedema. They all reduced oedema formation dose-dependently. The results suggest that IPA consists of several active compounds which interfere with the process of inflammation in different ways.  相似文献   

萸黄连提取物中吴茱萸的鉴别与黄连总生物碱含量测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭晓梅  彭树灵 《中药材》2007,30(3):297-299
目的:鉴别萸黄连总生物碱提取物中吴茱萸的成分,并对黄连总生物碱进行含量测定。方法:采用硅胶薄层层析法,以环己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-三乙胺(19∶5∶1∶1)为展开剂,以10%硫酸乙醇溶液为显色剂,在365 nm紫外灯下观察,鉴别提取物中吴茱萸成分;用紫外分光光度法,在波长349 nm处测定提取物中黄连总生物碱的含量。结果:萸黄连供试液色谱在与吴茱萸对照溶液色谱相应的位置显相同颜色的荧光斑点,阴性对照溶液色谱无此斑点;用紫外分光光度法测定黄连总生物碱,盐酸小檗碱的线性范围为1.04~11.44μg/m l,r2=0.99999,平均回收率为99.2%,RSD为1.0%。结论:采用硅胶薄层层析法可简便而准确地鉴别出萸黄连总生物碱提取物中吴茱萸的成分;采用紫外分光光度法测定黄连总生物碱方法简便,结果准确,在实际生产中可作为萸黄连提取物中黄连总生物碱盐含量监测的有效手段。  相似文献   

An extract (IPA) of the plant Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br., previously shown to be clinically effective toward dermatitis caused by venomous jellyfishes, was studied as to its ability to neutralize toxic activities of jellyfish venoms. Different venoms exhibited different degrees of activity. When IPA was incubated with active venoms, it inhibited the actions of all jellyfish venoms tested, with IC50 values in the range of 0.3-0.8 mgIPA/mg venom for proteolytic action, and with about 10 times lower IC50 values for the neutralization of haemolytic action. These activities of IPA support the previously reported effectiveness in the treatment of dermatitis caused by jellyfish sting.  相似文献   

目的为土甘草药材的鉴别提供依据。方法采用薄层色谱法和紫外光谱法对土甘草进行分析鉴别。结果在土甘草药材色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应位置上有相同的荧光斑点;紫外光谱分析,在波长约(274±2)nm处有一最大吸收峰。结论土甘草薄层色谱和紫外吸收光谱有其特征斑点和特征吸收峰。为土甘草药材的开发和利用提供鉴别依据。  相似文献   

The hexane-soluble extract from the aerial parts of the herbal drug Ipomoea pes-caprae (beach morning-glory), through preparative-scale recycling HPLC, yielded six lipophilic glycosides, namely, five new pentasaccharides of jalapinolic acid, pescaproside A (1) and pescapreins I-IV (2-5), as well as the known stoloniferin III (6). Saponification of the crude resin glycoside mixture yielded simonic acid B (7) as the glycosidic acid component, whereas the esterifying residues of the natural oligosaccharides comprised five fatty acids: 2-methylpropanoic, (2S)-methylbutyric, n-hexanoic, n-decanoic, and n-dodecanoic acids. Pescaproside A (1), an acylated glycosidic acid methyl ester, is related structurally to the product obtained from the macrolactone hydrolysis of pescapreins I-IV (2-5). All the isolated compounds (1-6), characterized through high-field NMR spectroscopy, were found to be weakly cytotoxic to a small panel of cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

败酱草的紫外光谱鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过中药败酱草9个品种,28个样品的紫外光谱测定,总结出不同品种间的区别,可用于败酱草的鉴定。  相似文献   

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