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A cDNA clone for an auxin-regulated gene was isolated from a tobacco mesophyll protoplast cDNA library by differential screening. Nucleotide, sequence analysis showed that the deduced product of the gene, which we have designated par, is hydrophilic and is composed of 220 amino acids. No significant homology to other known proteins was detected. The mRNA of the par gene is approximately 900 bases long and its accumulation was detected in cultured mesophyll protoplasts as early as 30 min after the addition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid to the culture medium. The par mRNA was not detected in leaves or freshly prepared protoplasts or in protoplasts in the absence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Expression of the par gene was detected at a low level in actively dividing BY-2 tobacco suspension culture cells. The conspicuous accumulation of par mRNA before the initiation of DNA synthesis in tobacco mesophyll protoplasts suggests that the par gene product could play a role in the initiation of meristematic activity in differentiated mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

Tobacco mesophyll protoplasts were previously shown to respond to naphthaleneacetic acid by modifying their transmembrane potential difference. In the present work, evacuolated protoplasts were used to show that this response resides only at the plasmalemma. This electrical response was investigated by using polyclonal antibodies directed against plasma membrane antigens presumably involved in the reception and transduction of the auxin signal. An IgG fraction from an antiserum directed against the membrane auxin-binding protein from maize coleoptile completely inhibited the naphthaleneacetic acid-induced response of tobacco protoplasts. The suppression of the auxin-induced variation in the transmembrane potential difference by an IgG preparation directed against the plasmalemma ATPase from yeast demonstrated the involvement of the ATPase in the electrical response. Variation induced by fusicoccin in the transmembrane potential difference of tobacco protoplasts was unaffected by the anti-auxin-binding protein IgG fraction but was completely suppressed by the anti-ATPase IgG preparation. These results demonstrate the presence of a membrane receptor for auxin at the plasmalemma, the binding of the hormone to this receptor leading to the activation of the proton-pumping ATPase. They also show that at least the primary steps of activation by naphthaleneacetic acid are distinct from those of the fusicoccin-induced response.  相似文献   

Differentiated leaf cells of gramineous plants, among them the cereals with their immense importance for human nutrition, are considered extremely recalcitrant to, if not incapable of, reentering the cell cycle. This recalcitrance is related to the poor wound response of the monocots—in contrast to most dicots—and the difficulties encountered in monocot tissue culture. We report here the highly reproducible induction of sustained divisions at high frequency (up to 95%) and colony formation from mesophyll protoplasts of a cereal, oat, demonstrating that—contrary to most earlier evidence—mesophyll cells of a gramineous plant have not irreversibly lost their potential for cell division.  相似文献   

Alternaria solani, the causal agent of early blight disease in potato, produces two host-specific, lipidlike toxins in culture. Both compounds are required in the leaf bioassay for the elicitation of typical early blight symptoms, but the compounds are individually inactive. The procedures for the preparation of both compounds are outlined. These compounds can be used effectively to select for toxin-insensitive and sensitive clones of a Russet Burbank potato cultivar that have been regenerated from single mesophyll protoplasts. Furthermore, both sensitivity and insensitivity to the toxins in these clones is well correlated with susceptibility and resistance to A. solani. Potato clones that have been produced by somatic cell regeneration techniques maintain their reaction type to these fungal toxins for at least two generations of vegetative propagation. The genetic basis for this variation among these potato clones remains to be explained.  相似文献   

The interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) response region of the human class II major histocompatibility complex gene, DPA, has been localized to a 52-base-pair (bp) DNA fragment in the proximal promotor at -107 to -55 bp after transfection into HeLa cells of a series of 5', 3', and gap deletion mutants linked to a reporter gene, human growth hormone, as well as of synthetic oligonucleotides fused to the heterologous promoter thymidine kinase. The 52-mer sequence contains the X and Y box elements conserved in all class II genes; their presence is indispensable for IFN-gamma inducibility. Furthermore, an additional 5 bp immediately 5' of the X box of the DPA gene are necessary and sufficient for IFN-gamma induction. This region may contain an IFN-gamma response element. A closely related sequence has also been found in the vicinity of the critical deletion sites of three other well-studied class II gene promoters, all of which require a much longer sequence 5' of the X box. A fourth element, the W element, located about 15 bp 5' of the X box in all class II genes, is clearly of little importance in IFN-gamma inducibility of the DPA gene.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has been shown to increase prolactin (PRL) gene expression and secretion in turkey primary anterior pituitary cells. To characterize cis-acting elements involved in stimulation of PRL gene expression by VIP, 5'-flanking deletions and/or mutations of the turkey PRL promoter fused to the luciferase (Luc) reporter gene have been constructed for use in transient transfection assays. Deletion analysis of the turkey PRL promoter (tPRLP) indicated that the VIP-stimulated tPRLP activity was controlled by three major positive regulatory regions and two negative regions. The -74/+40 Luc construct exhibited a 7- to 8-fold increase in promoter activity in response to VIP treatment. Deletion of the 35-bp segment (-74/-40) or fusion of this sequence to the SV40 promoter demonstrated that a VIP response element (VRE) was present in this region. Functional analysis of this VRE (-74/-40) was performed by mutation of core sequences (TGAATGTATGCA, -61/-50) or deletion of a 35-bp segment and a Decoy assay. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed the presence of three DNA-protein complexes bound to the region -73 to -41. The results of the present study demonstrated that VRE (35-bp) in the proximal PRL promoter is an important cis-acting element for VIP-stimulated PRL gene expression in turkey primary anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

The cloned herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK; ATP:thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase, EC gene can be used to transform TK- cells to a TK+ phenotype. Transformants generated in this way express TK at a basal constitutive level that is inducible to a higher level by infection with TK- herpes virus. We have studied the effect of mutations generated in vitro on both the constitutive and virus-induced expression of TK in transformants. Four Xho I linker insertions and two deletions in the 5' untranscribed region of the cloned HSV-1 TK gene were generated in vitro. A deletion that removed all but nine base pairs of the 5' untranscribed region virtually eliminated constitutive expression and completely prevented induction by herpes virus infection. Two of the insertions have particularly interesting properties. One, nine base pairs upstream from the cap site, inactivates constitutive expression without stopping induction. The other, 50 base pairs upstream from the cap site has the opposite effect (i.e., normal constitutive expression but no induction). Analysis of these results leads us to propose that the 5' untranscribed region of the HSV-1 TK gene is quite complex with several functional domains having differential roles in the constitutive and herpes-induced expression of the TK gene.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms underlying activation of plant defenses against microbial attack we have studied elicitor regulation of a chimeric gene comprising the 5′ flanking region of a defense gene encoding the phytoalexin biosynthetic enzyme chalcone synthase fused to a bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. Glutathione or fungal elicitor caused a rapid, marked but transient expression of the chimeric gene electroporated into soybean protoplasts. The response closely resembled that of endogenous chalcone synthase genes in suspension cultured cells. Functional analysis of 5′ deletions suggests that promoter activity is determined by an elicitor-regulated activator located between the “TATA box” and nucleotide position -173 and an upstream silencer between -173 and -326. These cis-acting elements function in the transduction of the elicitation signal to initiate elaboration of an inducible defense response.  相似文献   

Almost all homosexual patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are also actively infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). We have hypothesized that an interaction between HCMV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the agent that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, may exist at a molecular level and contribute to the manifestations of HIV infection. In this report, we demonstrate that the immediate-early gene region of HCMV, in particular immediate-early region 2, trans-activates the expression of the bacterial gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase that is fused to the HIV long terminal repeat and carried by plasmid pHIV-CAT. The HCMV immediate-early trans-activator increases the level of mRNA from the plasmid pHIV-CAT. The sequences of HIV that are responsive to trans-activation by the HCMV immediate-early region are distinct from HIV sequences that required for response to the HIV tat. The stimulation of HIV gene expression by HCMV gene functions could enhance the consequences of HIV infection in persons with previous or concurrent HCMV infection.  相似文献   

目的 检测肝豆状核变性 (wilsondisease ,WD)基因启动子区的DNA序列 ,发现存在的多态和突变。方法  2 0 0 1- 0 2~ 2 0 0 4 - 0 2检测 36个WD家系 71名成员 (其中 4 8例WD患者 )及 2 0名正常人的基因组DNA序列 ,进行分析。结果 在正常对照、患者一级亲属和WD患者的启动子区 - 190、- 78和 2 6 0位 (转录起始点为 1)均发现存在单个碱基的不同 ;在 4 8例病人中发现 3例存在 - 183位C→T突变 ,其中 2例为纯合突变 ,另 1例为杂合突变 ,在正常对照、患者一级亲属中未发现此改变。结论 启动子区在调控WD基因转录活性中起重要的作用 ,提示启动子区的突变是WD的分子发病机制之一。  相似文献   

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