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Objectives. To design and implement a cardiovascular pharmacotherapy elective course to enhance pharmacy students’ ability to evaluate medical literature and apply clinical evidence.Design. In weekly class sessions, students were provided an overview of the important literature supporting therapeutic guidelines for the management of major cardiovascular diseases. Students worked in groups to complete outside-of-class assignments involving a patient case and then discussed the case in class. During the semester, each student also independently completed a literature search on an assigned topic, summarized the studies found in table format, and presented 1 of the studies to the class.Assessment. Students’ grades on weekly patient case assignments steadily increased over the semester. Also, the average grade on the final examination was higher than the grade on the midterm take-home examination. On the course evaluation, students rated the course favorably in terms of improvement of confidence in evaluating the primary literature and applying it to practice.Conclusion. Completion of the cardiovascular pharmacotherapy elective increased pharmacy students’ level of confidence in evaluating literature and applying clinical evidence in making patient care decisions.  相似文献   

Objective. To examine pharmacy students’ perceptions of an elective course on evidence-based learning strategies.Methods. Pre- and post-course survey questionnaires were administered to students who enrolled in an elective course, to determine the learning strategies they used prior to course attendance, track their use of evidence-based learning strategies and observance of healthy lifestyle habits, and assess their perception of the course. A written assignment was given that required students to reflect on the learning outcomes that resulted from their application of evidence-based learning strategies. Mean scores on the pre- and post-course survey were analyzed using a general linear model repeated measures test.Results. The 59 students in this study predominantly used less-effective strategies (eg, re-reading and re-writing of notes) prior to taking the course. They reported increased use of evidence-based learning strategies, particularly retrieval practice and elaboration, and practice of healthy lifestyle habits (ie, enough sleep, exercise, good nutrition) after course completion. Students believed that using the above learning strategies improved their learning and memory and performance on graded assessments, among other benefits. Students had a positive perception of the course.Conclusion. The elective course was associated with increased use of effective learning strategies, adoption of healthy lifestyle practices that aid learning, and increased appreciation for evidence-based learning strategies by the students. Future studies are needed to examine actual learning outcomes and barriers to implementation of evidence-based learning techniques.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a 1-credit-hour oncology pharmacy practice elective course for third-year pharmacy students and assess its impact on examination scores in a required pharmacotherapeutics course.Design. Major topics were identified to focus on therapeutic management and supportive care of the oncology patient. Psychosocial topics were incorporated to help pharmacy students better relate to oncology patients.Assessment. Learning was assessed by means of 2 computer-based examinations, weekly reflection posts, and a completed oncology service-learning project and reflection paper. Students enrolled in the course achieved higher pharmacotherapeutics oncology section examination scores than students who had not taken the course. Also, this course increased students’ interest in oncology pharmacy.Conclusion. The oncology pharmacy elective course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and student enrollment continues to grow. We will continue to offer this course to future practitioners.  相似文献   

Objective. To design and implement an elective therapeutics course and to assess its impact on students’ attainment of course outcomes and level of confidence in applying clinical pharmacy principles and pharmacotherapy knowledge.Design. A 3-credit hour elective for third-year pharmacy students was structured to include problem-based learning (PBL), journal club and case presentations, and drug information activities.Assessment. Student achievement of curricular outcomes was measured using performance on SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) notes, case and journal club presentations, drug information activities, and peer evaluations. Results from a pre- and post-course survey instrument demonstrated significant improvement in students’ confidence in applying clinical pharmacy principles.Conclusion. Students completing the course demonstrated increased attainment of course outcomes and confidence in their abilities to evaluate a patient case and make pharmacotherapeutic recommendations.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine the impact of an advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) to develop skills needed to apply an evidence-based approach to population-level practice decisions.Design. A 4-week evidence-based medicine APPE was implemented that included active-learning techniques and online learning modules, participation in state drug-policy committee meetings, and completion of an evidence-based medicine review for a specific drug agent or class.Assessment. Students’ mean score on application of principles related to biostatistics and information mastery on posttests increased 15.8% from pretest to posttest. Students’ mean score on a 22-question information mastery quiz was 90.8%. Mean scores for course evaluation components ranged from 4.8 to 5.0 on a 5-point Likert scale. All respondents indicated they would recommend the APPE to other students.Conclusions. An APPE that incorporated content from active drug-policy committees increased students’ evidence-based medicine skills and enhanced their understanding of, appreciation for, and confidence in evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of a leader-development elective course.Design. Students discovered, reflected on, and enhanced their leadership skills by participating in leadership quality presentations, selecting and facilitating team-building activities for pharmacy-based scenarios, creating a personal mission statement, maintaining a journal, creating pharmacy performance matrices, facilitating leadership discussions and activities, and completing a variety of leader-development inventories to identify their strengths and opportunities for growth.Assessment. Students successfully completed 98% of the assignments. The most valued topics and assignments involved validated instruments, which promoted self-discovery and development. End-of-course survey results revealed all students agreed the course achieved all learning outcomes except preventing conflict from escalating (9% disagreed) and applying knowledge of core values to achieve greater effectiveness in interpersonal communication (4% disagreed).Conclusions. Students perceived this leader-development elective course was effective in achieving learning outcomes. Assignments guided the creation of personalized leader-development tracks, ultimately promoting lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a solid organ transplant elective course for second- and third-year pharmacy students, and assess its impact on students’ knowledge in the management of medications, adverse effects, and complications in organ transplantation patients.Design. Topics related to the care of solid organ transplant patients were covered in depth. Students were required to complete a group presentation focusing on common infectious disease topics encountered in solid organ transplant patients.Assessment. Students’ solid organ transplantation knowledge was assessed using examinations quizzes, a group presentation, and class participation. With an average class grade of 87%, students demonstrated knowledge of the course material. Most students felt that their knowledge increased significantly with regard to the course objectives.Conclusion. Students who completed the elective course significantly improved their confidence and knowledge regarding solid organ transplantation, felt more prepared than their peers who did not complete the course, and became open to exploring careers or residencies in this area.  相似文献   

Objective. To provide an elective course for pharmacy students focused on the knowledge and skills necessary to implement health screenings in a pharmacy environment.Design. Course lectures focused on expert recommendations for health screenings as well as regulatory requirements and procedures integral to the implementation of screening services. Workshops provided hands-on experience with blood glucose, body composition, bone density, and cholesterol testing devices.Assessment. Attainment of knowledge and skills was assessed by patient case assignments, screening device demonstrations, group projects, and a final quiz. Annual course evaluations revealed consistently favorable student feedback regarding the course design and content. Students reported a high level of preparedness and interest in participating in health screening services in future practice.Conclusion. An elective course focused on the delivery of health screenings in pharmacy settings was well received by student participants and exposed students to a unique opportunity in patient care.  相似文献   

Objective. To implement an antimicrobial stewardship (AS) elective course for second-year and third-year pharmacy students and to assess its impact on students’ perceptions regarding the application of AS principles.Design. A 2-credit elective course focusing on principles of AS incorporated prelecture didactic recordings with primary literature and guideline-based reading assignments, in-class active-learning group work and student-led presentations, and student-generated examination items.Assessment. Perceptions were assessed by precourse and postcourse survey items. Graded course assessments included completion of preclass assignments (readings, prerecorded lecture and writing assessment items), in-class active participation and group presentations, a midpoint examination, and a final examination.Conclusion. An AS-themed elective course in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum incorporating preclass, self-directed learning and in-class group-based active-learning strategies positively impacted students’ perceived understanding of AS strategies.  相似文献   

Objective. To implement and assess a pharmacy dermatology and cosmeceutical compounding elective course and its impact on graduates’ careers.Design. A 3-credit elective course that incorporated classroom lectures on ambulatory dermatologic diseases and cosmeceutical products with case studies, weekly quizzes, and a comprehensive business plan project was implemented in a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program in 2010.Assessment. Assessment instruments including weekly quizzes, a business plan project, and pre- and post-course tests were used to evaluate course content. Across 3 offerings of the course (2010, 2011, 2012), pre- and post-course test scores improved. Results of a postgraduate survey showed that 54% of respondents worked at a pharmacy offering compounding services, and 57% felt that the course played a significant or very significant role in their counseling on dermatologic conditions.Conclusions. Assessment methods revealed student learning of course content and the course appeared moderately beneficial to graduates’ early careers. A more longitudinal analysis is needed to assess the course’s impact on long-term career choices, particularly those dealing with compounding of cosmeceutical products.  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the impact of an innovative team-taught elective course on second-year (P2) students’ knowledge and skills relating to the relationship between aromatherapy and pharmacy.Design. An Aromatherapy Science elective course was offered to P2 students in an accelerated doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program and was designed to provide an elective course experience while focusing on active-learning skills such as group work, student-led presentations, and in-class activities. Lectures were designed to reinforce core curricular threads from the basic sciences within the pharmaceutical sciences department while highlighting key aromatherapy principles.Assessment. Course evaluations, grades, and student self-assessments were used to evaluate student fulfillment and knowledge gained. Students agreed this hands-on course integrated pharmaceutical science experiences, enriched their pharmacy education, and provided knowledge to enhance their confidence in describing essential oil uses, drug interactions, and key aromatherapy clinical implications.Conclusion. Students agreed this course prepared them to identify essential oil therapeutic uses and potential essential oil-drug interactions, and interpret literature. The introduction of aromatherapy principles to pharmacy students will prepare a new generation of healthcare professionals on the role of alternative medicines.  相似文献   



To create and implement improvisational exercises to improve first-year pharmacy students'' communication skills.


Twelve 1-hour improvisational sessions were developed and added to an existing/established patient communication course to improve 3 basic skills: listening, observing and responding. Standardized patient examinations were used to evaluate student communication skills, and course evaluations and reflective journaling were used to evaluate students'' perceptions of the improvisational exercises.


The improvisational exercises markedly improved the students'' performance in several aspects of standardized patient examination. Additionally, course evaluations and student comments reflected their perception that the improvisational exercises significantly improved their communication skills.


Improvisational exercises are an effective way to teach communication skills to pharmacy students.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop, implement, and modify a required, second-year pharmacy course that provides an understanding of the scientific, therapeutic, and clinical principles, as well as the evidence-based medicine underlying the use of natural products.Design. A 28-hour, multi-faculty course was developed and offered in 2008. The course was modified over the years to enhance students’ practice skills in the use of natural products. A course evaluation and survey were administered to assess the students’ opinions.Assessment. Students performed well in the course and provided favorable evaluations, especially for the latest offering. Students reported significantly improved skills in providing advice to patients regarding the use of natural products.Conclusion. The course increased the students’ knowledge and application of information and counseling skills regarding natural products.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop, implement, and assess the impact of an elective course for pharmacy students on postgraduate pharmacy residency training.Design. An elective course on residency training was developed using short lectures, group discussions, and active-learning strategies, such as small-group exercises, mock match, and mock interview.Assessment. Students were asked to self-assess their understanding and abilities related to residency training at the beginning and end of the semester based on course objectives. The median post-semester responses increased for all objectives compared to baseline (p<0.05).Conclusion. A residency elective using a variety of teaching methods increased student knowledge and confidence in their skills regarding residency training.  相似文献   



To develop and implement a 2-hour elective course to reinforce clinical aspects of various commonly prescribed medications and identify important differences between various drug classes.


Drugs and drug classes were systematically and chronologically presented to highlight “clinical pearls” and subtle differences, and provide a framework that facilitates learning.


Learning was assessed via 3 paper-based examinations, a written drug consult, and a comprehensive final examination. Students performed well on the examination and rated the course favorably on standardized evaluations.


The RX File course proved to be a popular elective which appears to meet a niche by providing a course that supplements and complements the existing curriculum by providing detailed information on the clinical aspects of medications.  相似文献   



To implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacy elective on dietary supplements that emphasized evidence-based care.


A 3-credit elective that employed both traditional lectures and a variety of active-learning exercises was implemented. The course introduction provided a background in dietary supplement use and evidence-based medicine principles before addressing dietary supplements by primary indication.


Student learning was assessed through quizzes, case assignments, discussion board participation, and completion of a longitudinal group project. Precourse and postcourse surveys were conducted to assess students'' opinions, knowledge, and skills related to course objectives.


The course was an effective way to increase students'' knowledge of dietary supplements and skills and confidence in providing patient care in this area.  相似文献   

Objective. To design and evaluate a doctor of pharmacy course exploring disease states commonly encountered in ambulatory care, while applying literature to clinical practice and promoting a continual learning mindset.Design. This elective incorporated a learner-centered teaching approach. Each week, 2 groups of students were assigned a clinical trial to present to their peers. The focus was on clinical application and impact, rather than literature evaluation. A social networking group on Facebook was used to expose students to pharmacy information outside the classroom.Assessment. Student grades were determined by multiple activities: presentations, participation and moderation of the Facebook group, class participation, quiz scores, and quiz question development. Course evaluations served as a qualitative assessment of student learning and perceptions, quizzes were the most objective assessment of student learning, and presentation evaluations were the most directed assessment of course goals.Conclusion. This elective was an innovative approach to teaching ambulatory care that effectively filled a curricular void. Successful attainment of the primary course goals and objectives was demonstrated through course evaluations, surveys, and quiz and presentation scores.  相似文献   

针对专业选修课大班上课的特点,对教学方法和考核机制进行改革,并以问卷调查的形式来了解学生对教学改革的认可和期望,以探讨如何达到生理心理学作为专业选修课的教学目标。  相似文献   

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