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The H1N1 flu pandemic led to a wider use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), proving its power in hypoxemic emergencies. The results obtained during this pandemic, more than any randomized trial, led to the worldwide acceptance of the use of membrane lungs. Moreover, as centers that applied this technique as rescue therapy for refractory hypoxemia recognized its strength and limited technical challenges, the indications for ECMO have recently been extended. Indications for veno-venous ECMO currently include respiratory support as a bridge to lung transplantation, correction of lung hyperinflation during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation and respiratory support in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome, possibly also without mechanical ventilation. The current enthusiasm for ECMO in its various aspects should not, however, obscure the consideration of the potential complications associated with this life-saving technique, primarily brain hemorrhage  相似文献   

体外膜肺氧合在严重肺挫伤中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)对严重肺挫伤患者的治疗效果及应用价值。方法 应用ECMO治疗严重肺挫伤患者17例,均采用颈内静脉、股静脉插管技术,应用离心泵和肝素涂敷管道。ECMO辅助27-94h,平均62h。监测治疗前后血流动力学及氧代谢指标。结果 行ECMO治疗后,静脉血氧分压、静脉血氧饱和度、动脉血氧分压、血氧饱和度明显上升(P〈0.01);氧供明显增加,氧耗也随之有所增加(P〈0.05);动脉血乳酸含量明显降低(P〈0.01);氧摄取率有所上升(P〈0.05)。ECMO前后血流动力学无明显变化。结论 ECMO治疗能明显改善低氧血症,从而改善机体氧代谢,提高组织氧摄取率,为治疗原发病赢得时间。  相似文献   

Infants with CDH require a dedicated nursing team that often comes from three different critical care areas: neonatal ICU, the ECMO unit, and the operating room. The team works together to directly affect the outcome of these infants through their preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. The physiologic status of the patient and the psychosocial aspects of the family unit are of prime concern to the nursing team involved. Controversy still surrounds the use of ECMO because long-term effects on its survivors are unknown. It will be important for members of the team that manages the infant diagnosed with CDH to understand the benefits and limitations of ECMO. Even with its controversial aspects, ECMO offers the infant with CDH an alternative when conventional therapy fails. The collaborative efforts of the multidisciplinary team that manages these neonates must continue to evaluate treatment modalities and update techniques to maintain quality of care for this challenging population.  相似文献   

Very few cases of the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in pregnant women have been reported to date. We report the first case of the use of ECMO for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia with cardiogenic shock in a pregnant woman. A 28-year-old pregnant woman at 26 weeks of gestation presented with supraventricular tachycardia complicated with cardiogenic shock and fetal distress that was refractory to medication and electrical cardioversion. ECMO was applied, and it facilitated successful radiofrequency ablation.  相似文献   

体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)是体外生命支持技术之一,能够部分或完全替代患者心肺功能,帮助危重患者渡过致命的危险期,从而为原发病的诊治赢得时间[1].2002年开始我国多家医疗中心陆续开展该技术,但早期开展相关研究和临床工作者多为心脏外科以及体外循环医生,以ECMO心脏支持为主,多应用于体外循环脱机困难、心脏术后低心排出量综合征[2-4].而顺德第一人民医院自2013年5月以来以重症医学科为组织核心同时开展循环、呼吸ECMO支持,现对ECMO支持时机、相关并发症对预后的影响进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for perinatal and pediatric patients   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hansell DR 《Respiratory care》2003,48(4):352-62; discussion 363-6
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a technique developed to ensure adequate tissue oxygen delivery in patients suffering cardiac and/or respiratory failure. ECMO can provide this delivery without causing the iatrogenic damage associated with high mechanical ventilation pressures, high fraction of inspired oxygen, or high doses of inotropic medications. Though practitioners use a multitude of other, more "conventional," therapies for neonatal respiratory failure, only ECMO has been proven in a randomized, controlled, clinical trial to improve both mortality and morbidity among neonates. Though a randomized controlled trial of ECMO in the neonate has been published, to date no trial in the pediatric, adult, or cardiac population is complete. The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry provides data on the over 20,000 ECMO cases performed to date and serves as a resource to refine this supportive therapy. This support is not without complications, and it should be used in appropriate populations, with specific criteria for initiation.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a technique for providing life support, in case the natural lungs are failing and are not able to maintain a sufficient oxygenation of the body's organ systems. ECMO technique was an adaptation of conventional cardiopulmonary bypass technique and introduced into treatment of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the 1970s. The intial reports of the use of ECMO in ARDS patients were quite enthusiastic, however, in the following years it became clear that ECMO was only of benefit in newborns with acute respiratory failure. In neonates treated with ECMO, survival rates of 80% could be achieved. In adult patients with ARDS, two large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in 1979 and 1994 failed to show an advantage of ECMO over convential treatment, survival rates were only 10% and 33%, respectively, in the ECMO groups. Since then, ECMO technology as well as conventional treatment of adult ARDS have undergone further improvements. In conventional treatment lung-protective ventilation strategies were introduced and ECMO was made safer by applying heparin-coated equipment, membranes and tubings. Many ECMO centres now use these advanced ECMO technology and report survival rates in excess of 50% in uncontrolled data collections. The question, however, of whether the improved ECMO can really challenge the advanced conventional treatment of adult ARDS is unanswered and will need evaluation by a future RCT.  相似文献   

Blastomyces dermatitidis is a fungus that is found primarily in endemic areas of the midwestern and southcentral USA. Blastomycosis pneumonia may develop after the inhalation of spores. While blastomycosis may lead to acute or chronic pneumonitis, it will rarely result in the development of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In this situation, mortality rates are 50–80%. Patients who survive, however, commonly show good recovery of pulmonary function. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a modified form of cardiopulmonary bypass that allows systemic perfusion, oxygenation, and carbon dioxide removal, may be used to support patients with cardiorespiratory failure that is refractory to conventional therapies. The use of ECMO allows the reduction of high levels of mechanical ventilatory support that may cause iatrogenic injury to the diseased lung. Fungal diseases are often contraindications for ECMO use, since systemic fungal organisms may bind to the ECMO circuit and be difficult to eradicate. It may be reasonable to utilize ECMO, however, if the fungal infection is isolated to the respiratory system. We report the case of a patient with ARDS secondary to blastomycosis pneumonia who was treated with ECMO due to the failure of conventional cardiorespiratory supports. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of ECMO for this condition.  相似文献   

The role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in supporting adult refractory respiratory failure continues to evolve. Technical advances and the clinical challenges of H1N1 associated severe ARDS have spurred a resurgence of interest in ECMO. Published systematic review and pooled analyses point out the limitations of available studies, however, a growing body of evidence suggest potential for benefit. Referral to a specialized center with ECMO experience should be considered early after the initiation of high-level ventilator support in adult patients with severe ARDS.  相似文献   

The use of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is considered in children who (1) have an acute life-threatening heart or lung disease, (2) are normal before the illness and are likely to be normal if they survive, and (3) have an 80% chance of death. Our use of a constrained vortex pump (CVP) offers a number of potential advantages compared to a roller pump. The circuit is designed to provide the capability of changing over to a new circuit while maintaining full support and is primed to match the biochemistry of the patient as closely as possible. Since May 1989 at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, we have provided ECLS to 30 neonates (20 of whom survived) and 22 children (eight of whom survived). ECLS is a useful technique for supporting patients who are unable to be adequately ventilated or oxygenated or who have an inadequate cardiac output.  相似文献   

A five-month old male with a single ventricle palliated with a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis developed severe respiratory insufficiency from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) pneumonitis. He was successfully rescued with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy and recovered with minimal morbidity.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is the process of using prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass to support patients with reversible respiratory and/or cardiac failure who are refractory to maximal conventional therapy. This process has been used extensively for critically ill neonates, with encouraging results. The use of ECMO in the pediatric population has been limited but is increasing. The history, mechanics, and current applications of ECMO are discussed in this article. Critical care nursing management of the pediatric or neonatal ECMO patient focuses on optimizing recovery of the pulmonary and/or cardiac system while preventing complications. A case study of a pediatric ECMO patient is presented which illustrates the complex nursing care issues related to use of this intervention. Future directions for ECMO are addressed.  相似文献   

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