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The anti-cancer effect of PSP purified products, PSP-A, PSP-B, PSP-C and crude product PSP-Cr was compared on four human tumor cell lines in vitro. It was found that the inhibition rate of cell proliferation of PSP-A was higher than that of PSP-Cr (P<0. 05). On SPC cells, the inhibition rate of PSP-A at a dosage of 1000μg/ml was 62. 7%, being the highest as compared with those on the other three cell lines. Morphological changes were seen in all the four cell lines, especially in SPC cells after PSP-A treatment.  相似文献   

Most previous investigators have reported that wild-type p53 plays a key role on cell cycle control and apoptosis, especially when treated by irradiation, cytotoxicity agents or hyperthermia. Hyperthermia kills tumor cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Wild-type p53 promotes heat-inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of tumor cells, therefore, enhances intrinsic thermosensitivity of tumor cells. While cells having mutant or vect p53 gene abrogate this response and increase re…  相似文献   

Verapamil(VER),acalciumchannelblocker,hasbenfoundtoefectivelyreversemultidrugresistanceintumorcelsthroughcompetitivecombinati...  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase -2 (COX-2) in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines and to explore the effect of NS-398, a selective inhibitor for COX-2, on HepG-2 cell line. Methods: lmmunohistochemistry and RT-PCR were used to investigate COX-2 expression in 6 HCC cell lines. MTT and Flowcytometry were used to evaluate the effect of the selective inhibitor of COX-2, NS-398, on HepG-2 cell lines. Results: All six HCC cell lines showed COX-2 expression at protein level. Five out of 6 cell lines showed COX-2 expression at mRNA level. NS-398 could suppress the growth of HepG-2 cell line, in a time and dose dependant manner. Conclusion: NS-398, a selective inhibitor of COX-2, showed inhibition effect on HepG-2 HCC cell line. The efficacy of inhibition was time and dose dependent, providing a new evidence for chemoprovention of hepatocellular carcinorma with COX-2 selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Human LAK cells were prepared by culturing normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with or without rIL-2 and assayed for T cell surface markers as well as anti-tumor activity against PC in vitro and in nude mice. Although the percentages of T3, T4, and T8 positive cells in rIL-2-activated cells did not differ significantly from those of control cells in vitro, the former showed stronger cytotoxicity than control cells to PG tumor cells in vitro. In vivo, LAK cells completely inhibited the growth of PG tumor in nude mice, whereas PBMC control cells were to be of no effect. The anti-tumor effect of human LAK cells in nude mice may offer a useful model to study the role of human LAK cells against human tumor in vivo.  相似文献   

It is first demonstrated that dipyridamole (DP) and radiation were capable of significantly inhibiting, independently and synerglcally, clonogenlc growth in the two kinds of K562 cell lines, adriamycin (ADM) -sensitive and ADM- resistant. DP or radiation alone Increased clonogenlc Inhibition rate (CIR) in the two kinds of cell lines in a dose- dependent fashion. DP potentiated radiosensitivity and radiation increased inhibition of DP in the two kinds of cell lines. K562/ ADM cell lines were higher sensitive to DP. radiation and combination of them than K562 cell lines (P<0. 01). There was stronger synergic inhibition of clonogenlc growth in the two kinds of cell lines when pretreated with DP than when posttreated with DP (P<0. 01).  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effect of adenovirus-mediated p53 (Adp53) transfer on thermosensitivity of human gastric carcinoma cell lines (BGC823). Methods: Two human gastric carcinoma cell lines with different p53 status, BGC823-wtp53 cell (abbreviate W) bearing the wilt-type p53 and BGC823-mutp53 cell (abbreviate M) bearing the mutant p53, were cultured with DMEM medium and were infected with Adp53 at a viral multiplicity of infection of 100 (1:100MOI) for 48h before heating. Cell cycle redistribution and apoptosis of two human gastric carcinoma cell lines in 24h at 37°C after heat treatment at 42°C for 2h or 43°C for 0.5h were analyzed by flow cytometry. Relative tumor volume growth curves were used in a nude mouse tumor model of the two cell lines following hyperthermia at 43 C for 0.5h after 48h intratumoral injection of 1×108 pfu of Adp53 to evaluate thermoenhancemet effectin vivo. Results:In vitro study showed that both W and M cells infected with Adp53 and treated with heating had strong arrest in G2 (after heating at 42°C for 2h, 34.0% of original population for W cells and 25.3% of original population for M cells) and produced obvious apoptotic response. The apoptosis rate showed 230% increased (for W cells) and 110% increase (for M cells) compared with heating only control.In vivo study showed that the growth of tumor of both W cells and M cells was significantly delayed by hyperthemia combining with Adp53 as compared to tumors receiving either treatment alone. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that Adp53 transfer increased cellular apoptosis and thermo- sensitivityin vitro and tumor thermosensitivityin vivo independent of cellular intrinsic p53 status. These results support the combined used of p53 gene therapy with hyperthermia in clinical trials. Foundation item: This work was supported by the National Natural Foundation of China (No. 39670234 ) Biography: ZHANG Shan-wen(1946–), male, professor, Department of Radiotherapy, Peking University School of Oncology, majors in radiation oncology and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the molecular mechanism of different tumorigenicity in nude mice of human leukemia cell lines K562-n and K562. Methods: To analyze the genes differently expressed between K562 and K562-n cells by using cDNA microarray technique. Results: Among the 12800 genes detected, some genes involved in material metabolism and material transport were differently expressed between K562-n and K562 cells. These genes include homo sapiens placenta-specific ATP-binding cassette transporter gene, dihydrodiol dehydrogenase gene,hepatic dihydrodiol dehydrogenase gene, NAD-dependent methylene tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase cyclohydrolase,lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, alpha gene,argininosuccinate lyase gene, mitochondrial isocitrtated ehydrogenase, adhesion protein SQM1 gene,dimethylarginine dimethylamino-hydrolase gene, M1 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase and farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase gene. Conclusion: The high tumorigenicity of K562-n cells is related to the different expression of some genes concerned with cell metabolism and material transpoert.  相似文献   

Oncogenicrasproteinsarecausalyimplicatedcertainhumanmalignancieswithabout30-40%ofhumanlungadenocarcinomas,50%humancoloncarcin...  相似文献   


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