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《Annals of human genetics》1969,33(1):109-114
Book reviewed in this article:
Down's Anomaly. By L. S. P enrose and G. F. S mith .
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour. Ed. by J. M. T hoday and A. S. P arkes .
'New Aspects of Human Genetics.' Ed. C. E. F ord and H arry H arris .
Eugenics and the Progressives. By D. K. P ickens .
Population Genetics. By W. J. E wens .
An Enquiry Concerning Growth, Disease and Ageing. By P hilip R. J. B urch .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1972,36(1):119-128
Book reviewed in this article:
Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics . By M. K imura and T. O hta
Génétique et Populations. Hommage à Jean Sutter
Statistical Papers of George Udny Yule . By A lan S tuart and M aurice G. K endall
Biometrical Genetics . By K enneth M ather and J ohn L. J inks
A Primer of Population Biology . By E dward 0. W ilson and W illiam H. B ossert
Likelihood. By A. W. F. E dwards  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1975,38(3):381-381
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Behavioral Genetics. By G. E. M c C learn and J. C. D e F ries .
Humangenetik. Ein kurzes Handbuch in fünf Bänden. Edited by P. E. B ecker . Stuttgart: Georg Thieme. Vol. III/2 (1972). Anomalien, Fehlbildungen und Krankheiten der Verdauungsorgane (W. Lehmann). Krankheiten und Missbildungen der Bronchien und der Lunge (W. Lehmann). Herz und Gefässystem (W. Fuhrmann, G. Jörgensen and W. Tünte).  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1963,27(2):197-202
Book reviewed in this article:
Outline of Human Genetics. By L. S. P enrose
The Molecular Basis of Neoplasia
Genetics and Dental Health. By C arl J. W itkop , Jr., ed.
Tròubles de l'Appareil Auditif et Manifestations Ophthalmologiques Associés. By R. G rimaud , P. M ounier -K uhn , M. G ignoux and H. M artin (with the collaboration of L. P aufique , G. B onamour , J. C ordier and J. B. D ureux )
An Introduction to Genetics. By A. H. S turtevant and G. W. B eadle
Changing Perspectives on the Genetic Effects of Radiation. By J. V. N eel
Birth Dejects. Edited by M orris F ishbein
Approaches to the Genetic Analysis of Mammalian Cells. Edited by D. J. M erchant and J. V. N eel
Studies in Genetics. By H. J. Müller
The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations. Proceedings of a conference on human population genetics in Israel, held at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Edited by Elisabeth Goldschmidt  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1974,38(1):105-108
Book reviewed in this article: Fetal Pharmacology. Edited by Lars O. Boréus . Evaluation of Drugs: Whose Responsibility? Edited by M. Florkin. Thalidomide and the Power of the Drug Companies. By H. Sjöström and R. Nilsson. The Thalidomide Children and the Law. A Report by The Sunday Times. Multivariate Morphometics. By R. E. Blackith and R. A. Reyment. The Mathematical Theory of the Dynamics of Biological Populations. Edited by M. S. Bartlett and R. W. Hiorns. Statistics and Society: Data Collection and Interpretation. By Walter T. Federer .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1995,59(1):135-136
Book reviewed in this article:
Germline Development - Ciba Foundation Symposium 182. Edited by J. M arsh and J. G oode .
A Guide to Reproduction: Social Issues and Human Concerns. By I. P ollard. Cambridge  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,44(2):223-228
Book reviewed in this article:
Advances in the Study of Birth Defects. Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by T. V. N. P ersaud
Genetic Mosaics and Chimeras in Mammals. Basic Life Sciences. Volume 12. Edited by L. B. R ussell .
Selection in One- and Two-locus Systems. By T. N. N agylaki .
Advances in Human Genetics. Volume 9. Edited by H. H arris and K. H irschhorn .
Genetic Aspects of Affective Illness. Edited by J. M endlewicz and B. S hopsin
Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches. Edited by F. V ogel and A. G. M otulsky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1978,41(4):515-518
Book reviewed in this article:
Modern Trends in Bacterial Transformation and Transfection. Edited by A. P ortolés , R. L ópez , M. E spinosa .
Cancer Detection and Prevention. Sponsored by the International Study Group for the Detection and Prevention of Cancer. Editor-in-Chief: H erburt E. N ieburgs .
First Course in Population Genetics. By C. C. L i . Pacific Grove
Pocket Book of Statistical Tables. Compiled by R obert E. O deh , D onald B. O wen , Z. W. B irnbaum , L loyd F isher .
Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics, Classical and Molecular. Fourth completely revised edition By R. R ieger , A. M ichaelis and M. M. G reen .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1982,46(2):189-190
Book reviewed in this article:
Population Systems. A General Introduction . By A. A. B erryman .
Recombinant DNA. Benchmark Papers in Microbiology, vol. 15. Edited by K. J. D enniston and L. W. E nquist .
Genetic Engineering. Principles and Methods. Vol. 3. Edited by J. K. S etlow and A. H ollaender .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1963,27(3):299-305
Book Reviews in this article
The Use of Vital and Health Statistics for Genetic and Radiation Studies.
Genetic Selection in Man, ed. W illiam J. S ohull .
The Specificity of Serological Reactions. K arl L andsteiner .
The Molecular Basis of Evolution. By C hristian B. A nfinsen .
Elementary Genetics. By W. R. S ingleton .
The Chester Beatty Research Institute Serial Abridged Life Tables, England and Wales, 1841–1960. Part I. Tables, Preface and Notes . Compiled by R. A. M. C ase , C hristine C oghill , J oyce L. H arley and J oan T. P earson .
Evolution, Genetics, and Man. By T heodosius D obzhansky .
Genetics. By I rwin H. H erskowitz .
Medical Genetics. By W idukind L enz .
The Nature and Origin of X Chromosome Aberrations in Turner's Syndrome. A Cytogenetical and Clinical Study of 57 Patients. By J an L indsten .
The Haemoglobins in Genetics and Evolution. By V. M. I ngram .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1965,29(2):213-216
Book reviewed in this article:
Qeneties in the Atomic Age . Second edition. By G harlotte A uerbach
Notes for Introductory Courses in Genetics . Fourth edition. By C harlotte A uerbach
Somatic Cell Genetics . The Fourth Macy Conference on Genetics. Edited by R. S. K rooth
Genetics and Disease . By A. G. K nudson , J r
Transplantation of Tissues and Organs
The Theory of Inbreeding . By R onald A. F isher , S c .D., F.R.S.
Sample Size Determination . By A rthur E. M ace  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1979,42(4):533-536
Book reviewed in this article:
Bisocial Man. Studies related to the interaction of biological and cultural factors in human populations. Edited by D. B rothewell .
Extranuclear Genetics. By G eoffrey B eale , F.R.S. and J onathakn K nowles
Chromosomes Today. Volume 6. Edited by A. de la C hapelle and M. S orsa .
Molecular Structure of Human Chromosomes: Chromosomes in Biology and Medicine. Edited by J. J. Y unis .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1981,45(2):216-221
Book reviewed in this article:
The Phylogeny of Human Chromosomes. By H. N. S euánez
Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics. An Historical Perspective. By T. C. H su
Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. Edited by A. M ilunsky
Monoclonal Antibodies. Hybridomas: A New Dimension in Biological Analyses. Edited by R. H. K ennett , T. J. M c K earn and K. B. B echtol
The Muscular Dystrophies. British Medical Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 2, May 1980. Edited by J. N. W alton and F. L. M astaglia
Human Genetics: Possibilities and Realities. Ciba Foundation Symposium, New Series, no. 66. Edited by R. P orter and M.O'C onnor
Dermatoglyphics-50 Years Later. Edited by W. W ertelecki and C. C. P lato
Kinetic Logic: a Boolean Approach to the Analysis of Complex Regulatory Systems. (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, vol. 29.) Edited by R. T homas  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1996,60(3):267-270
Book reviewed in this article:
Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. By Daniel C. DENNETT
Hereditary Hearing Loss and its Syndromes. By R. J. G orlin , H. V. T oriello and M. M. C ohen
Genes, Blood, and Courage: A Boy called Immortal Sword. By D. G. N athan
Human Blood Groups. By G eoff D aniels , with a Foreword by R uth S anger  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1963,27(1):101-102
Biochemistry of Hereditary Myopathias. By J.-C. D reyfus and G. S chapira .
Expanding Goals of Genetics in Psychiatry. Edited by F ranz J. K allmann .
The Scientific Basis of Medicine: Annual Reviews, 1962. British Postgraduate Medical Foundation (editors).  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1966,30(2):197-199
Book reviewed in this article:
A Search for Genetic Effects of High Natural Radioactivity in South India . By H. G rüneberg , G. S. B ains , R. J. B erry , L inda R iles , C. A. B. S mith and R. A. W eiss .
Les Chromosomes Humains (Caryotype Normal et Variations Pathologiques ). By R aymond T urpin and J erome L ejeune .
Animal Ecology in Tropical Africa . By D. F. O wen .
Introduction to Genetics . By E. J. K ormondy .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1960,24(3):289-294
Book reviewed in this article:
The Chemistry of Heredity. By S. Z amenhof
Natural Selection in Human Populations. Edited by D. F. R oberts and G. A. H arrison
Human Biochemical Genetics. By H. H arris
Vaganten, Komódianten, Fieranten und Briganten. Untersuchungen zum Vagantenproblem an vagierenden Bevölkerungsgruppen vorwiegend der Pfalz. By Medizinalrat Dr H ermann A rnold
Heredity and Evolution in Human Populations. By L. C. D unn
Rapid Statistical Calculations. By M. H. Q uenouille
The CIBA Foundation Colloquia on Ageing. Vol. 5. The Lifespan of Animals. Ed. by Dr G. E. W. W olstenholme and M aeve O'C onnor
A Clinical and Genetico-Statistical Study of Schizophrenia and Low-grade Mental Deficiency in a Large Swedish Rural Population. By B. H allgren and T orsten S jögren
Retinitis Pigmentosa Combined with Congenital Deafness; with Vestibulocerebellar Ataxia and Mental Abnormality in a Proportion of Cases. By B. H allgren  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1962,25(4):417-422
Book reviewed in this article:
Hemoglobin and its Abnormalities. By V ernon M. I ngram .
The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease. Edited by S tanbury , J. B., W yngaarden , J. B. & F redrickson , D. S. B lakiston .
L'Hérédité en Ophtalmologie. By J. F rançois .
Human Genetics. By C. C. L i .
Morbus Haemolyticus neonatorum im Abo-system. By Dr med. K. F ischer .
The Scientific Basis of Medicine: Annual Reviews , 1961. British Postgraduate Medical Federation. University of London.
Cell Heredityj . By R uth S ager and F rancis J. R yan .  相似文献   

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