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随着军队精简整编工作进入“实质性阶段”,军队护理人员编制不断减少,在编人员远远不能满足国家卫生部制定的1:0.4的床护比要求。为了适应市场经济发展和完成军队医院医疗卫勤保障任务,2006年,我院从170名聘用制护士中选拔出一批非现役文职护士,为使她们缩短在学习、生活:工作中与军人护士存在的差距,树立良好的军人气质,尽快适应和提高快速反应及战时战场救治能力,将她们全部纳入应急机动救护所,并对其进行军事化管理,逐步提高适应军队医院管理的综合素质,同时也为我院培养出一支服务优质、技术过硬、高素质护理队伍。  相似文献   

2005年6月国务院和中央军委颁布了《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》,2006年开始正式实施文职人员制度。经过3年的实践,非现役文职护士已逐渐成为军队疗养院护理队伍的重要力量,如何加强非现役文职护士管理,建设一支高素质的文职护士队伍,使其适应新时期军队疗养院发展的需要,是护理管理者面临的一个重大课题。现将我院非现役文职护士管理对策介绍如下。  相似文献   

随着军队用人体制的改革,军队医院的护理队伍发展呈现多元化格局。非现役文职护士成为继军人护士、聘用护士之后的新生力量,并成为新编制中的主体。加强文职人员队伍建设,探索科学培训方案,使其适应新时期军队医院发展的需要,从而在平战时发挥中坚力量的作用,是当前军队医院护理管理的工作重点之一。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国深化医疗卫生领域改革的逐步推进、社会化人才流动机制的日趋完善,三级医院优质护理人员的流失数量逐年增多,这既不利于医院自身发展,也不利于其公益性的实现[1]。护理服务是医疗服务的重要组成部分,护士队伍的建设与服务质量、患者安全密切相关[2]。在我国,护理人员流失现象非常严重,成为影响医疗质量安全的隐患[3]。目前。  相似文献   

浅谈部队非现役文职人员的心理状况及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
部队非现役文职人员,是部队医疗机构适应军队改革应运而生的一个新事物,主要是部队面向社会招聘大专以上的应届及往届毕业生,按照特定的编制聘用到军队工作,履行现役军人护士同类岗位相应职责的地方护理人员。非现役文职人员上岗后的思想及工作情况,将直接关系到护理工作质量和部队医疗机构体制改革。掌握非现役文职人员的心态,有针对地开展工作,充分调动他们的积极性,更好地发挥他们的作用是非常必要的。  相似文献   

目的:探究暴力威胁对护士离职倾向的影响过程中职业压力的中介作用和人职匹配的调节作用.方法:2018-07采用暴力威胁问卷、职业压力问卷、离职倾向问卷和人职匹配自评量表对117名护士进行调查.结果:①暴力威胁、职业压力与离职倾向三者之间彼此呈显著正相关(P<0.01);职业压力、离职倾向与人职匹配呈显著负相关(P<0.0...  相似文献   

军队精简整编以来,军队医院编制人员及队伍结构发生了极大变化,但军队医院的宗旨和使命没有改变。为了确保部队的医疗保障和平战救护任务的完成,有的军队医院已经将非现役文职护士纳入抽组野战医疗队。为了更好地发挥这支队伍在平时灾难抢救及战时野战救治中的作用,我院连续多年组织非现役文职和聘用护士到山岳丛林地区,与部队联合举行模拟野战救护演练,并于2012、2013年连续两年在非现役文职人员中抽组参加医院野战医疗队野外驻训,现将做法与体会介绍如下。  相似文献   

非现役文职护士是军队医疗机构适应军队改革应运而生的一个新事物,是履行现役军人护士同类岗位职责的护理人员.由于高干病房工作的特殊性,对护士的工作有着极高的要求,使得高干病房的非现役文职护士承受着巨大的心理压力.只有了解其心理压力源,并采用针对性心理干预措施,增强其心理防护能力,才能使其真正成为军队卫勤保障的后备军.  相似文献   

随着军队医院编制改革逐步深入,护理队伍成分已发生了较大的变化,部队医院聘用非军人护士缓解护理人员的不足已具有普遍性,在聘用护士愈来愈成为医院护理队伍主体的今天,也给护理管理带来了需要探讨的新课题。作者结合工作实践,就如何加强对聘用护士的有效管理谈几点体会。  相似文献   

Admission data from 6366 patients on the psychiatry service at Naval Medical Center San Diego were used to form a linear regression model to examine variables that might influence length of stay. Information was available on active duty status, primary diagnosis, age, gender, and marital status. Active duty service, older age, single marital status, and a primary diagnosis of a psychotic or mood disorder were all significantly associated with longer hospital stays. Primary diagnosis of an adjustment or personality disorder was associated with a shorter stay. Taking into account these variables, lengths of stay for active duty personnel averaged 4.00 +/- 0.39 days longer than for equivalent civilian admissions. Although military personnel are generally thought of as a healthy population, psychiatric hospital stays were found to be longer in service members than in their civilian counterparts. Financial repercussions and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cold exposure is not uncommon to military situations, but its effects on dismounted soldier performance are not entirely known. The present study was conducted to determine the level of cold strain that would degrade the detection, identification, and engagement of targets. HYPOTHESIS: Degradation in marksmanship, but not vigilance, is expected in individuals that reach significant levels of cold strain, short of uncontrollable shivering. METHODS: There were 12 active duty male soldiers (mean +/- SD of 28.1 +/- 5.5 yr, 178 +/- 60 cm, and 87.8 +/- 18.1 kg) who participated in 2 counterbalanced trials involving cold (COLD) and thermal-neutrality that served as control (CNTL). Subjects were exposed to a local cold air temperature of 0 degrees C while wearing a tube suit through which 5 degrees C water circulated during COLD. Measures of marksmanship were taken during three 15-min sessions involving simulated hostile target engagements using a rifle and measures of vigilance were taken during two 1-h sessions involving simulated sentry duty. RESULTS: All physiological measures and subjective indices indicated that significant cold strain was attained during COLD (mean finger and core temperatures reached 10.8 and 36.3 degrees C by the end of the 165-min exposure) compared with CNTL. The number of target engagements decreased while relative hit accuracy increased during the cold condition, and vigilance was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Significant cold strain, short of uncontrollable shivering, adversely affected the subjects' response to targets, but not their marksmanship and vigilance, at least for a period of time not exceeding 3 h in a controlled environment.  相似文献   

张琼  于晓萍  何霞  徐蕾 《武警医学》2016,27(4):359-362
 目的 了解边疆地区士官护士对专业认知和职业规划的真实感受,探讨为这一群体提供针对性管理的内容和方法,并为科学规划和帮助士官护士建立正确专业认知提供依据。方法 采用现象学研究方法,对22名边疆地区士官护士进行面对面访谈,并进行现场录音和笔录,对获得的资料进行分析、整理、比较、归纳,提炼出主题。结果 对22名士官护士进行专业定位、专业情感、职业规范的调查,发现对专业定位积极的为6名(27.76%),对职业规划积极的最少,只有3名(13.64%)。边疆地区士官护士对护理专业认知存在模糊和偏差,缺乏积极的专业情感,对预期的职业规划暂无明确展望。结论 边疆地区士官护士的院校教育课程中应加大对专业认知的引导,护理管理者更要从各个方面采取多种形式激发士官护士的专业热情,帮助这一群体建立积极专业情感,从而规划合理职业前景。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe duty factor (reflecting the ratio of stance to flight time) is an important variable related to running performance, economy, and injury risk. According to the dual-axis model, the duty factor and the cadence are sufficient to describe an individual’s running style at a certain speed. To test this model, one should be able to modulate both variables independently. While acoustic pacing is an established method for cadence modulation, no such method is available for duty-factor modulation.Research questionsCan people modulate their duty factor based on verbal instructions to change either their stance or flight time without changing their cadence? And, if so, which instruction is most effective?MethodsTwelve participants ran on an instrumented treadmill and completed four training blocks starting with a baseline trial and ending with a performance trial in which they followed verbal instructions to both increase and decrease their stance and flight time. Acoustic pacing at their preferred cadence was present during the first part of each trial. We calculated the duty factor and cadence for paced and non-paced parts of each trial, assessed the effectiveness of the instructions aimed at changing the duty factor, and examined the effects of instructions and acoustic pacing on cadence using Bayesian statistics.ResultsThe duty factor changed in intended directions with verbal instructions to increase and decrease the stance and flight time (18.04 ≤ BF10 ≤ 4954.42), without differences between the instructions or during and after acoustic pacing. The instructions and acoustic pacing did not result in a consistent change in cadence (0.40 ≤ BF10 ≤ 2.59).SignificanceRunners can change their duty factor through verbal instructions pertaining to stance or flight time, without clear concomitant effects on cadence. Running styles can thus be altered with verbal instructions to change stance or flight time for duty-factor modulation, optionally combined with acoustic pacing to prescribe cadence.  相似文献   

目的 :评价X线立体定位对乳腺微小病变的诊断价值。方法 :用美国洛爱德公司生产的高频钼靶摄像机及配套的定位仪对 2 80 0例病人行双乳轴位、斜位摄片 ,根据影像表现对可疑病灶进行定位穿刺活检。结果 :对31例微小病变进行定位穿刺 ,查出乳腺癌 2 5例 ,与手术活检病理符合率为 96 %。结论 :本方法技术先进 ,定位准确 ,操作简单 ,手术范围和组织损伤小 ,克服了反复寻找病区给患者带来的痛苦。提高了术中定位切除的准确性、可靠性 ,为更早发现乳腺癌提供了必要的技术保证。  相似文献   

军队中心医院放射科聘用地方人员的初步思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
经过多次的精减整编,军队中心医院床位及编制人员明显减少。没有规模就没有效益,因此,为提高效益,扩大展开床位,增加和提升影像检查设备是必然的选择。而仅有目前的编制人员无法推动放射科的正常运转,聘用地方合同制人员是行之有效的办法。以下结合本科情况,就军队中心医院放射科聘用人员的管理进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

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