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Comparison of accuracy of multiunit one-piece castings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of one-piece castings of FPDs consisting of three, four, and five units with a ceramometal alloy cast in a large circular ring. A three-piece aluminum mold with stainless steel dies simulating the various lengths of the FPDs was used. A total of 18 castings, six castings for each FPD, were fabricated. Marginal discrepancies of the castings on the dies and the length of the castings were compared before and after sectioning the castings at the connectors. The following conclusions were drawn from the study. Seating of the castings improved approximately 50% after sectioning, which indicates that the castings were distorted. The distortion was a three-dimensional phenomenon, with the greatest discrepancy on the mesiogingival surface of the anterior retainer and on the distolingual surface of the posterior retainer. The distortion was least for the three-unit FPDs and greatest for the five-unit FPDs. The lingual-facial diameter of the castings at the gingival axial line angle was significantly larger than the dies in most cases. The mesiodistal diameter of the castings at the gingival axial line angle was smaller than that of the dies but was only significant with the three-unit FPDs. Although the castings were slightly oversized or undersized, the primary reason the castings did not seat was warpage.  相似文献   

Experimentally induced surgical trauma of the masseter muscle in rats led to changes in the distribution of some crucial intracellular elements as determined by microprobe analysis. Sulfur, phosphorus, and potassium values were lowered while sodium and chlorine levels were elevated. These changes were accompanied by increased formation of ice crystal artifacts in myofibers. The findings suggest that trauma causes alterations in cytoplasmic macromolecules and in the state of water in the cells. The method of analysis provides a means for the further evaluation of antiinflammatory drugs.  相似文献   

A diagram with various degrees of occlusal convergence, which takes into consideration the length and diameter of complete crown preparations, was designed as a guide to assist the dentist to obtain adequate resistance form. To test the validity of the diagram, five groups of complete cast crown stainless steel dies were prepared (3.5 mm long, occlusal convergence 10, 13, 16, 19, and 22 degrees). Gold copings were cast for each of the 50 preparations. Displacement force was applied to the casting perpendicularly to a simulated 30-degree cuspal incline until the casting was displaced. Castings were deformed at margins except for the 22-degree group. Castings from this group were displaced without deformation, and it was concluded that there was a lack of adequate resistance form as predicted by the diagram. The hypothesis that the diagram could be used to predict adequate or inadequate resistance form was confirmed by this study.  相似文献   

A case of arthrogryposis multiplex complex involving the temporomandibular joints is reported. The anatomy and physiopathology of the arthrogrypotic articulation are reviewed. The role of biomechanical factors in the development and maintenance of joint surfaces is discussed. Treatment modalities are proposed.  相似文献   

1. The pulse rate of patients after application of racemic epinephrine-impregnated retraction cords depends more on the level of anxiety and stress than on the level of the epinephrine. 2. Blood pressure is elevated by placement of racemic epinephrine-impregnated retraction cords upon an exposed vascular bed or lacerated tissue. 3. Four percent racemic epinephrine-impregnated retraction cords cause less elevation of blood pressure than 8% racemic epinephrine cords. 4. Although the elevations in blood pressure from 8% cord occur within a narrow range, this range may be hazardous to cardiac patients. Therefore, 4% racemic epinephrine cord should be used. 5. A desirable amount of tissue retraction is produced by 4% racemic epinephrine cord. 6. Dry cords do not provide adequate retraction of tissue and are contraindicated for tissue-retraction purposes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of anterior tooth display.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey has been presented that correlates measurements of upper lip type, sex, race, and age of dentulous patients with the amount of exposure of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth with the lips gently parted and in the resting position. Perhaps the most interesting finding was the gradual reduction in the amount of maxillary central incisor exposure with an increase in age, accompanied by a gradual increase in the mandibular tooth exposure. The importance of the amount of mandibular teeth seen in complete dentures has not been sufficiently emphasized in previous literature.  相似文献   

Forty-one patients who elected to receive a bilateral sagittal osteotomy to advance the mandible were examined clinically and radiographically to assess condylar position preoperatively and at three specific times post-operatively. Parameters designed to measure changes in condylar and distal fragment position were located on tracings and digitized for statistical analysis. Changes in distal fragment position included advancement and clockwise rotation during the surgical interval and significant posterior relapse with continued clockwide rotation during the period of maxillomandibular fixation. A small amount of counterclockwise rotation associated with interocclusal splint removal was seen following fixation release. No significant condylar movement was seen during the surgical interval. During the period of maxillomandibular fixation, both condyles exhibited a significant superior movement, and the left condyle also moved posteriorly. No changes in condylar position were noted following release of fixation. The clinical significance of these condylar movements is not clear. Despite minimal changes, 18 patients, six of whom had had no preoperative symptoms and one of whom had exhibited reciprocal clicking, complained of temporomandibular joint pain or noise postoperatively. This suggests that maintenance of condylar position during surgery may not prevent temporomandibular joint dysfunction. In addition, the observed 37% relapse in surgical advancement in the absence of significant condylar distraction implies the interaction of other factors in the relapse process.  相似文献   


Statement of problem

The effects of toothbrushing (B) and thermocycling (TC) on the surface texture of different materials with various fabrication processes have been investigated. However, studies of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) ceramic restorations are limited.


The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of B and TC on the color stability and surface roughness of extrinsically characterized and glazed CAD-CAM ceramic restorations.

Material and methods

Lithium disilicate CAD ceramic (n=90) and zirconia ceramic (n=90) were studied. All specimens were crystallized/sintered, characterized, and glazed following the manufacturer’s recommendation. The specimens were divided into 9 different groups: B, TC, and a combination of B plus TC (B+TC). Brushing was performed at 50?000, 100?000, and 150?000 cycles, simulating an oral environment of 5, 10, and 15 years. Thermocycling was performed at 6000, 12?000, and 18?000 cycles, simulating an oral environment of 5, 10, and 15 years. Brushing plus TC was performed with the combination of the 50?000 cycles of B, then 6000 cycles of TC, and 10?000 cycles of B, then 12?000 cycles of TC, and 15?000 cycles of B, then 18?000 cycles of TC. The color and surface roughness of each specimen were measured before and after all interventions with simulated cycles. Color differences (ΔE) and surface roughness (ΔRa) data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA, followed by the least significant difference test (α=.05). The correlation between ΔE and ΔRa was statistically analyzed using the Pearson correlation analysis.


Within the lithium disilicate CAD groups, intervention did not result in any significant differences in color change (P>.05). Within the zirconia groups, a 15-year clinical simulation revealed significantly higher ΔE values than a simulated 5-year exposure (P=.017). Increased simulated cycles showed significantly higher Ra values for all groups. Within the zirconia groups, B revealed significantly smoother surfaces than TC (P<.001) and B+TC interventions (P<.001). For the zirconia, simulating B+TC for15 years revealed significantly higher Ra values than the groups of B+TC for 5 years (P<.001) and B+TC for 10 years (P=.003). No correlation (lithium disilicate CAD, r=.079; P=.462; zirconia, r=.001; P=.989) was found between the color change and surface roughness.


For both lithium disilicate CAD and zirconia, color changes were below the selected clinical perceptible threshold (ΔE=2.6) after all intervention and simulated cycles. All mean surface roughness measurements were below 0.2 μm. Generally, the surface of both lithium disilicate CAD and zirconia became rougher. No correlation was found between color difference and surface roughness for either material.  相似文献   

An investigation was designed to test whether the precision of finely coordinated orofacial movements is influenced by the transition from natural to artificial dentition. The oral motor skill of 16 patients was tested before extraction and within 2 weeks of wearing immediate dentures. Speech recordings were employed to detect changes in voice quality and speech sound production. Results showed that the loss of natural teeth and the wearing of immediate dentures did not alter sensorimotor pathways significant to the precision of oral motor skills. It was also determined that physical characteristics of dentures are significant factors in the production of acceptable speech.  相似文献   

Effect of splinting on abutment tooth movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of splinting on abutment tooth movement was investigated in an in vitro study. An acrylic resin mandibular model with missing molars and a removable partial denture framework were constructed. The roots of the premolars and edentulous ridges were coated with silicone rubber. A modified Ney surveyor was used for load application, and abutment tooth movement measurements were made with a macroperiodontometer. Four conditions were tested by applying unilateral loadings: 1. Single abutments of both sides 2. Load side double abutment 3. Nonload side double abutment 4. Double abutments of both sides The results showed that a significant decrease in the magnitude of movement resulted when the abutment teeth were splinted.  相似文献   

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