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校园文化作为学校教育文化的有机组成部分,对学生健康成长具有导向、育人、控制和凝聚功能,对学校师生思想观念、道德品质等各方面有着深远的影响。我校在构建校园文化体系中,注重发挥这4种功能,使我校校园文化极富个性魅力和特色。  相似文献   

一、国家助学贷款政策概述和实施情况针对近几年全国各高校经济困难学生总数日趋增多的实际情况 ,我国政府于 1999年出台了国家助学贷款政策 ,这一政策现正成为资助经济困难学生完成大学学业最强有力的措施和最主要的渠道。国家助学贷款政策是我国通过金融手段支持教育事业发展的一项新的尝试性举措 ,是我国高等教育改革和发展中出现的一件新生事物 ,是实施科教兴国战略、加速人才培养、加快高等教育事业发展的一项重要政策和重大举措。国家助学贷款政策的出台适应了我国市场经济发展的需要 ,适应了扩大高等教育规模、提高办学效益的需要。1…  相似文献   

行动导向教学法在《无机及分析化学》中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国是世界上最为重视职业教育的国家,也是职业教育比较发达的国家。自20世纪80年代起,"行动导向"开始成为德国职业教育和培训领域教学改革的主流。近年来,我国的高职教育正面临前所未有的发展机遇。"行动导向"这个概念在我国高等职业教育界被广泛提及,有关行动导向的研究在国内也掀起一阵热潮,  相似文献   

叶利军  张丽芬 《医学与社会》2011,24(7):100-101,104
目的:了解医学生对新医改就业导向政策的认同度情况。方法:采取随机抽样的方式对医学生进行问卷调查,采用SPSS17.0进行统计分析。结果:在2010年10月至11月对中医药类学生的调查中发现,中医药类专业学生对新医改政策了解不够,对新医改就业政策的认知度不高,学生到基层、中西部就业的意愿不强。结论:学校和社会应加大宣传、教育,积极引导医学生根据新医改的就业导向,到基层、中西部就业。  相似文献   

试析国家助学贷款存在的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前大多数高校中,经济困难的学生约占在校学生总数的30%左右。1999年,国家助学贷款政策出台,不仅解决了困难学生的后顾之忧,同时也推进了高校管理方面的改革。目前国家助学贷款的开展情况仍不尽如人意,使助学贷款问题再次成为公众关注的焦点。1当前助学贷款存在的主要问题1·1制度安排的缺陷在助学贷款运行的第一阶段,这一制度安排的缺陷比较明显。助学贷款对学生、学校和国家有益,商业银行却承担了国家助学贷款数额小、涉及面广、工作量大带来的高交易成本、管理成本以及贷后很高的追偿成本和违约损失,承担了助学贷款资金的机会成本,成为…  相似文献   

成果导向教育也称能力导向教育,是以学生必须具备的各种能力来决定教育的目标、内容、形式和评价,已经成为现代高等教育尤其是医学教育的基本教学理念。通过对成果导向教育理念的诞生及内容,基于成果导向理念的国际上常见的几种医学教育标准,以及成果导向教育理念在医学教育中的实施情况进行详细阐述,期望进一步推动“以学生为本”的高等教育包括医学教育的改革,使其更符合社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,要以构建社会主义和谐社会为导向,以服务和谐社会建设为重要目标之一,坚持以人为本的理念,重视校园文化的重要育人功能,把动员全社会力量尽可能多地帮助大学生尤其是困难群体解决实际问题作为重点内容抓好,把思想教育与心理健康教育相结合.  相似文献   

本文以海南经贸职业技术学院图书馆育人实践和思考为例,分析并阐述高职高专院校图书馆的育人功能,提出高职高专院校图书馆应立足职业教育,以学生职业需求和就业为导向,全方位积极配合专业教育和职业教育,真正成为学院育人工程的重要阵地。  相似文献   

论校园文化的功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
校园文化是由物质文化、精神文化、制度和行为组成的有机整体,它的载体是学校的师生员工。校园文化的主要功能是教育激励功能、导向规范功能、约束支配功能、辐射示范功能。  相似文献   

医学专科教育中应用行动导向教学的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文剖析了行动导向教学的基本概念、主要内涵和运作特征,联系医学专科教育实际,提出规范应用行动导向教学,充分发挥其能力培养优势,有针对性地培养医学生从事医疗卫生工作应当必备的基本能力,为在医学专科教育中推广应用行动导向教学进行了探索。  相似文献   

随着高校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的逐步完善,学生资助工作在经济扶助方面取得了明显效果.高校学生资助中心的定位与目标、工作对象、工作内容都决定了资助育人功能的迫切性与重要性.深刻理解和运用全人教育理念,调整资助中心理念定位、功能设计、组织架构、制度建设,对于指导高等学校学生资助育人工作具有很高的实践价值.  相似文献   

Programmed instruction is attracting attention at all educational levels. While this approach is new, the educational principles it incorporates are well established: instructional goals are defined in advance, the content is meticulously organized, active student participation is demanded, immediate feedback is provided to students, and each instructional unit is subjected to testing and revision. With its established effectiveness as a vehicle for introducing new topics, and for providing remedial and supplementary instruction, it can free the medical teacher to devote his time to matters which are more deserving of his attention, such as identifying and responding to individual student needs, exploring complex concepts, and working directly with students to provide a model and critical supervision. A more important potential contribution of programming may be that it has reminded us of sound educational precepts which deserve our attention in all forms of instruction.  相似文献   

采取导师负责制与指导小组联合的培养方式,同时将研究生培养与学科建设结合,并依靠多学科、交叉学科专业间有效协作,促进学科全面发展的老年医学研究生培养模式。  相似文献   

Unless there is a shift in student aid policy for medical students to a greater proportion of scholarships or grants, increased student borrowing is inevitable. This paper is concerned with the structure of student loan programs and with altering the repayment features of the programs for the convenience of the student borrower. In this context the Guaranteed Student Loan Program is analyzed and its current limitations discussed. A variant of the GSL program having an income contingent repayment feature is proposed. Computer simulations of loan repayments with the proposed income contingent variant and the current program using current and projected data on physicians' incomes are developed. Based on the results of these simulations, some conclusions regarding the manageability of repayments with the proposed loan program are presented.  相似文献   

翁惠敏 《当代医学》2011,17(6):24-25
多年来实行的专业技术职务聘任制,为专业技术队伍注入了不少的活力和生机。卫生专业技术职务聘任量化考核方案的设计,对于探索卫生专业技术职务聘任考核评价体系,使其作为重要的政策导向,促进卫生技术人才的健康发展,从而达到提高医疗质量和医疗服务的目的具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Using a variety of techniques, such as logs kept daily by the faculty, direct observation, and on-site interviews, the authors determined the instructional costs of a required third-year primary care clerkship based in an ambulatory care setting. Included in the analysis were labor costs of both faculty members and nonfaculty personnel, space and materials, and general university overhead. Total instructional costs were $54.20/student/day. If other third-year clinical clerkships generate equivalent costs, the direct instructional costs of clerkships for third-year medical students would be in excess of $11,500/student/year. The study results imply that ambulatory-based teaching of medical students generates considerable costs and thus requires support from student tuition, federal or state government, or other sources.  相似文献   

In 1979 université de Montréal developed the Basic Training Program in Medical Pedagogy; the program has since been offered at two other Canadian medical schools. The learning activities are spread over an academic year so that the teachers are able to continue their clinical or research duties. The program, which follows a model of systematic instruction, comprises 17 self-instructional modules on basic educational topics adapted to medical teaching. The topics are related to four components of an integrated system: student needs and learning objectives, instructional methods, student evaluation and program evaluation. The instructional format is aimed at three levels--understanding, analysis and application--to which assignments and assessments are related. In addition to the modules, the program offers 15 half-day sessions for small groups (five participants and one instructor) to discuss aspects of the program, especially home assignments and the application of personal educational projects. A minimum of 100 hours of personal time is requested. The program's main goal is that students be placed at the centre of the educational process. Of 215 participants since 1979, 171 (80%) have completed the program and reported high satisfaction. Issues related to any faculty development program are discussed.  相似文献   

医学机能实验学是随着高校机能实验室的建立而迅速发展起来的一门新兴学科,已成为基础医学实验教学的重要组成部分。本文中笔者从实验室管理、实验内容优化、实验人才培养三个方面出发,对机能实验室的建设进行了思考。通过对机能实验室的建设和改革,构建一种新的实验教学体系,以提高实验教学的效果,培养高素质的医学人才。  相似文献   

以免疫应答作为主线,进行整体免疫学教学设计,其内容包括:用现代化的教学设计理念建立学生为本位的教学观,促学为本实现教学目标的优化,选择并确定恰当的教学起点,创设促进学生学习的方法、条件、经验、情景、资源,注重学生的心理反应,建立促进学生全面发展的评价机制,适时打开师生交流通道,进一步完善免疫学整体教学设计。如此,可以有效地激发学生对免疫学的学习兴趣,提高和发展学生的发散思维、综合分析能力,增强学生的创新、记忆能力,并将为免疫学教学提供一种全新的教学思路和方式,有助于进一步提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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