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Interprofessional communication is a team-taught upper-level undergraduate course for Nursing and Health Sciences students. In addition to teaching fundamental communication skills, this course weaves interprofessional competencies into weekly learning activities and assignments. The utilization of the principles and practices of team-based learning in the classroom enhances the attainment and practice of communication and interprofessional collaboration skills. Lessons learned from conducting informal course evaluations and delivering the course multiple times are presented.  相似文献   

For implementation of patient-centered treatment in interprofessional health care units, such as rehabilitation teams, external participation (interaction between patient and health care professionals) and internal participation (communication, coordination and cooperation in the interprofessional team) need to be considered. The aim of this study is to identify the preferences of patients and health care professionals concerning internal and external participation in rehabilitation clinics, in order to develop an interprofessional shared decision-making (SDM) training program for health care professionals to enhance both types of participation. Therefore, a cross-sectional mixed-methods study was implemented in four rehabilitation clinics. The study consists of two parts: focus groups with patients and a survey of experts (senior health care professionals from medicine, psychotherapy, physical therapy and nursing). More time, more respect from the health care professionals and the desire for more participation in decision-making processes were mentioned most frequently by patients (n = 36) in the focus groups. The health care professionals (n = 32) saw most deficits in internal participation, e.g. management of feedback, talking with difficult team members and moderate conflict discussion. The results of both assessments have been used to develop an interprofessional SDM training program for implementing internal and external participation in interprofessional teams in medical rehabilitation.  相似文献   


While there is growing evidence of theoretical perspectives adopted in interprofessional education, learning theories tend to foreground the individual, focusing on psycho-social aspects of individual differences and professional identity to the detriment of considering social-structural factors at work in social practices. Conversely socially situated practice is criticised for being context-specific, making it difficult to draw generalisable conclusions for improving interprofessional education. This article builds on a theoretical framework derived from earlier research, drawing on the dynamics of Dewey’s experiential learning theory and Archer’s critical realist social theory, to make a case for a meta-theoretical framework enabling social-constructivist and situated learning theories to be interlinked and integrated through praxis and reflexivity. Our current analysis is grounded in an interprofessional curriculum initiative mediated by a virtual community peopled by health and social care users. Student perceptions, captured through quantitative and qualitative data, suggest three major disruptive themes, creating opportunities for congruence and disjuncture and generating a model of zones of interlinked praxis associated with professional differences and identity, pedagogic strategies and technology-mediated approaches. This model contributes to a framework for understanding the complexity of interprofessional learning and offers bridges between individual and structural factors for engaging with the enablements and constraints at work in communities of practice and networks for interprofessional education.  相似文献   

The 12th Street Health and Wellness Center is an interprofessional, student-led, community-based clinic. Students from all University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences colleges work together to provide healthcare services for residents of an underserved community. Interprofessional student teams assess patients and present to an interprofessional preceptor team. At the conclusion of clinic, teams reflect on their experience. The objective of this study is to generate key themes from the end of clinic reflections to describe learning outcomes in an interprofessional practice environment. Student teams were asked to reflect on what they learned about patient care and interprofessional practice while volunteering at the clinic. Three hundred eighty reflection statements were assessed using the constant comparative approach with open coding by three researchers who identified and categorised themes by selecting key phrases from reflections. Eight themes emerged from this process which illuminated students’ self-perceived development during practice-based learning and interprofessional collaboration. Key phrases were also coded to the four core Interprofessional Education Collaborative competency domains. These results suggest learners’ perception that the Center is a practice-based environment that provides an opportunity to learn, integrate, and apply interprofessional curricular content.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived impact of an interprofessional education (IPE) program for health sciences students on two culturally diverse, underserved communities. A community resilience/capacity framework, consisting of catalysts (primarily the creation of awareness) and capital components: human (workforce development), social (networking and empowerment) and economic (volunteer labor and money spent by the program), provided the conceptual underpinnings for the study. Focus groups with stakeholders in two communities, one rural and one metropolitan, were audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed by categorizing data according to each capital component. In addition to the concepts contained in the capacity framework a new category, informational capital (data specific to the community) emerged during the analysis. We suggest that by acting as a catalyst a community based interprofessional program can affect components of community resilience/capacity, primarily human, social, and informational capital. Using the community resilience/capacity framework facilitated exploration of the perceived impact of an educational program on one rural and one urban underserved community beyond assessing student outcomes or number of clients served.  相似文献   

Valid assessment of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) is challenging. The number of instruments that measure various aspects of IPECP, or in various sites is growing, however. The Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA) measures observable behaviors of health care professionals-in-training that demonstrate professionalism and collaboration when working with other health care providers in the context of people-centered care. The IPA instrument was created by the Interprofessional Professionalism Collaborative (IPC), a national group representing 12 entry-level health professions and one medical education assessment organization. The instrument was created and evaluated over several years through a comprehensive, multi-phasic process: 1) development of construct and observable behaviors, 2) instrument design, expert review and cognitive interviews, and 3) psychometric testing. The IPA contains 26 items representing six domains of professionalism (altruism and caring, excellence, ethics, respect, communication, accountability), and was tested by 233 preceptors rating health profession learners in the final year of their practical training. These preceptors represented 30 different academic institutions across the U.S., worked in various types of practice sites, and evaluated learners representing 10 different entry-level health professions. Exploratory factor analysis suggested four factors (communication, respect, excellence, altruism and caring) using 21 items with the least amount of missing data, and confirmed, for the most part, a priori expectations. Internal consistency reliability coefficients for the entire instrument and its four subscales were high (all greater than 0.9). Psychometric results demonstrate aspects of the IPA’s reliability and validity and its use across multiple health professions and in various practice sites.  相似文献   


The historical transition of modern medicine from an autonomous profession to a team-based interprofessional practice can be described in terms of space rather than time, with “place” as the unit of analysis. Imagining modern medicine spatially was instigated by Foucault, who described medical dominance as a territorializing of both individual body spaces and public spaces – the former through the diagnostic medical gaze, the latter in a gaze of health surveillance. However, much has happened since Foucault’s (1963) analysis. The diagnostic gaze has been dispersed to develop a collaborative gaze including patients and healthcare professionals; political interests have appropriated the public health gaze; and the medical profession is subject to democratic processes of accountability. Medicine has lost its territorial imperative as new “liquid” and “nomadic” work practices emerge, making space for interprofessional care. Such dislocation of medical dominance and its multiple relocations are poorly theorised. Deleuze and Guattari distinguish between “striated” and “smooth” spaces. Striated space is associated with hierarchies and boundaries, where smooth space includes boundary crossing and democratic collaboration. Smooth or liminal spaces in hospitals, such as corridors, can paradoxically act as catalysts for collaboration or assembly democracy, affording opportunities for improvised interprofessional encounters. Such encounters can act as an antidote to planned protocols or imperatives for interprofessional collaboration.  相似文献   

As the healthcare system of the United States becomes more complex, collaboration among health professionals is becoming an essential aspect in improving the health of individuals and populations. An interprofessional education course entitled “Health Care System and Health Promotion” was developed to allow health profession students to work and learn together about issues related to healthcare delivery, health promotion, and the effect of policy issues on key stakeholders in the system. A qualitative document analysis research design was used to evaluate the effect of this interprofessional course on students’ views of the current healthcare system of the United States. Fifty-nine student articles were analysed using document analysis. Health professions represented in the sample included occupational therapy, physical therapy, athletic training, nursing, and radiation therapy, nuclear medicine technology, and magnetic resonance imaging. Eight themes were identified including: increased personal awareness, the need for a system change, concern for access, affordability of healthcare, vision for future practice role, need for quality care, the value of interprofessional collaboration (IPC), and the importance of disease prevention. The results of the study suggest that healthcare education can benefit from the integration of Interprofessional Education (IPE) courses into their curriculum especially when teaching content common to all healthcare professions such as healthcare systems and health promotion.  相似文献   

Exploring the perceived environment where students are educated, as well as where they practice, is particularly important for educators and practitioners working in situations of interprofessional rural and remote health. In this study, we explored the perceptions of undergraduate medical students regarding interprofessionalism across their four-year undergraduate program which focuses on rural health. A thematic content analysis of the text-data was conducted on a convenience sample of 47 student responses to essay questions across four cohorts of a four-year undergraduate medical program. The medical program has an explicit social accountability mandate for responsiveness to the needs of a rural population and thus students have multiple opportunities to experience interprofessional education and collaboration in rural contexts. Participants reported (a) blurring and flexibility of roles in a primarily positive manner, (b) participating in unstructured interprofessional learning and collaboration, (c) experiencing the importance of social connections to interprofessional collaboration and learning, and (d) realisations that interprofessional collaboration is a means of overcoming barriers in rural areas. We discuss our findings using the socio-material perspective of complexity theory. These findings may be used to inform undergraduate programs in re-defining, re-creating, developing, and fostering interprofessional learning opportunities for medical students in rural communities as well as to support clinical faculty through ongoing professional development.  相似文献   

In 2011 an interprofessional educational programme called “Pediatric systematic assessment and communication for preventing emergencies” designed to increase clinical staff’s competence in treating sick children was introduced in one paediatrics department in Norway. To elicit an in-depth understanding of the perceptions of clinical staff about the programme and enact adjustments according to identified enabling and hindering factors for learning, nurses and paediatricians were invited to participate in focus group interviews. The interviews were analysed by content analysis. Enabling factors for learning included improved interprofessional collaboration and positive feedback on performance. Hindering factors included perceptions that the programme was redundant and the fact that collaborating departments, such as the surgical departments, were not familiar with the programme. Peer learning, more interprofessional learning activities, and the fostering of a learning organization were suggestions for sustained learning. Based on the results of the study we have now included collaborating departments in the programme.  相似文献   


Teamwork and collaboration have been recognized as essential competencies for health care providers in the field of maternity care. Health care policy and regulatory bodies have stressed the importance of Interprofessional Education (IPE) for learners in this field; however, there is little evidence of sustained application of pre-qualifying IPE to the realm of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in practice following qualification. The aim of this research was to understand how newly qualified midwives applied their IPE training to professional practice. A purposive sample of midwifery students, educators, new midwives and Heads of Midwifery from four universities in the United Kingdom participated in semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. Qualitative, grounded theory methodology was used to develop the emerging theory. Newly qualified midwives appeared better able to integrate their IPE training into practice when IPE occurred in a favourable learning environment that facilitated acquisition and application of IPE skills and that recognized the importance of shared partnership between the university and the clinical workplace.  相似文献   


The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, a United States public–private partnership, was formed to provide national leadership, scholarship, evidence, and coordination to advance interprofessional education (IPE) and practice. Many external drivers led to the creation of the partnership that culminated in the National Center: patient safety initiatives, the need for care coordination and transitions efforts, quality improvement imperatives, calls for teamwork and workforce optimization, newly defined national core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice, practice redesign, escalating health care costs, and state and federal policies. The National Center principals who have served in a variety of senior leadership roles—a clinician, educationalist, and informaticist—recognized the opportunity to leverage the potential that informatics could bring not only to the center but also to the field of IPECP. An informatics approach focuses on collaborative processes and works to address information processing, communications, and data collection. To do so, the National Center created multiple platforms: informatics education, a resource exchange, communication strategy, incubator network, national data repository, and learning system.  相似文献   


Medical educators have not identified effective approaches for interprofessional ethics education of clinicians who work in intensive care units (ICUs), in spite of the fact that ICUs have a high incidence of ethical conflicts. As a first step in designing an interprofessional ethics education initiative tailored to the needs of ICU team members, we interviewed 12 professionals from the medical and surgical ICUs of a tertiary care academic medical center to understand what they know about medical ethics. Respondents were interviewed between November 2016 and February 2017. We used the ‘think aloud’ approach and realist thematic analysis of the sessions to evaluate the extent and content of interprofessional team members’ knowledge of medical ethics. We found wide variation in their knowledge of and facility in applying the principles and concepts of biomedical ethics and ways of resolving ethical conflicts. Ethics education tailored to these areas will help equip critical care professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to discuss and address ethical conflicts encountered in the ICU. Preventive ethics rounds are one approach for providing real-time, embedded interprofessional ethics education in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Symptom distress with end-of-life delirium (EOLD) is complex and multidimensional, and interprofessional (IP) teams require knowledge and skill to effectively care for these patients and their families. The purpose of this pilot study was to test an educational intervention about EOLD for IP teams at a long-term care facility and a hospice. The intervention included a comprehensive self-learning module (SLM) on EOLD and IP teamwork; a modified McMaster–Ottawa team objective structured clinical encounter (TOSCE) and a didactic “theory burst” on the principles of delirium assessment, diagnosis and management. Evaluation tools completed by participants included the interprofessional collaborative competencies attainment survey (ICCAS) and the W(e) Learn. Two groups at each site participated in 1-hour sessions, repeated 2 weeks later. Only one group from each site received the SLM after the first session. Researchers scored EOLD knowledge and IP team functioning in both sessions. Results suggest that the intervention improved EOLD knowledge and perceptions of IP competence and supports the value of the TOSCE as an IP teaching method. The module does not appear responsible for the changes. Future studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual components used in this study, and to tailor the intervention to individual care contexts.  相似文献   


Although international reports have called for making interprofessional education an integral part of health professions education, most interprofessional learning activities remain voluntary and occur a single time. Barriers to implementing comprehensive interprofessional education come from forces both internal and external to institutions. Understanding the historical context for how one graduate health professions school attempted to overcome these barriers will provide a longitudinal perspective that may assist other institutions with their interprofessional education efforts. The case of the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions shows that, despite being founded with a mission to educate students from different professions together, interprofessional education does not emerge naturally. An analysis of archival documents, academic catalogs and oral history interviews revealed that early attempts focused on requiring students to take common courses. Later, the faculty created voluntary interprofessional learning activities. Neither approach achieved its intended goals until the Institute developed deliberate strategies to counter the internal and external barriers to integrating interprofessional education. This historical case study suggests that sustainable interprofessional education initiatives require both an organizational home and a permanent place in the curriculum.  相似文献   

Management of pain in the frail elderly presents many challenges in both assessment and treatment, due to the presence of multiple co-morbidities, polypharmacy, and cognitive impairment. At Baycrest Health Sciences, a geriatric care centre, pain in its acute care unit had been managed through consultations with the pain team on a case-by-case basis. In an intervention informed by knowledge translation (KT), the pain specialists integrated within the social network of the acute care team for 6 months to disseminate their expertise. A survey was administered to staff on the unit before and after the intervention of the pain team to understand staff perceptions of pain management. Pre- and post-comparisons of the survey responses were analysed by using t-tests. This study provided some evidence for the success of this interprofessional education initiative through changes in staff confidence with respect to pain management. It also showed that embedding the pain team into the acute care team supported the KT process as an effective method of interprofessional team building. Incorporating the pain team into the acute care unit to provide training and ongoing decision support was a feasible strategy for KT and could be replicated in other clinical settings.  相似文献   

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