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BACKGROUND: There are claims that immunisations cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), but some studies have found either no association or that they are associated with a reduced risk of SIDS. AIMS: To conduct a meta-analysis examining the relationship between immunisation and SIDS. METHODS: Nine case-controls studies were identified examining this association, of which four adjusted for potential confounders. RESULTS: The summary odds ratio (OR) in the univariate analysis suggested that immunisations were protective, but the presence of heterogeneity makes it difficult to combine these studies. The summary OR for the studies reporting multivariate ORs was 0.54 (95% CI=0.39-0.76) with no evidence of heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Immunisations are associated with a halving of the risk of SIDS. There are biological reasons why this association may be causal, but other factors, such as the healthy vaccinee effect, may be important. Immunisations should be part of the SIDS prevention campaigns.  相似文献   

用密苏里1980~1985年的资料建立起了怀孕期间孕妇吸烟与突发性新生儿死亡综合症发病率的剂量反应关系。可是,国际儿童健康与人类发展研究中心SIDS合作流行病学调查的结果却不支持这种剂量反应关系,不管是密苏里的资料,还是合作研究的结果均不支持SIDS发生的年龄与怀孕期间吸烟有关系。  相似文献   

Using a cohort study of all deaths in infants under 12 months in Dundee born between 1882-91 we set out to compare the aetiology of sudden unexpected infant deaths in Dundee at the end of the 19th Century with the aetiology of present day Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). During 1882-1891, 361 infants died suddenly and unexpectedly and without obvious cause while in bed with their parents. The sex ratio of deaths was even (0.51 male) whereas the typical male fraction of SIDS today is 0.61. The mean age at death was almost two and one-half weeks younger in the Dundee cohort than for SIDS in modern Scotland. The infants in the Dundee cohort were discovered more frequently early in the morning than is typical. Their social class distribution was different in that no overlying cases were found in the higher classes whereas SIDS affects all classes. The overlying rate for illegitimate infants was lower than that reported for SIDS today. The epidemiological characteristics of the Dundee cohort and of those dying from present day SIDS differ considerably. The Dundee cohort apparently died from overlying rather than from SIDS as it is classified today. Present day advice that co-sleeping is safe should be given more cautiously until the safety of co-sleeping is resolved. It might be prudent to inform parents that co-sleeping is a risk factor for SIDS and that it should therefore be avoided.  相似文献   

To investigate African-American parental reasons for pacifier use or non-use, and whether knowledge of the association with decreased SIDS risk changes decisions about pacifier use. We conducted focus groups and individual interviews with mothers. Grounded theory methodology was used. 83 mothers participated; 72.3 % of infants used pacifiers. Reasons for pacifier use included comfort/soothing, safety/SIDS, and preference over digit-sucking. Reasons for pacifier non-use included infant refusal, fear of attachment, nipple confusion, and germs. Many parents were unaware that pacifier use reduces SIDS risk; however, most parents of non-users did not think that this knowledge would have changed their decision. Reasons included skepticism about the pacifier-SIDS link. Many reasons underlie African-American parental decisions about pacifier use. Providers should provide information about the benefits of pacifiers. Establishing for parents any plausible link between the protective mechanism of pacifiers and SIDS pathophysiology may be important in promoting pacifier use.  相似文献   

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