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INTRODUCTION: Women's emotions and grief after miscarriage are influenced not only by the context in which the miscarriage occurred but also by their past experience, the circumstances around the miscarriage and their future prospects. Their emotions therefore express a specific form of grief. Normally the time needed to work through the loss varies. A number of different scales, measuring women's emotions and grief after miscarriage have been published. One instrument that measures the specific grief, such as the grief after miscarriage is the Perinatal Grief Scale (PGS) that was designed to measure grief after perinatal loss and has good reliability and validity. AIMS: The purpose of this study was to translate the PGS into Swedish and to use the translation in a small pilot study. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The original short version of the PGS was first translated from English into Swedish and then back-translated into English, using different translators. During translation and back-translation, not only the linguistic and grammatical aspects were considered but also cultural differences. The Likert 5-point and a 10-point scale were tested in a pilot study where 12 volunteers anonymously answered the PGS twice. The intra-personal correlations were compared and analysed with weighted kappa-coefficient. FINDINGS: In all, five different versions were tested before the final Swedish version was established. The weighted kappa-coefficient for the volunteers was 0.58, which is regarded as representing good reproducibility. CONCLUSION: The PGS was translated successfully into Swedish and could be used in a Swedish population. As this work is rather time-consuming we therefore wish to publish the Swedish version so that it may be used by other researchers.  相似文献   



One way to measure quality of care is by measuring satisfaction of provided care among patients and their families. EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care 30 (EMPATHIC-30) is a self-reported questionnaire grounded on the principles of FCC aiming to measure parents' satisfaction with paediatric intensive care. There is lack of Swedish questionnaires measuring satisfaction with paediatric intensive care based on family-centered care principles.


The aim was to translate the instrument EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care 30 (EMPATHIC-30) into the Swedish language and evaluate psychometrically the Swedish version in a paediatric intensive care context.


The instrument EMPATHIC-30 was translated and adapted to Swedish context, thereafter, assessed by expert panels consisting of nurses (panel one; n = 4; panel two; n = 24) and parents (n = 8) with experience in paediatric intensive care. Construct validity, item characteristics and reliability were tested in a cohort of 97 parents whose child had been treated for at least 48 h at two out of four Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICUs) in Sweden. Parents whose child died during hospitalisation were excluded.


The Swedish version of EMPATHIC-30 showed an acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale 0.925. Cronbach's alpha on the domain level varied between 0.548–0.792 with the lowest coefficient in the domain Organisation. Inter-scale correlation revealed acceptable correlations for both subscales (0.440–0.743) and between total scale and subscales (0.623–0.805), which demonstrated good homogeneity for the instrument in its entirety. One problem regarding the domain Organisation and especially the item “It was easy to contact the pediatric intensive care unit by telephone” was revealed, which indicated that the item needs to be reformulated or that the factor structure needs to be further evaluated.


The findings from the current study indicated that the Swedish version of EMPATHIC-30 has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used in Swedish PICUs. Using EMPATHIC-30 in clinical practice can give an indication of the overall quality of family-centered care at the PICU.  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop an instrument for measuring attitudes toward pharmacist-physician collaborative relationships for administration to practicing pharmacists and physicians, as well as to students in pharmacy and medical schools. Based on a review of literature, a preliminary version of an instrument was developed (30 items), and through a pilot study of face validity and content validity with 12 pharmacists and 10 physicians, 18 items were chosen for quantitative analyses. We asked 88 respondents (61 pharmacists, 27 physicians) to judge the relevance, clarity, and representativeness of each item to the concept of pharmacist-physician collaborative relationships. Sixteen items with a relevancy endorsement greater than 85% and significant item-total score correlations were retained. The following underlying constructs emerged from factor analysis: “collaboration and team work,” “accountability,” “overlapping responsibility,” and “authority”. These factors supported the multidimensionality and construct validity of the instrument. No gender difference was observed; however, pharmacists scored higher than physicians on the total score of the instrument. The Cronbach's coefficient alpha was .81 for pharmacists, .92 for physicians, and .87 for the combined sample. Encouraged by these preliminary findings, we plan to undertake further research to examine the instrument's psychometric properties including criterion-related and predictive validities with larger and more representative samples of pharmacists, physicians, and students in pharmacy and medical schools.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to adapt the instrument 'Good Nursing Care Scale for Patients' to Swedish conditions as a measure of patients' satisfaction, as well as estimating its reliability and validity. Following a pilot test, discussions in the author group, testing for readability among patients and judgement of content validity by a panel of experts, the final version was reduced to 72 items focusing on good caring. The refined instrument was assessed for internal consistency in 447 surgical in-patients, for 2 week test-retest reliability in 100 patients and subjected to orthogonal principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation, followed by second-order factor analysis. The internal consistency item-item correlation coefficient ranged from 0.15 to 0.91, correlation between each item and the total scale was >or=0.30 for 70 items, Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the final scale was 0.79 and test-retest reliability was 0.75. An orthogonal principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted on the final 71 items and the 15 first-order factors with eigenvalues >or=1 explained 66% of the total variance. A second-order factor analysis of these 15 factors as items resulted in a seven-factor solution. The total variance explained by the seven factors was 79%. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the seven factors ranged between 0.32 and 0.95. The instrument seems reliable and valid to assess the patients' satisfaction with what happened during their hospital stay. To confirm the factor structure and improve factor consistency additional development and testing is suggested.  相似文献   

A central challenge for empirical research of clinical supervision is how to measure the effectiveness of clinical supervision. The Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale (MCSS) measures supervisees' perception of the effectiveness of clinical supervision. The aims of this paper were to account for the translation of the MCSS from English into Danish and to present a preliminary psychometric validation of the Danish version of the scale. Methods included a formal translation/back‐translation procedure and statistical analyses. The sample consisted of MCSS scores from 139 Danish mental health nursing staff members. The total MCSS score had good internal consistency, but the analyses identified a number of reliability and consistency issues. The results were compared with other translations of the MCSS and with the reduced version of the MCSS, the MCSS‐26. The discussion indicated that MCSS theoretically refers to a broad conception of supervision, which includes supervision practices ranging from highly formalized events to more frequent ad hoc sessions. The MCSS's intention to measure perceptions of supervisees from this variety of practices may be problematic, and it is suggested that a further reduction of the type of practices MCSS currently aims at measuring could be beneficial.  相似文献   

目的:编译脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0代理人版本,考察中文版的信度、效度和反应度,探讨代理人代替患者测试生活质量的可行性。方法:①选择2003-06正在中山大学附属第一医院神经内科住院患者及其代理人10对,回访2002-06/09入院并住院患者及其代理人共231对,患者符合世界卫生组织脑卒中诊断标准,并经CT或MRI确诊;代理人认识患者至少1年。分别用于脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0代理人版本中文版初试和正式测试。②应用59个条目(分属力气、记忆和思维、情绪、交流、日常活动能力、行动能力、手功能和社会参与8个方面)构成的脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0代理人版中文版进行调查,另外,使用公认量表:健康状况调查问卷的中文版、Barthel指数、简明精神状态检查量表、汉密顿抑郁量表考察各个领域的标准效度;使用牛津残障评分作为分组(分4组:0~1,2,3,4~5分,分值越高,残疾程度越重)依据来考察脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0代理人版本中文版的反应度。③使用量表完成率和完成时间考查初试量表的可行性;使用分半信度、克朗巴赫系数(α)考察信度;通过专家评审和测定维度相关系数考察内容效度,测定量表各个领域与公认量表(金标准)的相应领域的相关系数来考察标准效度、使用因子分析考察结构效度。通过比较不同残疾程度的患者的评分考察反应度。④分领域比较患者同代理人得分的差异,用配对t检验和测定组间相关系数评价代理人代替患者进行生活质量测定的可行性。结果:①可行性:量表完成率为91.2%;时间15~20min,表明可行性好。经专家讨论后,对部分条目进行了文化调试。②信度:分半信度和α系数均大于0.8。③效度:量表各条目与所属领域总分的相关系数>0.6,因子分析结果表明结构效度好;各领域与已知公认量表的相应领域高度相关(r=0.515~0.872,P<0.01)。④反应度:牛津残障评分分组下的单因素方差分析显示各组间得分不全相等(F=8.983~130.284,P<0.01)。⑤患者与代理人测试结果:患者和代理人脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0得分比较,差异不明显(相关系数=0.757~0.964,P>0.05)。结论:脑卒中生活质量影响量表3.0代理人版中文版的信度、效度和反应度是满意的,用代理人代替患者进行生存质量研究是可行的。  相似文献   

Health profession educators and administrators are interested in how to develop an effective and sustainable interprofessional education (IPE) programme. We describe the approach used at the University of Kansas Medical Centre, Kansas City, United States. This approach is a foundational programme with multiple large-scale, half-day events each year. The programme is threaded with common curricular components that build in complexity over time and assures that each learner is exposed to IPE. In this guide, lessons learned and general principles related to the development of IPE programming are discussed. Important areas that educators should consider include curriculum development, engaging leadership, overcoming scheduling barriers, providing faculty development, piloting the programming, planning for logistical coordination, intentionally pairing IP facilitators, anticipating IP conflict, setting clear expectations for learners, publicising the programme, debriefing with faculty, planning for programme evaluation, and developing a scholarship and dissemination plan.  相似文献   

契合现代医学“以患者为中心”的照护观,跨专业团队合作在提高医务人员合作实践的有效性进而改善卫生保健系统、提高照护质量中发挥着重要的作用,已成为国际医学教育的一股主流。本文以比格斯的3P模型为理论框架,对“跨专业团队合作教育”从学习预备、学习过程和学习结果3个方面进行了分析,以期为我国医学教育的发展和改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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