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The significance of delivery systems in modern vaccine design strategies is underscored by the fact that a promising vaccine formulation may fail in vivo due to an inappropriate delivery method. We evaluated the immunogenicity and efficacy of a candidate vaccine comprising the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia trachomatis delivered with the lipophilic immune response-stimulating complexes (ISCOMs) as a vehicle with adjuvant properties, in a murine model of chlamydial genital infection. Immunocompetent BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally (IN) or intramuscularly (IM) with MOMP, MOMP-ISCOMs, and live or heat-inactivated C. trachomatis serovar D. The level of local genital mucosal Th1 response was measured by assaying for antigen-specific Th1 cell induction and recruitment into the genital mucosa at different times after immunization. Immunization with MOMP-ISCOMs by the IM route induced the greatest and fastest local genital mucosal Th1 response, first detectable 2 weeks after exposure. Among the other routes and regimens tested, only IN immunization with MOMP-ISCOMs induced detectable and statistically significant levels of local genital mucosal Th1 response during the 8-week test period (P < 0.001). In addition, when T cells from immunized mice were adoptively transferred into syngeneic naive animals and challenged intravaginally with Chlamydia, recipients of IM immunization of MOMP-ISCOMs cleared their infection within 1 week and were resistant to reinfection. Animals that received IN immunization of MOMP-ISCOMs were partially protected, shedding fewer chlamydiae than did control mice. Altogether, the results suggested that IM delivery of MOMP-ISCOMs may be a suitable vaccine regimen potentially capable of inducing protective mucosal immunity against C. trachomatis infection.  相似文献   

The prevailing paradigm for designing potentially efficacious vaccines against the obligate intracellular bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, advocates regimens capable of inducing a mucosal antigen-specific T helper type 1 (Th1) response. However, recent reports indicate that rapid and efficient clearance of a secondary infection also requires certain B-cell functions. We investigated the hypothesis that Fc receptor (FcR)-mediated antibody effector mechanisms are important B-cell-related functions involved in controlling a chlamydial genital reinfection. Microbiological analysis of genital chlamydial infection in FcR knockout (FcRKO) mice lacking the activatory FcgammaRI (CD64) and FcRgammaIII (CD16), as well as the inhibitory FcgammaRIIB1 (CD32), revealed a greater intensity of secondary infection (i.e. bacterial shedding) in FcRminus sign/minus sign as compared to FcR+/+ mice; however, the course of the primary infection was indistinguishable in both animals. Pathologically, FcRKO mice suffered greater ascending infection than immunocompetent wild-type (WT) mice after a secondary infection. Immunological evaluation indicated that the presence of specific anti-chlamydial antibodies enhanced chlamydial antigen presentation for induction of a Th1 response by FcR+/+, but not FcRminus sign/minus sign, antigen-presenting cells. In addition, specific anti-chlamydial antibodies augmented both macrophage killing of infected epithelial cells by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and macrophage inhibition of productive growth of chlamydiae in co-cultures. These results indicate that B cells participate in anti-chlamydial immunity via FcR-mediated effector functions of antibodies, which are operative during reinfections. Such effector functions include ADCC, and possibly enhanced uptake, processing and presentation of chlamydial antigens for rapid induction of a Th1 response, all facilitating the early clearance of an infection. These findings suggest that a future anti-chlamydial vaccine should elicit both humoral and T-cell-mediated immune responses for optimal memory response and vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

M Johansson  M Ward    N Lycke 《Immunology》1997,92(4):422-428
We evaluated the ability of mice made genetically deficient for B cells to resolve a primary infection and to develop protective immunity against vaginal challenge with a human isolate of Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. The B-cell-deficient microMT mice cleared a primary ascending infection with similar or faster kinetics compared with wild-type mice. The presence of chlamydial inclusion bodies and the degree of inflammation in the upper genital tract was comparable and showed similar kinetics in microMT as in wild-type mice. Following resolution of the primary infection the mice were challenged by 100 ID50 of live bacteria and the level of protection and the extent of local inflammation was assessed. Strikingly, all microMT mice, as well as most of the wild-type mice, demonstrated complete immune protection with no bacterial shedding. While high titres of chlamydia-specific antibodies were stimulated locally and systemically in wild-type mice, no antibodies were detected in microMT mice. However, in both strains, immunohistochemical analysis of the upper genital tract demonstrated the presence of large numbers of CD4+ T cells and increased levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing cells. The results unequivocally demonstrate that antibodies are not required for full protection to develop against ascending infection with a high dose of C. trachomatis in the female genital tract. Our study confirms the notion that cell-mediated immunity, in particular that owing to CD4+ T helper I (Th1)-type cells, is critical for host resistance against C. trachomatis in mice.  相似文献   

Th1 cells and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production play critical roles in protective immunity against genital tract infections by Chlamydia trachomatis. Here we show that inducible costimulatory molecule (ICOS)(-/-) mice develop greatly augmented host resistance against chlamydial infection. Protection following a primary infection was characterized by strong Th1 immunity with enhanced CD4(+) T-cell-mediated IFN-gamma production in the genital tract and high expression of T-bet in the draining para-aortic lymph node. This Th1 dominance was associated with low expression of interleukin 10 (IL-10) mRNA in the uteruses of protected ICOS(-/-) mice. By contrast, CD28(-/-) mice were severely impaired in their adaptive immune response, demonstrating a lack of CD4(+) T cells and IFN-gamma in the genital tract, with a substantial delay in bacterial elimination compared to that seen in wild-type (WT) mice. Upon reinfection, WT mice exhibited a transient local infection with evidence of regulatory T-cell (Treg)/Foxp3 mRNA and a more balanced Th1 and Th2 response in the genital tract than ICOS(-/-) mice, whereas 90% of the latter mice developed sterile immunity, poor expression of local Treg/Foxp3 mRNA, and macroscopic signs of enhanced local immunopathology. Therefore, different requirements for CD28 signaling and ICOS signaling clearly apply to host protection against a genital tract infection by C. trachomatis. Whereas, CD28 signaling is critical, ICOS appears to be dispensable and can have a dampening effect on Th1 development by driving Th2 immunity and anti-inflammation through IL-10 production and promotion of the Foxp3(+) Treg populations in the genital tract. Both the CD28-deficient and the ICOS-deficient mice demonstrated poor specific antibody production, supporting the fact that antibodies are not needed for protection against genital tract chlamydial infections.  相似文献   

We sought to assess the degree of cross-protective immunity in a mouse model of chlamydial genital tract infection. Following resolution of genital infection with the mouse pneumonitis (MoPn) biovar of Chlamydia trachomatis, mice were challenged intravaginally with either MoPn or human serovar E or L2. The majority of animals previously infected with MoPn were solidly immune to challenge with either of the two human biovars. Surprisingly, approximately 50% of animals became reinfected when homologously challenged with MoPn, although the secondary infection yielded significantly lower numbers of the organism isolated over a shorter duration than in the primary infection. Primary infection with serovar E also protected against challenge with MoPn or serovar L2, although the degree of immune protection was lower than that resulting from primary infection with MoPn. Blast transformation and assessment of delayed-type hypersensitivity indicated that mice previously infected with either human or murine biovars produced broadly cross-reactive T cells that recognized epitopes of either murine or human biovars of C. trachomatis. Immunoblotting demonstrated that primary MoPn infection produced immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody to antigens of MoPn as well as at least three distinct antigenic components of human serovar E, one of which was identical in molecular weight to the major outer membrane protein (MOMP). Primary infection with serovar E produced IgG antibody reactive against serovar E but not MoPn MOMP and against at least one ca. 60-kDa protein of both chlamydial strains. Our results indicate that primary genital infection of mice with murine C. trachomatis induces immunity against challenge with either of two human biovars.  相似文献   

The importance of antibody-mediated immunity in primary and secondary Chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infections was examined by using a definitive model of B-cell deficiency, the microMT/microMT gene knockout mouse. Vaginally infected B-cell-deficient microMT/microMT mice developed a self-limiting primary infection that was indistinguishable from infection of control C57BL/6 mice. Sera and vaginal secretions from infected mice were analyzed for anti-Chlamydia antibodies. C57BL/6 mice produced high-titered serum anti-Chlamydia immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a), IgG2b, and IgA antibodies, and vaginal washes contained predominately anti-Chlamydia IgA. Serum and vaginal washes from infected B-cell-deficient mice were negative for anti-Chlamydia antibody. T-cell proliferation and delayed-type hypersensitivity assays were used as measures of Chlamydia-specific cell-mediated immunity and were found to be comparable for C57BL/6 and B-cell-deficient mice. Seventy days following primary infection, mice were rechallenged to assess acquired immunity. B-cell-deficient mice which lack anti-Chlamydia antibodies were more susceptible to reinfection than immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice. However, acquired immune resistance was evident in both strains of mice and characterized by decreased shedding of chlamydiae and an infection of shorter duration. Thus, this study demonstrates that cell-mediated immune responses alone were capable of resolving chlamydial infection; however, in the absence of specific antibody, mice were more susceptible to reinfection. Therefore, these data suggest that both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses were important mediators of immune protection in this model, though cell-mediated immune responses appear to play a more dominant role.  相似文献   

In an attempt to confer long-term protective immunity, BALB/c female mice were immunized intranasally with 10(4) inclusion-forming units (IFU) of the Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis biovar (MoPn). Animals were subsequently challenged in the ovarian bursa with 10(5) C. trachomatis MoPn IFU at 60, 120, or 180 days post-intranasal immunization. Two control groups were included in the study. One control was sham immunized and mock challenged, and another group was sham immunized and challenged with 10(5) C. trachomatis MoPn IFU. Vaginal cultures were collected at regular intervals following the intrabursal challenge. In comparison with the sham-immunized mice, the animals that were intranasally immunized with C. trachomatis had significant protection, as shown by a reduction in the number of animals that had positive vaginal cultures and by a decrease in the intensity and length of the shedding. Furthermore, histopathological characterization of the genital tract following challenge, in the three groups of mice, showed a minimal inflammatory infiltrate in the C. trachomatis-immunized animals, when compared with the sham-immunized control group. Subsequently, the three groups of female mice that were challenged at 60, 120 and 180 days postimmunization were mated at 6 weeks following the challenge. Overall, in the mice intranasally immunized with C. trachomatis the fertility rates and the number of embryos were similar to those in the sham-immunized and mock-challenged group. In contrast, there was a significant increase in infertility in the groups of mice that were sham immunized and C. trachomatis challenged. In conclusion, intranasal immunization with C. trachomatis induces long-term protection against a genital challenge as shown by a decrease in the infection and infertility rates when compared with sham-immunized animals. Thus, this model may help to characterize the parameters of the immune response that are important in maintaining long-term protection and may aid in identifying the antigenic determinants involved in eliciting protection.  相似文献   

Although Th1-type cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is the predominant host defense mechanism against mucosal Candida albicans infection, CMI against a vaginal C. albicans infection in mice is limited at the vaginal mucosa despite a strong Candida-specific Th1-type response in the draining lymph nodes. In contrast, Th1-type CMI is highly effective against an experimental Chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infection. This study demonstrated through two independent designs that a concurrent Candida and Chlamydia infection could not accelerate or modulate the anti-Candida CMI response. Together, these results suggest that host responses to these genital tract infections are independent and not influenced by the presence of the other.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that female outbred CF-1 mice are susceptible to prolonged genital tract infection with the oculogenital serovars (D-K) of Chlamydia trachomatis, and that partial homotypic and heterotypic protection against reinfection is induced. To understand the possible role of inherent T-helper 1 (Th1)/Th2 polarity bias on both the course of infection and the level of acquired immunity induced by infection, 2 immunologically different and well-characterized inbred strains of mice, BALB/c and C57BL/6, were studied in this model. Groups of mice were inoculated intravaginally with C. trachomatis serovar D (Ct D) and monitored by culture to determine the duration of initial infection. Two months later, mice were reinfected, and monitored along with age- and condition-matched control groups. Plasma and vaginal secretions were collected for serologic analysis and specific delayed-type hypersensitivity was assessed by footpad swelling. Initial infection in C57BL/6 mice was comparable in duration to outbred CF-1 mice (median duration 42 versus 43.5 days), while BALB/c mice had a shorter median duration of initial infection (12 days). All strains had significantly shorter durations of infection following reinfection. BALB/c mice shed 4-10 times more inclusion-forming units (IFU) than both C57BL/6 and CF-1 mice on sample days during the first week of infection and all strains shed less IFU during reinfection. C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice had significantly lower anti-Ct D immunoglobulin G titers in both plasma and vaginal secretions than CF-1 mice following resolution of infection; the frequency of immunoglobulin A seropositive vaginal secretions was less in both inbred strains, being significantly less in the case of C57BL/6 mice. Qualitative analysis of the antigen specificity and isotype composition revealed differences among the mouse strains. All 3 strains had detectable levels of specific footpad swelling on day 14 of infection, whereas only BALB/c mice showed a significant response at 70 days post-infection. Significant differences between 2 strains of mice that differ in Th1/Th2 polarity bias were observed in: 1) the duration of infection; 2) the level of bacterial shedding during infection; and 3) the quantitative and qualitative cellular and humoral responses made in response to female genital tract infection with a human oculogenital isolate of C. trachomatis. In addition, a similar and significant level of partial acquired immunity to reinfection was observed in both strains, suggesting that inherent Th1/Th2 polarity bias present upon initial infection does not prevent the development of a protective immune response within the genital tract during infection with an oculogenital isolate of C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

Untreated infections with Chlamydia trachomatis commonly result in ascending infection to fallopian tubes and subsequent immune-mediated tubal pathology in females. The proposed immune-mediated injury may be associated with the increased recruitment of CD4 cells to the upper genital tract (GT) (oviducts) in comparison to the lower GT (cervix) during infection, as shown in animal models. To understand the mechanisms responsible for this biased recruitment of CD4 cells within the GT, we characterized chemokine expression patterns in the upper and lower GTs in mice during infection with the murine pneumonitis biovar of Chlamydia trachomatis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays of supernatants from GT homogenates revealed that the levels of the Th1-associated chemokines CXCL9 (monokine induced by gamma interferon), CXCL10 (interferon-inducible protein 10), and CCL5 (RANTES) were significantly higher in the upper GT than in the lower GT after infection, while the CCL3 (macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha) level was not increased. In contrast, the level of chemokine CCL11 (eotaxin) was significantly elevated in the lower GT later in the course of infection. Increased levels of mRNA confirmed the selective differences in chemokine expression within the upper and lower GTs. The increased levels of Th1-inducible chemokines in the upper GT were not due to differences in the magnitude of infection or progesterone pretreatment. These data demonstrate that the upper and lower regions of the GT respond differently to Chlamydia infection.  相似文献   

Mice (C57BL/6), treated with progesterone and infected intravaginally with the mouse pneumonitis strain of Chlamydia trachomatis (MoPn), acquired genital tract disease that ascended from the endocervix to the uterine horns, oviducts, and ovaries in a temporal fashion before the occurrence of spontaneous microbiological resolution by about 28 days after infection. Surprisingly, dissemination of MoPn in small numbers to draining lymph nodes, the peritoneal cavity, spleen, liver, kidneys, and lungs occurred in normal mice during the early stages of disease (7 to 14 days) in a portion of infected animals but resolved from these tissues, by microbiological criteria, prior to resolution of genital tract involvement. In contrast, gamma interferon knockout (IFN-gamma KO) mice exhibited dissemination of infection to a greater extent and for longer periods in a variety of tissues, and a portion of infected IFN-gamma KO mice failed to microbiologically resolve their genital tract disease. By comparison, C57BL/6 SCID mice uniformly failed to resolve their genital tract disease and exhibited high levels of dissemination to all tissues tested for extended (50-day) periods of times. Interestingly, although IFN-gamma KO mice failed to completely clear organisms from their genital tracts, they exhibited an attenuated infection indistinguishable from that of heterozygous littermates when challenged 112 days after primary infection. These data support a role for IFN-gamma in containing dissemination of MoPn from the genital tract to extragenital sites and in the microbiological resolution of infection. Data also indicate that IFN-gamma is not required for modulating reinfections, which normally follow a shorter and less dramatic course.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》2013,80(6):713-716
Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium sexually transmitted to more than 90 million individuals each year. As this level of infectivity implies, C. trachomatis is a successful human parasite; a success facilitated by its ability to cause asymptomatic infection. Host defense against C. trachomatis in the female genital tract is not well defined, but current dogma suggests infection is controlled largely by TH1 immunity. Conversely, it is well established that TH2 immunity controls allergens, helminths, and other extracellular pathogens that cause repetitive or persistent T cell stimulation but do not induce the exuberant inflammation that drives TH1 and TH17 immunity. As C. trachomatis persists in female genital tract epithelial cells but does not elicit over tissue inflammation, we now posit that defense is maintained by Type 2 immune responses that control bacterial growth but minimize immunopathological damage to vital reproductive tract anatomy. Evaluation of this hypothesis may uncover novel mechanisms by which Type 2 immunity can control growth of C. trachomatis and other intracellular pathogens, while confirmation that TH2 immunity was selected by evolution to control C. trachomatis infection in the female genital tract will transform current research, now focused on developing vaccines that elicit strong, and therefore potentially tissue destructive, Chlamydia-specific TH1 immunity.  相似文献   

Johansson M  Lycke N 《Immunology》2001,102(2):199-208
The role of antibodies and antigen deposition for the development of immunological memory has been incompletely investigated. We addressed whether long‐term protection and T‐cell memory can be stimulated against a genital tract infection with human Chlamydia trachomatis serovar D in B‐cell‐deficient (µMT) mice. At 6 months following a primary infection with C. trachomatis, both µMT and wild‐type (WT) mice exhibited strong and comparable protection against reinfection. Evidence of long‐lasting CD4+ T‐cell memory was found in both µMT and WT mice, typified by comparable delayed‐type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions against chlamydial antigens. No bacterial or chlamydial DNA was found in the genital tract of µMT memory mice, suggesting that immunological memory was maintained in the absence of antigen. Whereas few T cells were present in the genital tract of memory mice, rapid recruitment of CD4+, and some CD8+, T cells into the genital tract tissue was observed after challenge with live bacteria. Accumulation of T cells in the genital tract was preceded by a short transient infection of similar magnitude in both µMT and WT memory mice, arguing against a long‐term protective role of local antibodies. The rapid recruitment of CD4+ T cells into the genital tract was associated with a transient detection of interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) mRNA in the genital tract in chlamydia‐immune memory mice, which was not found in naïve, challenged mice. Thus, long‐term protection in the genital tract against C. trachomatis infection is conveyed by IFN‐γ‐producing CD4+ memory T cells, which appear to be maintained in the absence of antibodies and local antigen deposition.  相似文献   

We developed a new model of human genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in order to characterize the pathogen-host relationship in a clinically relevant system using a human strain of C. trachomatis instead of the commonly employed mouse biovar (MoPn). Human endometrial tissue was xenografted into the skin of mice homozygous for the mutation severe combined immunodeficiency and inoculated with C. trachomatis serovar K. C. trachomatis efficiently infected the endometrium as shown by cell culture and immunofluorescence microscopy and persisted for more than 6 weeks. Chlamydial inclusions detected by direct immunofluorescence and electron microscopy appeared to be smaller than those produced by in vitro cell culture-grown chlamydiae. A pattern of localized mild infection prevailed, and infiltrative uncontrolled spread of chlamydiae was observed in only 1 of 10 infected grafts. This might correspond to the well-known tendency of the agent to cause asymptomatic infections. This model allows the study of a human genital infection resembling the clinical situation and offers the possibility to better characterize the host-parasite relationship with respect to pathogenicity and therapy.  相似文献   

The rate ofChlamydia trachomatis infection was determined in three populations in Tahiti by means of a direct immunofluorescence test performed in specimens, tissue culture and detection of chlamydial antibody in serum specimens using a single-serotype indirect immunofluorescence test.Chlamydia trachomatis was recovered in 53 % of 53 bar girls, 24 % of 75 women attending a public maternity clinic for routine care, and 37 % of 71 men attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic with acute or subacute urethritis. The presence of chlamydial antibody in a high proportion of the groups studied confirmed the high frequency of chlamydial infections (62.3 %, 66.6 % and 83.1 % respectively).Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection was often associated with chlamydial infection in both bar girls and men with urethritis (11.4 % and 18.3 % respectively). With regard to clinical manifestations, 58.3 % (7/12) of bar girls and 23.2 % (10/43) women at the maternity clinic without clinical complaints were found to beChlamydia trachomatis-positive. The presence ofChlamydia trachomatis in these asymptomatic persons highlights their important role in spread of this organism in Tahiti. The findings indicate that routine testing forChlamydia trachomatis is warranted in patients attending the sexually transmitted disease and public maternity clinics in Tahiti.  相似文献   

Salpingitis in mice induced by human strains of Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human strains of Chlamydia trachomatis were inoculated unilaterally into the genital tracts of female TO, CBA, CBA/nu and C3H mice via the intrauterine route or under the ovarian bursa. Inflammatory changes were not seen in the oviducts or uterus of mice given two laboratory-adapted LGV serovars (L1 and L2), although chlamydiae were recovered from the lower genital tract. However, salpingitis and endometritis occurred after each of three chlamydial strains (serovars D and E) had been inoculated. Oviduct inflammation was seen for up to 6 weeks after inoculation but reached maximum severity usually after about 2 weeks, the lumen sometimes being occluded by exudate and necrotic debris. Pathological changes were seen often in both oviducts indicating canalicular spread of the organisms through the uterus. Pre-treatment of the mice with progesterone had an enhancing effect in that the lesions developed more rapidly; such treatment, in halting the oestrous cycle, probably made a larger number of target cells available for more efficient infection. Involvement of the oviduct on the uninoculated side occurred more rapidly in T-cell impaired nude mice than in immunologically normal mice, although there was little or no effect on the severity of the oviductal changes. There was evidence that the susceptibility of different strains of mice to chlamydial salpingitis varied. Thus, inflammatory changes in C3H mice were more severe than in TO mice and the changes in C3H and CBA strains were longer lasting than those in TO mice. This suggests that a possible genetic predisposition in the human situation should not be ignored. Finally, one chlamydial strain of low passage produced more severe salpingitis in mice than another strain of similar passage. By analogy different chlamydial strains may not be of equal pathogenicity in the human situation.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells have been found to play a critical role in immune protection against Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Since both humoral and cell-mediated antichlamydial immunity have been implicated in host protection, the crucial effector functions provided by the CD4+ T cells may rely on Th1 or Th2 functions or both. In the present study, we evaluated the development of natural immunity following vaginal infection with C. trachomatis serovar D in female gamma interferon receptor-deficient (IFN-gammaR-/-) mice with a disrupted Th1 effector system. We found that in comparison with wild-type mice, the IFN-gammaR-/- mice exhibited a severe ascending primary infection of prolonged duration which stimulated almost 10-fold-stronger specific local immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG responses in the genital tract. Following resolution of the primary infection and despite the augmented antibody responses to chlamydiae, the IFN-gammaR-/- mice were completely unprotected against reinfection, suggesting that local antibodies play a subordinate role in host protection against chlamydial infection. Immunohistochemical analysis of frozen sections of the genital tract revealed many CD4+ T cells in the IFN-gammaR-/- mice, with a dominance of interleukin 4-containing cells in mice following resolution of the secondary infection. However, in contrast to the findings with wild-type mice, the typical clusters of CD4+ T cells were not found in the IFN-gammaR-/- mice. Few and similarly distributed CD8+ T cells were observed in IFN-gammaR-/- and wild-type mice. Whereas chlamydia-infected macrophages from wild-type mice had no inclusion bodies (IB) and produced significant amounts of nitric oxide (NO) in the presence of IFN-gamma, macrophages from IFN-gammaR-/- mice contained many IB but no NO. These results indicate that CD4+ Th1 cells and IFN-gamma, rather than local antibodies, are critical elements in host immune protection stimulated by a natural ascending C. trachomatis infection in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

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