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提高学生临床综合素质培养是七年制临床医学教育的重点。在儿科学的临床实习教学过程中,加强学生医学人文学教育,提高医-患交流技巧与沟通能力;运用启发引导式教育,培养学生循证医学思维,激发学生的科研兴趣,早期实行临床科研训练。通过上述措施,切实的提高七年制医学生的临床综合能力和儿科临床教学质量,实现七年制高等医学教育培养目标。  相似文献   

提高学生临床综合素质培养是七年制临床医学教育的重点。在儿科学的临床实习教学过程中,加强学生医学人文学教育,提高医一患交流技巧与沟通能力;运用启发引导式教育,培养学生循证医学思维,激发学生的科研兴趣,早期实行临床科研训练。通过上述措施,切实的提高七年制医学生的临床综合能力和儿科临床教学质量,实现七年制高等医学教育培养目标。  相似文献   

临床学习是让医学生由理论学习进入临床实践的重要阶段。七年制高等医学教育是培养高层次医学专门人才的教育模式,录取学生的整体素质较高,入校后理论知识的掌握及英语水平高于五年制学生,因此,对于七年制学生的见习教学方法既不能照搬传统的五年制教学内容,又要有别于医学研究生的临床教学。本文通过总结七年制肿瘤放射治疗学医学生的临床培养教学的经验,包括合理安排教学内容;充分利用多种教学手段;多种教学方法相结合,提高临床能力和科研能力,以身作则,培养医学生职业道德。充分发挥学生的积极性和主观能动性,提高学生们的医学认知力和判断力,尊重学生个性,注重学生综合素质的全面发展,突出临床独立实践能力的培养,为学生进一步的实习工作与日后成为合格临床医生定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

刘从云 《中国校医》2010,24(3):199-201
目的了解七年制医学生的思想特点,推进高层次医学教育管理科学和谐发展。方法运用定性研究方法,对20名刚完成前4年学习的七年制医学生进行关于思想政治的态度、教学、学习、医德、心理状态和社会支持的深入访谈。结果受访学生政治上追求上进,但理论学习明显不够,能正确客观看待医德医风在职业生涯中的重要性,基础医学知识、人文知识学习不够重视,就业和学习是主要压力来源,社会支持系统相对完备。结论对七年制医学生应加强政治理论、时政、人文知识、科研素质、职业生涯规划、就业指导和心理健康教育。  相似文献   

五年制医学生的科研素质调查及培养策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查我校五年制医学生的科研素质现状,探讨加强医学本科生科研素质与创新能力培养的途径与对策。方法采取无记名问卷调查法,对我院进入内科学学习的2006级131名五年制医学生进行科研素质调查并进行分析。结果显示五年制医学生对科研重要性认同率普遍较高,但大部分学生缺乏科研实践活动,科研技巧贫乏,对自身的科研素质不满意。结论重视并加强医学本科生科研素质的培养是顺应时代和社会发展要求,初步建立科研培养制度及充分发挥教师在学生科研能力培养中的主导作用等措施可能是培养和提高医学生科研素质和创新能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

借鉴美国的医学生培养模式,我国于2004年起开始试办临床医学专业八年制医学教育至今已10年,目前已有14所院校具备办学资格,每所院校均有自己对临床医学专业八年制医学生独特的教育理念及方式.本文以四川大学华西临床医学院的临床医学专业八年制医学教育理念为例,阐述我国临床医学专业八年制医学教育的现状及特点.临床医学专业八年制教学计划对教学时间的合理分配,对学生更好地进行科研训练及临床技能的培养至关重要.亚专业及导师的选择时机及选择方式,更会对临床医学专业八年制学生的未来有决定性的影响作用.临床医学专业八年制学生毕业时,临床技能仍有待提高,而如何合理安排他们的毕业后教育,尚待进一步探讨.笔者就临床医学专业八年制医学教育对医学生的科研训练、临床技能培训、导师选择及毕业后教育等方面提出建议,旨在为改进我国临床医学专业八年制医学教育提供参考.  相似文献   

目的 调查八年制医学生的科研能力和科研诚信认知状况,为科研培训工作提供依据。方法 对62名八年制医学生进行问卷调查。结果 科研能力量表总分46[(40, 54)]分,“统计学知识”维度得分低;研诚信认知问卷总分119[(107, 127)]分,医学生对科研诚信的关注度评分低(1.94±0.97~2.61±1.03),认为产生科研不端行为的主要原因是自身科研能力不足(75.8%)和缺乏学术监督(74.2%)。科研能力量表总分与对科研诚信的关注度、对科研不端行为造成影响的认知度呈正相关(p<0.05)。结论 需加强二级学科阶段八年制医学生的科研能力培养;注重统计学知识和实践教学的培养;丰富科研诚信教育形式;提高对科研诚信的关注度和对科研不端行为影响的认识。  相似文献   

随着国家人才发展战略的提出,高等院校对科研创新型人才的培养非常重视,在21世纪,知识竞争非常激烈,高等院校培养的人才必须具备科研素质与创新能力,才能够在竞争中稳操胜券。目前,医学院校学生在校期间,通过基础医学知识的学习,能够较好的掌握基础医学知识。但医学生在科研素质与创新能力还需要进一步加强培养。下文将针对我院医学生的科研创新现状进行调研,强化医学生的科研训练,提升学生的科研素质,使学生具备较高的科研素质和较强的创新能力,在毕业后更好的为广大患者服务。  相似文献   

八年一贯制教学是目前培养高层次医学人才的重要方式之一,临床见习是医学生由理论学习向临床实践的重要转折。在八年制医学生儿科见习教学中,注重学生临床思维培训,重视医德医风、医患沟通能力、医学英语水平、科研意识技能等培养,提高见习教学质量,促进学生全面提高至关重要。  相似文献   

[目的]通过调查了解不同层次医学生就业意向。[方法]采用随机抽样的方法,抽取不同五年制、七年制及研究生学生各100人,发放调查问卷,数据用SPSS11.5软件进行录入整理和分析。计数资料采用x2检验进行鳜计分析。[结果]调查显示,五年制、七年制及研究生的就业意向的各个方面上存在差异;多数学生基层就业热情不高;部分学生就业期望工资水平较高;七年制和研究生多数愿意选择不对口专业。[结论]目前医学生的就业形势较严峻,医学生应转变就业观念,以期实现顺利就业。  相似文献   

The consulting skills required of medical students and practitioners have been categorized into a number of specific skills, two of which are: students' ability to empathize with the patient; and ability to decode non-verbal cues given by the patient in the interview. Training programmes to improve students' consulting skills are usually evaluated using analysis of students' actual interview behaviours with patients. Broad psychological and personality tests have also been used to measure changes in students' interviewing skills, but have generally not been successful. The hypothesis is advanced that more specific tests of the skills of interviewing, such as non-verbal sensitivity and empathy, would detect changes in students' ability to display these skills. As part evaluation of a consulting skills training programme, clinical students completed psychological tests of empathy and non-verbal sensitivity. Subsequent comparisons between trained and control student groups revealed no clear pattern in test results. These data suggest that specific psychological tests of empathy and non-verbal sensitivity may be no more effective in detecting changes in students' interpersonal skills than global personality measures.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生的人际交往状况,有针对性地开展心理健康教育和为学生工作提供一定的参考信息。方法对我校320名大学生进行人际交往状况问卷调查分析。结果调查显示当今大学生人际交往的主要方式为网络、电话、短消息;87.81%的同学平时与人相处都比较融洽;13.13%的同学在交往中存在自卑心理。结论人际交往能力越来越成为大学生心目中衡量个人能力的一项重要标准。通过心理健康教育课让大学生了解人际交往的基本知识和技巧是必要的。  相似文献   

研究性学习在妇产科教学中的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:为了丰富和巩固学生所学的专业知识,培养自主学习和科研能力.方法:在妇产科教学中对实验组,除按教学大纲组织课堂正常的教学外,教师针对妇产科教学内容列出有关"研究"课题,学生分小组选择课题,利用业余时间查阅有关资料、咨询、调查,并写出研究过程和结果;对照组,按常规组织课堂教学,未开展研究性学习活动.结果:实验组学生的理论知识测试成绩,病例分析能力,论文撰写的水平均高于对照组.结论:研究性学习在妇产科教学中的应用,能提高学生的分析问题、解决问题和科研能力.  相似文献   

潘峥  姚宁 《中国校医》2022,36(7):556-559
国家已经将心肺复苏(CPR)作为公民必备的急救技能进行推广,大学生作为高学历人才或将成为心肺复苏急救技能传播的主体。但目前我国的大学生对CPR知识和实践技能认知尚存不足,对高校学生群体开展CPR教育培训有较强的可行性和科学性。本文就目前大学生对CPR的认知及培训现状进行文献回顾,以了解大学生群体对CPR知识和实践技能认知情况、目前国内存在培训模式及效果,为下一步在高校内针对大学生开展系统有效的CPR普及和培训提供理论支持。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ability to self-assess one's competence is a crucial skill for all health professionals. The interactive examination is an assessment model aiming to evaluate not only students' clinical skills and competence, but also their ability to self-assess their proficiency. METHODS: The methodology utilised students' own self-assessment, an answer to a written essay question and a group discussion. Students' self-assessment was matched to the judgement of their instructors. As a final task, students compared their own essay to one written by an "expert". The differences pointed by students in their comparison documents and the accompanying arguments were analysed and categorised. Students received individual feedback on their performance and learning needs. The model was tested on 1 cohort of undergraduate dental students (year 2001, n = 52) in their third semester of studies, replacing an older form of examination in the discipline of clinical periodontology. RESULTS: Students' acceptance of the methodology was very positive. Students tended to overestimate their competence in relation to the judgement of their instructors in diagnostic skills, but not in skills relevant to treatment. No gender differences were observed, although females performed better than males in the examination. Three categories of differences were observed in the students' comparison documents. The accompanying arguments may reveal students' understanding and methods of prioritising. CONCLUSIONS: Students tended to overestimate their competence in diagnostic rather than treatment skills. The interactive examination appeared to be a convenient tool for providing deeper insight into students' ability to prioritise, self-assess and steer their own learning.  相似文献   

While the use of simulated patients for the assessment of medical students' skills is increasing there is little data on whether students perform differently vs real patients. The present study examined this issue using second-year medical students' ability to empathize with simulated and genuine patients. Forty second-year students each conducted two interviews which were audio-recorded and later rated by raters who had achieved a high degree of reliability using the 9-point accurate empathy scale ( Truax, 1967 ). Ten students saw a genuine patient for each interview while ten students saw simulators on both occasions. Of the remaining twenty students, ten saw genuine patients at the first interview and simulated patients at the second session. This order was reversed for the remaining ten students. No significant differences were found in the levels of empathy between students' interaction with genuine or simulated patients. As the students were also unable to discriminate between the two groups of patients it was concluded that simulators represent a viable procedure given the skill to be assessed in the present research and the experience of the students.  相似文献   

目的 探讨聋哑学生的类比推理发展状况及其与正常学生的异同。方法 采用自编的类比推理测验题目对30名聋哑学生和90名正常学生进行测试。结果 聋哑学生的类比推理成绩均低于正常学生;两类学生的类比推理能力都随年级的升高而提高, 但处于同一年龄阶段的聋哑学生和正常学生类比推理成绩差异存在统计学意义;父母学历、生源地对聋哑学生的类比推理能力有显著影响, 而性别无影响。结论 聋哑学生的类比推理能力水平不高, 在发展中应更多采取科学、系统、有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

Rees C  Sheard C 《Medical education》2002,36(11):1017-1027
INTRODUCTION: The General Medical Council (GMC) has stressed the importance of medical students' attitudes towards learning. However, few studies have explored medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning. This study explores the relationship between the attitudes of medical students at two different schools and their demographic and education-related characteristics. METHODS: A total of 490 medical students from the Universities of Nottingham (Years 1 and 2) and Leicester (Year 1) completed the 26-item Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) and a personal details questionnaire satisfactorily. The relationships between students' attitudes and their demographic and education-related characteristics were analysed separately for Nottingham and Leicester students using both univariate and multivariate statistics. RESULTS: The attitudes of Nottingham and Leicester medical students towards communication skills learning were significantly associated with a number of demographic and education-related characteristics. Both Nottingham and Leicester students with more positive attitudes towards communication skills learning tended to be female, tended to think their communication skills needed improving and tended not to have parents who were doctors. Both Nottingham and Leicester students with more negative attitudes towards communication skills learning tended to think their communication skills did not need improving. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning are associated with their demographic and education-related characteristics. These findings have a number of implications for educational practice and further research and these are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

PBL教学法在临床护理见习课中的应用探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
加强学生素质教育是时代赋予教师的使命 ,高等教育必须重视培养大学生的创新能力、实践能力和创业精神 ,普遍提高大学生的人文素养和科学素质。教师不仅要教给学生专业知识 ,更重要的是要教会他们怎样学习 ,怎样科学思维 ,怎样面对困难和问题 ,怎样寻求解决困难和问题的途径与方法。而传统的教学方式把学生禁锢在课本上、课堂上 ,这种以教师为中心的教学方式使学生围着教师转 ,抑制了学生的创造性思维。作者采用传统教学法与PBL教学法对比分析 ,认为PBL教学法有利于调动学生的主观能动性、培养学生的实践能力以及创造性思维 ,促进相互沟通 ,锻炼学生对知识的应用能力 ,使学生的综合素质得到进一步提高。同时也有利于提高教师的教学水平。  相似文献   

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