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To evaluate ontogenetic expression and localization of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta in fetal female rat reproductive tract, competitive RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were performed. Expression levels for Müllerian ERalpha, ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 mRNAs were determined by competitive RT-PCR. ERalpha expression on gestational day (GD) 15 x 5 increased 4 x 4-fold by GD 21 x 5, whereas both ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 gene expression were maintained at lower constant levels compared with ERalpha during development. ER immunolocalization was evaluated within three regions along the Müllerian duct axis; these were proximal, middle and caudal, which differentiate into oviduct, uterus and upper vagina respectively. Nuclear ERalpha was localized predominantly in proximal Müllerian epithelium, and middle and caudal Müllerian mesenchyme on GDs 15 x 5-21 x 5. Staining intensity for ERalpha increased with development in all regions. However, ERbeta immunoreactivity was not detected in any region during prenatal life after separate staining with three different polyclonal anti-rat ERbeta antibodies. These findings provide fundamental information critical for clarifying the species-specific physiological roles of ER subtypes during fetal development and for investigating the tissue-specific mechanisms underlying the prenatal response to estrogen and estrogen receptor agonists.  相似文献   

Previous evidence indicates that, in carriers of apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4), estrogen therapy increased the risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD), whereas in individuals carrying ApoE2/3, estrogen therapy reduced the risk of AD [Cauley JA, Zmuda JM, Yaffe K, Kuller LH, Ferrell RE, Wisniewski SR, Cummings SR (1999) J Bone Miner Res 14:1175-1181; Yaffe K, Haan M, Byers A, Tangen C, Kuller L (2000) Neurology 54:1949-1954]. Estrogen mechanisms of action are mediated by two estrogen receptors (ERs), ERalpha and ERbeta. In this study, we determined the relationship between ER subtype and estrogen regulation of ApoE expression in HT-22 cells ectopically transfected with ERalpha or ERbeta, in primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons in vitro and in rat hippocampus in vivo by both molecular biological and pharmacological analyses. Results of these analyses demonstrated that activation of ERalpha either by 17beta-estradiol or a specific-agonist, propylpyrazole triol, up-regulated ApoE mRNA and protein expression. In contrast, the ERbeta-selective agonist, diarylpropionitrile, down-regulated ApoE mRNA and protein expression. These results demonstrate that, in vitro and in vivo, ApoE expression can be differentially regulated depending on activation of ER subtypes. These data suggest that use of ER-selective ligands could provide therapeutic benefit to reduce the risk of AD by increasing ApoE expression in ApoE2/3 allele carriers and decreasing ApoE expression in ApoE4 allele carriers.  相似文献   

Estrogens play a major role in the regulation of prolactin (PRL) secretion through activation of pituitary and hypothalamic estrogen receptors (ERs). In order to evaluate the relative role of ERalpha and ERbeta in the control of PRL density in the pituitary gland, we performed immunocytochemical localization of PRL and ERs in pituitaries of wild-type (WT), ERalpha knockout (KO) and ERbetaKO mice. In WT and ERbetaKO anterior pituitaries, the vast majority of secretory cells contained ERalpha immunoreactivity, while no ERalpha immunostaining could be found in ERalphaKO pituitaries. No ERbeta immunoreactivity could be detected in pituitaries of WT, ERalphaKO or ERbetaKO mice. At the light microscopic level, a large number of cells staining for PRL were present in pituitaries of female WT, while in female ERalphaKO pituitaries, the density of PRL cells was much lower. In WT male pituitaries, the density of PRL cells was lower than observed in female WT, while PRL staining was markedly decreased in male ERalphaKO as compared to male WT. In ERbetaKO mice of both sexes, the results were identical to those observed in WT animals. At the electron microscopic level, in WT mice of both sexes, type 1 PRL cells exhibited a well-developed Golgi apparatus and a large number of strongly stained large mature and immature secretory granules. Type 2 PRL cells were also present in the pituitary. Type 2 PRL cells contain small poorly labelled granules. In ERalphaKO mice of both sexes, type 1 PRL cells were atrophied with poorly developed Golgi apparatus, and no type 2 PRL cells could be observed. In ERalphaKO pituitaries, typical gonadectomy cells were found. No ultrastructural changes were observed in PRL cells of ERbetaKO mice. The present data strongly suggest that the positive regulation of PRL expression at the pituitary level by estrogens is mediated by ERalpha and does not involve ERbeta activation.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer cells may lose androgen-sensitivity after androgen ablation therapy, becoming highly invasive and metastatic. The biological mechanisms responsible for higher tumurogenicity of androgen-independent prostate carcinomas are not entirely known. We demonstrate that androgen receptor regulation of adhesion and invasion of prostate cancer cells through modulation of alpha6beta4 integrin expression may be one of the molecular mechanisms responsible of this phenomenon. We found that protein and gene expressions of alpha6 and beta4 subunits were strongly reduced in the androgen-sensitive cell line LNCaP respect to the androgen-independent PC3 and that transfection of PC3 cells with a full-length androgen receptor expression vector resulted in a decreased expression of alpha6beta4 integrin, reduced adhesion on laminin, and suppressed Matrigel invasion. Growth in soft agar was also suppressed in androgen receptor-positive PC3 clones. Treatment of androgen receptor positive clones with the synthetic androgen R1881 further reduced alpha6 and beta4 messenger RNA expression as well as adhesion on laminin and Matrigel invasion. Our results indicate that androgens regulate cell-extracellular matrix adhesion and invasion by modulation of integrin expression and function, thus keeping a low invasive phenotype of prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

Although ER beta is known to be expressed at high levels in the rat prostate gland, its regulation is not well understood. Here we examined ER mRNA expression and the effects of testosterone administration in male rats at 1, 4 and 9 weeks of age who were castrated and/or treated with testosterone for a week, and then sacrificed. ER alpha was the major type of ER expressed in 2 week-old animals while dominant expression of ER beta mRNA was apparent in older age groups. Interestingly while ER beta expression was diminished and ER alpha mRNA increased in the castrated group, testosterone administration reversed this effect. A time-course study indicated that induction of ER beta mRNA increased within 9 hr and ER alpha decreased in 2 days after an injection (i.p.) of testosterone. Our results suggested that 1) testosterone up-regulates ER beta mRNA expression while ER alpha is down-regulated; and that 2) great changes in ER alpha and beta expression in the prostate gland during development from the newborn to adult may be due to the influence of testosterone.  相似文献   

Estrogen is one of the major sex steroid hormones that is produced from the human ovary, and its actions are established to be a receptor-mediated process. Despite the demonstration of estrogen receptor (ER) expression, little is known regarding the regulation of ER in the human ovary. In the present study we investigated the expression and hormonal regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta in human granulosa-luteal cells (hGLCs). Using RT-PCR amplification, both ERalpha and ERbeta messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) were detected from hGLCs. Northern blot analysis revealed that ERalpha is expressed at a relatively lower level than ERbeta. Basal expression studies indicated that ERalpha mRNA levels remain unchanged, whereas ERbeta mRNA levels increased with time in culture in vitro, suggesting that ERbeta is likely to play a dynamic role in mediating estrogen action in hGLCs. The regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta expression by hCG was examined. hCG treatment (10 IU/mL) significantly attenuated the ERalpha (45%; P < 0.01) and ERbeta (40%; P < 0.01) mRNA levels. The hCG-induced decrease in ERalpha and ERbeta expression was mimicked by 8-bromo-cAMP (1 mmol/L) and forskolin (10 micromol/L) treatment. Additional studies using a specific protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor (adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate, Rp-isomer, triethylammonium salt) and an adenylate cyclase inhibitor (SQ 22536) further implicated the involvement of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in hCG action in these cells. The hCG-induced decrease in ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA levels was prevented in the presence of these inhibitors. Next, the effect of GnRH on ER expression was studied. Sixty-eight percent (P < 0.001) and 60% (P < 0.001) decreases in ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA levels, respectively, were observed after treatment with 0.1 micromol/L GnRH agonist (GnRHa). Pretreatment of the cells with a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor (GF109203X) completely reversed the GnRHa-induced down-regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta expression, suggesting the involvement of PKC in GnRH signal transduction in hGLCs. In agreement with the semiquantitative RT-PCR results, Western blot analysis detected a decrease in ERalpha and ERbeta proteins levels in hGLCs after treatment with hCG (10 IU/mL), GnRH (0.1 micromol/L), 8-bromo-cAMP (1 mmol/L), forskolin (10 micromol/L), or phorbol 12-myristate 13 acetate (10 micromol/L). Functionally, we demonstrated an inhibition of progesterone production in hGLCs in vitro by 17beta-estradiol, and this inhibitory effect was eliminated by pretreatment of 10 IU/mL hCG or 0.1 micromol/L GnRHa for 24 h before 17beta-estradiol administration. In summary, we observed a differential expression of ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA in hGLCs in vitro. The demonstration of hCG- and GnRHa-induced down-regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta gene expression suggests that hCG and GnRH may contribute to the control of granulosa-luteal cell function. Furthermore, our data suggest that the effects of hCG and GnRH on ERalpha and ERbeta expression in hGLCs are mediated in part by activation of PKA and PKC signaling pathways, respectively.  相似文献   

The biological actions of estrogens on target cells are mediated by two nuclear receptors: the estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and the recently characterized ER beta. In the male rat, the physiological role of estrogens involves multiple actions, from masculinization of brain areas related to reproductive function and sexual behavior to regulation of testicular development and function. Paradoxically, however, administration of high doses of estrogen during the critical period of neonatal differentiation results in an array of defects in the reproductive axis that permanently disrupt male fertility. The focus of this study was to characterize the effects and mechanism(s) of action of neonatal estrogenization on the pattern of testicular ER alpha and beta gene expression during postnatal development. To this end, groups of male rats were treated at day 1 of age with estradiol benzoate (500 microg/rat), and testicular ER alpha and ER beta mRNA levels were assayed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR from the neonatal period until puberty (days 1-45 of age). Furthermore, the expression of androgen receptor (AR) mRNA was evaluated, given the partially overlapping pattern of tissue distribution of ER alpha, ER beta and AR messages in the developing rat testis. In addition, potential mechanisms for neonatal estrogen action were explored. Thus, to discriminate between direct effects and indirect actions through estrogen-induced suppression of serum gonadotropins, the effects of neonatal estrogenization were compared with those induced by blockade of gonadotropin secretion with a potent LHRH antagonist in the neonatal period. Our results indicate that neonatal exposure to estrogen differentially alters testicular expression of alpha and beta ER messages: ER alpha mRNA levels, as well as those of AR, were significantly decreased, whereas relative and total expression levels of ER beta mRNA increased during postnatal/prepubertal development after neonatal estrogen exposure, a phenomenon that was not mimicked by LHRH antagonist treatment. It is concluded that the effect of estrogen on the expression levels of ER alpha and beta mRNAs probably involves a direct action on the developing testis, and cannot be attributed to estrogen-induced suppression of gonadotropin secretion during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Venous complications have been implicated in the adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy. This study investigated acute effects of the natural estrogen, 17beta-estradiol, on function, estrogen receptors/GPR30 expression, and kinase activation in vascular rings and cultured smooth muscle cells from arteries and veins of patients with coronary artery disease. Changes in vascular tone of internal mammary arteries and saphenous veins exposed to the steroid were recorded. 17Beta-estradiol caused concentration-dependent, endothelium-independent relaxation in arteries (P<0.05 versus solvent control) but not in veins (P not significant). 17Beta-estradiol enhanced contractions to endothelin-1 in veins but not in arteries. The novel membrane estrogen receptor GPR30 was detected in both vessels. Moreover, gene expression of estrogen receptor beta was 10-fold higher than that of estrogen receptor alpha or GPR30 (P<0.05). Expression of all 3 of the receptors was reduced after exposure to 17beta-estradiol in arteries but not in veins (P<0.05). Basal phosphorylation levels of extracellular signal-regulated kinase were higher in venous than in arterial smooth muscle cells and were increased by 17beta-estradiol in arterial cells only. In summary, this is the first study to report that, in human arteries but not in veins, 17beta-estradiol acutely affects vascular tone, estrogen receptor expression, including GPR30, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation. These data indicate that effects of natural estrogens in humans differ between arterial and venous vascular beds, which may contribute to the vascular risks associated with menopause or hormone therapy.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that estrogen regulates the development and function of the fetal and definitive/transitional zones of the primate fetal adrenal gland. Thus, during baboon pregnancy estrogen acts directly on the fetal zone to suppress ACTH-stimulated dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) formation, potentially to modulate C19-steroid production and consequently placental estrogen synthesis. It is proposed that this action of estrogen is mediated by the estrogen receptor. Therefore, in the present study a developmental approach was used to determine whether the messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein for the estrogen receptor were expressed in the fetal and definitive/transitional zones ofthe baboon fetal adrenal gland at mid (day 100) and late (day 170) gestation (term = 184 days). Estrogen receptor alpha mRNA levels, determined by competitive RT-PCR, were approximately 7-fold greater (P < 0.02) in the fetal adrenal of late (187.8+/-40.3 attomoles/microg RNA) compared with mid (27.4+/-5.4 attomoles/microg RNA) gestation. Moreover, estrogen receptor alpha mRNA expression, determined by quantitative in situ hybridization, was approximately 2.5-fold greater (P < 0.05) in the definitive/transitional zones (21.6+/-0.5 silver grains/0.025 mm2) than in the fetal zone (8.3+/-1.5 grains/0.025 mm2) late in gestation. The mRNA for the beta-isoform of the estrogen receptor was also expressed in the baboon fetal adrenal cortex. There was a gradient of immunocytochemical staining for the estrogen receptor alpha and beta proteins, with extensive immunoreactivity for both isoforms in the definitive zone and lower staining in the transitional zone and the fetal zone. In summary, the results of the present study show that estrogen receptor alpha and beta were expressed in the fetal and definitive/transitional zones of the baboon fetal adrenal cortex at mid and late gestation. The presence of the estrogen receptor provides a mechanism for mediating the action of estrogen in modulating ACTH-dependent and cortical zone-specific development and function of the primate fetal adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The duration of songs and the intervals between these songs are more variable when wild, adult, free-ranging chipping sparrows sing at dawn than when they sing during the day. The more variable delivery is used to interact with males, and the stereotyped delivery is used to attract females. In captive birds, however, the variability observed at dawn persists during the day. We quantified the expression of an immediate early gene, ZENK, in wild and captive birds and found that the level of song-associated ZENK expression in two song nuclei, Area X and lMAN, was positively related to variability in song duration and intersong interval and could be dissociated from the social context in which the song occurred. Thus, a combination of field and laboratory approaches helped us identify nuclei, context, and behavioral features associated with a change in gene expression thought to be a marker of behavioral variability.  相似文献   

We reported previously that both subtypes of estrogen receptors, ERalpha and ERbeta, are expressed by human urothelial cells and mediate estrogen-induced cell proliferation in these cells. The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which each ER subtype contributes to urothelial cell proliferation and their possible involvement in the regulation of the cell cycle. We compared the expression of ERalpha and ERbeta mRNAs and protein quantitatively in primarily cultured human bladder urothelial cells obtained from six individuals with three immortalized urothelial (E6, E7, and UROtsa) and two bladder cancer cell lines (HTB-9 and T24). We found that all these cells express similar levels of ERbeta, but immortalized and cancer cells express much higher amounts of ERalpha than primary cells. Higher levels of ERalpha mRNA were also observed in the biopsies of bladder transitional cell carcinoma compared with sample from the same bladder unaffected by tumor. Using the ERalpha-selective agonist PPT, the ERbeta-selective agonist DPN, and specific small interfering RNA against ERalpha or ERbeta, we found that ERbeta predominantly mediates estrogen-induced G1/S transition and cell proliferation in the primary urothelial cells. By contrast, ERalpha predominantly mediates estrogen-induced G1/S transition and cell proliferation in bladder cancer cell lines. Furthermore, we found that 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) rapidly induces phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases, but U0126, a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor, does not affect E(2)-induced urothelial cell proliferation. E(2) up-regulated cyclin D1 and cyclin E expression in both the primary and bladder cancer cells, and the cancer cells have higher cyclin D1 and cyclin E expression during G0/G1 phases. Our data suggest that estrogen exerts its effects through different ER subtypes in urothelial cells. Increased expression of ERalpha may contribute to early induction of cyclin D1 and cyclin E during the cell cycle in bladder cancer cells.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of estrogen on the pituitary, including cellular proliferation and regulation of hormone synthesis, are mediated by the nuclear estrogen receptor (ER). The purpose of this study was to determine ontogenetic expression of two types of ERs (ERalpha and ERbeta) in the pituitary using specific antibodies, monoclonal antibody (1D5) for ERalpha and polyclonal antibody generated against ERbeta. First, we confirmed the detection of 66- and 55-kDa bands for ERalpha and ERbeta, respectively, in the rat pituitary extract by Western blotting. Then immunostaining with these antibodies was performed using fetal and adult Wistar rat tissues, combined with PRL or LHbeta immunohistochemistry. Intense ERbeta signal was detected throughout the pituitary from day 12 of gestation. However, staining for ERalpha only became detectable from day 17 of gestation. In contrast with the fetal period, nuclei stained for ERalpha were widely distributed in the anterior lobe in the adult rat, whereas ERbeta-positive cells were restricted in the anterior lobe. LHbeta, but not PRL, was colocalized in ERbeta-positive cells. Our results indicated that the major population of ER subtypes in the rat pituitary gland has changed around the day of birth and that the expression of ERbeta may be involved in the differentiation of pituitary cell function to synthesize a specific hormone.  相似文献   

Experimental and population-based studies indicate that female gender and estrogens protect the cardiovascular system against aldosterone-induced injury. Understanding the function of estrogens in heart disease requires more precise information on the role of both estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes, ERalpha and ERbeta. Therefore, we determined whether selective activation of ERalpha or of ERbeta would confer redundant, specific, or opposing effects on cardiovascular remodeling in aldosterone salt-treated rats. The ERalpha agonist 16alpha-LE2, the ERbeta agonist 8beta-VE2, and the nonselective estrogen receptor agonist 17beta-estradiol lowered elevated blood pressure, cardiac mass, and cardiac myocyte cross-sectional areas, as well as increased perivascular collagen accumulation and vascular osteopontin expression in ovariectomized rats receiving chronic aldosterone infusion plus a high-salt diet for 8 weeks. Uterus atrophy was prevented by 16alpha-LE2 and 17beta-estradiol but not by 8beta-VE2. Cardiac proteome analyses by 2D gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and peptide sequencing identified specific subsets of proteins involved in cardiac contractility, energy metabolism, cellular stress response and extracellular matrix formation that were regulated in opposite directions by aldosterone salt treatment and by different estrogen receptor agonists. We conclude that activation of either ERalpha or ERbeta protects the cardiovascular system against the detrimental effects of aldosterone salt treatment and confers redundant, as well as specific, effects on cardiac protein expression. Nonfeminizing ERbeta agonists such as 8beta-VE2 have a therapeutic potential in the treatment of hypertensive heart disease.  相似文献   

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