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减重代谢外科经过近70年的发展,已成为普通外科中具有创新意义和技术挑战的亚专科。空肠回肠旁路术、Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、垂直绑带胃成形术、胆胰分流及十二指肠转位术、可调节胃束带术和胃袖状切除术在减重手术发展中均曾占过主导地位,迷你胃旁路术等新型术式也在不断发展。微创手术技术的进步、对胃肠道及代谢生理机制认识的加深、以及多学科综合治疗协作组(MDT)模式的应用,均为减重代谢外科的发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

肥胖是一种慢性、复杂性疾病,腹腔镜减重手术已成为其治疗的主要手段。对于减重手术实施前是否需要进行术前减重一直存在争议,相关临床研究结果并不一致。多个回顾性的临床研究结果表明,术前减重可以显著提高减重手术效果,缩短手术和住院时间,降低术后并发症的发生率。有研究发现,术前减重可以明显降低内脏脂肪与皮下脂肪的储备,术前2周总体重(total weight loss,TWL)下降5%可使肝脏体积缩小25%,有利于降低手术操作的难度与复杂性,缩短手术时间,进而提高减重治疗效果。加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS)在近20余年发展迅速,目前已逐渐开始应用于减重及代谢外科,术前减重是减重手术加速康复策略的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

正肥胖及其相关并发症对健康的损害已被人们日益重视,在经济社会发展和生活方式改变的背景下,我国肥胖人群已逾8500万[1]。肥胖及相关代谢紊乱引起多种疾病,涵盖了多学科内容,具体可细至分子水平。肥胖及其相关疾病在内科治疗不佳甚至无效的情况下,减重手术能有效、持久地达到减肥、并治愈或改善肥胖相关合并症。我国肥胖代谢外科经过二十余年的发展,已是相对成熟的学科,越来越多的外科医生能够熟练掌握减重手术主流术式,其学术广度和深度不断被发掘、拓展,  相似文献   

减重与代谢外科从最初的以减重为唯一目的,发展到治疗肥胖相关的糖、脂代谢和内分泌紊乱,手术适应证不断拓展,治疗范围涵盖2型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、睡眠呼吸暂停综合征等,手术所要求的身体质量指数不断调低。学科内涵不断丰富,对经典手术方式包括Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、胃袖状切除术、可调节胃绑带术和胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术的认识不断加深,在此基础上,新的手术方式不断涌现,包括袖状胃加单吻合口十二指肠转位手术和单吻合口胃旁路手术等。同时,减重外科未来也面临减重器械和胃镜下治疗的挑战。  相似文献   

我国减重与代谢外科已正式步入快速发展期,除了胃袖状切除术和Roux-en-Y胃旁路术外,还有多种术式在临床开展,其中包括单吻合口胃旁路术、胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术、单吻合口十二指肠转位术、胃袖状切除术联合近段空肠旁路术、胃袖状切除术联合十二指肠空肠旁路术、胃袖状切除术联合胃空肠双通道术等,对于未经过系统理论知识和临床实践培训、以及新近开展减重与代谢手术的医生,手术方式的选择常造成困惑。原则是甄别积极推荐、谨慎推荐、不推荐和探索性的手术方式,根据自身条件、团队条件、硬件条件以及患者疾病情况和期望,采用医患共同决策的模式,科学选择手术方式。  相似文献   

肥胖症是一种以异常或过度脂肪蓄积并威胁人体健康为特征的疾病状态。随着经济社会的飞速发展和生活方式的改变,肥胖在我国高度流行并成为威胁人群健康的重要疾病。与传统非手术治疗不同,减重代谢手术疗效确切,不易反弹,安全性好,临床获益证据充分,能够让许多肥胖症尤其是中重度肥胖症患者能够得到充分的救治,目前已经成为肥胖症综合治疗中的一个重要手段。笔者拟从减重手术指征、手术方式选择和围手术期多学科干预3个方面对减重代谢手术在肥胖症综合治疗中的运用进行阐述。  相似文献   

肥胖是一种疾病状态,一种现代生活方式引起的疾病。随着经济的不断发展和日常生活行为方式的演变,肥胖的患病率在发达国家和发展中国家都不断升高[1-2]。肥胖影响日常生活质量,甚至引起包括2型糖尿病等在内的诸多严重并发症,正日趋成为一个重大的公共卫生问题。目前外科手术是治疗肥胖及其相关并发症的首选方法,也是最有效的方法[3]。1953年,世界第一例减重手术实施,开始只用于治疗单纯性病态肥胖。后来,学者观察到减重手  相似文献   

纵观全世界减重代谢外科经典手术方式和新手术方式的布局与比例,胃袖状切除术以其日渐凸显的优势正成为最被接受和推崇的减重手术方式,其手术量甚至已超过“金标准”手术方式Roux-en-Y胃旁路术。在我国,这种趋势尤为明显。随着部分缺乏胃肠外科临床经验的医师以及更多年轻医师进入减重代谢外科,临床实践中相继出现操作相关手术并发症...  相似文献   

近年来我国减重与代谢外科发展快速,越来越多的医院和医生开展本学科,年手术量快速增长,因而,在学科发展的关键时期不断推进本学科临床医疗的规范化显得愈加重要。现阶段,需要加强和完善对减重与代谢外科医生和个案管理师进行系统的规范化培训,在临床操作层面严格把握手术适应证,基于临床证据合理选择手术方式,做好患者术后规范化随访和临床资料的科学管理,是推动减重与代谢手术规范化的重要举措。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe third most common bariatric surgery is revisional bariatric surgery. The American College of Surgeons tracks outcomes using the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation Quality Initiative Program database. We used this database to examine trends in revisional bariatric surgery.ObjectiveTo evaluate how trends in bariatric revisional surgery have changed in recent years.SettingUniversity Hospital, United States.MethodsThe Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation Quality Initiative Program database for 2015 to 2017 was examined for revisions of bariatric surgery. Patients who underwent revisional bariatric surgery were identified by the primary Current Procedural Terminology code, the REVCONV and PREVIOUS_SURGERY field as well as secondary Current Procedural Terminology codes. There is no exact code for sleeve gastrectomy (SG) to laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB), so we used 43644 (GB)+REVCONV+PREVIOUS_SURGERY for this.ResultsFor the years 2015 to 2017 there were 57,683 revisions/conversions of 528,081 patients. The number of revisions increased over the study period by 5213 cases. The most common revision was laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) to SG with 15,433 cases and the second was LAGB to LRYGB with 10,485 cases. There were 14,715 LAGB removals. It is more difficult to track SG to LRYGB but there were 8491 unlisted cases, which may have been sleeve to bypass.ConclusionLAGBs are being taken out or converted, and this group makes up the largest portion of revisions and conversions. It is difficult to track SG to LRYGB, but the number of unlisted cases continues to climb. This will likely surpass LAGB conversions with time. The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation Quality Initiative Program should be modified to capture revisions/conversions of SG.  相似文献   



The number of Canadians who self-refer for bariatric surgery outside of Canada or to private clinics within Canada remains undefined. The outcomes from this questionable practice have not been evaluated systematically to date.


We completed a chart review of known cases referred to our center for complications related to medical tourism and bariatric surgery.


We present a series of patients who have experienced complications because of medical tourism for bariatric surgery and required urgent surgical management at a tertiary care center within Canada. Complications have resulted from 3 commonly used procedures: adjustable gastric banding, gastric sleeve resection, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.


Because of this review, we propose that a medical tourism approach to the surgical management of obesity—a chronic disease—is inappropriate and raises clear ethical and moral issues.  相似文献   

李威杰 《消化外科》2013,(12):891-893
随着肥胖问题的日益严重以及微创减重手术的发展,减重手术在近年来呈现跳跃式的发展,也发展出独立的减重外科分支。减重手术不但是病态性肥胖患者目前唯一有效的治疗方法,而且逐渐发展为代谢性手术,为难治性的肥胖合并糖尿病患者提供了一种新的治疗方法。减重手术的术式数十年发生了很大的变化,目前的减重手术经过不断的改进及发展,已成为一种相对安全和有效的外科治疗方法。新的代谢性手术仍在不断地发展,预期对未来糖尿病的治疗会有很大的突破。减重外科的专科化发展则是减重手术蓬勃发展后的必然趋势,独立的减重外科可以专注于减重手术的服务以及质量提升,对减重及代谢手术的专业训练以及研究发展也都有很大的帮助。随着文明化生活方式的影响,肥胖及糖尿病将会持续成为这个时代重要的健康问题,减重外科的发展更是值得期待。  相似文献   

BackgroundPsoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease known to be associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Single case reports and small series suggest remission or improvement after bariatric surgery, hypothetically through a GLP-1 mediated mechanism. The objective of this study was to investigate on the effect of bariatric surgery on the clinical behavior of psoriasis in obese patients.MethodsA total of 33 morbidly obese individuals with psoriasis who were on active medical treatment were identified. Demographic characteristics and follow-up data were extracted from our database. Medication usage and percentage of affected body surface area (%ABSA) were recorded preoperatively and at least 6 months after bariatric surgery.ResultsNine (27.2%) patients were on systemic therapy at baseline. At a mean follow-up time of 26.2±20.3 months, a mean excess weight loss (EWL) of 48.7± 26.6% was achieved. This was associated with improvement of psoriasis based on downgrade of medication and %ABSA in 30.3% and 26.1% of patients, respectively. In total, 13 of 33 patients (39.4%) had improvement based on either criteria. Eight (24.2%) patients were not on any psoriasis medication at the latest follow-up (P = .001). Older age at the time of surgery (54.8±8.1 versus 48.1±10.4 years, P = .047), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus nonbypass procedures (52.4% versus 16.7%, P = .043), and greater EWL (64.2±26.0% versus 43.4± 23.6%, P = .036) predicted improvement. Only 1 (3%) patient experienced worsening after surgery.ConclusionAlmost 40% of our cohort showed improvement of psoriasis several months after bariatric surgery. Improvement is directly related to the degree of postoperative weight loss and is associated with the Roux-en-Y configuration.  相似文献   

我国已经进入到减重与代谢手术的快速发展期,我们在减重与代谢外科专科化发展、手术规范化培训、学术交流及科学研究方面不断探索,越来越多的中国减重与代谢外科声音在国际上发出。如何做好量和质的同步发展,是我们每一位减重与代谢外科医师应思考的问题。  相似文献   

目前在世界范围内,超重和肥胖的育龄女性逐年增加。除了合并糖尿病、高血压等慢性疾病外,他们还可出现性激素的代谢紊乱,表现为月经不规律、不孕症以及产科并发症等。减重手术是减轻体重和纠正肥胖相关并发症的有效方法。肥胖育龄女性在接受减重手术后,生育能力显著改善,妊娠几率提升。另一方面,肥胖女性在减重术后受孕的时机,对减重手术效果、妊娠并发症、分娩结局及母子近远期结局的影响值得探讨。本文就育龄肥胖女性施行减重手术后受孕时机和减重效果及妊娠风险与结局的临床研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

BackgroundMagnetic sphincter augmentation (MSA) has gained popularity as a treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The role of MSA in treating GERD in metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) patients at the time of primary MBS is unknown.ObjectiveTo determine the short-term outcomes of MSA placed at the time of MBS.SettingNational database, United States.MethodsWe queried the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) database for MSA performed at time of the sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for the years 2017–2018. A propensity adjusted analysis was performed to assess 30-day outcomes of patients who had MSA placed versus those who did not.ResultsThere were 319,580 patients who underwent MBS in the study period. Twenty-four patients had MSA at time of surgery. These patients did not have a higher reported rate of preoperative GERD (P = .93). Six patients (25%) with MSA had a RYGB; the other 18 patients (75%) patients had SG (P < .001). Operative times were similar between the groups and there was no difference in length of stay. After propensity matched analysis (with 24 patients in each arm), patients who underwent an MSA had shorter discharge times (1.4 days [.8] versus 2.0 [.9], P = .012).ConclusionMSA is safe in the short term in MBS. There is no difference in major morbidity or mortality and operative times are similar in MSA patients. The long-term efficacy of this practice is unknown.  相似文献   

标准化的临床数据是开展高质量临床与基础研究的重要基础,是提升临床诊疗水平的有力保障,是临床决策和医疗政策制定的依据来源,而规范化临床数据库的构建及临床资料管理可提高临床数据质量。本文基于大中华减重与代谢外科数据库,围绕数据库建立的目的和意义、临床数据库的建设方案、临床数据的质量控制、临床数据的保护及成果展望五个方面,重点阐述临床数据库的建立流程及实践经验,以实现对减重与代谢外科临床资料的规范化管理与分析,积极推动高质量临床研究及临床实践。  相似文献   

肥胖代谢外科在我国已发展20年,起步晚、起点高、发展快。因减重手术数量逐年增加,各类临床、基础研究开展逐渐增多,我国也逐渐成为世界范围内推动肥胖代谢外科发展的重要力量。肥胖代谢外科快速发展同样面临诸多问题,如手术适应证是否明确,手术方式的选择,术后并发症的预防与处理。笔者将深入探讨和剖析肥胖代谢外科发展过程中的问题,以...  相似文献   

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