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Forty-eight cases with dysmenorrhoea were treated by nerve stimulation therapy.Of these 32 cases (66. 7%) were clinically cured, 3 (16.6%) remarkably improved, 5 (0. 4%)improved, the total effective rate was 93. 8%.  相似文献   

Apartofpatientsaftergeneralsurgicalop-erationoccurgastrointestinaldysfunction,clini-cally,nausea,vomiting,sourregurgitation,anorexia,abdominaldistension,etc.,beingcommonlyseengastrointestinalresponses.Since1991,theauthorhastreated43in-patientsofgastrointestinaldysfunctionaftergeneralsurgicaloperationbyacupunctureplusauricular-plastertherapywithasatisfactoryresult,whichissum-marizedinthefollowing.GENERALDATAIntheseries,43casesallwerein-patientsofgeneralsurgicaloperation,amongthem2Ocaseswere…  相似文献   

The author used the pricking-blood therapy to treat 14 cases of laryngeal car-buncle.The pricking-blood therapy included clumpy pricking(local area),spot pricking(prickingSanshang points on the thumb and three points of the helix).The therapy has role of clearing awaypathogentic heat and toxic materials and promoting subsidence of swelling.It could avoid forming py-opoiesis and free from operating treatment.The treatment was given once daily,result:13 cases cured(93%),1 case failed(7%).In 14 cases,antero-upper type has 13 cases which cured,postero-uppertype has only 1 case which treated failure.It is because its imflammation was located on posterior totonsillae,exposed bad and pricked difficulty.So the therapy only used antero-upper type of laryngealcarbuncle and had a good effect.  相似文献   

The writer had applied the theory of meridlians and collaterals to differentiation ofsyndrome,type classification,principle of treatment and selection of points.120 cases of blepharoptosis were treated with acupuncture therapy.The results showed that 90 cases were cured(75.0%),21 cases improve(17.5%)and 9 without effect(7.5%),with the total effective rate of 92.5%.  相似文献   

218 cases of insomnia were treated by auricular plaster therapy with seeds of Vaccaria segetalis. The auricular points Heart, Shenmen, Occiput and Brain were selected. The resultsshowed that 136 cases were cured, 76 markedly impr0ved and 6 no effect. The effect of this therapywas significantly better than that of medication (P<0. 01) in comparison with the application of western medicine.  相似文献   

Of 282 cases with pain treated by acupuncture at Xi points,207 cases were curedaccounting for 73.4%,among which 107 cases were cured after one treatment,36 cases after twosessions and 64 cases after over 3 sessions.75 cases improved.The total effective rate was100%.  相似文献   

It is reported that 245 cases of peptic ulcer were treated with catgut implantationat Pishu(BL 20)-through-Weishu(BL 21),Shangwan(CV 13)-through-Xiawan(CV 10)and Zusanli(ST 36)points.Catgut was embedded subcutaneously and left for 15 days as a course.As a resuit,121 cases(49.39%)were cured and 124(50.61%)improved.The total effective was 100%.  相似文献   

Theauthorshavedevelopedanewmedicalandhealthinstrument,FJY-1FengjiuYi(N&fX)byusingtraditionalmoxibustionmethodcombinedwithmodernelectrothermlceffect(seeIntheinstrument,propertiesandflavorofpowderofChinesedrugsintheFil1ingDrugTubesetintheFengjiuTubearevolatilizedbyelectricheatandtheheatwindblowsthedrugontotheaffectedpartofhumanbody,whichpermeatesintothebodythroughtheskinormu-cosasoastoachievepurposeoftreatmentofdis-easeorhealthprotection.Thisisauniqueexter-naltreatmentforinternaldiseases,i.…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of auricular plaster (otopoint-pressure) therapy in the treatment of insomnia. Methods: In this paper, 61 cases of insomnia patients including 16 males and 45 females were treated with Ershenmen (MA-TF 1), Zhen (MA-AT), Yuanzhong (MA-AT), Nao Dian and E (MA-AT), confined with other otopoints according to symptoms. The otopoint was stuck with a piece of plaster adhered with vaccaria seeds and pressured by the patient him- or her-self. The treatment was given twice a week, with 7 times being a therapeutic course. Results. After 1-2 courses of treatment, 19 (31.15%) cases were cured, 34 (55.74%) had improvement and 8 (13.11%) had no ~, with the total effective rate being 86.9%. Conclusion: Auricular plaster therapy works well in the treatment of insomnia patient.  相似文献   

Neurastheniaisacommonchronicdiseaseinclinic.Theauthorsofthispaperhavetreated1 0 0casesofthisdiseaseusingotopoint pelletpressingtherapyandachievedsatisfactoryre sults.Itissummarizedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAInthepresentpaper,patientswhoaresuf feringfromtempor…  相似文献   

Abdominalacupuncturetherapyisanewtherapyofmicro acupunctureseriesafterappear anceofear acupuncture ,scalpacupunctureandhandacupuncture .ItsacupointsdistributearoundShenque (CV 8)andfunctioninregulat ingdysfunctionofzang fuorgans.Itsprescrip tionsaremainlymad…  相似文献   

Lumbarintervertebraldischerniation(LIDH)isoneofthemaincausesinducinglowbackpain .ItisestimatedthatintheU .S .2 .6millionpeoplesufferfromthedisease,andtheannualcostforthisdiseaseisashighas 3 0mil liondollarsorevenmore[1 ,2 ] .Lumbartraction(LT)andmedicationarethecommoninterven tionforLIDH .However,theyarefarfromsat isfactionduetotheirlimitedeffects.UsingLTcombinedwithEA ,theauthorstreated 42out patientsinGrandRapidsandKalamazoo ,Michi ganfromApril 2 0 0 2toFebruary 2 0 0 4,andachieveds…  相似文献   

This paper reported that 2785 in-patients with infantile diarrhea were treatedwith moxa cone mainly on points Hegu(LI 4),Zhongwan(CV 12),Shenque(CV 8),Zusanli(ST36)and Pishu(EL 20).As a result,2520 cases(90.5%)were treated with excellent therapeutic ef-fectiveness;233(8.4%),good,and 32(1.1%),poor.The total effective rate reached 98.9%.  相似文献   

Enuresisisoneofthecommonlyencoun-tereddiseasesinpediatricsdepartment.Al-thoughacupuncturehasbeendocumentedexten-sivelyasaneffectivetherapyforenuresis,itishardtobeacceptedbychildrenpatients.Forthisreason,since1985,wehaveappliedmoxi-bustioncombinedwithfinger-massagemethodtothetreatmentofenuresisandsatisfactorythera-peuticresultshavebeenobtained.Itisreportedinthefollowing.GENERALDATASixty-eightout-patients,42maleand26fe-male,wererecruitedinthisinvestigation.A-mongthem,theyoungestwas4andoldes…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effects of acupuncturemoxibustion of Baihui(GV20), Neiguan(PC6), Zusanli(ST36)combined with psychotherapy on heroin craving, anxiety and sleep disorders of heroin addicts and to investigate the mechanisms of the effect of acupuncture on heroin craving by functional magnetic resonance imaging.Methods: A total of 120 cases of heroin addicts were stochastically divided into the treatment group and the control group.Each group had 60 cases.The treatment group received acupuncture combined with psychological nursing and psychological desensitization.Heroin addicts in the control group were afforded with psychotherapy.Twenty heroin addicts were selected stochastically from the treatment group and were acupunctured bilateral Zusanli point(ST36).The instant effect of cue-induced acupuncture was observed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.Results: After treatment, the VAS score of the treatment group was lower than that of the control group(P0.05), and there was a significant difference in the treatment group and the control group.After treatment, psychological anxiety factor and body anxiety factor were decreased in the treatment group, but the psychological anxiety factor of the treatment group was lowerthan that of the control group( P0.01).The total effective rate of anxiety improvement in the treatment group was 81.67%, while in control group was 13.11%.The total effective rate of the psychological craving improvement in the treatment group was 83.33%, while in the control group was 23.33%.The total effective rate of anxiety improvement and psychological craving improvement in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control group.The bilateral frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebellum, brainstem and other brain areas were activated when heroin addicts were watching drugs.The hypothalamus, temporal lobe and marginal system were activated when heroin addicts were acupunctured at Zusanli.  相似文献   

胆石症属临床常见病,用耳压疗法治疗216例胆石症,获满意疗效.取主穴胰胆、肝、脾、三焦、内分泌、肾上腺、神门,配穴:口、食道、十二指肠、小肠、交感、眼、上背、中背、下背、耳迷根.用橡皮膏粘王不留籽粘于穴位,日压7次;同时食用高脂食物配合治疗.痊愈68例(54%),显效30例(23.6%),有效23例(18%),无效5例(4%).  相似文献   

刘家瑛  蒋达树 《针刺研究》1992,17(2):85-86,89
<正> 周围性面神经麻痹是基乳突孔内急性非化脓性的面神经炎症所致一侧面部表情肌的瘫痪,亦称Bell’s麻痹。是因面部感受风邪,致使风邪中于经络而引起面部肌肉瘫痪的病  相似文献   

FromJanuaryof1998toDecemberof2001,the authorsofthepresentpaperadoptedacu moxibustion therapytotreat39casesofsimpleobesitycomplicated withpremenstrualtensionsyndromeandachievedsat isfactoryresults.Followingisthereport.1CLINICALDATA1.1Generaldata Allthe39casesofsimpleobesitywithconcur rentpremenstrualtensionsyndromewereoutpatients fromtheAmbulantClinicofNanjingUniversityof TCM.Theyoungestwas16yearsandtheoldest38years,withanaverageof25.4years.Theshortest durationofdisease(obesity)was4yea…  相似文献   

Migraine is a neurovascular headache with recurrent attack and long history. It is quite difficult in clinic for the healing of migraine. The author since 1993, has treated migraineurs with point-injection, acupuncture combined with Chinese herbs in special migraine clinic of ZhejiangCollege of TCM, and meantime, made full short-term and long-term observation and received satisfied results.  相似文献   

加用活血降糖平脂方治疗2型糖尿病30例疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :研究自拟活血降糖平脂方对属血瘀证的2型糖尿病患者血糖和血脂代谢的影响。方法 :选择符合血瘀证的2型糖尿病合并高血脂患者90例 ,全部口服二甲双胍控制病情,在此基础上分为治疗1组 (加服活血降糖平脂方 )30例 ,治疗2组 (加服六味地黄汤 )30例,对照组 (加服蒸馏水维生素B2 混合液 )30例,60天后观察各组血糖、血脂及胰岛素的变化。结果 :治疗1组降血糖、降血脂总有效率分别为93.33%和66.67%,与治疗2组(66.67% ,33.33%)和对照组(60.00% ,26.67%)比较,均有显著性差异 (P<0.01) ;各组治疗后空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2h血糖(PBG)均较治疗前明显下降(P<0.01或P<0.05) ;治疗后的FBG和PBG ,治疗1组均明显低于治疗2组和对照组(P<0.05) ;治疗1组治疗后血清总胆固醇和血清甘油三酯较治疗前均明显下降(P<0.01) ,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇较治疗前明显升高(P<0.01)。结论 :在口服二甲双胍基础上加服活血降糖平脂方对血瘀证2型糖尿病具有较明显的降糖、降脂作用。  相似文献   

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