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Securing electronic health records, in scenarios in which the provision of care services is share among multiple actors, could become a complex and costly activity. Correct identification of patients and physician, protection of privacy and confidentiality, assignment of access permissions for healthcare providers and resolutions of conflicts rise as main points of concern in the development of interconnected health information networks. Biometric technologies have been proposed as a possible technological solution for these issues due to its ability to provide a mechanism for unique verification of an individual identity. This paper presents an analysis of the benefit as well as disadvantages offered by biometric technology. A comparison between this technology and more traditional identification methods is used to determine the key benefits and flaws of the use biometric in health information systems. The comparison as been made considering the viability of the technologies for medical environments, global security needs, the contemplation of a share care environment and the costs involved in the implementation and maintenance of such technologies. This paper also discusses alternative uses for biometrics technologies in health care environments. The outcome of this analysis lays in the fact that even when biometric technologies offer several advantages over traditional method of identification, they are still in the early stages of providing a suitable solution for a health care environment.  相似文献   

电子病历是医院核心信息资源,也是病人的个人隐私,以中山市人民医院电子病历安全管理为例,从信息源的角度分析电子病历的各类安全风险,重点围绕电子病历建立、传输、存储、访问等过程制定应对措施。  相似文献   

电子病历和电子健康档案是医院信息系统重要的两个组成部分。电子健康档案是电子病历的高级形式,有着电子病历无法替代的作用。它兼容患者医疗及个人健康保健、家庭健康档案、公共卫生信息、慢性病随访记录等信息,并实现居民健康档案多档合一。它实现了不同医疗机构的信息数据交流、利用更新及交互应用;它可提高信息的使用率,是社区卫生服务的依据、全科医疗的工具,在区域卫生信息化建设中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

明确社区居民电子健康档案管理系统总体设计需求,从设计目标、功能模块、概念模型、关键技术等方面阐述系统设计,介绍具体的功能实现,包括健康档案建立与维护、信息检索、专档信息管理、数据统计、系统管理等。  相似文献   



To assess the performance of electronic health record data for syndromic surveillance and to assess the feasibility of broadly distributed surveillance.


Two systems were developed to identify influenza-like illness and gastrointestinal infectious disease in ambulatory electronic health record data from a network of community health centers. The first system used queries on structured data and was designed for this specific electronic health record. The second used natural language processing of narrative data, but its queries were developed independently from this health record. Both were compared to influenza isolates and to a verified emergency department chief complaint surveillance system.


Lagged cross-correlation and graphs of the three time series.


For influenza-like illness, both the structured and narrative data correlated well with the influenza isolates and with the emergency department data, achieving cross-correlations of 0.89 (structured) and 0.84 (narrative) for isolates and 0.93 and 0.89 for emergency department data, and having similar peaks during influenza season. For gastrointestinal infectious disease, the structured data correlated fairly well with the emergency department data (0.81) with a similar peak, but the narrative data correlated less well (0.47).


It is feasible to use electronic health records for syndromic surveillance. The structured data performed best but required knowledge engineering to match the health record data to the queries. The narrative data illustrated the potential performance of a broadly disseminated system and achieved mixed results.  相似文献   

With the continuous advancement of health informatization and the wide application of medical big data, electronic health records came into being and spread rapidly. However, because electronic health records contain a large amount of private information, privacy protection is the primary consideration for the sustainable development of electronic health records. By analyzing the shortcomings of privacy protection of electronic health records in law, technology, management and protection consciousness, this paper put forward some countermeasures, such as perfecting the relevant laws and regulations of privacy protection of electronic health records, improving the technical level, improving the management defects of electronic health records, and cultivating the privacy protection consciousness of professionals and the public, so as to improve the overall privacy protection level of China’s health records information management system and provide effective protection for the privacy information of Chinese residents’ electronic health records. © 2022, Editorial department of Chinese Medical Ethics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

随着医院信息化的发展,单一的信息孤岛系统很难满足患者和医疗机构对完整信息链的需求。为此,需要构建统一完整的居民健康档案和跨医疗机构的信息共享机制,协同不同医疗机构的业务信息系统,实现居民电子病历和健康档案信息的共享和交换,为相关部门提供全面准确的决策支持。电子病历和电子健康档案是医院信息系统重要的两个组成部分。电子健康档案是电子病历的高级形式,有着电子病历无法替代的作用。它兼容患者医疗及个人健康保健、家庭健康档案、公共卫生信息、术后随访记录等信息,并实现居民健康档案多档合一。它实现了不同医疗机构的信息数据交流,利用更新及交互应用,可提高信息的使用率,是社区卫生服务的依据及全科医疗的工具,在区域卫生信息化建设中起着重要作用。重点介绍以电子病历为核心建立孕产妇的社区电子健康档案。  相似文献   

本文借鉴IBM智慧医疗解决方案,概述以电子健康档案作为区域医疗信息化建设的信息载体,基于面向服务架构( Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA)的理念和架构,针对区域医疗中的重点问题,实现医院、社区、公共卫生等信息资源的整合和共享,从而实现以居民为中心的医疗服务体系.  相似文献   

电子健康档案的信息质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子健康档案是记录居民健康信息的系统化文件,是社区卫生服务中收集、记录社区居民健康信息的重要工具。本文论述电子健康档案的内容和范围,探讨电子健康档案质量控制的内涵和质量标准,提出电子健康档案信息质量控制的方法和对策。  相似文献   

阐述电子健康档案内涵,分析其建设过程中存在的各地区发展不平衡、缺乏标准规范等问题,基于4W(Why、Who、When、Way)要素对电子健康档案安全管理及应用提出相应建议。  相似文献   

林雨芳 《中国病案》2004,5(6):20-21
随着新的<医疗事故处理条例>及相关配套文件的相继出台,对各医疗单位来说,无疑是新的机遇,也是新的挑战.在新的形势下,如何在全面提高医疗服务质量的同时,维护医院及各医护人员的合法权益,保障医疗安全,是摆在我们面前的重要课题.  相似文献   

军人电子健康梢案平台是我军提高为兵服务质量,完善卫勤保障信息化体系的又一重大数字工程,而信息技术是建设平台的基础和难点,依据已实施的军人电子健康档案平台,对其中的关键信息技术进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

从电子病历和电子健康记录的概念出发,运用电子病历采用度模型,分析了美国HIMSS数据库4000家医院达到数字化的程度。得出的结论是大部分美国医院还处在电子病历的初级阶段,要充分应用电子病历,达到数字化医院的更高阶段还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

探讨基于语义的电子健康档案信息组织的基本概念、模式、实现方式,指出电子健康档案是实现社区医疗卫生服务网络体系的基础,电子健康档案信息组织的根本目标是服务广大信息消费者、信息生产者和信息传播者。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务中心电子健康档案利用情况的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
目的 对上海市A社区卫生服务中心的健康档案信息化的实践流程做了详细总结,以供相关卫生系统和行政部门在政策制定和实施时参考.方法 采用文献查阅法和专家咨询法进行资料收集,并随机抽取A社区卫生服务中心740份健康档案进行分析,了解其更新情况.结果 A社区卫生服务中心在健康档案计算机化和网络化管理的基础上,实现了电子健康档案的建立、更新和利用,并且做到了整个社区卫生服务中心信息和数据的互通,实现了社区居民健康档案"多档合一"的一体化管理目标.结论 健康档案信息化在A社区卫生服务中心的实践取得了良好成效,为在多个卫生机构间实现健康档案网络化打下了良好基础.  相似文献   

采用B/S模式进行老干部电子健康档案管理网络平台的设计与开发,介绍系统整体架构、技术构成、功能模块及应用效果。填补干休所信息化建设的空白,有利于为老干部提供个性化医疗服务和健康保障。  相似文献   

首次采用利益相关者分析方法,研究和探讨我国电子健康档案建设过程中主要利益相关者对政策的认知、立场、利益、资源、权力和领导能力,总结和归纳主要利益相关者对电子健康档案发展的影响,并以解决实际问题、促进各方利益平衡为出发点提出政策建议。  相似文献   

If Electronic Health Records contain a large amount of information about the patient’s condition and response to treatment, which can potentially revolutionize the clinical practice, such information is seldom considered due to the complexity of its extraction and analysis. We here report on a first integration of an NLP framework for the analysis of clinical records of lung cancer patients making use of a telephone assistance service of a major Spanish hospital. We specifically show how some relevant data, about patient demographics and health condition, can be extracted; and how some relevant analyses can be performed, aimed at improving the usefulness of the service. We thus demonstrate that the use of EHR texts, and their integration inside a data analysis framework, is technically feasible and worth of further study.  相似文献   

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