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老年流行病学是运用流行病学原理和方法,研究老年人群健康状态、疾病及其危险因素的分布和预防,并采取干预措施促进老年人群健康的学科。我国人口老龄化和高龄化进程逐渐加深,老年流行病学作为流行病学的重要分支和老年预防医学的骨干学科之一,为实现预防疾病、促进健康的目标发挥着重要作用。本文总结了近年来我国老年流行病学研究的进展,梳理我国老年人的健康分布规律和危险因素等,并对老年流行病学学科发展的趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国是目前全球老龄化进程最快的国家之一,衰老相关的慢性非传染性疾病和退行性疾病导致的健康相关损伤是我国公共卫生体系将要面临的严峻挑战。华西老年人群健康队列拟通过建立以社区为基础的华西老年人群健康队列,由专职研究人员通过入户问卷调查、现场体格检查、生物样本收集、实验室检测相结合的方式进行样本数据收集,并进一步建立老年人群多模态精准医学亚队列,基于多组学方法角度,识别老年人环境、膳食、及遗传变异对衰老相关疾病的影响,为开展老年人群老龄化相关疾病高危人群筛查及疾病预防和控制相关靶点提供证据支持。可以为老年相关疾病防控、减轻疾病负担提供流行病学证据。本文对该队列的背景、目的、研究内容和方法进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

我国21 世纪老年流行病学的发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
老年流行病学是老年医学的一门方法学,主要涉及老年人的疾病、健康、社会生活、心理情况等。我国的老年流行病学工作始于20世纪50年代,70年代末、80年代初我国的老年流行病学专家就对老年人的健康状况、老年人生理正常值、老年人长寿原因、老年人的多发病、常见病的分布及原因、老年人的死因、老年人的营养状态、老年人社会生活、老年人的心理状态等进行了研究;进入90年代,在上述研究的基础上开展了对老年常见病、多发病的监测和登记、老年人社区疾病的综合防治研究等〔1〕。随着我国老龄化程度的加剧及学科发展的需要,1994年10月中华老年医…  相似文献   

健康老龄化与老年流行病学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近年来我国正大力推进并努力实现健康老龄化社会的建设,而反映一个国家健康老龄化的核心指标就是老年人群躯体健康、心理健康、社会适应程度及生活质量的水平。本文综述了健康老龄化的概念及国内外的相关进展,并阐述了老年流行病学在该领域研究的引领作用和策划本期“关注老年人的功能与健康”栏目的初衷,即针对主要影响我国老年人群生活质量的诸如失能、共病和失智的基本患病情况及主要影响因素在有一定全国代表性的人群进行调查与分析,以期描述和了解我国不同地区影响老年人群生活质量的主要健康问题的严重程度及相关影响因素的差异性,为制定针对性的干预策略、探索实现健康老龄化社会的有效途径提供相关基础数据。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化的发展,老年人作为一个特殊的群体越来越引起人们的关注。慢性非传染性疾病已占据了疾病谱和死因谱的首位,老年人的健康问题已成为一个重要的社会问题。社区老年人慢性病高患病率和低控制率使社区预防保健和健康教育工作刻不容缓。为了解社区老年人群健康和生活状况,以提出相应的社区保健措施,特开展此次调查活动。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国人口老龄化的发展,老年人作为一个特殊的群体越来越引起人们的关注。慢性非传染性疾病已占据了疾病谱和死因谱的首位,老年人的健康问题已成为一个重要的社会问题。社区老年人慢性病高患病率和低控制率使社区预防保健和健康教育工作刻不容缓[1]。为了解社区老年人群健康和生活状况,以提出相应的社区保健措施,特开展此次调查活动。  相似文献   

为了提高人们对气候变化与老年人群健康关系的认识,采用文献综述的方法,系统地回顾国内外气候变化对老年人产生的健康效应。分析气候变化下极端温度、极端气候、空气污染和气候敏感性传染病对老年人群产生的直接和间接健康影响,并根据老年人死因排序,重点围绕极端温度对心脑血管系统疾病和空气污染对呼吸系统疾病的影响、致病机理及对不同地区老年人发病率和死亡率的影响程度进行探讨。为推动健康老龄化,促进老年人群应对气候变化提出以下建议:一是积极支持气候变化纳入老年健康服务体系建设;二是提高老年人对气候变化影响健康的认知;三是加大研究支持力度,尤其是交叉学科研究。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析西安市离退休老年人群主要消费支出分布特征,为有效提高老年人生存质量,加强老年人社区护理提供科学依据.方法:采用整群抽样方法抽取西安市4个社区238名离退休老年人群作为研究对象,调查其主要消费支出.结果:本次调查的238名离退休老年人群中,消费支出依次为:伙食费(89.11%)、医疗费(27.82%)、健康护理费(21.98).结论:随着社会人口老龄化,社会经济的发展,老年人医疗和健康护理需求不断加大,我国政府应加大基本公共卫生服务投入,加强老年人养老设施建设,满足老年人群卫生服务和养老需求.  相似文献   

随着社会变革、经济发展、科学进步及医疗水平的提高,人类平均寿命不断延长,老年人口逐渐增加,有资料显示,我国在1999年时60岁以上老年人就达到了1.29亿,占总人口的10.15%,已经步入了老龄化社会[1]。随着老年人口的增多,老年人问题已成为当今社会的重要问题之一。单纯的老年人口增加并不代表问题的所在,关键在于老年人群所展现的特殊需求增加,如社会福利、养老保险、家庭照顾、医疗保健等,其中最重要的是老年赡养和医疗保健问题。为了满足日益增长的老年人健康及医疗护理需求,势必需要开展形式多样、内容丰富的社区护理,老龄化社会需要更多…  相似文献   

吴亦 《江苏卫生事业管理》2021,32(10):1403-1405
目的:通过健康教育与健康促进方法和手段,提高本辖区老年人群的健康素养和健康管理水平。方法:探索多途径多形式老年人群的健康教育和健康促进,开展系列老年健康知识普及行动及健康促进活动,通过家庭医生签约等服务为广大老年朋友提供优质健康管理服务。结果:2020年江阴市60岁以上老年人健康素养水平达到17.73%,高出2019年4.21%的3.2倍以上。结论:江阴市开展各项老年健康教育与健康促进活动,提供优质健康管理服务,有效提升了全市老年人群健康素养水平。  相似文献   


Prevention of premature chronic diseases is an important component of healthy aging. Nutrition education can help to reduce the risk of premature chronic diseases in some older adults. Home delivered meals and congregate dining services assist vulnerable elderly persons by providing opportunities for nutritional and social support. Screening and assessment tools identify factors affecting nutritional health and can also provide specific directions for planning, implementation, and evaluation of tailored interventions. Dietitians and allied health professionals are well positioned to assist a heterogeneous population of older adults in securing nutritional adequacy.  相似文献   

随着我国逐步步入老龄社会,老年人群占比越来越大,其健康受到慢性病和传染病的双重威胁。传染病种类繁多,针对成年人的重要疫苗可预防传染病有流感、肺炎球菌性疾病和带状疱疹等,另外新发传染病新型冠状病毒肺炎造成了全世界的大流行,死亡人群中老年人占比最高,对老年人的健康造成重大威胁。本研究主要针对老年人群的疫苗可预防疾病和新型冠...  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解江汉区65岁及以上老年人的慢性病患病状况,为制定有效防治措施提供依据。方法 对2014年5月-12月在江汉区13所社区卫生服务机构参加免费体检的15113名老年人进行问卷调查和体检。结果 江汉区65岁及以上老年人慢性病总患病率为75.63%,患病率排在前三位的依次是高血压(66.98%)、糖尿病(18.40%)和冠心病(8.31%);女性的糖尿病、高脂血症患病率高于男性,而慢性支气管炎患病率低于男性。体重超重/肥胖者高血压(P<0.01)、糖尿病(P<0.01)、冠心病(P<0.05) 的患病率明显高于体重正常者。高血压患者患糖尿病、冠心病、高脂血症和脑中风的风险增加(P<0.01)。结论 江汉区老年人慢性病患病率较高,采取有效措施控制老年人体重和血压,对降低老年人心脑血管疾病患病率,提高生命质量具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

As the United States federal public health agency, the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in health promotion and disability prevention with older adults encompasses research, surveillance and program activities in aging. This article characterizes the objectives and context of prevention in later life and summarizes CDCs functions, collaborative partnerships with public health agencies and other organizations, and range of activities in older adult health. As a major focus of these efforts, chronic disease risk reduction is examined through CDC's efforts in the area of physical activity; a longitudinal investigation of osteoarthritis in an older biracial rural population; and chronic illness self-management programs as a prototype for secondary prevention. Other CDC activities highlighted include addressing the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases through CDC-funded programs to improve immunization coverage in older adults, and falls prevention interventions and resources. Future directions in aging at CDC are also outlined.  相似文献   

Although older adults typically underutilize mental health services, problems associated with dementing illnesses, chronic medical illnesses, affective disorders, social isolation, and multiple medication use, among other phenomena, have increased referrals of the elderly to psychiatric emergency services. The present study reviewed characteristics of elderly adults referred to a psychiatric emergency outreach/screening service. Of all individuals for whom a referral was made, 24% were aged 60 or older. Among those older adults referred, 63% were seen by screening service personnel; 37% did not meet screening criteria or voluntarily sought mental health services. Diagnoses of individuals evaluated included dementia (27%), affective disorders (27%), schizophrenia (16%), psychosis (12%), alcohol abuse (7), and diagnosis deferred (11%). Findings highlight the limited options available for mental health care of the aged.  相似文献   

目的了解农村老年人健康状况及疾病负担,发现存在的问题并提出政策建议,同时为政府制定政策、规范医疗机构管理提供科学依据。方法根据1156份老年人调查问卷的数据资料,运用Excel和SPSSl8.0等统计分析软件从人口学特征、社会经济和医疗服务三个方面对山东省R市农村老年人口的疾病负担进行描述性统计分析。结果R市农村老年人患有慢性病的占76.90%,女性老年人患病比例高于男性老年人患病,患有心脑血管疾病的比例为70.07%;农村老年人医疗支出占日常消费性支出比例大,且医药费用支出差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论慢性病已成为山东省农村老年人最主要的经济负担,应加强农村老年人慢性病的公共卫生服务,减轻疾病负担。  相似文献   

The identification and treatment of older alcoholics often are complicated by negative stereotypes and inaccurate information about the aging process. these misconceptions may result from incomplete statistical data, lack of attention to the subjects of alcoholism and aging in medical and gerontological journals, disagreement concerning the disease's origin and treatment, and conflict over whether to differentiate between alcoholism and alcohol abuse. In recent professional literature, however, some of these concerns are being addressed. A wider dissemination of information is essential for health professionals as well as for alcoholics and their families. Both groups must understand the changes associated with aging so that existing programs for alcoholism treatment can be adapted to serve the elderly. Results of an informed, enlightened attitude toward older alcoholics would be: Awareness that alcoholism--at any age--is a treatable disease; Increased attention to the special communication and mobility needs of the elderly; Availability of printed and audiovisual materials about aging and alcoholism in locations where older adults gather; and The training of family members and health care workers in alcoholism identification and intervention.  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the demographic trends in aging, and of the process of aging and its implications on physical and mental health, with special reference to farmers. Agriculture employs more workers age 55 and over than any other industry (22.9% in agriculture versus 13.6% for all industries). Aging is an intricate process with inevitable physiological and physical impacts on the various body systems. These changes in the older farmer community are highlighted, along with preventive measures that can be adopted by farmers to maximize life span and quality of life. The farmer community can acquire knowledge about maintenance of workplace safety, preservation of good health, and prevention of chronic diseases that compromise healthy aging.  相似文献   

Human life expectancy has increased, nationally and internationally, during recent years and will continue to increase in the future. Old age is commonly associated with health-related impairments, chronic diseases, increasing multimorbidity, as well as with psychosocial burdens, such as social deprivation, reduced social participation, and impairment in activities of daily living. Against this background, studies on mental health addressing psychological?distress and mental disorders of older people have gained increasing attention. The aim of the present overview is to provide insight into psychological comorbidity in elderly with chronic illnesses. The following questions are addressed: (1) what are the prevalence rates of mental disorders in the elderly in general and, specifically, in patients with cancer? (2) How are mental disorders and cancer, respectively, diagnosed in elderly?patients? (3) What are common risk factors associated with the development of mental disorders? (4) Which treatment options are available, and which aspects of health care for elderly patients with chronic diseases need to be considered?  相似文献   

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