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目的通过导师责任制的引入和实施,探索护理实践中手术室新护士的培养与管理方法。方法比较实行导师责任制前后新护士培训在理论知识、操作能力、综合能力以及工作质量等方面的效果。结果实施导师责任制后,新护士在人际交往和沟通能力等综合素质以及独立分析问题和解决问题方面的能力明显提高。结论导师责任制有利于增加师生的互动交流,提高了手术室护士的职业认同感,减少专科护理人才的流失,提高了护理质量,建立了适应于手术室新护士教学和培训的教学相长新模式,值得推广运用。  相似文献   

从生物源性,精神性和社会环境性三个方面分析探讨手术室神经外科专科护士的压力源,探索改善工作环境,优化工作流程;加强技能培训,提高护士素质;寻求多方支援,提高护士职业认同感等应对策略,为有效缓解手术室神经外科专科护士的心理压力提供实践指导。  相似文献   

<正>随着诊疗技术的发展和医学分科的细化,对护理的要求也越来越高[1]。护理所学知识和技能的不断增多,通科护士已经不能满足当前发展的需求。为适应护理学发展需要,急需培训一批熟练掌握某专科护理知识及技能的高层次护理人才,以提高护理专业技术水平。近年来,美国等发达国家中出现的专科护士为该目标的实现提供了保障,然而我国专科护士培训才刚刚起步。因此,本文对中美骨科专科护士的培训现状进行了综述,以此为我国骨科专科护士的培养和发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

纪淑荣  赛雅娟 《医学信息》2007,20(3):501-502
目的探讨精神科招聘护士在职培训与考核方法。方法结合精神专科特点,对新招聘护士从医德医风、岗位职责、专科知识和护理技术操作、医疗法律法规及各种规章制度、整体护理知识5个方面进行规范化在职培训,实行分层考核,对考核结果进行评价与反馈。结果通过规范化培训与考核,招聘护士的工作质量、工作能力、专科业务水平等显著提高。结论对招聘护士实行规范化培训与考核管理是护理人力资源管理的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨手术室专科护士临床实践培训方法,提高手术配合质量。方法以在职培训的方式,在护士长指导下,专业组在明确本专业方向的前提下,由专科组长制定本组专科护士的培训计划,并负责计划的组织、实施、协调和管理,同时进行效果的评价。结果经过培训后的护士具有熟练的专科手术配合技能,能熟练操作本专科手术所需仪器设备,并熟悉仪器的性能和保养方法,医患满意度显著提高。结论培养手术室专科护士可加强专业化程度,满足现代手术发展的需要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨综合医院手术室腔镜手术专科护士组的设置对腔镜手术的的影响。方法:成立腔镜手术专科护士组,采取合理配置、规范流程和培训、环节质控,专人清洗灭菌和感染控制监测的操作规程,对设置前后各项指标进行比较。结果:器械准备准确率由79.61%提高到92.48%,腔镜器械的损耗率由4.65%下降到1.89%,手术医生的满意度由87.12%提高到95.36%。结论:手术室腔镜专科组的设置,提高了腔镜手术的工作效率,降低了腔镜器械的损耗和手术切口感染率,提升了手术室护理质量。  相似文献   

专科护士是指在某一特定护理专科领域,具有熟练的护理技术和知识,经过专科护士培训,考核合格,取得相关专科护士资格证书者。随着医学水平的不断发展,医疗学科划分越来越细,为了促进护理工作与医疗卫生事业同步协调发展,满足人民群众的健康需求,提高临床护理质量和护士专业技术水平,人们对护士的要求也越来越高,专科护士成为发展的必然,对专科护士的培训也成为重中之重。根据具体情况,本院特制订专科护士的规范化培训。  相似文献   

心外科低年资护士培训方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴夏云 《医学信息》2009,22(12):2834-2835
目的 探讨心外科低年资护士的培训方法,使年轻护士尽快掌握专科理论知识和操作技能,提高心外科患者的抢救成功率和护理质量.方法 对毕业5年内的护士有计划地进行心外专科理论知识和技术操作、抢救流程的培训.结果 毕业5年内专科理论、技能、业务水平得到巩固和提高.结论 系统的专科知识和技能培训,能提高专科护理整体素质和水平,加快专科护理队伍的建设.  相似文献   

目的:了解专科护士的学习需求和学习障碍现况.方法:选取2015年6月至9月来自全国98家医院参加北京护理学会主办的某科专科护士培训的138名学员,自行填写学习需求调查问卷(7个维度,29个条目)和参与障碍普适量表(Deterrents to Participation Scale-General,DPS-G;6个维度,34个条目),分别采用李克特量表统计各个维度的分数.结果:发放138份问卷,共收回有效问卷123份,学习需求依次为护理教学、相关学科、临床护理、风险防范、护理管理、医疗、护理科研.学习障碍依次为时间限制、课程缺乏相关性、缺乏自信、缺乏兴趣、教育经费、个人自身问题.结论:护理教学仍然是专科护士培训的重点.应当从制度上为专科护士培训提供充足的时间.  相似文献   

探讨手术室护士在术前访视及术后随访中护患沟通存在的问题,来提高访视质量,防止和减少不良事件的发生。随着护理医学模式的转变,,术前访视及术后随访是手术室护士的一项重要的常规工作。手术室的护理工作不仅仅是配合手术医生完成手术,手术室护士到病房访视,进行面对面的沟通以交流,对患者进行心里疏导,帮助患者平稳安全的度过围手术期。我院手术室从2013年1月~2014年6月对2956例手术患者实施术前访视及术后随访后发现在工作中加强手术室专科护士的培训,教导手术室护士多学习法律知识。提高访视的质量。规范访视的流程,及时制定、修订实施相关的措施,使手术患者能够顺利的的进行手术,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

1. Rates of oxygen uptake and of anaerobic glycolysis were estimated in slices from the renal cortex and medulla (a) of adult rats and guinea-pigs, (b) of new-born (1-, 5- and 21-day-old) rats and of guinea-pigs of 1, 12, 21, 24 and 120 hr age.2. In the adult rat, Q(O2) values for the cortex were 12.55 +/- 0.20 (22) and for the medulla: 8.56 +/- 0.17 (22) mul./hr.mg dry weight, while in the new-born rat (24 hr old) they were 10.99 +/- 0.46 (12) and 9.33 +/- 0.18 (9) mul./hr.mg dry weight respectively.3. Values for Q(CO2) (N2) (anaerobic glycolysis) in the 14 hr old new-born rat were in the renal cortex 9.65 +/- 0.35 (5) and in the medulla 7.39 +/- 0.43 (5) mul./hr.mg dry weight; while in the adult they were 2.25 +/- 0.08 (16) and 5.76 +/- 0.14 (16) mul./hr.mg dry weight, respectively.4. In the adult guinea-pig values for Q(CO2) (N2) were of the same order as in the adult rat, though the rate of O(2) uptake was for the cortex 8.12 +/- 0.22 (12) and for the medulla 5.02 +/- 0.23 (11) mul./hr.mg dry weight.5. Though the Q(O2) values in the renal cortex and medulla were smaller in the 1 hr old new-born guinea-pig, they were already increasing in the 12 hr old neonate.6. The results are discussed in the light of enzyme changes occurring during the process of maturation of the nephron as indicated by histochemical observations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Early childhood fevers appear to protect against later allergies and asthma. What is not known is the time in which fevers exert this effect and whether the degree of temperature increase is important. OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the relationship between the time and degree of early fevers and later allergies and asthma. METHODS: Eight hundred thirty-five children from southeast Michigan were enrolled at birth. Clinic records from their first 2 years were abstracted for episodes of fever. At age 6 to 7 years, children underwent allergy testing. We examined fevers occurring within 6-month intervals in the first 2 years of life and outcomes at age 6 to 7 years. The primary outcome measures were allergic sensitization, asthma, asthma with allergic sensitization, and asthma without allergic sensitization. RESULTS: In the unadjusted analysis each episode of fever between 7 and 12 months of age was associated with a lower odds of allergic sensitization (odds ratio [OR], 0.71; 95% CI, 0.54-0.93) and asthma with allergic sensitization (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.21-0.90) at age 6 to 7 years. Likewise, every 1 degrees C increase in the maximum temperature between 7 and 12 months was associated with a lower odds of allergic sensitization (OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.61-0.96) and asthma with allergic sensitization (OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.40-0.94). After adjusting for potential confounders, each episode of fever between 7 and 12 months was associated with a lower likelihood of asthma with allergic sensitization (adjusted OR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.11-0.94) at age 6 to 7 years. CONCLUSIONS: Both the timing and intensity of childhood fevers appear to be important factors in the development of allergies and asthma.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined external and "alien" reinforcement (ER and AR. respectively) as a factor in social learning, and studied the combined effects of culture and reinforcement mode. A female (Experiment 1) and a male (Experiment 2) experimenters conducted experimental sessions. Both men and women, who grew up in the same culture as the experimenter, participated and performed the experimental task. A three-way interaction effect of experimenter gender, culture, and reinforcement mode was found on task performance. And the effect was more pronounced for a Japanese experimenter. A female and a male experimenters conducted Experiments 3 and 4, respectively; however participants this time were men and women who grew up in different cultures than the experimenter. Results indicated that the pattern of the subject gender and reinforcement mode interaction effect, when the experimenter was Japanese with American subjects, was exactly opposite to that when the experimenter was American. These experiments showed that AR was as effective for social learning as ER, and that the cultural backgrounds of experimenter and subject influenced AR and ER effectiveness.  相似文献   

分子成像能以非侵入性的方式重现活体细胞的生理功能和生物学过程,提高疾病的早期和特异性诊断水平。纳米颗粒/材料具有物理性质可控性高、易于表面修饰、血液循环时间长和可功能化等优点,在疾病诊断与治疗中显示出巨大潜力。但如何阐明纳米材料多功能间的内在联系、解决其代谢及安全性等关键机制难题、实现纳米颗粒/材料多功能性到临床多功能...  相似文献   

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