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目的研究血清催乳素(prolactin,PRL)水平与女性绝经前后发生乳腺癌的关系。方法选取在我院手术治疗的乳腺癌96例及乳腺良性增生144例,将其分为绝经前乳腺癌组(RⅠ组,48例)、绝经后乳腺癌组(RⅡ组,48例)、绝经前乳腺良性增生组(ZⅠ组,88例)与绝经后乳腺良性增生组(ZⅡ组,56例)。采用电化学发光法检测患者外周静脉血血清的催乳素水平。结果RⅠ组催乳素水平明显增高,与RⅡ组及ZⅠ组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0001)。RⅠ组催乳素阳性率均高于RⅡ组、ZⅠ组,且差异均有统计学意义(P<0001);RⅡ组与ZⅡ组间阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0776)。PRL检测在女性绝经前乳腺癌和绝经后乳腺癌对比中,敏感性(P<0001)及准确性(P=0003)均高。结论催乳素在女性绝经前乳腺癌发生、发展中有一定意义,检测催乳素有助于乳腺癌的早期诊断与预防。  相似文献   

目的:通过多普勒超声心动图检测评价绝经前后女性心脏功能改变及其意义. 方法:随机选取来我院健康查体的绝经前后女性各30例,检测左室流入道和流出道血流频谱以及二尖瓣前瓣瓣根组织速度成像,测定E/A比值、e/a比值及Tei指数,进行统计学分析.结果:绝经后女性的E/A比值及e/a比值较绝经前女性显著减低(P<0.05),Tei指数则显著增高(P<0.05).结论:绝经后女性心脏功能较绝经前显著降低,可能是绝经前后女性体内性激素水平改变所致,对绝经前后女性的健康保健具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同年龄段绝经前女性正常宫颈组织在不同生理周期的表观弥散系数值(apparent diffusion coef ficient,,ADC)变化。方法将82名健康女性按年龄段分成3组(A组27例,20~29岁;B组28例,30~39岁;C组27例,40~49岁),采用3.0TMRl分别于增殖中期及分泌中期行2次盆腔MR检查,研究不同结构区、年龄段及生理周期的宫颈ADC值的变化。结果子宫3层结构的ADC值两两比较差异均有统计学意义(肌层最高,黏膜层居中,结合带最低),宫颈黏膜层及结合带的ADC值在分泌中期均低于增殖中期,而肌层的ADC值在不同周期问差异不明显,宫颈每层结构在同一周期的各年龄组之间无明显差异,宫颈粘膜层在增殖中期的ADC值更为稳定。结论不同结构区及生理周期会对正常宫颈组织的ADC值产生影响,当利用ADC值探测早期宫颈癌、监测疗效及鉴别肿瘤早期复发时应考虑这些因素,绝经前女性应在增殖期行盆腔MR扫描。  相似文献   

太极推手锻炼与补钙对绝经女性骨密度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :探讨太极推手锻炼加钙剂补充综合疗法对绝经女性骨密度的影响。方法 :选择绝经女性 6 4例 (年龄 5 7 2 1± 3 4 1岁 ) ,按绝经年龄随机分为 4组 ,太极推手锻炼加钙剂补充为A组 ,单行太极推手锻炼为B组 ,单行补钙为C组 ,不进行有计划锻炼和钙剂补充为D组。治疗实验期 6个月 ,且在其前、后及再跟踪 6个月后分别采用双能骨密度仪对受试者腰椎L2 - 4进行骨密度测定 ;骨密度变化采用t检验 ,组间综合疗效比较采用 χ2 检验。结果 :A、B、C、D 4组骨密度在实验后的变化率分别为 2 0 37%、1 36 1%、0 378%、- 0 874 % ,A组增加明显 ,与D组比较具有显著性差异(P <0 0 5 ) ;停止实验 6个月后 ,4组骨密度降低率分别为 0 6 6 5 %、0 6 71%、0 96 4%、0 881% ,各组自身前后比较 ,C组降低显著 (P <0 0 5 )。组间综合疗效比较 ,A组优于B组 (P <0 0 1) ,B组优于C组 (P <0 0 0 1)。结论 :太极推手锻炼和钙剂补充均能帮助绝经女性防止骨量丢失 ,增加骨密度 ,太极推手锻炼加补钙的作用优于单纯太极推手锻炼 ,同时太极推手锻炼在停训后一段时间内有维持骨量的效应。  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康绝经妇女肌肉力量与骨密度之间的关系。方法:选取52名健康绝经妇女进行肌肉力量和骨密度测试。运用双能X线(DXA)骨密度仪测量全身、腰椎(L1-4)和股骨骨密度,采用等速肌力测试系统测量髋关节和腰背屈、伸肌群向心收缩和等长收缩肌力。结果:(1)绝经妇女髋关节90o等长伸肌力和等速屈肌群(90o/s)肌力分别为175.73±51.31 Nm、44.31±11.16 Nm,腰背屈、伸肌群30o/s等速肌力分别为65.36±18.96 Nm、127.35±35.99 Nm;(2)全身骨密度、L1-4和股骨颈的骨密度分别为1.07±0.08/g/cm2、1.07±0.15 g/cm2、0.90±0.18 g/cm2;(3)髋关节90o等长伸肌力和等速屈肌群(90o/s)肌力与股骨颈骨密度、Wards三角骨密度、股骨的骨密度之间均无显著相关关系,但分别与全身骨密度有相关关系(r=0.359,P<0.01;r=0.361,P<0.01);髋关节90o等长伸肌力与L1-4骨密度相关(r=0.356,P<0.01);(4)腰背屈、伸肌群30o/s和60o/s等速肌力均与L1-4骨密度显著相关(r=0.396,P<0.01;r=0.390,P<0.01;r=0.341,P<0.05;r=0.295,P<0.05)。结论:绝经妇女髋关节肌力与全身骨密度显著相关,腰背屈、伸肌群肌力值与L1-4显著相关。  相似文献   

目的:观察1年健骨操运动前后绝经女性日常活动特征、能量消耗、骨密度、体成分及肌力变化特点,探讨绝经女性体力活动与机体骨量变化的关系。方法:以47名骨量低下的绝经女性为志愿研究对象,分为运动组(EG组)和非运动组(OG组),EG组进行1年60min/天、3~4天/周的中等强度健骨操运动。分别对实验1年前后两组受试者各项指标进行测定:以DXA(GE Lunar Prodigy,美国)测定主要部位骨密度(BMD)和体成分,以加速度计(OMRON hja-350it,日本)测定能量消耗,以等速肌力仪(ISOMED 2000,德国)测定肌肉力量。采用SPSS16.0统计分析数据。结果:EG组运动1年后,步行活动能耗(包括健骨操运动能耗)显著高于OG组,视为有效体力活动能耗。与OG组相比,EG组活动步数、步行时间及3~6 MET活动时间均显著升高,体重、BMI及体成分均发生了积极改变,各主要部位BMD均呈升高趋势,左股骨颈BMD显著升高。EG组运动1年后肌肉力量发生显著变化,其中髋等速90°伸、180°伸、180°屈及腰等速120°屈肌力均较1年前明显升高,实验1年后EG组髋等速180°伸、180°屈及腰等速120°伸肌力均显著高于OG组。结论:健骨操运动(有氧耐力、抗阻、冲击性练习等)通过增加机体能耗,改善体成分,增加肌肉力量,进而增加对骨骼的力学负荷刺激,是绝经女性改善和维持骨量的适宜运动。  相似文献   

目的通过比较两种定量CT(QCT)体模对本地区正常绝经后女性椎体骨矿密度(BMD)的测量,探讨QCT体模对BMD测量的影响。资料与方法分别采用2000QCT与QCT3000两种体模及相同的扫描参数,对绝经后1-27年(平均15年)的正常受检者116人行T12-L2椎体QCT骨密度测定。(1)通过配对t检验比较两种QCT体模测量的椎体BMD值、T值、Z值的统计学差异,并分别计算出95%的可信区间作为正常值的参考;(2)对两种QCT体模椎体的BMD值、T值、Z值按年龄进行分组,通过单因素方差分析分别比较两体模各组椎体的BMD值、T值、Z值,并通过SNK法进行组间两两比较。结果2000QCT体模BMD值、Z值的均值明显高于QCT3000,而T值的均值则0.05)。结论QCT体模及其软件系统对QCT测量结果有较大的影响,同时其他许多因素对QCT测量也存在影响,当使用其结果对骨质疏松症(OP)进行诊断和治疗时,要结合当地该人群及该体模的正常值标准进行综合分析。  相似文献   

目的:通过研究晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值与24h尿蛋白的相关性,并与24h的AAP、NAG、GAL相比较,了解是否可以用晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值测定的检测方法代替24h尿蛋白定量测定,以便在临床上更准确快捷监测及评估CKD患者尿蛋白程度。方法:收集142例患者的同1d内的晨尿与24h尿液标本,分别测定尿蛋白与尿肌酐,同时测定24h尿AAP、NAG、GAL,并进行相关性分析。结果:晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值与24h尿蛋白定量结果相关性良好,但晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值与24h尿AAP、NAG、GAL相关性分析结果显示相关性差。结论:研究结果显示,晨尿尿蛋白经过肌酐校正后与24h尿相关性良好,建议临床用晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值代替24h尿蛋白定量检测。  相似文献   

目的 探讨绝经后女性冠心病患者的危险因素以及2型糖尿病与冠状动脉病变严重程度的关系.方法 1615例经冠状动脉造影诊断的绝经后女性冠心病患者,其中合并2型糖尿病者444例(27.5%),未合并2型糖尿病者1171例(72.5%),采用单因素方差分析及多因素回归分析观察2型糖尿病与绝经后女性冠心病患者病变程度的关系.冠状...  相似文献   

孟伟  赵霞  李澄云  刘守标 《放射学实践》2022,37(9):1138-1142
目的:探讨双能CT定量参数联合血清骨硬化蛋白(SOST)、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平对绝经后女性骨质疏松(OP)的诊断价值。方法:选择177例绝经后女性作为研究对象,分为OP组(92例)和非OP组(84例)。采用双源CT扫描研究对象的L1~L4腰椎,测量钙的CT值、钙浓度及脂肪分数。使用双能X线骨密度测量仪(DXA)对腰椎L1~L4的骨密度值(BMD)进行测定。采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测研究对象血清中的SOST蛋白表达水平,采用免疫测定法检测血清中Hcy的水平。结果:OP组与非OP组患者的年龄、体质量指数(BMI)、绝经年限和糖尿病史比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),OP组的BMD显著低于非OP组(P<0.05)。OP组钙的CT值及钙浓度显著低于非OP组(P<0.05),两组间的脂肪分数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),OP组的血清SOST、Hcy水平显著高于非OP组(P<0.05)。钙的CT值、钙浓度与BMD间均呈显著正相关关系(P<0.001),血清SOST、Hcy水平与BMD间均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.001)。多因素二元Logi...  相似文献   

Brismar TB 《European radiology》2000,10(8):1215-1221
This study evaluates if the reversible transverse relaxation rate (R2') assessed in vivo by MR of lumbar vertebrae, hip, and calcaneus is correlated with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and to quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the calcaneus. Fifteen healthy premenopausal women aged 23-47 years were studied by DXA, QUS, and MR relaxometry. The GESFIDE sequence was used to separate the FID rate (R2*) into its two components, the non-reversible transverse relaxation rate (R2) and the reversible transverse relaxation rate (R2'). Long-term reproducibility was obtained by repeated measurements of hip and calcaneus in nine individuals after 300+/-89 days. R2' and R2* of the calcaneus had a relationship to broad-band ultrasound attenuation (BUA; r = 0.46, both p<0.05), but not to other US or DXA parameters of the calcaneus. Both R2' and R2* were correlated with bone mineral per area (BMA) of the hip (r>0.73, p<0.001 and r>0.66, p<0.01, respectively). R2 was correlated with BMA(L1-L4) (r = 0.52, p<0.05). R2' and R2* were not correlated with BMA(L1-L4). When the right and left sides were compared in calcaneus and hip the correlation coefficient for R2' and R2* ranged from 0.76 to 0.86 (p<0.001). The long-term reproducibility expressed in coefficient of variation (CV%) was approximately 5 % for R2' and approximately 4% for R2*. Differences in R2 between individuals were not reproducible. The results of this study indicate that R2' and R2* measurements are reproducible and might be of value when evaluating bone quality of the hip and foot.  相似文献   

A digital videofluoroscopic unit was employed to evaluate 42 female patients with urinary stress incontinence, cystocele or endometrial neoplasms, using either voiding cystourethrography or colpo-cysto-urethrorectography (CCURG), with or without urethral metallic bead chain. The digital subtraction technique allowed the direct visualization (on a single frame) of the lowering of both bladder base and other pelvic structures, and of the modification of urethral angles during Valsalva and micturition. The demonstration of contrasted urethra during micturition and Valsalva in incontinent patients allowed CCURG to be performed without urethral chain, with encouraging diagnostic accuracy. The advantages of digital CCURG are emphasized.  相似文献   

Riedy  MJ; Lebowitz  RL 《Radiology》1986,160(1):231-235
Of 101 antegrade pyelography and/or percutaneous nephrostomy procedures performed within a 6-year period, 18 involved patients less than 6 months of age. The procedures in this age group were characterized by ease of performance -without sedation in the neonates and with sedation in the children -and by the use of smaller needles and catheters. The procedures enabled differentiation between obstructed and nonobstructed dilated systems with pressure-flow studies, depiction of the intimate anatomy of complicated urologic abnormalities, temporary drainage, decompression of pyonephrosis, endourologic access, and collection of urine for cultures after ureterosigmoidostomy. The procedures were highly successful and had few complications.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Ca and P as well as the Ca/P ratio were estimated in intact cortical bone samples from the femoral neck of healthy humans, 33 women and 45 men, aged from 15 to 55 yr using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Mean values (M±SD) for the investigated parameters (on dry weight basis) were: 23.0±3.9%, 10.7±2.4% and 2.17±0.31, respectively. No statistically significant differences of the above parameters were observed related either to age or sex. The mean values for Ca, P and Ca/P ratio were within a very wide range of published data and close to their median. The individual variation for the Ca/P ratio in cortical bone from the healthy human femoral neck was lower than those for Ca and P separately. This means that specificity of Ca/P ratio is better than those of Ca and P concentrations are and may be more reliable for diagnosis of bone disorders.  相似文献   

The Ca and P concentrations as well as the Ca/P ratio were estimated in intact trabecular bone samples from the femoral neck of healthy humans, 34 women and 44 men, aged from 15 to 55 years, using instrumental neutron activation analysis. The mean values (M+/-SD) for the investigated parameters (on a dry-weight basis) were: 12.1+/-3.0%, 5.94+/-1.71%, 2.07+/-0.25 and 10.9+/-2.5%, 5.30+/-1.23%, 2.07+/-0.22 for females and males, respectively. A statistically significant (p相似文献   

Ryu CW  Kwon OK  Koh JS  Kim EJ 《Neuroradiology》2011,53(11):883-889


Geometric indices of cerebral aneurysms have been widely studied to determine rupture risk. However, most of these parameters were evaluated based on two-dimensional (2D) images and could have a measurement bias. We propose a new three-dimensional geometric index, an aneurysm volume-to-neck area ratio (VNR). To determine whether the VNR of ruptured aneurysms is different from that of unruptured aneurysms, we compared VNR with other 2D geometric indices in discriminative capacity for aneurysm rupture status.  相似文献   

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