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In the present study the prevalence of nightmare disorder (ND) was examined in patients with dissociative disorders (DD), and comparison was made between those with ND and those without nightmares in terms of clinical characteristics. The 30 patients with DD (5 male and 25 female) were recruited over 12 months in the Yüzüncü Yil University Research Hospital Department of Psychiatry. The subjects were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edn) criteria for ND. The Dissociative Experiences Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and a semistructured interview schedule for childhood traumatic events were administered to the subjects. A 57% prevalence of ND was found among patients with DD. Among patients with DD, those with ND had a higher rate of self-mutilative behavior, a history of suicide attempt in the last year, and comorbidity with borderline personality disorder than those without ND. Nightmares or dreams should be considered in the therapy of DD patients.  相似文献   

Aim:  The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between reported childhood trauma and dissociation in patients who have a conversion symptom.
Method:  Thirty-two outpatients with a conversion symptom were evaluated using Dissociative Experiences Scale, Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory, Clinician-Administered Dissociative State Scale, and Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule.
Results:  A DSM-IV dissociative disorder was diagnosed in 46.9% of the patients. Conversion patients with a dissociative disorder had borderline personality disorder more frequently than those without a dissociative disorder. Among childhood trauma types, emotional abuse was the only significant predictor of dissociation in regression analysis. None of the childhood trauma types predicted borderline personality disorder criteria.
Conclusions:  Borderline personality disorder, dissociation and reports of childhood emotional abuse refer to a subgroup among patients with conversion symptom. Dissociation seems to be a mediator between childhood trauma and borderline phenomena among these patients.  相似文献   

Morris DW, Trivedi MH, Husain MM, Fava M, Budhwar N, Wisniewski SR, Miyahara S, Gollan JK, Davis LL, Daly EJ, Rush AJ. Indicators of pretreatment suicidal ideation in adults with major depressive disorder. Objective: In order to evaluate the presence of treatment emergent suicidal ideation (SI), it becomes necessary to identify those patients with SI at the onset of treatment. The purpose of this report is to identify sociodemographic and clinical features that are associated with SI in major depressive disorder (MDD) patients prior to treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Method: This multisite study enrolled 265 out‐patients with non‐psychotic MDD. Sociodemographic and clinical features of participants with and without SI were compared post hoc. Results: Social phobia, bulimia nervosa, number of past depressive episodes, and race were independently associated with SI by one or more SI measure. Conclusion: Concurrent social phobia and bulimia nervosa may be potential risk factors for SI in patients with non‐psychotic MDD. Additionally, patients with more than one past depressive episode may also be at increased risk of SI.  相似文献   

Objective This study investigated the association between antisocial personality disorder (APD), childhood trauma history, and dissociative symptoms in a sample of Turkish recruits. Methods A total of 579 male patients diagnosed with APD were examined in a military hospital setting. An age and gender matched control group of 599 normal persons with no known medical or psychiatric disorder were also chosen among military personnel. The subjects were evaluated with an assessment battery using a semi-structured interview for socio-demographic characteristics, APD section of SCID-II, an adapted version of the Structured Trauma Interview, and Dissociative Experiences Scale. Results Childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and early separation from parents were significantly more common among antisocial subjects than among controls. APD group reported significantly more dissociative symptoms and 50.4% of them reported pathological level of dissociation. Overwhelming childhood experiences of all four types were significant predictor of the APD diagnosis. Analyses also showed that childhood traumatic events and comorbid psychopathological features relevant to antisocial personality were significantly associated with pathological level of dissociation. Conclusion These results revealed the importance of inquiring about patient’s history of childhood traumatization and dissociative experiences when diagnosed with APD.  相似文献   

The present study examined the association of suicidal ideation in self-cutters with clinical features of self-cutting, using a sample of subjects from juvenile correctional institutions. Multivariate analysis revealed that male self-cutters and analgesia during self-cutting were significantly associated with a history of suicidal ideation. These results suggest that male analgesic self-cutters should be regarded as a high-risk subgroup for suicide.  相似文献   


Objective: To identify personality disorders comorbid with borderline personality disorder (BPD) that may confer greater risk for the presence of severe dissociative experiences.

Method: Three hundred and one outpatients with a primary diagnosis of BPD were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II personality disorders, the Borderline Evaluation of Severity Over Time (BEST) and the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES).

Results: The most frequent personality disorders comorbid to BPD were paranoid (83.2%, n?=?263) and depressive (81.3%, n?=?257). The mean BEST and DES total score were 43.3 (SD?=?11.4, range 15–69) and 28.6 (SD?=?19.8, range 0–98), respectively. We categorized the sample into patients with and without severe dissociative experiences (41% were positive). A logistic regression model revealed that Schizotypal, Obsessive-compulsive and Antisocial personality disorders conferred greater risk for the presence of severe dissociative experiences.

Discussion: Our results suggest that a large proportion of patients with BPD present a high rate of severe dissociative experiences and that some clinical factors such as personality comorbidity confer greater risk for severe dissociation, which is related to greater dysfunction and suffering, as well as a worse progression of the BPD.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aims of the present study were to examine the rate of nightmare disorder (ND) and to determine the levels of dream anxiety and subjective sleep quality in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Another aim was to determine whether dream anxiety was associated with childhood trauma, dissociative experiences, and subjective sleep disturbance in BPD patients. Finally, the hypothesis as to whether BPD patients with ND exhibited a more severe clinical profile than those without ND, was also tested.
Methods:  A total of 88 borderline patients and 100 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Van Dream Anxiety Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Dissociative Experiences Scale, and Traumatic Experiences Checklist. Subjects with codiagnoses that could affect sleep were not included.
Results:  BPD patients suffered a significantly greater rate of nightmares, elevated levels of dream anxiety, and disturbed sleep quality than did controls. In the borderline group, heightened dream anxiety was correlated with higher rates of early traumatic experiences and dissociative symptoms, and impaired sleep quality. Furthermore, borderline patients with ND exhibited greater psychopathology as compared to those without ND in terms of several clinical characteristics.
Conclusions:  The present study provides support for a strong association between BPD, distressing nightmares, and subjective sleep quality. Recognition and management of dream and sleep disturbances in BPD patients might lead to improvements in their global clinical picture.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the frequency of attenuated fluid intake behavior (oligodipsia) in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and to test if there is an inverse correlation between oligodipsia and the intensity of current dissociative experience in a pilot study. Method: Analyses were based on a sample of 15 BPD patients and 15 healthy controls. Fluid intake per diem and intensity of dissociative experience were measured by standardized self‐reports daily for 7 days. Results: The BPD patients ingested a significantly lower fluid volume per diem when compared with healthy controls (P < 0.001). We found a strong correlation between intensity of co‐occurring dissociative experience and fluid intake or urine osmolality (r = 0.762 and 0.665), independently of sleep quality and general BPD symptom severity. Conclusion: The results indicate that oligodipsia may constitute a serious problem at least for a subgroup of BPD patients, and may be correlated with some of the most problematic symptoms of BPD.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to examine the relationship between panic attacks, panic disorder, and suicidal ideation among primary care patients. A probability sample of 1,007 primary care attenders from a large urban university practice was assessed for current mental disorders and suicidal ideation (past 2 week prevalence) with the PRIME-MD Patient Health Questionnaire. Controlling for major depression, substance use disorders, and sociodemographic variables simultaneously, patients with either panic attacks or panic disorder had significantly increased risks of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation was highly associated with major depression and comorbid panic disorder (OR = 15.4) or panic attacks (OR = 7.9). There is need for detection and possible treatment of patients with panic attacks or disorder in primary care, especially among those with co-occurring major depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether panic disorder (PD) and suicidal ideation are associated in an inner-city primary care clinic and whether this association remains significant after controlling for commonly co-occurring psychiatric disorders. We surveyed 2,043 patients attending a primary care clinic using the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) Patient Health Questionnaire, a screening instrument that yields provisional diagnoses of selected psychiatric disorders. We estimated the prevalence of current suicidal ideation and of common psychiatric disorders including panic disorder and major depression. A provisional diagnosis of current PD was received by 127 patients (6.2%). After adjusting for potential confounders (age, gender, major depressive disorder [MDD], generalized anxiety disorder, and substance use disorders), patients with PD were about twice as likely to present with current suicidal ideation, as compared to those without PD (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.84; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.06-3.18; P = .03). After adjusting for PD and the above-mentioned potential confounders, patients with MDD had a sevenfold increase in the odds of suicidal ideation, as compared to those without MDD (AOR = 7.00; 95% CI: 4.42-11.08; P < .0001). Primary care patients with PD are at high risk for suicidal ideation, and patients with PD and co-occurring MDD are at especially high risk. PD patients in primary care thus should be assessed routinely for suicidal ideation and depression.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the association between suicidal ideation and potentially related factors in an elderly urban Japanese population. This was a community-based, cross-sectional study. Urban community residents aged 70 years or more were interviewed regarding suicidal ideation and sociodemographic and health-related variables. Subjects with depressive symptoms underwent further evaluation by psychiatrists using criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition. Associations were evaluated using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Of the 1145 eligible participants, 52 (4.5%) reported thoughts of suicide. Of 143 subjects with depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression Scale, 14+), 22 (15.4%) reported suicidal ideation over a 2-week period. After controlling for depressive symptoms, lack of social support and impaired instrumental activities of daily living were significantly associated with thoughts of suicide. After controlling for the potentially associated factors detected in the univariate analysis, depressive symptoms were strongly associated with thoughts of suicide. In the elderly with depressive symptoms, mental disorders, including depressive and alcohol-related disorders, were significantly associated with suicidal ideation over a 2-week period. In the urban community setting, screening for lack of social support, impaired instrumental activities of daily living, and depressive symptoms, followed by diagnostic evaluation for mental disorders, particularly for depressive syndromes and alcohol-related disorders, may provide a practical and effective means of identifying elders at high risk of suicide.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine whether adolescent attitudes to suicide could be grouped into distinct factors, and then to examine the relationship between these factors and the psychosocial parameters known to be associated with suicide, and between attitudes towards suicide and suicidal ideation. A questionnaire designed to assess attitudes to suicide was distributed to a total of 525 Israeli adolescents. Statistical analysis indicated that the attitude items could be grouped into four distinct factors: the right of society to prevent suicide; suicide as a symptom of mental illness; the right of the individual to talk about suicide; and taking suicidal behaviour seriously. Each factor was differentially associated with the various psychosocial parameters examined. The association between the attitude factors and subjects' suicidal ideation was significant and at least as strong as that of the psychosocial parameters normally associated with adolescent suicide, namely gender and exposure to suicide. A generally approving attitude towards suicide was correlated with a high level of suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

Background  The aim of this study was to investigate suicidal ideations and associated psychopathology in two groups of adolescents, a sample of detained youth and a general population sample. In both groups the comparisons of mental health characteristics between suicidal ideators and non-suicidal youth were conducted separately for girls and boys. Methods  The study sample consisted of 290 delinquent adolescents [228 boys and 62 girls] from three Flemish juvenile detention centers and 1,548 adolescents [811 boys and 737 girls] from an age-matched school-based sample. Both groups were administered the Social and Health Assessment [SAHA], a self-report survey investigating levels of psychopathology [internalizing and externalizing] and risk-taking behavior. Results  Suicidal ideations during the past year were reported by 21.5% of detained males, compared to 6.7% in the general population. In females, 58.1% of detained individuals reported suicidal thoughts during the past year, compared to 14.4% of the general population. In girls and boys from the general population, both internalizing and externalizing problems were higher in suicidal ideators than in non-suicidal youth, while in the detention group mainly internalizing problems were higher in suicidal ideators. When comparing detention suicidal ideators with those from the general population, male suicidal ideators scored higher on delinquency, while detained female suicidal ideators also scored higher on posttraumatic stress, but lower on prosocial beliefs. Limitations  Information used in this study was solely based on self-report measures only and limited to Flemish adolescents. Conclusion  Since suicidal ideation is a frequent problem in detained youth, adequate recognition and treatment seems clinically relevant. While both internalizing and externalizing psychopathology may be an indicator of suicidal ideation in the general population, internalizing problems may be the main clinical predictor in detained youth. E. Suk and J.G. van Mill contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

The present study found that a lifetime history of suicidal ideation may be significantly associated with a history of searching the Internet for information about suicide or self‐injury, experiences of anxiety or emotional pain related to the use of electronic media, and adolescents' distrust of the people around them. The impact of experiences using electronic media on suicidal ideation among Japanese adolescents is discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo study the disagreement between self-reported suicidal ideation (SR-SI) and clinician-ascertained suicidal ideation (CA-SI) and its correlation with depression and anxiety severity in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) or bipolar disorder (BPD).MethodsRoutine clinical outpatients were diagnosed with the MINI-STEP-BD version. SR-SI was extracted from the 16 Item Quick Inventory of Depression Symptomatology Self-Report (QIDS-SR-16) item 12. CA-SI was extracted from a modified Suicide Assessment module of the MINI. Depression and anxiety severity were measured with the QIDS-SR-16 and Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. Chi-square, Fisher exact, and bivariate linear logistic regression were used for analyses.ResultsOf 103 patients with MDD, 5.8% endorsed any CA-SI and 22.4% endorsed any SR-SI. Of the 147 patients with BPD, 18.4% endorsed any CA-SI and 35.9% endorsed any SR-SI. The agreement between any SR-SI and any CA-SI was 83.5% for MDD and 83.1% for BPD, with weighted Kappa of 0.30 and 0.43, respectively. QIDS-SR-16 score, female gender, and ≥4 year college education were associated with increased risk for disagreement, 15.44 ± 4.52 versus 18.39 ± 3.49 points (p = 0.0026), 67% versus 46% (p = 0.0783), and 61% versus 29% (p = 0.0096). The disagreement was positively correlated to depression severity in both MDD and BPD with a correlation coefficient R2 = 0.40 and 0.79, respectively, but was only positively correlated to anxiety severity in BPD with a R2 = 0.46.ConclusionSelf-reported questionnaire was more likely to reveal higher frequency and severity of SI than clinician-ascertained, suggesting that a combination of self-reported and clinical-ascertained suicidal risk assessment with measuring depression and anxiety severity may be necessary for suicide prevention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the link between suicidal ideation, psychological morbidity and experiences with peer violence (victim or perpetrator) among adolescents. This study examined direct and indirect violence separately. A sample of 361 high school students from France completed a self-administered survey consisting of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the General Health Questionnaire. Indirect peer victimization experienced by girls and direct peer victimization experienced by boys were more strongly linked to suicidal thoughts. Indirect aggression was also related to suicidal ideation among boys only. Indirect victimization at school was linked to a drop in self-esteem, a factor strongly related to the level of suicidal ideation, particularly for boys. These findings show that adolescent peer violence must be given particular attention in educational institutions due to its links not only with suicidal ideation, but also more broadly with students’ psychological distress.  相似文献   

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