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目的:分析脑型肝豆状核变性(hepatolenticular degeneration ,HLD)的MRI特征,探讨MRI对脑型 HLD的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析经临床证实的52例脑型 HLD患者的颅脑MRI资料,所有患者均行MRI平扫及DWI成像。结果8例M RI平扫无明显异常,DWI呈等信号。38例表现为双侧基底节区及丘脑对称性分布的稍长 T1、稍长 T2信号,DWI呈稍高信号,其中11例累及中脑及脑桥,呈稍长T1稍长T2信号,4例双侧小脑齿状核呈长T2、长 T1信号影。6例表现为双侧基底节对称性短T1短T2信号,DWI呈稍低信号。36例见不同程度脑萎缩。结论 MRI对脑型HLD有很高的诊断价值,可作为影像检查首选方法,其信号变化可反映病程、判断疗效及预后。  相似文献   

肝豆状核变性37例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨肝豆状核变性的临床特点.方法回顾分析37例肝豆状核变性患者的临床表现.结果发病年龄6 ~ 46岁,平均年龄15.7岁.37例患者中脑型22例,内脏型8例,混合型6例,骨-肌型1例.首发症状为神经精神异常者25例,肝肾损害11例,其他2例.K-F环阳性36例,血清铜及铜蓝蛋白均降低,尿铜增加,尿隐血和(或)尿蛋白阳性12例.B超检查37例为肝损图像,其中有肝硬化脾肿大20例.头颅CT显示双侧尾状核、豆状核低密度灶31例,CT阴性6例中有3例MRI阳性.结论肝豆状核变性多见于青少年发病,以神经精神及肝肾损害表现为主,B超肝脾检查及头颅CT阳性高.  相似文献   

临 床 资 料一般资料 :40例中 ,男 2 3例 ,女 17例。发病年龄 4~ 42岁 ,其中 2 0岁以下者 2 4例 ,以上 16例。肝病史 4例。同胞兄妹共患 2例 ,余无阳性家族史。角膜 K- F环阳性 36例。血清铜蓝蛋白均小于 2 0 0 mg/ L,平均 2 9.5± 16 .0 mg/ L。 2 4小时尿铜均大于 10 0μg平均 16 4.2± 38.3μg/ 2 4h。首发症状 :锥体外系症状 2 1例 ,其中头外伤后发病 2例 ;精神症状或 /和智能障碍 15例 ,肝病症状 2例 ,贫血 ,浮肿各1例。临床类型与误诊情况 :舞蹈一手足徐动症型 :误诊小舞蹈病 9例 ,抽动症和小脑病变各 1例 ;假性硬化型 :误诊帕…  相似文献   

肝豆状核变性临床与CT分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肝豆状核变性临床与CT分析乔学壮孙旭文杜晓霞肝豆状核变性是一种常染色体隐性遗传性铜代谢障碍性疾病,临床可分为症状前期、脑、肝病3型。现将我们8年间收治的20例脑型肝豆状核变性的临床与脑CT所见报道如下。资料:20例中男14例,女6例;年龄10~41岁...  相似文献   

32例肝豆状核变性患者的脑电图研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对32例肝豆状核变性(HLD)患者的脑电图(EEG)、颅脑CT、颅脑磁共振(MRI)和血清铜、铜蓝蛋白、铜氧化酶、尿铜及肝功能进行了比较研究。结果表明,EEG的异常率略高于CT、MRI、血清铜、铜蓝蛋白、铜氧化酶的异常率,但无显著性差异;EEG的异常率显著低于尿酮的异常率和显著高于SGPT的异常率,其间有显著性差异。这提示,HLD患者的EEG异常不但直接反映大脑功能状况,而且还可间接地反映患者体内  相似文献   

目的观察肝型和无症状型的肝豆状核变性颅脑MRI表现。方法对我院2014年5月-2016年5月收治的97例肝型和28例无症状型WD患者,均行头部MRI检查。结果 125例患者中颅脑磁共振检查发现有108例患者(87.8%)有脑部异常信号样改变,其中肝型83例,无症状型25例;83例有脑萎缩改变,肝型63例,无症状型20例。结论肝型和无症状型肝豆状核变性患者颅脑MRI异常信号比例较高,主要集中在壳核;信号改变主要为对称性长T_1和长T_2,未发现有混杂样信号改变;病程与脑干和壳核相关,发病年龄与壳核、苍白球、尾状核密切相关;Child-Pugh分级与颅脑磁共振改变没有明显相关性。  相似文献   

韦强 《上海精神医学》2003,15(4):205-206
目的 了解肝豆状核变性误诊的原因。方法 对我院 14例肝豆状核变性患者的误诊情况进行临床分析。结果 本组病例误诊为精神分裂症 2例 ,躁狂症 1例 ,肝硬化及消化道出血 2例 ,风湿性关节炎 3例 ,急性肾炎 1例 ,帕金森病 5例。结论 本病症状复杂多样 ,需全面收集病史、躯体、神经系统及实验室检查 ,注意将本病与精神药物所致的锥体外系症状相鉴别  相似文献   

肝豆状核变性24例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:进一步认识肝豆状核变性的临床表现,降低误诊率。方法:分析本院1989年3月~1999年4月收治的24例病人的临床资料。结果:入院时主诉症状依次是神经系统症状、肾脏病症状、骨和关节症状,确诊时平均年龄11.9岁,从发病到确诊平均时间10.3个月。结论:肝豆状核变性临床表现复杂多样,对本病认识不足是确诊时年龄偏大的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 :进一步认识肝豆状核变性的临床表现 ,降低误诊率。方法 :分析本院 1989年 3月~ 1999年4月收治的 2 4例病人的临床资料。结果 :入院时主诉症状依次是神经系统症状、肾脏病症状、骨和关节症状 ,确诊时平均年龄 11 9岁 ,从发病到确诊平均时间 10 3个月。结论 :肝豆状核变性临床表现复杂多样 ,对本病认识不足是确诊时年龄偏大的主要原因。  相似文献   

32例肝豆状核变性临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 分析肝豆状核变性患者临床资料,提高对此病认识。方法 回顾分析1994年-2004年本院收治的32例肝豆状核变性患者临床资料。结果 该病从发病到确诊时间中位数4.8年,临床表现以肝损害为主13例,以神经系统损害为主11例,二者兼有8例,角膜K-F环阳性28例,血铜蓝蛋白降低30例,头颅CT阳性发现11例。结论 该病从发病到确诊时间长,临床表现可以肝损害为主或以神经系统损害为主或二者兼有,血铜蓝蛋白测定、K—F环检查和头颅CT检查对诊断具重要意义。  相似文献   

Measurement of postictal serum-prolactin concentrations in epileptic seizures in order to distinguish them from psychogenic seizures is at present used only rarely and non-systematically. Studies of 209 Grand mal seizures, 232 complex-partial seizures, 102 simple-partial seizures and 15 generalized seizures published between 1980 and 1987 differ in their standards of seizure classification as well as in their criteria for evaluating increases in postictal serum-prolactin concentrations. A significant rise was seen in 88% of Grand mal seizures, 78% of complex-partial seizures, 22% of simple-partial seizures and 6% of generalized seizures. The discussion of both these general findings and our own investigations is based on the presentation of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological principles of prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

We reviewed the clinical findings in 55 patients with cerebellar degeneration associated with the anti-Yo antibody (an anti-Purkinje cell antibody identified in this study by histochemistry and Western blot). The patients were all women, 26 to 85 years old. Fifty-two of them proved to have malignancies, almost exclusively breast or gynecologic cancers and usually confined to the involved organs and local lymph nodes. One woman had adenocarcinoma of the lung, and in three no malignancy has yet been identified. In 34 of 52 patients with cancer, the neurologic syndrome preceded the diagnosis of cancer and in many led to that diagnosis. Patients subacutely developed a pancerebellar disorder that was substantially disabling in most, with 37 of 48 assessable patients being unable to walk or sit unassisted. Laboratory evaluation revealed lymphocytic pleocytosis in 35 patients, with eventual cerebellar atrophy on imaging studies in seventeen. The disabling neurologic syndrome generally did not respond to treatment, but the cancer was often successfully treated. The presence of the anti-Yo antibody in patients with cerebellar symptoms warrants an aggressive approach to diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cancer, as many are curable at the time neurologic symptoms develop.  相似文献   

Differential diagnostic value of postictal serum prolactin determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determination of serum prolactin concentration was carried out under standardized conditions on 70 hospitalised patients after different types of epileptic, syncopal and psychogenic seizures. In cases of unconsciousness of unknown cause and of unobserved seizures there is evidence that the determination of postictal prolactin may help to clarify the diagnosis. Excluding patients with epileptic seizures due to alcohol withdrawal only in 70% of the patients was there a significant elevation of serum prolactin. The clinical procedure thus appears to be of importance also in the differential diagnosis of psychogenic seizures. Patients with epileptic seizures due to alcohol withdrawal showed an elevated prolactin concentration in only 45% of cases. Whereas an elevated serum prolactin level indicates the occurrence of a grand mal seizure, a normal prolactin level does not positively exclude epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

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