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Endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) expressed in the vascular endothelium or formed within platelets was postulated to inhibit platelet activation and aggregation. We have assessed the role of eNOS in platelet aggregation in vitro and in vivo by comparison of WT and eNOS-/- mice. Aggregometer studies revealed that collagen over a concentration range of 0.36-10 microg aggregated WT and eNOS-/- platelets to the same extent (10 microg: WT 86.7+/-4.7%, eNOS-/- 91+/-12%, n=6). Collagen treatment did not result in a significant increase in cGMP formation and VASP phosphorylation. Thrombin-induced P-selectin surface expression was unchanged in eNOS-/-platelets. In line with these findings no eNOS protein was detectable within the platelets of WT mice. In vivo, bleeding time after tail tip resection tended to be shorter in eNOS/- mice (WT: 116+/-35 s; eNOS-/- 109+/-37 s, n.s). Similarly, time to occlusion of the A.carotis after focal induction of thrombosis was 501+/-76 s (WT) and 457+/-95 s (eNOS-/-) (n.s.). These data demonstrate that eNOS-deficiency minimally affects platelet aggregation and is not associated with accelerated arterial thrombosis in vivo. Thus, in the mouse endothelial NO synthase does not play a major role in the autocrine modulation of platelet function and in thrombosis of conduit vessels in vivo.  相似文献   

Suloctidil, a new vascular antispasmodic agent, was tested for its antithrombotic activities on thrombosis induced in rats by ADP application on mesenteric arteries previously submitted to a standardized electrical D.C. current. Thrombus formation was significantly reduced (by 80%) by the drug (1 mg/kg i.v.), latency for appearance of the thrombus was lengthened and rate of formation was slowed. The protecting effect afforded by suloctidil lasted one hour. Using the filter loop technique it was shown that, at the same dose, suloctidil inhibited ADP induced platelet aggregation by 70% and was about 10 times more potent than dipyridamole.  相似文献   

In vivo arterial thrombosis occurs preferentially at curvatures and branchings, i.e. regions of flow separation and recirculation where blood is retained orders of magnitude longer than within straight vessel sections. To examine the effect of such disturbed flow on endothelial thromboresistance glass T-branchings lined with endothelial cells from human umbilical cord veins (HUVEC) were perfused with buffered fibrinogen solution (3mg/ml). The flow was adjusted to form a large recirculation zone and flow conditions were determined beforehand by means of flow visualization via dye injection as well as by laser ultramicroscope anemometry. Thrombus formation, which was registered on-line by video and evaluated planimetrically, was induced by injection of thrombin at concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 units/ml. Fibrin thrombus growth always began within the flow niche at the point of flow separation and extended downstream along the wall and into the vessel lumen finally occluding up to 80% of the lumen. Light and electron microscopy revealed that overall thrombus form as well as the orientation of single fibrin fibers were correlated strictly to the prevailing streamlines. Despite the integrity of the endothelial lining fibrin thrombus formation occured. The fibrin fibers closely contacted the endothelial surface. These results indicate that recirculation zones promote fibrin thrombus formation sufficient to obstruct the vessel lumen and that intact endothelium alone is insufficient in preventing adhesion of fibrin to its surface.  相似文献   

Arterial ischemic stroke occurs as a result of abnormal clinical circumstances that alter hemostasis and cause thrombosis, either within a vessel or as an embolic event. Understanding normal hemostasis, including differences between children (developmental hemostasis) and adults, will provide background for determining the pathophysiology of stroke and potential treatments.  相似文献   

R.H. Bourgain   《Thrombosis research》1978,12(6):1079-1086
White platelet thrombus formation in a branch of the mesenteric artery of the rat induced by electrical current application followed by ADP superfusion can be inhibited by Aspirin and indomethacin topically applied. This phenomenon could result from the decrease of the cyclooxygenase-like activity present in the vascular wall structures.  相似文献   

We used mast cell-deficient W/Wv mice to clarify whether mast cell-derived heparin may play a role in inhibiting thrombus formation in the living organism. Small veins in the mesentery of W/Wv or congenic +/+ mice were stretched over an inverted microscope; a micropipette filled with varying concentrations of ADP was set close to the outside of a vein by using a micromanipulator. Thrombus formation was directly examined under the microscope. The concentration of ADP necessary for thrombus formation was significantly lower in the W/Wv mice than in the congenic +/+ mice. Furthermore, the concentration of ADP necessary for aggregation of platelets in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was significantly lower in W/Wv mice than in +/+ mice. The higher sensitivity of PRP of W/Wv mice is not attributed to the platelets, but to the plasma, since platelets of +/+ mice suspended in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) of W/Wv mice were more sensitive to ADP than platelets of W/Wv mice suspended in PPP of +/+ mice. The present results suggest that plasma of W/Wv mice may lack any inhibitory factor(s) or contain promoting factor(s) for platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

NMDA receptor-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) at hippocampal synapses has been considered a crucial component of the cellular basis for learning and memory. This form of LTP occurs in excitatory synapses in both the CA1 area and the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus. However, differential roles of LTP in these areas have not yet been identified. To address this issue, we enhanced the degree of LTP by expressing Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors at either hippocampal CA1 or dentate gyrus synapses using Sindbis viral vectors (SINs) encoding both green fluorescent proteins and unedited GluR2 (GluR2Q) subunits, and examined their effects on rat spatial learning. The viral vectors were locally injected into the 8-week-old-rat brain in vivo bilaterally. The postsynaptic expression of Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors enhanced the degree of LTP, and induced NMDA receptor-independent LTP in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonist in SIN-infected regions in both CA1 and dentate gyrus in hippocampal slice preparations. However, the regional expression of Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors caused opposite behavioural consequences on the Morris water maze task: rats with SIN-infected CA1 pyramidal cells showed shorter escape latency and better probe test performance, whereas those with SIN-infected dentate gyrus granule cells showed impaired performance. Thus, it was demonstrated that CA1 and dentate gyrus synapses play different functional roles in spatial learning despite their similar mechanism for LTP induction.  相似文献   

The role of fibrinolytic system components in thrombus formation and removal in vivo was investigated in groups of six mice deficient in urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), or plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) (u-PA-/-, t-PA-/- or PAI-1-/-, respectively) or of their wild type controls (u-PA+/+, t-PA+/+ or PAI-1+/+). Thrombus was induced in the murine carotid artery by endothelial injury using the photochemical reaction between rose bengal and green light (540 nm). Blood flow was continuously monitored for 90 min on day 0 and for 20 min on days 1, 2 and 3. The times to occlusion after the initiation of endothelial injury in u-PA+/+, t-PA+/+ or PAI-1+/+ mice were 9.4+/-1.3, 9.8+/-1.1 or 9.7+/-1.6 min, respectively. u-PA-/- and t-PA-/- mice were indistinguishable from controls, whereas that of PAI-1-/- mice were significantly prolonged (1 8.4+/-3.7 min). Occlusion persisted for the initial 90 min observation period in 10 of 18 wild type mice and was followed by cyclic reflow and reocclusion in the remaining 8 mice. At day 1, persistent occlusion was observed in 1 wild type mouse, 8 mice had cyclic reflow and reocclusion and 9 mice had persistent reflow. At day 2, all injured arteries had persistent reflow. Persistent occlusion for 90 min on day 0 was observed in 3 u-PA-/-, in all t-PA-/- mice at day 1 and in 2 of the t-PA-/-mice at day 2 (p <0.01 versus wild type mice). Persistent patency was observed in all PAI-1-/- mice at day 1 and in 5 of the 6 u-PA-/- mice at day 2 (both p <0.05 versus wild type mice). In conclusion, t-PA increases the rate of clot lysis after endothelial injury, PAI-1 reduces the time to occlusion and delays clot lysis, whereas u-PA has little effect on thrombus formation and spontaneous lysis.  相似文献   

An inhibitory anti-factor IX/IXa antibody (BC2) has been investigated as an anti-thrombotic agent in a rat venous thrombosis model. The treatment of rats post-injury with a single bolus dose of BC2 (3 mg/kg, i.v.) resulted in an approximately 4 fold reduction in venous thrombus mass (P = 0.043). This efficacy was matched by a minimal (<2.5 fold) prolongation of the aPTT and had no effect on the prothrombin time (PT). Heparin by comparison, given as a bolus followed by continuous infusion, at doses comparable in efficacy at reducing thrombus formation, prolonged the aPTT >50 fold. These results demonstrate that the anti-factor IX/IXa antibody (BC2), when compared to heparin, can effectively reduce venous thrombosis with less disruptive consequences on blood clotting.  相似文献   

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can give rise to chronic debilitating complications, which are expensive to treat. Anticoagulation, the standard therapy for DVT, prevents propagation, but does not remove the existing thrombus, which undergoes slow natural resolution. Alternative forms of treatment that accelerate resolution may arise from a better understanding of the cellular and molecular pathways that regulate the natural resolution of thrombi. This review will outline our current understanding of the mechanisms of thrombus resolution and the role of neovascularisation in this process. Novel experimental treatments that may one day find clinical use are also discussed. The process of thrombus resolution resembles wound healing. The mainly monocytic inflammatory infiltrate, which develops, is associated with the appearance of vascular channels. These cells may drive resolution by encouraging angiogenesis, which contributes to restoration of the vein lumen. Significant numbers of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells have also been found in naturally resolving thrombi, but their precise phenotype and their role in thrombus recanalisation is unclear. Enhanced thrombus neovascularisation and rapid vein recanalisation have been achieved in experimental models with proangiogenic agents. Recent reports of the role of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells in the revascularisation of ischaemic tissues suggest that it may be possible to obtain the same effect by delivering pluripotent or lineage specific stem cells into thrombus. These cells could contribute to thrombus recanalisation by expressing a variety of proangiogenic cytokines or by lining the new vessels that appear within the thrombus.  相似文献   



The metabolic syndrome is considered to be a risk factor for the venous thromboembolism (VTE) as well as arterial thrombosis. Although obesity, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia are considered to be important triggering factors, it is difficult to evaluate the relationship between VTE and the metabolic syndrome in a clinical study. Furthermore the mechanism of venous thrombosis initiation still remains elusive.

Materials and Methods

20 min clamp of superior mesenteric vein was applied to 7 w, 16 w-old KK-Ay mouse and 16 w-old B6J mouse (n = 6 in each group), after de-clamp, the view of the mesenteric vein and intestinal submucosal venule were observed by the intravital microscopy.


Massive thrombi formed in the mesenteric vein in 16 w-old KK-Ay mice, moderate thrombi formation was observed in 7 w-old KK-Ay mice, while very few thrombi were observed in B6J mice. The first event in submucosal venule after de-clamp was the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium. Subsequently, leukocytes assembled and platelets covered the leukocyte cluster. These leukocyte-platelet aggregates move from the venule to the vein and finally formed a venous thrombus.


Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for venous thrombosis. Intravital microscopic examination revealed leukocyte and platelet recruitment to the venule in the early stages of venous thrombosis formation.  相似文献   

To test the possibility that different doses of heparin or other sulfated polysaccharides are required to inhibit thrombosis initiated by different stimuli, we compared the effects of heparin (HEP), pentosan polysulfate (SP54) and dermatan sulfate (DS) on the inhibition of thrombus formation induced by either I) tissue thromboplastin; II) thrombin; or III) factor Xa. Inhibition of thrombus formation induced by the stimuli was measured in a rabbit jugular vein hypercoagulation/stasis model. First, we determined the minimum dose of each sulfated polysaccharide which inhibited tissue thromboplastin-induced thrombus formation by approximately 75%, and then compared the relative effectiveness of this dose to prevent thrombus formation initiated with the other two stimuli. HEP and SP54 were less effective when thrombin was the thrombogenic stimulus, while DS was more effective. HEP was the most effective agent when factor Xa was the stimulus. We conclude that the antithrombotic effectiveness of a given dose of a sulfated polysaccharide may vary depending on the stimulus which initiates thrombus formation.  相似文献   

Platelets are the principal component of the innate haemostatic system that protect from traumatic bleeding. We investigated whether lyophilised human platelets (LHPs) could enhance clot formation within platelet-free and whole blood environments using an ex vivo model of deep arterial injury. Lyophilised human platelets were produced from stored human platelets and characterised using conventional, fluorescent and electron microscopic techniques. LHPs were resuspended in platelet-free plasma (PFP) obtained from citrated whole human blood to form final concentrations of 0, 20 and 200 x 10? LHPs/L. LHPs with recalcified PFP or whole blood were perfused through the chamber at low (212 s?1) and high (1,690 s?1) shear rates with porcine aortic tunica media as thrombogenic substrate. LHPs shared morphological characteristics with native human platelets and were incorporated into clot generated from PFP or whole blood. Histomorphometrically measured mean thrombus area increased in a dose-dependent manner following the addition of LHPs to PFP under conditions of high shear [704 μm2 ± 186 μm2 (mean ± SEM), 1,511 μm2 ± 320 μm2 and 2,378 μm2 ± 315 μm2, for LHPs at 0, 20 and 200 x 10? /l, respectively (p= 0.012)]. Lyophilised human platelets retain haemostatic properties when reconstituted in both PFP and whole blood, and enhance thrombus formation in a model of deep arterial injury. These data suggest that LHPs have the potential to serve as a therapeutic intervention during haemorrhage under circumstances of trauma, and platelet depletion or dysfunction.  相似文献   

Wang X 《Thrombosis research》2008,123(2):355-360
BACKGROUND: Animal models of diseases are essential for therapeutic target validation, drug discovery and development. Increasing evidence has demonstrated the importance of inflammation in thrombosis. Here, murine models of vena cava thrombosis and carotid arterial thrombosis augmented by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were established and characterized to study the association between inflammation and thrombosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Murine (C57BL/6 mice) models of ferric chloride (FeCl(3))-induced carotid arterial and vena cava thrombosis were established. Thrombus formation was measured indirectly by Doppler blood flow (i.e., clot functional interference with blood flow) in the arterial thrombosis model and directly by protein content of the clot in the venous thrombosis model. An optimal concentration of FeCl(3) was defined to induce thrombus formation and used to study the effects of LPS (i.e., a well-known inflammatory stimulus under these conditions). Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to examine the effect of LPS on TNFalpha and IL-1beta mRNA expression in thrombus formation. RESULTS: Dose-dependent analysis demonstrated that 2 mg/kg, i.p., LPS provided a maximal prothrombotic effect in 2.5% ferric chloride-induced vena cava thrombosis, with a 60% increase in thrombus size (n=8, p<0.05) compared to vehicle treatment. In contrast, 2 mg/kg LPS had no significant effect on thrombus formation in a more severe, 3.5% FeCl(3)-induced vena cava thrombosis. A similar prothrombotic effect was observed for LPS in 2.5% FeCl(3)-induced carotid arterial thrombosis model. Treatment of 2 mg/kg LPS significantly augmented arterial thrombosis immediately (between 5-30 minutes) following FeCl(3) injury as assessed by change of Doppler blood flow (n=8, p<0.05). Real-time PCR demonstrated significant induction of TNFalpha and IL-1beta mRNA expression in the thrombus formation in the vessels in response to LPS challenge. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that LPS augments thrombus formation in acute vascular injury and that LPS-augmented thrombosis might be a useful tool to study the relationship between inflammation and thrombosis.  相似文献   

The von Willebrand factor (VWF) receptor complex, glycoprotein (GP)Ib-V-IX, and its main ligand VWF play a key role in the adhesion process of platelets to sites of vascular injury. Recent studies in mutant mice have shed new light on the importance of either molecule for the development of arterial and venous thrombosis. In this review, we summarize the most important aspects from these studies.  相似文献   

Research on the role of the nucleus accumbens in behaviour has been largely focused on the functions of this structure in conditioning to appetitive stimuli. It has been suggested that a network comprising the nucleus accumbens and its convergent inputs might mediate dissociable functions in the acquisition, the consolidation and the retrieval of information. However, findings related to a role of this structure in aversive conditioning are somewhat contradictory, and its involvement in this form of learning is still under debate. Moreover, very little evidence is available on the step of information processing mediated by the accumbens. Thus the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the blockade of the AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptors, which have been suggested to mediate the transmission of information from the limbic system to this structure, on a classical aversive conditioning task - the one-trial step through inhibitory avoidance paradigm (24 h interval between training and testing). Intra-accumbens focal injections of AP-5 and DNQX (NMDA and AMPA antagonists, respectively) were performed immediately after training, before training and before testing in mice. The NMDA antagonist (37.5, 75 and 150 ng per side) impaired animal performance only if administered immediately after but not before training or before testing. Conversely, DNQX (0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 ng per side) reduced the step through latencies when administered before training and before testing. These findings suggest that NMDA receptor activation within the accumbens is necessary in formation but not expression of memory for inhibitory avoidance. AMPA receptors, instead, are necessary for the acquisition and the expression but not consolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory.  相似文献   

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