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The purpose of this study was to assess how preferences for place of birth and mode of birth relate to different dimensions of childbirth fear and whether there is an association between Canadian women's prenatal fear of childbirth and the type and quality of prenatal care they received.


A link to an online survey was posted on Canadian pregnancy and birth websites; 409 women completed the survey that included sociodemographic questions, questions about the current pregnancy and previous pregnancy experiences (if applicable), and the Childbirth Fear Questionnaire, a validated 40‐item scale that measures 9 dimensions of childbirth fear.


Women under physician care and those with a preference for cesarean birth were generally more fearful of pain associated with vaginal birth, fear of loss of sexual pleasure and attractiveness, and fear of harm to themselves or their infant. Conversely, women under the care of midwives and women who preferred to give birth vaginally were more fearful of interventions. Women who preferred a cesarean birth were significantly more likely to report that fear of childbirth interfered with daily functioning, compared to women who preferred a vaginal birth. Satisfaction with care was associated with lower scores on the Childbirth Fear Questionnaire full and subscales, especially among midwifery clients.


At present there are no guidelines in Canada or the United States for the treatment and/or referral of pregnant women who suffer from childbirth fear. Until such guidelines are developed, findings from the current study can help maternity care providers identify and address specific fears among women in their care and understand how different fear domains relate to care provider choice, satisfaction with care, and women's preferences for place and mode of birth.  相似文献   

剖宫产后再次妊娠的阴道分娩   总被引:66,自引:1,他引:66  
近年来剖宫产率在我国不断升高,有些城市已从20年前的9%上升到45%.造成剖宫产率升高的原因很多,例如惧怕分娩、胎儿电子监护的广泛使用、对臀位产缺乏训练和经验、阴道手术产的减少以及再次剖宫产的增多等.减少过高的剖宫产率的办法之一就是剖宫产史孕妇经阴道试产.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: The increasing pregnancy rate at advanced maternal age is contemporaneous with the increasing rate of cesarean birth. Several studies have found that advanced maternal age is a risk factor for cesarean birth. The objective of this systematic review was to assess the relationship between advanced maternal age and cesarean birth among nulliparous and multiparous women. Methods: To identify relevant studies, we searched the literature for articles published from January 1, 1995 to March 1, 2008, using Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, and CINAHL. We also hand‐searched the bibliographies of retrieved articles to identify additional related studies. We included all cohort studies and all case‐control studies that examined this association in developed countries. The Cochrane Collaboration’s Review Manager software (5.0) was used to summarize the data. Results: Twenty‐one studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. All studies demonstrated an increased risk of cesarean birth among women at advanced maternal age compared with younger women, for both nulliparas and multiparas (relative risk varied from 1.39 to 2.76). Because we found extreme heterogeneity (both statistical and clinical) among the included studies, we did not provide a pooled estimate of the risk of cesarean birth. Conclusions: All included studies illustrated an increased risk of cesarean birth among older women. Fifteen studies adjusted this association for potential confounders, which suggests that a valid and independent association is likely to exist between advanced maternal age and cesarean birth. However, the associated factors for this increased risk are not totally understood in the literature. (BIRTH 37:3 September 2010)  相似文献   

Elina Hemminki 《分娩》1987,14(1):12-17
ABSTRACT: Two cohorts of healthy Swedish primiparae having a healthy child by cesarean section in 1973 (index women, N = 2592) and in 1976 (N = 3867) and matched vaginal delivery controls were identified from the Swedish Birth Register. The second births to these women occurring in the following five years were studied. The mean lengths of gestation were somewhat shorter and there were more problems during pregnancy, labor, and delivery among those with previous cesarean births (index women). Children born to the index women had a higher perinatal mortality and were smaller and less healthy. Comparison of the two cohorts suggests that the operation itself may have contributed to some of the problems. The decision to perform a cesarean section may have to take into account sequelae in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

Background: The steadily increasing global rates of cesarean section has become one of the most debated topics in maternity care. This paper reviews and reports on the success of strategies that have been developed in response to this continuing challenge. Methods: A literature search identified studies conducted between 1985 and 2001 from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Medline, Sociofile, Current Contents, Psyclit, Cinahl, and EconLit databases. An additional search of electronic databases for Level 1 evidence (systematic reviews), Level 2 (randomized controlled trials), Level 3 (quasi‐experimental studies), or Level 4 (observational studies) was performed. Selection criteria used to identify studies for review included types of study participant, intervention, outcome measure, and study. Results: Interventions that have been used in an attempt to reduce cesarean section rates were identified; they are categorized as psychosocial, clinical, and structural strategies. Two clinical interventions, (external cephalic version, vaginal birth after a previous cesarean) and one psychosocial intervention (one‐to‐one trained support during labor) demonstrated Level 1 evidence for reducing cesarean section rates. Conclusions: Although the evidence for one‐to‐one care and external cephalic version came from both developed and developing settings, the systematic review for vaginal birth after a cesarean was restricted to studies conducted in the United States. The effective implementation of the preceding strategies to reduce cesarean rates may depend on the social and cultural milieu and on associated beliefs and practices. (BIRTH 29:1 March 2002)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Background: The issue of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) has become highly visible and contentious. In 1999, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advocated a policy that surgical capability be “immediately available” for women in labor attempting VBAC. Methods: Every hospital in Colorado, Montana, Oregon, and Wisconsin was contacted by telephone at least once during the period 2003 to 2005. Using a semistructured interview, respondent hospitals were asked whether and when their policies for VBAC had changed and what was the availability of VBAC services before and after the 1999 policy was issued. Results: Of 314 hospitals contacted, 312 responded to the survey (response rate 99.4%). Babies were delivered at 230 (74%) respondent hospitals. Almost one‐third, 68 of 222 (30.6%), of responding delivery hospitals that previously offered VBAC services had stopped doing so; seven hospitals had never allowed VBAC. Of the hospitals that still allowed VBAC, 68 percent had changed their VBAC policies since 1999, with the most frequent changes requiring the in‐house presence of surgery (53%) and anesthesia (44%) personnel when women desiring VBAC presented in labor. Compared with hospitals that stopped allowing VBAC, those that currently permit VBAC were larger (156.6 vs 58.1 beds, t = 7.02, p < 0.001), closer to other delivery hospitals (20.9 vs 39.2 miles, t = 4.33, p < 0.001), annually delivered more babies (1009.9 vs 458.3, t = 4.41, p < 0.001), and annually had more cesarean deliveries (226.7 vs 105.7, t = 3.91, p < 0.001). Conclusions: In the years following advocacy of the 1999 policy, the availability of VBAC services significantly decreased, especially among smaller or more isolated hospitals. (BIRTH 34:4 December 2007)  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Guidelines are increasingly used to direct clinical practice, with the expectation that they improve clinical outcomes and minimize health care expenditure. Several national guidelines for vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) have been released or updated recently, and their range has created dilemmas for clinicians and women. The purpose of this study was to summarize the recommendations of existing guidelines and assess their quality using a standardized and validated instrument to determine which guidelines, if any, are best able to guide clinical practice. Methods: English language guidelines on VBAC were purposively selected from national and professional organizations in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. The Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) instrument was applied to each guideline, and each was analyzed to determine the range and level of evidence on which it was based and the recommendations made. Results: Six guidelines published or updated between 2004 and 2007 were examined. Only two of the six guidelines scored well overall using the AGREE instrument, and the evidence used demonstrated great variety. Most guidelines cited expert opinion and consensus as evidence for some recommendations. Reported success rates for VBAC ranged from 30 to 85 percent, and reported rates of uterine rupture ranged from 0 to 2.8 percent. Conclusions: VBAC guidelines are characterized by quasi‐experimental evidence and consensus‐based recommendations, which lead to wide variability in recommendations and undermine their usefulness in clinical practice. (BIRTH 37:1 March 2010)  相似文献   

Ulla Waldenstrm 《分娩》2003,30(4):248-254
Abstract: Background: Studies of women's memory of labor and birth have generally concluded that women's recall is fairly accurate, but the findings are not unanimous. The aim of this study was to compare women's experiences of labor pain and overall experience of the birth at 2 months and 1 year after the delivery. Methods: A longitudinal cohort study of 2,428 women recruited in early pregnancy from all antenatal clinics in Sweden during 3 weeks evenly spread during 1999–2000 was conducted. In addition to a questionnaire in early pregnancy including background data, the women completed a questionnaire at 2 months and 1 year after the birth including the same 7‐point rating scale of pain intensity and the same question about overall experience of labor and birth. Results: Forty‐seven percent of the women made the same assessment of pain intensity, and 60 percent of childbirth overall, at 1 year as they did at 2 months after the birth. One year after the birth, 35 percent recalled pain as less severe, and 18 percent as more severe, and 24 percent said labor and birth overall was more negative, whereas 16 percent said it was more positive. Conclusion: This study showed great variation in women's memories of labor and birth, and conclusions by some other studies, often based on analyses of group data rather than on the responses of the individual participants were, to some extent, challenged. (BIRTH 30:4 December 2003)  相似文献   

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