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关于硕士研究生招生制度改革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究生招生工作是研究生教育的第一步,招生质量的优劣影响到研究生培养质量的好坏。本文在介绍美国研究生招生考试制度特点的基础上,客观的分析了我国当前硕士研究生招生工作中存在的问题,并结合我国的实际国情,提出改革我国研究生招生制度的几点看法和建议。  相似文献   

研究生教育是我国高等教育的最高层次,是代表我国教育水平的一个重要标志,探讨和不断改革研究生教育是一项重要和紧迫的任务。本文回顾了我院十二年来研究生教育三个阶段的情况,并根据调查材料、数据,说明我院培养的研究生质量还是符合要求的。十二年来,在招生、课程设置、加强导师队伍建设、加强研究生政治思想教育等方面进行了改革,并收到较好的效果。对如何改革我院研究生教育,进一步提高培养质量,作者提出了优化学科和导师队伍,特别要加强学科建设;建立健全的三级管理体制;调整招生工作;改革课程设置以拓宽研究生的知识面;实行中期考核和筛选制度等意见。其中特别强调加强学科建设是提高培养研究生质量的关键。  相似文献   

在研究生教育过程中,招生工作是至关重要的一环,它从源头上决定了培养的质量。以首都医科大学为例,就如何提高博士研究生招生质量,针对我国目前招生工作的状况进行了分析,并提出了尝试性的改进意见。  相似文献   

提高研究生生源质量是提高研究生培养质量的关键因素,吸引优秀生源已成为各校研究生招生工作的重点.文章以温州医学院为例阐述了地方院校通过以学科特色与优势、以名师地位人脉、以改革培养体制和机制和以规范管理制度等方式吸引优秀生源,提高硕士研究生招生质量的实践,以及取得的成效;并提出了地方院校进一步提高硕士招生质量和效率的思考.  相似文献   

军队医院大多缺少医科大学作为支撑,因此研究生培养工作面临一些瓶颈问题。文章结合医院实际,阐述了研究生培养对军队医院建设发展的意义,从拓宽招生渠道、加强招生宣传、注重学科平衡、强化导师队伍、狠抓培养质量等5个方面介绍军队医院研究生培养的做法与成效,并从科研实力支撑、学科分层规划、教学质量建设和创新培养模式等4个方面进行讨论,为军队医院进一步加强研究生培养工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基础医学专业硕士研究生教育是我国医学专业培养高级科研人才的主要路径,经过多年的教育培养实践,在研究生的招生数量和培养质量方面都取得了一定成绩,但在创新培育方面还存在些许不足。借鉴国内外研究生培养模式的先进经验,通过创新研究生教育培养理念;深化研究生培养机制改革,围绕多元化育人搭建研究生成长平台;加强导师团队和教学团队建设,提升学术指导水平和教学质量等方面的改革与创新,构建双一流建设背景下“以坚持研究生发展为本,提升综合素质能力为要”的基础医学研究生创新型培养模式,全面提升基础医学专业硕士研究生人才培养质量。  相似文献   

张建中 《西北医学教育》2012,20(2):295-298,326
本文分析了研究生教育工作的主要特点,从民族地区研究生培养现状,分析了研究生教育存在的问题。提出民族地区研究生教育的对策,质量优先建设胜任的导师队伍,优化培养方案实现因材施教,育人为本打牢良好的思想基础,切合实际培养良好的科学精神,突出重点构建良好的创新体系,改革研究生招生制度,并从思想教育、学术研究、导师指导、研究生自我发展等方面进行了探讨,提出了加强研究生教育管理的对策。  相似文献   

研究生教育管理信息系统的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为适应研究生教育的迅速发展,提高研究生培养质量,使研究生教育更加规范化、科学化,我们总结多年管理经验,通过对30余所院校进行的调研[1],对研究生教育实施计算机全程信息管理进行了研究,并研制了一套软件系统。该系统实现了对研究生从招生、培养到毕业工作的计算机全程信息管理。1 研究生教育管理特点  研究生教育管理工作主要有五个方面特点:①管理对象素质高,要求管理手段先进。②信息量大,信息使用、统计频率高。包括研究生从报考到毕业其信息管理量近300条。③报表多。每年研究生管理部门要上报与招生、培养、教务、学位、学籍等有…  相似文献   

研究生培养质量影响因素及对策的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究生教育中最重要的一环是研究生的培养工作,研究生教育的目的是为社会培养出高层次、高素质、高质量的高级专门人才。提高研究生培养质量是最高层次教育工作的核心问题,研究生教育的成败与好坏就在于研究生的培养质量上。因此,研究生培养质量至关重要。影响研究生培养质量的因素很多,通过多年的观察与研究,作者认为有以下一些主要因素影响到研究生的培养质量,并针对这些因素提出了一些解决这些因素影响的对策。1 研究生的生源质量我国现在实行的研究生招生制度与考试办法看起来是公平的,有效的,但不利于优秀生源的选拔与录取。招生录取…  相似文献   

随着我国研究生招生规模的逐步扩大和研究生教育改革的不断深入,研究生的培养质量一直是社会关注的焦点。学者们一直在研究和思考如何建立科学合理的研究生培养质量评价体系。本文将近年来研究生评价工作的文献材料进行归纳、整理,对当前我国研究生培养质量评价现状进行了分析、梳理,并提出了个人见解。  相似文献   



A E Crowley  S I Etzel 《JAMA》1986,256(12):1585-1594
The annual surveys of residency programs on which this statistical report is based have had a higher than 95% response for the past four years. The number of accredited programs increased in 1984 and again in 1985, primarily as a result of the accreditation of additional subspecialty programs. Discussions about the sources and methods of financing graduate medical education may have an impact on the number and the size of programs in the near future. The count of available residency positions is a fluid entity and seems to be dependent on many factors, one of which appears to be the number of qualified candidates seen by program directors. The number of PGY-1 positions has not changed significantly over the past three years. The number of reported unfilled positions, including PGY-1 unfilled positions, has been declining since 1983. The special survey of PGY-1 programs conducted for the past three years reveals that about 10% of programs withdrew positions between October and July. However, another group of programs (some of which are new) added to the number of positions offered. The primary reason cited for withdrawing positions has changed. In 1983, the reason was cited as "financial" by 32% of program directors. In 1985, despite the national discussions about financing medical education, a financial reason was cited by only 16% of program directors. Reasons related to candidates, ie, "absence of suitable candidate" and giving the position to an "applicant at the PGY-2 or higher level," were cited by 49% of program directors in 1983 and by 67% in 1985. The total number of residents on duty (exclusive of newly accredited subspecialties) increased in 1983 and 1984 but decreased in 1985. Decreases were noted in family practice, internal medicine, pathology, and surgery. The number of new entry residents (PGY-1) decreased in 1983 (when the number of US graduates had decreased), increased in 1984, and decreased again in 1985. Forty-two percent of residents were training in family practice, internal medicine, or pediatrics. This statistic has not changed significantly over the past three years. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   





Graduate medical education in the United States   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A E Crowley  S I Etzel 《JAMA》1988,260(8):1093-1101
1. The annual surveys of residency programs on which this report is based have had a response rate higher than 90% for the past five years. 2. The count of available residency positions is a fluid entity and seems to be dependent on many factors, including funding and the number of qualified candidates seen by program directors. 3. The number of GY-1 positions has not changed significantly over the past three years. The number of reported unfilled positions, including GY-1 unfilled positions, has increased each year since 1985. The total number of residents on duty decreased in 1985 but increased in 1986 and in 1987. This increase is due mainly to the number of residents on duty in the new internal medicine and pediatric subspecialty programs. 4. The number of new-entry (GY-1) residents decreased in 1985, 1986, and 1987. 5. Thirty-nine percent of residents were training in family practice, internal medicine, or pediatrics. 6. The number and percentage of women in residency programs continue to increase, as they have for the past several years. 7. The percentage of foreign medical graduate residents decreased slightly to 15.6% in 1987. 8. The number of black non-Hispanic residents increased in 1987, although the percentage of black residents remained about the same. 9. The number of graduates of osteopathic medical schools in ACGME programs has increased 59% since 1985. 10. The number of institutions involved in graduate medical education has not changed significantly over the past three years, although the number of institutions that are not hospitals has increased since 1983. Ninety percent of all types of institutions have some type of affiliation with a US medical school.  相似文献   

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